Title: Super folded cooking bags
1Super folded cooking bags
2EKOPLAST company is ready to offer you the
novelty, developed according to the unique and
patented production technologies super folded
cooking bags
3Thanks to our up-to-date technologies, which were
developed by our company, cooking bag with the
size 380 x 250 mm in the unfolded form can be
folded into 34x35 sized form.
4At the same time all technical and quality
characteristics remain unchanged!!!
Tolerance with food
Size 250380 mm. unfolded
5Thanks to super compact method of folding,
package of our cooking bags become more
convenient and practical
6Adding of super folded cooking bags to your main
product will enlarge an interest of final
customer to your product, enhance your
competitive and sale ability and increase your
7Just attach or place our cooking bag into the
packages with seasoning, spices and dressing, and
youll see the result!!!
8If you provide us with your detailed address, we
can send you samples of our products for
9Send your query to
Export Department of EKOPLAST LLCTel./fax
38(0382) 716605, 716604 ICQ 397 308 018SKYPE
Ekoplast LLCe-mail export_at_ekoplast.ua
10Hope for strong and fruitful cooperation with
your company!!!