Title: Environmental Proposal Development Grants Workshop
1Environmental Proposal Development GrantsWorkshop
- Sponsored by the UNF Environmental Center and the
Division of Sponsored Research and Training
2Expanding Environmentally Oriented Programs at UNF
- Instruction
- Graduate and Undergraduate
- Research
- Knowledge development
- Problem solving
- Outreach
- Public Service
- Information
- Hard work and commitment
- Faculty
- Administration
- Big piles of cash
- From external grants and contracts
4External Funding Can Help You
- Time and Money
- Summer salary, reassignment, supplemental comp
- Development Accounts
- Indirect cost recovery 10 returned to PI
- Residual balances
- Support and Experience for Students
- Lab Equipment/Materials
- Enhance Promotion and Tenure
- Travel
5Help Is Available
- UNF is committed to support senior faculty with
solid track records in research and invest in new
faculty who are beginning their research careers - Faculty work assignments will include time for
research - New faculty will be provided with work
assignments that allow the development of a
research agenda - Maintain incentives for participation in
sponsored research - Proposal Development Grants from the
Environmental Center - DSRT Support for PIs
- Finding Funding
- Proposal Development
- Project Administration
6Environmental Center Proposal Development Grants
- Support faculty (teams) to develop and submit
proposals for external funding - Up to 5,000 for use in 2006 for
- Supplemental compensation
- Student assistance
- Expenses of proposal development
- Due January 30, 2006 awarded by mid-February
- Brief description of activity to be performed
- Funding opportunity information
- How the Environmental Center award will be used
- Calendar for proposal development
- Participants
- Prior award experience
8Criteria for Review of Proposal Development Grants
- Expected impact on understanding our environment
and managing natural resources wisely - Degree of multidisciplinary involvement and
breadth of faculty involvement, across UNF and
with other institutions - Duration of external funding expected (preference
one year or longer) - Magnitude of proposed funding
- Level of advance information on one or more
prospective funding sources - Incorporation of undergraduate and/or graduate
students in the proposed project - Level of organization and likelihood that one or
more full-scale competitive proposals will be
submitted on a timely basis - As an indication of the writing skills of the
applicant(s), requests will also be judged for
conciseness, English usage, and overall structure.
9Steps in Developing a Proposal
- Develop the Project Idea
- Identify Potential Funding Sources
- Plan and Develop Proposal and Budget
- Transmit Proposal
- Negotiate Award Conditions with Sponsor
10External Funding Sources
- Gifts
- Awards given with few or no conditions specified
- Contracts
- Procurements arrangement for one party to supply
goods and services in return for compensation - Cooperative Agreements
- Transfer of funds or services to accomplish a
public purpose
- A financial assistance award to support an
organization in the conduct of research or
program activities
- Award from a sponsor to a recipient
12Government vs. Private Funding
- Government
- Detailed proposal and budget
- Federal, state and local regulations
- Private
- Letter of Inquiry or brief proposal
- Fewer restrictions
- Flexibility
13Funding Search Strategies
- Specific vs. General/Umbrella
- Specific Keyword searches and ongoing
monitoring that target your specific funding
interest - General or umbrella Searches and monitoring for
larger scale funding programs that can include or
that overlap your funding interest
14Funding Search Strategies
- Current/Ongoing Funding vs. Monitoring
- Current/Ongoing Funding Searches Primarily
online or database searches using appropriate
keywords or parameters DSRT support or
self-searches - Monitoring Upcoming Funding Use of existing
services and appropriate set of keywords to
obtain regular announcements and updates re
funding sources of interest to you - Screening material that comes your way
15General / Umbrella Funding
- Unsolicited proposals
- Submitted by PI at their own initiative
- Not in response to formal request
- Responsive to a general publicized statement of
16Which agencies?
- Most of thembut
- Still have designated forms
- Still have specific guidelines/format
- Still have deadlines
- So still should utilize DSRT resources!
