Shakespeare - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Henry VIII Henry VIII was king of England. Married 6 times. Killed two of his wives. Created his own church Church of England Six Wives of Henry VIII Catherine of ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Shakespeare

  • A look at the Bard and his times

Henry VIII
  • Henry VIII was king of England.
  • Married 6 times.
  • Killed two of his wives.
  • Created his own church
  • Church of England

Six Wives of Henry VIII
  • Catherine of Aragon () Divorced
  • Marys mother
  • Anne Boleyn () Executed
  • Elizabeths mother
  • Jane Seymour () Died in childbirth
  • Edward VIs mother
  • Anne of Cleeves ()
  • Catherine Howard ()
  • Catherine Parr

After Henry VIII
  • Henry dies, Edward VI becomes king
  • Edward VI sickly and dies, which makes Mary the
    first queen of England (not received well)
  • Mary brings back Catholicism
  • Elizabeth (her half-sister) imprisoned
  • Mary dies (gets her own nursery rhyme)
  • Elizabeth becomes queen
  • It is during this time Shakespeare is born

  • London is the center of the world during Elizabeth

East Side
  • (Think St. Paul)
  • Rich
  • Churches
  • Older population

West Side
  • (Think Minneapolis)
  • Predominantly poor
  • Had all the fun stuff
  • Theatres
  • Brothels
  • Gambling parlors
  • Young

And now, some trivia
  • So who owned the gambling parlors and brothels?

The Church
  • The church owned the brothels and the gambling
    parlors and made people pay for sinning.
  • Outside of a place of sin was a black box with
    a cross. If money was placed in the box, it meant
    your sin was absolved
  • Using modern monetary terms if you won 100, you
    gave 10 to the box to absolve your sin. This is
    how the churches made so much money.

The Three Classes
  • The Poor (50)
  • The Middle (35)
  • The Rich (15)

The Poor
  • Lived a very difficult life.
  • Average age was 30.
  • Married at 11-12, first child at 12-13
  • Death came from starvation, sickness, childbirth,
    and fighting
  • Could be servants
  • Ate what could be found (often the reason why the
    Plague came back)

The Middle Class
  • Worked in a trade (blacksmith, glovemaker, etc.)
  • Lived in better housing than the poor
  • Could easily become poor, but had a harder time
    becoming rich
  • Average age was about 40

The Rich
  • Nobles and clergy
  • Lived in better housing away from the sickness
    and the filth of the poor
  • Wore a great deal of clothing
  • Had chamber pots which were emptied into the
    streets (contributing cause of the Plagues
  • Given best seats at theatres, churches, and
    sporting events
  • Average age was about 55

The Bard
  • Born on 4/23/1564. Died on 4/23/1616 (He
    was 52)
  • Father was a glovemaker (making Shakespeare
    middle class)
  • William decided to become an actor
  • At 18, he married Anne Hathaway (Shes 26).
  • They had 3 kids
  • Susannah (has Elizabeth, who dies)
  • Hamnet (dies at 11)
  • Judith (has Shakespeare, Thomas, and Richardall
    die young)

Shakespeares Work
  • 38 plays
  • 154 Sonnets
  • Many, many poems
  • Not a single one of his works is considered a

The Shakespeare Conspiracy
  • The Oxford Group believes that Shakespeare was
    actually a group of people including
  • Sir Francis Bacon
  • Christopher Marlowe
  • Edward De Vere
  • Elizabeth I

The Globe Theater
  • After becoming Queen Elizabeths personal
    playwright, Shakespeare is given the money to
    build his own theatre.
  • The Globe is his design.
  • Its a circlelike a globe.
  • Open at top for light
  • Three levels (by socio-economic
  • level)
  • The theatre burns down in 1613,
  • but is rebuilt

The Globe The Poor
  • The Poor sat on the ground, hence their name
  • To get in, the poor paid 10 of whatever they
    normally made. If they did not have enough money,
    they could work during the show. (Cleaning)
  • One ticket allowed all day entrance (this meant
    several shows)
  • