Title: Hao Zhang1, David J. Srolovitz1,2
1Glass-Like Behavior in General Grain Boundary
During Migration
Hao Zhang1, David J. Srolovitz1,2 1 Princeton
University 2 Yeshiva University Jack F. Douglas,
James A. Warren National Institute of Standards
and Technology
2Are General Grain Boundaries Glassy?
- General Boundaries
- Exclude low angle, low S and coherent twin grain
boundaries - Structure
- Amorphous-cement model suggested that the metal
grains in cast iron were cemented together by a
thin layer of amorphous material (Rosenhain and
Ewen, J I Met. 10 119,1913) - The RDF suggests liquid like structure at high T
(Wolf, Phys Rev Lett. 77 2965, 1996 Curr Opin
Solid St M. 5 435, 2001 Acta Mater. 53 1, 2005 ) - Others show partial crystalline structure
(Gleiter, Phys Rev B. 35 9085, 1987 Appl Phys
Lett. 50 472, 1987 Van Swygenhoven , Phys Rev B.
62 831, 2000 ) - Dynamics
- Grain boundary viscosity (Ashby, Surf Sci. 31
498, 1972 ) - Grain boundary migration and diffusion suggests
structural transition temperature (Wolf, Acta
Mater. 53 1, 2005 ) - self-diffusion in the grain-boundary suggested
that the diffusion mechanism is similar to that
in bulk metallic glasses (Mishin, J Mater Sci. 40
3155, 2005 )
3Simulation Details
- Molecular dynamics in NVT ensemble
- EAM-type (Voter-Chen) potential for Ni
- 010 tilt general grain boundary with q40.23º
- Periodic boundary conditions in x and y
- One grain boundary two free surfaces
- Fixed strain, ?xx and ?yy
- Source of driving force is the elastic energy
difference due to crystal anisotropy - Driving force is constant during simulation
4Grain Boundary Migration
- Grain boundary migration tends to be continuous
at high temperature, while shows intermittent
at lower temperature - The waiting period becomes longer as temperature
5Mobility vs. T Arrhenius?
- Temperature dependence of grain boundary mobility
can be nicely fitted into Vogel-Fulcher Form,
which is commonly used in super-cooled liquid
system - T0 denotes the temperature that mobility
6Catch Strings and Determine their Length
- The atom is treated as mobile if
- Find string pair among mobile atoms using
- The Weight-averaged mean string length
7Typical Strings
8String-like Motion Within Grain Boundary
- String-like cooperative motion within grain
boundary is significant at low temperature - The fraction of non-trivial strings in the mobile
atoms can be over 40 at 780K
9String Length vs. Temperature
- String length distribution function P(n) follows
exp(-n/ltngt) - S grain boundaries have shorter strings,
therefore they are less frustrated than general
grain boundaries - String length increases as temperature
decreasing, similar behavior is found in
supercooled liquids
10Intermittent Migration Behavior
12Migration Mechanism at Low T
Stage I
Stage II
- Grain boundary migration at low T is associated
with nucleation of steps/terrace
13Further Observations
- Selected migration region can be best described
by Arrhenius law - The activation energy is about 0.37 eV (smaller
than the apparent activation energy)
14Grain Boundary Migration Model
- Since the migration region follows Arrhenius
- Temperature dependence of Grain boundary
migration in general tilt boundaries is found to
be described by Vogel-Fulcher relation, which is
characteristic in glass-forming liquid - String-like atomic motion in grain boundaries is
similar to those in liquid system - It is reasonable to believe that string-like
cooperative motion dominates the rate of grain
boundary migration at low T - The migration model suggests grain boundary
migration is controlled by different atomistic
mechanisms. The waiting period is associated with
the nucleation of steps.