- Focus on
- National Institutes of Health (NIH)
- National Science Foundation (NSF)
17National Institutes of Health (NIH)
- NIHs Funding (http//www.nih.gov/about)
- 27,882,512,000 in Congressional Appropriations
- 80 funds distributed in research grants
- FY 06 Presidents Budget 3.6 billion
(competing) - Approximately 9,463 grants at 350,000 - 380,000
- 27 Centers and Institutes
- Mostly medical in nature but flexibility within
them - Institute on Aging (biomedical, social,
behavioral aspects) - Allergy and Infectious Disease (immunological and
allergic) - Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases
- Child Health and Human Development
- Environmental Health Sciences
- Complementary and Alternative Medicine
18National Institutes of Health (NIH)
- R Series (research grants)
- R01 Research Project Grant Program
- R03 Small Grant Program
- R21 Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant
Award - R29 First Independent Research Support
Transition (FIRST) Award
19National Institutes of Health (NIH)
- R01 Research Project Grant Program
- New and established investigators
- Supports health-related research and development
- Proposal should be a good idea related to the
stated program interests of an Institute or
Center based on descriptions of their programs - Talk to the Centers and Institutes! Go to Web
sites! - http//grants.nih.gov/grants/funding/r01.htm
20National Institutes of Health (NIH)
- R03 Small Grant Program
- New investigators
- Examples of the types of projects
- Pilot or feasibility studies
- Secondary analysis of existing data
- Small, self-contained research projects
- Development of research methodology
- Development of new research technology
- http//grants.nih.gov/grants/funding/r03.htm
21National Institutes of Health (NIH)
- R21 Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant
Award - New investigators
- Provides support for early stages of development
of new, exploratory and developmental projects - http//grants.nih.gov/grants/funding/r21.htm
22National Institutes of Health (NIH)
- R29 First Independent Research Support
Transition (FIRST) Awards - New investigators
- To provide a support for biomedical and
behavioral science PIs to initiate their own
research and demonstrate the merit of their own
ideas - Goal is transition to traditional types of NIH
grants - http//grants2.nih.gov/grants/policy/r29.htm
23National Science Foundation (NSF)
- NSFs Funding (http//www.nsf.gov/about)
- FY 2006 request 5.605 billion
- 4.333 billion for research and related
- Supports 20 of all federally supported basic
research by US universities - Approximately 10,000 new awards per year
- 12 Directorates
- Biological Sciences
- Engineering
- Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences
- Geosciences
24National Science Foundation (NSF)
- Unsolicited are still in response to Program
Announcements - Solicited are called Program Solicitations
25National Science Foundation (NSF)
- Research in Undergraduate Institutions (RUI)
- Supports research by faculty members of
predominantly undergraduate institutions (PUIs) - Individual and collaborative research projects
- Purchase of shared-use research instrumentation
- Research Opportunity Awards
26National Science Foundation (NSF)
- Research in Undergraduate Institutions (RUI)
- The overriding purpose of RUI is the support of
faculty research which maintains faculty members
intellectual vibrancy in the classroom and
research community - Support high-quality research by faculty members
at PUIs - Strengthen the research environment in academic
departments that are oriented primarily toward
undergraduate instruction - Promote the integration of research and education
27National Science Foundation (NSF)
- Research in Undergraduate Institutions (RUI)
- Principal difference between RUI proposals and
regular NSF proposals is the additional
requirement that RUI proposals must include an
RUI impact statement that describes the expected
effects of the proposed research on the research
and educational environment of the institution.
28National Science Foundation (NSF)
- Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU)
- Objectives
- Supports active research participation by
undergraduate students in any of the areas of
research funded by NSF - Mechanisms
- REU Sites based on independent proposals to
initiate and conduct projects that engage a
number of students in research - REU Supplements requested for ongoing
NSF-funded research projects or may be included
as a component of proposals for new or renewal
NSF grants or cooperative agreements - All students must be US citizens
29- SPIN provides up-to-date information on current
national and international government and private
funding sources - GENIUS a web-based database containing profiles
of scholars and researchers at leading
universities and research institutions through
the world. GENIUS stores all of an individuals
CV information - SMARTS an automated daily alerts system that
notifies investigators of relevant new programs
that match their GENIUS profiles
http//www.infoed.org/new_spin/spinmain.asp http/
30DSRT Services
- Pre-Award Services
- Funding Opportunity identification
- Proposal and Budget development
- Networking and teambuilding
- Award negotiation
- Research Compliance
- Coordination of research protocols for review by
IRB, IACUC, and IBC - Intellectual Property Management and Marketing
- Post-Award Services
- Project management assistance
- Preparations of sub-contracts
- Monitor compliance with federal and state
regulations - Accounting Services
- Account Establishment
- Invoicing and Financial reporting
- Project close-out and account reconciliation
- Technical assistance in interpreting rules and
regulations impacting grant expenditures
31Who to Contact at the Division of Sponsored
Research and Training
Dawn M. Boatman Director of Research Programs and
Nicole Sayers Coordinator of Research Compliance
Alexia Lewis Assistant Director Pre-Award Services
Shola Ewulo Assistant Director Post-Award Services
Lien Phan Coordinator of Accounting Services
Rosalyn Gilbert Executive Secretary
Sonja Avery Coordinator Proposal Development
Angela Gibson Senior Accountant
Sandy Wirth Coordinator of Grant and Contract
Kelly Burch Senior Grants Specialist
Chantel Cummings Coordinator of
Grants Information Management