Title: OPC Data Logger New Release
1OPC Data LoggerNew Release
- How to Avoid DCOM Using OPC UA
Win Worrall Applications Engineer Email
wworrall_at_softwaretoolbox.com Direct Line 1
(704) 708-6491
- Introduction to the OPC Data Logger
- What are Write Backs
- Introduction to OPC Unified Architecture (UA)
- Live Demo
- Summary
- Questions Answers
3OPC Data Logger Features
- Wizard based configuration
- Multi-threaded
- Double-buffered for Reliability
- Multiple ways of collecting data
- Multiple ways of presenting data
- Multiple ways of storing data
- Supports Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 2008 (x86
and x64) - Runs as a Service
- OPC Self-Certified
TOPServer Software Toolbox OMNIServer
Software Toolbox KEPServerEX Kepware FactoryTalk
Gateway Rockwell Automation RSLinx - Rockwell
Automation DASSIDirect 1.5 Wonderware DASABCIP
3.5 Wonderware DASGESRTP 1.5
Wonderware FSGateway 1.5 Wonderware DASABTCP
1.5 Wonderware DASMBTCP 1.5
Wonderware DASMBSerial 2.5 Wonderware Simatic
WinCC Siemens Simatic WinCC Connectivity
Station Siemens Simatic NET OPC Servers
Siemens Simatic WinCC flexible 2007
Siemens Simatic OPC XML Wrapper
Siemens IntelliMax SENSYS Inc OPC DataHub
Cogent Real-Time Systems MatrikonOPC Universal
Server Matrikon MatrikonOPC Desktop Historian
Matrikon DHX OPC Server Suite Cyberlogic MBX
OPC Server Suite Cyberlogic PI DA Server
OSISoft Inc InGear AB OPC Server
CimQuest InGear GE OPC Server CimQuest InGear
Modbus OPC Server - CimQuest Exaopc OPC Package
Yokogawa DeviceXPlorer Takebishi DeviceXPlorer
Melsec Takebishi Validator Cyberlogic Proficy
HMI/SCADA Cimplicity 7.0 GE AlarmWorx32 OPC AE
Iconics ExperTune Plant TriageExperTune
Inc ChemCAD Chemstations Inc OPC Analyzer OPC
- Log data from 1..n OPC Servers (DA and/or UA)
OPC Server A
OPC Server A
OPC Server B
Database A
Database A
- Log data from 1..n OPC Servers (DA and/or UA)
- Log data to 1..n Destinations (text files,
databases etc)
OPC Server A
OPC Server A
Database A
No limits to the of database destinations
- Log data from 1..n OPC Servers (DA and/or UA)
- Log data to 1..n Destinations (text files,
databases etc) - Log format the data in Detail or Table mode
- Log data from 1..n OPC Servers (DA and/or UA)
- Log data to 1..n Destinations (text files,
databases etc) - Log format the data in Detail or Table mode
- Collect data by Subscription, Timer or Trigger
Tags are constantly polled, but logged only when
values change!
At pre-determined intervals the data is requested
and logged.
The data is requested and logged only when a
trigger is raised.
You can even combine multiple read methods!
- Log data from 1..n OPC Servers (DA and/or UA)
- Log data to 1..n Destinations (text files,
databases etc) - Log format the data in Detail or Table mode
- Collect data by Subscription, Timer or Trigger
Scheduled Trigger
Executes at a specified date time
Recurring Trigger
Executes at specific time intervals
Monitored Item Trigger
Executes based on the condition of a Tags value
- Log data from 1..n OPC Servers (DA and/or UA)
- Log data to 1..n Destinations (text files,
databases etc) - Log format the data in Detail or Table mode
- Collect data by Subscription, Timer or Trigger
- Mix-n-match ALL of the above scenarios
10What is a Writeback?
