The Institutional Development Award (IDeA) Program - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Institutional Development Award (IDeA) Program


The proof of this concept has be demonstrated as shown in ... 3 Lung Biology and Disease (LD) 2 Prenatal Biology (PB) 2 Stem Cell ... (EHT) 23 Genetics ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Institutional Development Award (IDeA) Program

The Institutional Development Award (IDeA)
W. Fred Taylor, PH.D. National Institute of
General Medical Science National Institutes
of Health May 25, 2012
  • Program Overview
  • Centers of Biomedical Excellence (COBRE)
  • Phase I, Phase II, Phase III
  • IDeA Clinical and Translational Research (IDeA
  • IDeA Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence
  • IDeA Community-Based Research
  • Selected Examples
  • IDeA Co-funding
  • IDeA Net
  • Selected Examples
  • National Association of IDeA Principal
    Investigators (NAIPI)
  • Selected Science Advances

Program Overview
Institutional Development Award Program
  • Authorized by Congress, 1993 NIH Revitalization
  • Intent to enhance geographical distribution of
    NIH research funds and increase research capacity
  • Currently 23 states and Puerto Rico are IDeA
  • Similar to NSF Experimental Program to Stimulate
    Competitiveness in Research (EPSCoR, est. 1980)
  • Contact W. Fred Taylor, Ph.D.

Institutional Development Award Program
  • Perceived needs to increase research capacity
  • Core Laboratories
  • Senior and Junior Faculty development
  • Infrastructure (equipment)
  • Facilities alteration and renovation/development
  • Post-doctoral, student and staff development
  • Faculty recruitment
  • Bioinformatics training for students and faculty
  • State of the Art Instrumentation
  • Release time for teaching and clinical faculty
  • Undergraduate, graduate, post-doctoral
  • Training opportunities in grant management

Institutional Development Award ProgramOverall
  • Faculty development
  • Faculty recruitment and start-up
  • Funding and release time for research projects
  • Mentoring to become successful independent
  • Enhancement of research facilities
  • Core laboratories
  • State-of-the-art equipment
  • Research education and training
  • Graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, research
  • Undergraduate students and faculty

INBRE 24 statewide networks COBRE 84 thematic
research centers
(No Transcript)
Centers of Biomedical Excellence (COBRE) Phase I,
Phase II, Phase III
Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE)
  • COBRE center grant program launched in fiscal
    year 2000
  • To expand and develop biomedical faculty research
  • To enhance research infrastructure including core
  • To build multidisciplinary research centers with
    a thematic scientific focus at doctoral
    institutions or research institutes
  • Center Characteristics
  • Led by an established investigator, funded by
    NIH, NSF or other comparable Federal or private
    sector source
  • At least 3 research sub-projects, all supervised
    by junior investigators
  • A clear plan for mentoring, career development
    and graduation and replacement of junior
  • Long-term plans for developing and sustaining the
    center, investigators, collaborations, and
    physical infrastructure

Model of COBRE
Pilot Projects
External Advisory Board
research cores
  • Administrative and Research Cores
  • workshops
  • training courses

Mentored Junior Investigator Subprojects
  • Currently three sequential 5 year phases
  • Phase I To develop research infrastructure and
    provide junior (new) investigators mentoring and
    project funding so they can successfully compete
    for independent research support
  • Phase II To further develop research
    infrastructure and develop a strong critical mass
    of investigators (new, early stage and
    established) with shared scientific interests
  • Phase III To maintain COBRE research cores and
    to provide support for research pilot projects
    and mentoring and training

Develop advanced research infrastructure and a
critical mass of investigators in thematic areas
Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE)
Phase III Transitional Centers
  • Purpose
  • To conduct basic, clinical and translational
  • To support essential cores
  • To sustain a collaborative, multidisciplinary
    research environment by supporting mentoring and
    training components.
  • Center Characteristics
  • Administrative Core (mentoring and training
    components and pilot projects)
  • Core resources including core supplies, service
    contracts and core management
  • Equipment upgrades and replacement

