Title: OVE
1OVEs Experience with Impact (Treatment)
- Presentation prepared for DAC, 15th November 2006
- The general evaluative questions proposed by the
IDBs ex post policy, approved in 2003, are (i)
the extent to which the development objectives
of IDB-financed projects have been attained. and
(ii) the efficiency with which those
objectives have been attained (para1.1 ) - Policy left for practice sampling, methodology,
organizational framework, and the forum for the
presentation of results. - Note the task is to evaluate already approved
and/or closed projects ( average project time is
about six years).
3Implementation decisions
- Project Sampling Strategy Option random or
meta-evaluation. Decision meta-evaluation. - Method and Project types (i) process cum naïve
or treatment (impact) evaluations. Decision
Treatment effect evaluations and (ii) projects
with partial or national coverage. Decision
partial coverage models - Organizational. Decisions (I) separate activity
within the office (ii) evaluations to be
carried out both in-house and outsourced.Therefore
(I) hired staff with appropriate expertise and
(ii) created EVALNET, a register of evaluators - Forum for presenting results. Decision overall
report (sent to the Board) with
background-working papers (discussed in ad hoc
4Evaluative questions
- what were the problems that the program was
designed to tackle? - what was the policy response, i.e. the design
features of the program? (theory based
evaluation) - was the program of a sufficient size given the
size of the problem(s)? - were the programs deliverables provided in a
cost efficient (and cost effective manner)? - What was the incidence and was the program well
targeted? - what was the impact on welfare outcomes of the
program?and - what were the benefits relative to the cost of
the program ?
5What was the impact on welfare outcomes of the
- To answer the question OVE normally use three
approaches in the same evaluation - Naïve evaluation
- Regression based (cross-section and panel)
- Treatment effects
6Social Investment Fund (naïve evaluations can be
- Profile
- Social Investment Fund. Panama
- Basic Infrastructure to poor communities
- Data
- Distribution of benefits by municipalities from
administrative data - Baseline and results of outcome indicators from
households surveys 1994-2001 - Technique
- Treatment and comparison group using PSM in
double difference. The sample included 75
municipalities. - Potential to work with a sample of more than 250
smaller geographic units but household survey was
not representative at that level - Results
- Naïve evaluation the program failed. Impact
evaluation the program succeeded
7Labor Training Project (positive effects)
- Profile
- Labor Training program Dominican Republic
- Data
- Simple randomization including a follow-up
survey done at 10-14 months after graduation from
training - 786 treated and 563 controls
- Baseline has universe, follow up was a stratified
random sample (size determined by standard
formulas) - Technique
- Estimated average Intention-to-treat on treated
by simple diff of means, verified with weighted
diff and regression analysis (no DD b/c faulty
baseline) - Results
- Employability, income and health insurance access
increased. Program succeeded
8Public Housing Program
- Profile
- Progressive Housing Phase I Chile
- Provision of low cost basic dwellings to poor
families - Data
- Household Surveys identified beneficiaries and
applicants to the specific housing program - Technique
- Treatment from beneficiaries and comparison from
applicants using PSM. Single difference from a
sample of 508 Beneficiaries and 476 applicants - Results
- Quality of dwellings improved
- Little or not change in other welfare outcome
indicators. - Difference between naïve versus impact
9Costs, benefits, and internal rate of return
- Profile
- Progressive Housing Phase I Chile
- Provision of low cost basic dwellings to poor
families - Data
- Household Surveys identified beneficiaries and
applicants to the specific housing program - Technique
- The benefits of the program are the additional
(necessary) household income required to obtain
equivalent dwelling - Results
- IRR greater than 18
- Benefits Net present value per solution 1150 US
10Rural Roads (decay of benefits over time)
- Profile
- Rural Road Peru
- Construction and upgrade of roads in rural areas
- Data
- Specific survey of beneficiaries. Baseline
collected after program started. Follow-up survey
3 years after program closed - Technique
- single difference and double difference
- Results
- Positive impact on income and assets values of
rural households. - Decreasing impact for motorized roads not for
non-motorized roads.
11National Transfer Fund (dosage and
multi-treatment effects)
- Profile
- National Fund for Regional Development
- Decentralized investment to finance
infrastructure and productive projects - Data
- Administrative data for distribution of benefits
by municipalities - Baseline and results of outcome indicators from
households surveys 1994-2001. The sample included
343 municipalities. - Technique
- Impact evaluation using PSM in double difference.
The municipalities grouped by per capita
investment using cluster analysis. - Results
- Positive and increasing impact on poverty
incidence (reduction) on per capita investment - Not impact on poverty if investment is intensive
in education - Greater impact on welfare composite index in
municipalities with diversified investment
- Profile
- Science and Technology Chile
- Financing for RD projects
- Data
- All projects that between 1988 and 2004 received
the financial support of the program and a
stratified sample of projects submitted to the
program, which were not financed because they
ranked below the threshold defined for being
admitted to the financing. - 2,936 different research projects (932 financed
by the FONDECYT and 1704 not financed) 4,959
publications recoded in the ISI SCI (1873 by
financed researchers and 3806 by not financed
researchers). - Technique
- Discontinuity regression design. The selection
process drawn by a threshold quality value that
separates beneficiaries from non-beneficiaries - Results
- Unsuccessful. FONDECYT has no significant
positive impact on the scientific production of
the financed projects.
13Technology Development Funds
- Profile
- Public grants-credits to firms for innovation
- Data
- Administrative data on firms and firm level
surveys (OSLO design) - Technique
- Double difference with propensity score
matching - Results
- Generally positive and significant effects
on employment, and sales, but little evidence of
effects on patents and total productivity .
14EXPERIENCE Findings Potable Water
- Positive effect on health outcome (treatment
less than naïve effect) - heterogeneity of results important. a regressive
relationship between treatment effect and income,
where more educated (and wealthier) households
did better than less educated (and poorer)
households - Ramification for project design projects should
include or be coordinated with, as a hypothesis
to be tested, a health education component
together with potable water expansion.
Impact on infant mortality
- Since 2004 have produced about 23 evaluations
- Cost per evaluation was about 60,000
- But
- Problem of obtaining effective counterparts (in
Bank and country) to accompany the evaluation
from beginning to end. Started outreach program
to obtain formal counterparts in the country, and
form ad hoc interested specialist for each
thematic study. - Mainstream impact evaluations into other
evaluations of the Office - Problem of communicating the findings. Started
producing different reports for different
audiences for the same evaluations.
16Still far from the million words of a good picture
17Regression Approach
- Panel data
- Cross section data
- Where y is the outcome of interest, D is the
dummy for participation in the program, V control