- Write to the OPC Server when an Event or Trigger
in the OPC Data Logger occurs - These Events include
- Database Connection going Offline
- Database Connection coming Online
- After every log to the Database
- Similar Events for Text/CSV Files
- Opened, Closed and after every log
- Trigger Types
- Scheduled, Recurring, Monitored Item
11New Features in v
- Support for OPC Unified Architecture (UA)
standard - Connect to an OPC UA server
- Support for security certificates
12What is UA?
- Unified Architecture
- A collaborative working effort of the OPC
Foundation and its members since 1994 - Objective to create a standard that
- Isnt dependent on DCOM
- Can interoperate with non-Windows platforms
- Is more secure than the original OPC
- Removes redundant code across interfaces
13Value Point 1 Common Interface Usage
14Common InterfacesLess ProgrammingMore
ProductsAn example of how a Read is
- DA
- IOPCSyncIORead
- IOPCAsyncIORead
- IOPCAsyncIO2Read
- IOPCAsyncIO3Read
- IOPCItemIORead
- AE
- IOPCEventServerGetConditionState
- IOPCHDA_SyncReadReadRaw
- IOPCHDA_SyncReadReadProcessed
- IOPCHDA_SyncReadReadAtTime
- IOPCHDA_SyncReadReadModified
- IOPCHDA_SyncReadReadAttribute
- IOPCHDA_AsyncReadReadRaw
- IOPCHDA_AsyncReadAdviseRaw
- IOPCHDA_AsyncReadReadProcessed
- IOPCHDA_AsyncReadAdviseProcessed
- IOPCHDA_AsyncReadReadAtTime
15Value Point 2 - Security
16Security - Certificates
- Digital Certificates are used for safe
identification - A Certificate can represent a UA Server and UA
Client - A Certificate can represent a Person (login)
- Trust lists control access
Connect please
check my trust list
17Value Point 3
18Value Point 4 Enterprise Data Communications
Unified Architectureenables communicationsand
data sharingenterprise-wide
- An identifiable block of functionality that is
supported - Methods needed
- Information Model, i.e. Type(s) of Data being
moved - Protocol Security
- Data Access is an example of a Profile, as are
all OPC Classic interfaces
- Profiles tell clients and servers what UA
services and information models are available. - UA Products can decide if the other has the
capabilities desired - Most UA developers are doing the DA profile for
now in products on the street
20Automation Vendor Adoption of OPC UA
- Beckhoff
- Siemens
- Rockwell
- Yokogawa
- GE
- Iconics
- Kepware their many OEMs
- Software Toolbox
- And more
21Summary Why UA?
- No DCOM required
- .No DCOM required
- Simple TCP/IP connection
- Firewall Friendly
- Platform Independent
22Live Demo
- Connect to a Remote OPC UA TOP Server using NO
security - Connect to a Local OPC UA TOP Server using
security - Connect to OPC UA OmniServer using security
- Monitor an OPC Item and log based on a Boolean
value - Monitor the Database Connection
- Write a False to a Bit when the connection goes
down. - Write a True to a Bit when the connection comes
23Troubleshooting Tools
- OPC Interoperability Testing
- Verify OPC connectivity and compatibility with
OPC Server(s) - Test Mode
- Test new configuration settings
- Does not affect background logging that may be in
progress - Events Window
- Export events to a text file (.CSV)
- Events are logged to the Windows Event Viewer
- Text and CSV logging - 495
- MySQL, SQL Server or Access logging - 795 each
- ORACLE or OBDC logging - 995 each
- No OPC Server Connection or Tag Counts
- No Database Connection or Text File Counts
- Troubleshooting Tools Included
- Buy just what you need
- Bundle and SAVE!
25The Swiss Army Knife of OPC
Alternative SolutionsOPC Data Hub
26More Information
Free demo
Buy online
Win Worrall Email wworrall_at_softwaretoolbox.com T
el 1 (704) 708-6491 Technical Support Tel 1
(704) 849-2773 Web http//support.softwaretoolbox