Summary of COBRE Scientific Themes
Scientific Themes Number of Grants
Neuroscience 18
Cancer 9
Cardiovascular Disease 11
Immunology 9
Proteomics and Genomics 8
Infectious Disease 5
Oral Health 5
Women or Minority Health and Health Disparity (WMHHD) 4
Environmental Science (ES) 2
Muscle Biology (MB) 3
Biochemistry and Biophysics (BB) 2
Drug Discovery and Design (DD) 3
Lung Biology and Disease (LD) 2
Prenatal Biology (PB) 2
Stem Cell Biology (SCB) 3
Bioengineering and Biomaterial 1
Oral Health
Infectious Disease
Proteomics and Genomic
COBRE Progress
  • In fiscal year 2011
  • 84 COBRE awards supported 786 research projects
    involving 1482 investigators
  • COBRE centers published 1449 articles with an
    additional 603 papers in press
  • COBRE investigators made a total of 1882
    scientific presentations

IDeA Clinical and Translational Research (IDeA
IDeA Program Clinical and Translational Research
Initiative(IDeA CTR)
  • Rationale
  • A relatively small proportion (10) of
    IDeA-funded centers and networks focus on
    developing clinical and community-based
    translational research capacity
  • It is critically important to translate the many
    biomedical research advances from IDeA states
    into better health outcomes by forging
    partnerships between basic and clinical
    scientists in IDeA institutions, supported by
    programs across NIH

  • Objectives
  • To support the development of infrastructure and
    human resources required to conduct clinical and
    translational research in IDeA states.
  • To enhance the ability of IDeA institutions and
    investigators to develop competitive clinical and
    translational research programs.
  • To foster and sustain collaboration and
    coordination of clinical and translational
    activities within and across IDeA institutions

  • Award mechanism and Total Cost
  • U54 cooperative agreement
  • Up to 4 million per year for 5 years
  • Can request additional 300K for AR costs (year
    1 only)
  • Lead Institution
  • Academic Health Center
  • Only one application per state
  • Partnerships
  • It is required to identify one or more
    collaborating domestic partner(s) within the
    state and in one other (or more) IDeA state(s).
  • Funding Opportunity Announcement IDeA-CTR

Component Activities of IDeA-CTR Program
Key Component Activities (Required)
Partnerships and Collaborations within and across
IDeA-eligible states
Clinical and Translational Pilot Grants Program
Clinical Research Design, Epidemiology, and
Biostatistics Core
Clinical Research Education, Mentoring, and
Career Development Core
Potential Key Component Activities
IDeA Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence
IDeA Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence
  • To develop a statewide multi-disciplinary
    research network of doctoral degree-granting and
    undergraduate institutions
  • To build and increase research capacity by
    supporting faculty, fellows and students at
    participating institutions
  • To provide bioinformatics tools, training, and
    expertise for researchers and students across the
  • To provide undergraduate faculty and students
    research support, serve as pipeline to health
    research careers
  • To provide outreach to students at undergraduate
    institutions, community colleges and tribal
  • To enhance statewide science and technology
    knowledge base

Model of INBRE
Lead Institution- Research Intensive
Institutions or Institutes
PUI Primarily Undergraduate Institution
KANSAS-INBRE Organization
Summary of INBRE Scientific Themes
Scientific Themes Total
Microbiology and Infectious Disease 63
Cell Developmental Biology 46
Cancer 42
Neuroscience 33
Biotechnology 23
Environmental Health Toxicology (EHT) 23
Genetics Genomics (GG) 15
Cardiovascular Disease (CVS) 11
Women Reproductive Health (WRH) 10
Bioinformatics (BI) 9
Others (O) 9
Diabetes/Obesity/Metabolism (DOM) 8
Respiratory (Re) 5
Mental Health Biobehavioral research (MH) 5
Bones/Joints (BJ) 4
Immunology (Im) 3
Hematology (H) 2
INBRE Progress
  • In fiscal year 2011
  • 24 INBRE Networks supported 658 research
    subprojects and 1808 investigators
  • INBRE Networks published 610 research articles
    with 259 in press
  • INBRE investigators made 2561 scientific
  • 69 INBRE flagship institutions supported 800
    students in summer research experiences
  • INBREs supported research and training at 270
    undergraduate institutions including
  • 21 HBCUs
  • 17 Tribal Colleges and Universities
  • 21 Hispanic-serving institutions

