Title: Justin Dye Arizona - Education Administration
1Justin Dye ArizonaEducation Administration
2An Arizona Principal
Justin Dye is an Arizona principal determined to
brighten the lives of the children and staff of
the schools at which he works.
3An Arizona Educator
As an Arizona educator, Justin Dye has worked at
a number of schools during the course of his
career. First, as a second grade teacher, then
Title 1 coordinator, then vice president at La
Paloma Academy.
4Masters in Education Administration
With a masters in education administration from
Grand Canyon University, he specializes in
educational leadership, staff development,
curriculum development, and working with students
from at-risk households.
5Specializes in Developing Young Minds
Justin Dye Arizona is specializes in developing
young minds in tough situations, helping students
in need or living in at-risk environments.
6As an Leader
Justin Dye is an educational leader residing in
Gilbert, Arizona. For the past 20 years, he has
helped students in need of extra assistance in
his work and as a volunteer.
7Frequent Volunteer
Arizona principal and frequent volunteer Justin
Dye turned his passion for helping children in
need into a career lasting for more than 20
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