Title: Explicating Poetry
1Explicating Poetry
2Poetry is like both Fiction Drama
- Consider the poem as a dramatic situation in
which a speaker addresses an audience or another
3When planning to write a poem...
Determine the basic design of the poem by
considering the
Who? Who is speaking, to whom, about whom?
What? What is the subject?
When? When is it set? When does the main action
Where? Where does the main action occur? Where is
it set?
Why? Why does the speaker feel compelled to
- s of the dramatic situation.
- What will the title contribute to the reader's
understanding of the poem? - Will you write the title first or after the text
of the poem is finished?
- In fiction, the voice telling the story is called
the narrator. In poetry, this person is the
speaker. - The speaker is NOT the poet.
- Just as a novelist creates a character to
narrate, a poet creates a character to be the
speaker, and that character is called the
persona. - Some poems have multiple voices which feature
more than one speaker. Sometimes these
multi-speaker poems present a dialogue among
6Who is the Speaker?
As you begin to write your poem, consider whose
voice will speak. Determine the speakers
- Gender
- Age
- Values
- Sensibilities
- Consistency throughout
- Reliability
- Sincerity
- Level of awareness
- Vantage point Is the speaker
- actively participating?
- Observing? Moving or standing still?
- Speaking from a position of power or weakness?
- Reflecting upon a past event?
- Fantasizing? Imagining the future?
The Greek word "persona" means mask. Assuming the
voice of a historical or imagined figure in a
poem can free the writer. However, be careful
with personas don't make the identity of your
speaker too mysterious. Make sure that the
reader can determine the speakers identity.
7Mirror by Sylvia Plath
Mirror by Sylvia Plath
I am silver
and exact.
I have no preconceptions.Whatever I see, I
swallow immediately.Just as it is, unmisted by
love or dislikeI am not cruel, only truthful
The eye of a little god, four-cornered.Most of
the time I meditate on the opposite wall.It is
pink, with speckles.
I have looked at it so longI think
it is a part of my heart.
But it flickers.Faces and darkness separate
us over and over.
- By creating a persona, the poet imagines what
it is like to enter someone else's personality.
9- Mirror (contd)
Now I am
a lake.
A woman bends over me, Searching my
reaches for what she really is.Then she turns to
those liars, the candles or the moon.I see her
back, and reflect it faithfully.She rewards me
with tears and an agitation of hands.I am
important to her. She comes and goes.Each
morning it is her face that replaces the
darkness.In me she has drowned a young girl, and
in me an old womanRises toward her day after
day, like a terrible fish.
10The Speaker in Mirror
- The title of Sylvia Plath's "Mirror" reveals the
speaker's identity. (Remember the importance of
title?) - In Mirror, Plath employs a persona by taking on
the voice of a mirror. A mirror that later
changes into a lake is the speaker. - Plath gives an inanimate object--in this case a
glass mirror--the human capacity for speech. From
this unexpected first-person perspective, we
learn a great deal about an everyday object that
we might otherwise take for granted. - Although it is personified, the mirror claims for
itself a kind of nonjudgmental and unemotional
character that human beings lack. It announces in
the first line of the poem, "I am silver and
exact. I have no preconceptions." - Later, as a lake, a more animated entity, the
speaker reveals more about the subjectthe woman
who fears growing old. - Source Jeannine Johnson, in an overview of
"Mirror," in Poetry for Students, Gale, 1997.
- Audience the person or people whom the speaker
is addressing. - Identifying the audience within a poem helps you
to understand the poem better.
- Speakers address many types of audiences
- The speaker can address a specific person by name
or position. (Look for the word you.) - The speaker can address a character who is not
present, dead, or that cannot possibly respond
(like a flower or a city) which is called
13Readers General Audiences
- The speaker can also address the
- reader as audience
- a general reader - audience
- Or
- specialized reader - audience
14Readers General Audiences
- a general reader audience When addressing a
general reader-audience, the speaker has no
specific target group in mind. - specialized reader audience When addressing a
more specialized reader-audience, the speaker
assumes the reader has some particular knowledge,
common concern, bias, shared ideology, level of
education or literary familiarity etc... - For example, mentioning some passages from the
Bhagavad-Gita would indicate an expectation that
the audience is at least vaguely familiar with
Indian culture and religion.
15The Speakers Motivation
- What is the situation being presented?
- What compels the speaker to express him/herself
to the audience? - What has happened in the past, or what is
happening in the present, that has brought about
the speech/poem?
16Subject vs. Theme
- Do you plan to present an object, place,
situation that has a deeper meaning? - For example, you may want to discuss life as a
journey, a travel down a highway. You may be
hitchhiking through life or picking up
hitchhikers as you go. - Your subject is traveling roads
- Your theme is the journey/adventure of life
17A Poems Words
- The language of a poem is vital.
- Poets choose each word deliberately.
- In poetry, each word counts!
- There are no extra or wasted words.
18A Poems Words
- Diction or Word Choice
- What type of language will you use colloquial,
formal, simple, unusual, slang, dialect? - What moods or attitudes do you want the reader to
associate with the words you select? - Which words do you want to stand out for the
19Imagery appeal to the 5 senses
"Imagery is best defined as the total sensory
suggestion of poetry" (John Ciardi, World Book
Dictionary def. of "Imagery.")
- Images are very concrete "word pictures" having
to do with the five senses--touch, smell, taste,
sound, movement, and especially sight. - Imagery allows readers to experience
ideas vividly. - When writing a poem, consider which mental images
you want to present. - Start with VISUAL images then consider
all physical sensations--sounds, tastes, smells
and so on. What ideas do these different images
imply--what connotations do these images have? -
20Imagery adds to the readers experience in
reading your poem
- For example, if a poet compares something to a
ship, the reader might think about
- what ships look like
- what it feels like to be on a ship
- how ships move
- where they go
- sights, sounds, smells and sensations associated
with ships
21Imagery Poems
- Note the use of
- speaker imagery
22You fit into me by Margaret Atwood
- (Note the use of symbol and imagery)
- You fit into me like a hook into an eye
- A fish hookAn open eye
23The imagery makes the audience shudder...
- Atwood uses imagery to describe the speaker's
relationship. - She uses a common hook and eye, like what one
would find on a dress (or lingerie), to
illustrate compatibility, but then we have a
contrasting image The lines "a fish hook/ An
open eye"(3,4), show how this would be a helpless
relationship in which the partners injured one
another. - The hook and eye in the first lines present a
positive imagebinding, holding...(note the
sexual connotations). However, lines 3 4 reveal
painful imagery. - The imagery, more than anything else, conveys the
poems meaning.
24This Is Just to Say (imagery tone) by
William Carlos Williams
- I have eatenthe plumsthat were inthe
iceboxand which you were probablysavingfor
breakfastForgive methey were deliciousso
sweetand so cold
25In a Station of the Metro by Ezra Pound (note
importance of title)
- The apparition of these faces in the crowd
- Petals on a wet, black bough.
26Coming soon Figures of Speech