IDeA Community-Based Research
IDeA Community Based Research (IDeA CBR)
  • Goals
  • To support development of sustainable,
    culturally appropriate prevention/intervention
    research programs to decrease the
    disproportionate burden of disease
  • To develop effective and stimulating environments
    to facilitate training and development of
    clinical investigators in areas of health
    disparities and special populations

  • To augment and strengthen translational /
    clinical community based research programs to
    address health disparities in rural and urban
    special populations
  • To promote interdisciplinary, multi-site
    collaborations between academic researchers
    across programs, community health care providers,
    and community partners
  • To leverage investments in CBPR made by NIH and
    other agency partners

Yupik Perceptions of Body Weight and
Diabetes Cultural Pathways to Prevention   Yupik
Experiences of Stress and Coping Intervention
Via Cultural Understanding   Contaminants and
Nutrients in Alaskan Subsistence Foods Striking
a Balance   Developing a Novel Set of Diet
Pattern Biomarkers Based on Stable Isotope Ratios
Environmental Health Science in Montana
Analyzing river water and fish on the Crow
Reservation to identify environmental
contaminants - mercury - pesticides -
enteric pathogens
IDeA Co-funding
IDeA Co-funding
  • IDeA co-funds awards to support R01 grant
    applications to NIH Institutes and Centers from
    investigators within IDeA eligible states.
  • IDeA provides support to applicants whose
    proposals received excellent ratings through the
    peer review process but fell short of the
    Institutes or Centers (ICs) pay line.
  • IDeA provides 70 or up to 260,000 for each of
    the first two years of a selected co-funded R01
  • This activity was highlighted in the NIH fiscal
    year 2012 appropriation language.

IDeA Co-funding
  • Meritorious applications were solicited from the
    27 NIH Institutes and Centers in fiscal year
  • IDeA received 44 R01 applications nominated from
    18 NIH Institutes and Centers.
  • The total request for IDeA co-funding amounted to
    11.1 million.

IDeA Net
  • Provides
  • Advanced cyberinfrastructure for biomedical and
    behavioral research
  • Regional approaches to relieve strategic
    bottlenecks in connectivity through participating
  • Access to national high-speed computer networks
    for data-intensive science applications
  • Computer hardware and software
  • Staff in bioinformatics cores and data centers

Northeast Cyberinfrastructure Consortium (NECC)
Multiple partnerships are formed between state
university systems and private telecommunications
companies to build regional high-speed networks
in VT, NH, ME, RI and DE.
Cyberinfrastructure-Enabled Research and Training
  • A collaborative project for sequencing the skate
    genome was developed between U. of Delaware and
    Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory (MDIBL)
  • Three training workshops of Skate Genome
    Annotation were performed through the network.
    The data are stored on server at the NECC shared
    data center at the U. of Delaware and U. of
    Maine, and available for investigators within the
    five NECC states.
  • Research training courses were provided to the
    first year medical students at MDIBL, Dartmouth
    Medical School and U. of Vermont College of

Skate genome sequence assembly and annotation
Cyberinfrastructure-Enabled Science Education
(Media Release)
MDIBL participated Howard Hughes medical
Institutes Science Education Alliance
Maine INBRE Newsletter
The Bar Harbor Times
National Association of IDeA Principal
Investigators (NAIPI)
National Association of IDeA Principal
Investigators (NAIPI)
  • Provides leadership and communication for the
    development, promotion and improvement of the
    IDeA Program
  • Fosters interactions between the IDeA Program and
    its constituencies
  • Promotes resource sharing among IDeA programs
  • Enhances the visibility of the IDeA Program
  • Develops a consensus on priorities and new
    directions for IDeA
  • Identifies and disseminates best practices within
    the IDeA Program
  • Identifies opportunities and develops strategies
    to achieve the common goals of the IDeA Program

National Association of IDeA Principal
Investigators (NAIPI)
  • Membership composed of Principal Investigators of
    INBRE and COBRE grants
  • National Committee consists of 20 members, five
    for each of four Regional Divisions of IDeA (2
    INBRE and 3 COBRE Principal Investigators)
  • National Committee members elected by voting
    members in each division
  • Executive Committee consists of 4 members elected
    by the National Committee (President, Vice
    President, Past President and Secretary/Treasurer)
  • Working groups on an ad hoc basis
  • Web-site at http//

