Title: Presented By Justin R. Oberman
1Presented By Justin R. Oberman
2The Mobile Medium
- SMS / Text Message
- VoIP
- Data
- Bluetooth
- Ringtones / Wallpaper
- Voice
3Mobile Politics
Around The World
- People Power 2 (Philippines 2001)
- go to Esda, wearblck
- overthrew president Joseph Estrada
- Moo-Hyun Election (South Korea, 2002)
- Orange Revolution (Ukraine, Nov. 2004)
- Youth Text 2004 (Canada, 2004)
- Ethiopia Elections (Ethiopia, 2005)
- Spain M13 (Spain, 2004)
4Mobile Politics
Around The World
- Mobile Underground (Kuwait, 2005)
- Hello Garci (Philippines 2005)
- Spain M13 (Spain, 2004)
cell phone text messaging has become a powerful
underground channel of free and often impolite
speech, especially in the oil-rich Persian Gulf
monarchies, where mobile phones are common but
candid public talk about politics is not.
Hello? Hello? Hello Garci?... So, will I lead by
more than one million?
Txtpower Post People Power II Success Story
5Mobile Politics
Around The World
To create a popular groundswell in the United
Kingdom against the Canadian practice of seal
huntinga practice responsible for the deaths of
over 300,000 seals in a single month.
Print ads had over ½ response rate (as a
function of circulation) Total opt-in was
approximately 50,000 (first day, 1 print add,
10,000) Response when opt-in group was
asked to send in name 92 Response when
asked to send in e-mail 68 Response when
asked to organizations web-site for information
6In Japan they eat squid pizza. That isnt coming
to the U.S anytime soon. - Greg Clayman (founder
of UPOC.com Current Head of MTV Mobile)
7Mobile Politics
In The USA
NYT, July 2nd 2005
"Around 930 Friday morning, C. Boyden Gray,
founder of the Committee for Justice, a
conservative group that is a leading ally of
President Bush, was sipping coffee at his
Georgetown residence and confessing mild
frustration to a reporter for The New York Times
about the waiting game for a Supreme Court
retirement. Suddenly he got a text message and
expressed that emotion rare for stage-managed
Washington surprise".
9"I instantly realized that we could use the same
wireless technology, that worked so well on a
commercial level, to mobilize thousands of
activists instantly," -Jed Alpert (Founder of
- Mass Immediate Response Team (MIRT)
- Important Information on the fly and important
phone numbers wherever supporters are. - 27 Percent Opt-In Rate. 5X More than Brittany.
- Between the age group of 40 and geriatric
- Age is not always an issue
10Republican National Convention, NYC
Completely Organic and Naturally Viral
Law enforcement officials concede they're having
trouble keeping up with these fast-moving,
cell-connected groups. "Now, they can actually
coordinate tactics, create a feint. They'll start
a demonstration in one place to draw the police,
while their true objective is in another," said
Charles "Sid" Heal, a crowd-control specialist
and 29-year veteran of the Los Angeles County
Sheriff's Department. "There's nothing we can do
right now to counter them," Heal said. "They're
in a digital age, and we're still in analog." -
11The American Environment
- Still PC dominated
- The real successful US SMS applications will be
those that are mobile components of already
existing internet phenomena. - What can be leveraged from your online presence
and the way people use their phones - Mobile -gt Web
- SMS Rate Rising
- Predominately SMS between friends
- Great for carriers but hard for anyone else to
make money off of it - Great for politics and politics of communication
12In Japan they eat squid pizza. That isnt coming
to the U.S anytime soon. - Greg Clayman (founder
of UPOC.com Current Head of MTV Mobile)
When SMS booms Stateside it will be because of a
home grown phenomena, one that grows from an
American Gestalt and that most American's "get"
in a ubiquitous no brainer kind of way. It will
not be via a foreign consumer content clone
marketing its way into an American culture.
13SMS Is Not Email
Mobile Is Not A Be All Save All Solution
Mobile Is Not The Internet
14Do Not Ignore These Guys
there are more eyes and links in the chain in
mobile, because the environment is by its very
nature different. - Doug Busk (Senior VP,
They are the pipes, they own the roads, they will
shut you down.
15The Carriers / Operators
if you want a good example of what a world sans
net-neutrality would look like, take a look at
the way mobile operators run their networks - Me
- Avoid SMTP Mobile Gateways
- they are unreliable
- burden on the carriers
- regulated because of spam
- Get a Short Code,Use a Short Code
- Use an aggregator. They are the ones with a
direct connection to a carrier. - Do Not Push. Mobile is a Pull Medium
- Cost
- 500 a month for a random code, 1000 dollars a
month for a vanity short code like 46645 (Googl) - 2 month no use limitation. If its not used
after two months you loose it. - Where do I get one?
- usshortcodes.com
- Some campaign managers and aggregators may
already have shortcodes you can use in which case
you are given a keyword to use with the service
to prompt your campaign. - Follow MMAs Best Practices.
SMS Is The Key Connector Of The Mobile Medium
When SMS takes off in the United States it will
explode well beyond the current practices in
Europe and Asia- Russell Buckley (Mobhappy.com)
- Short-Code In Ads Successful (Pull)
- SMS Rate Is Rising In The US Every Day
- Ubiquity
- Viral
- On the fly wherever they are
SMS Is The Key Connector Of The Mobile Medium
18MMS/Picture Messaging
- Citizen Journalism / Moblogging
- Pictorial Satire
- Mobile Advertising
- Programs Making It Easier
- Shozu, Comvu, Nakama
Concept Easy way for a candidate to do a live
from the campaign trail
19Mobile Fundraising
- Premium SMS (PSMS)
- Costumer is billed on their phone bill
- Depending on the carrier they take around 40-60
percent. - Built for entertainment -based programs
- Depending on the carrier purchases are capped at
10-20 a month per customer. - PSMS built for mobile content which is generally
99 cents or 2-5
What You Should Know
20Mobile Fundraising 2
- Cingular blocks all non PSMS purchasing
- May Create an I already Gave Mentality when you
could have gotten more via cold calling and other
means. - Optimal for concerts and venues.
- Great way to get people to opt-in for future
mobilization efforts - Cell phone goodies incentive never hurt.
- Extremely Viral and Cool
- Four Billion Dollar Industry
- Personalized Association
- Easy To Make
- Getting Easier To Distribute
- JivJiv.com, mynumo.com (PSMS), bluetooth or your
mobile solutions (PSMS)
- What a cell phone is built for
- Robocalling
- Voice Activation
- Asterisk
- Open Source PBX - cheap
- VoIP convergence
- Anything Is Possible
- SpeakEasy, Riot-Tones, pheeder, pinger, call
23Mobile Marketing Needs Marketing
- Not Stand Alone Medium
- Short Code Placement is Key
- MMetrics Report
- TV spot most popular (only because of American
Idol style voting) - Newspapers, magazines and signs key
24- Its Relevant, It Feels A Need
- Therefore Its Viral
25Mobile Advocacy Players
These Guys Will Help You Manage Your Campaign
26Mobile Aggregators
if you want to handle your own campaign these
guys will provide the basic tools and the
27Mobile Advocacy Networks
text joberman to 66937 for more information