Selected Science Advances
Understanding the Role of Estrogen in Protecting
Against HIV Dementia COBRE PI Tom Curry,
University of Kentucky College of Medicine
Background HIV-associated dementia (HAD) occurs
in about 30 of all HIV-infected individuals
despite aggressive anti-retroviral therapy. In
vitro studies indicate that the hormone estrogen
(17ß-estradiol or E2) acts as a neuroprotective
agent by suppressing the production of
HIV-encoded proteins by astrocytes. The role of
estrogen receptors in this process is
unclear. Advance In vitro studies revealed that
astrocytes have low levels of ERa expression.
Surprisingly, the presence of ERa appeared to
negate the reduction in HIV protein production
that results from treatment with estrogen.
Analysis of postmortem brain samples showed
increased density of ERa-positive astrocytes in
HIV-infected individuals with dementia compared
to those without cognitive deficits. The data
suggest that E2 may have the most dramatic effect
in reducing HIV transcription and acting as a
neuroprotective agent early in the disease
process when the subpopulation of astrocytes
expressing ERa is low. How NCRR Grant Enabled
Advance NCRR COBRE grant (P20 RR18727), provided
support to the research project and core
facilities. Public Health Impact Neurological
complications are observed in about 60 of all
HIV infected patients, dementia in about 30
despite anti-retroviral therapy. It is
imperative that effective neuroprotective agents
be developed if neurological complications of HIV
are to be prevented. Publication Citation and
Link http//
Mechanisms of Plasticity and Repair after Spinal
Cord Injury PI Scott Whittemore Univ of
Louisville School of Medicine
Background Multiple molecular, biochemical, and
cellular events ensue following traumatic spinal
cord injury (SCI). The prevention and/or
attenuation of significant morbidity following
SCI will require various neuroprotective
strategies. Advance Following experimental
SCI, studies in rats indicate that
transplantation of adult oligodendrocyte
precursor cells (OPCs) that express ciliary
neurotrophic factor (CNTF) resulted in
histological, physiological, and functional
evidence of recovery. Another study demonstrate
that administration of rolipram, an
investigational anti-inflammatory agent, spared
the death of oligodendrocytes, improved
neurotransmission, and reduced hind limb errors
during grid walking. In yet another study, the
administration of agents that promote
angiogenesis and endothelial cell survival had
similar neuroprotective outcomes. How NCRR Grant
Enabled Advance NCRR COBRE grant (P20 RR15576),
provided support to the research project and core
facilities. Public Health Impact Spinal cord
injury (SCI) significantly impacts quality of
life and poses a considerable economic burden on
those afflicted. Restorative therapies need to
be developed to reduce these burdens. Publication
Citation and Link http//
bmed/20181596 http//
0375135, http//
Community-Based Participatory Research in Indian
Country PI Margaret Eggers, M.S., Little Big
Horn College, Crow Agency, Montana Montana State
University, Bozeman
Background The poor well water quality and
deteriorating river water quality are impacting
community health. The occurrence of disease seems
greater on the tribal reservation than in other
communities. A collaborative research between
Crow Reservation community and academic partners
was initiated to assess the risk of exposure to
contaminants via domestic and cultural water
sources. Advance Little is known about how
communities and academic partners can effectively
work together to conduct community-based risk
assessment, and rarely have Native American
community members written about their perception
of the value of the CBPR process to their
community, why they would participate in such
research, and how research should be conducted in
their home community. The Crow Tribal and
academic research partners describe their
experiences and what they have learned in working
together on a creative, collaborative CBPR
project and process. How NCRR Grant Enabled
Advance The Montana INBRE provided initial
research funding for the first five years of the
project, and continues to support the well water
testing costs. Public Health Impact This
project provides an example of how community
members can initiate a risk assessment research
in collaboration with academic partners. The
partnership improves the quality of the risk
assessment and the effectiveness of dissemination
to community members. Publication Citation.
Community-based participatory research in Indian
country improving health through water quality
research and awareness. Fam Community Health.
2010 Jul-Sep33(3)166-74.
Institutional Development Award Program
Opportunities for Inclusion
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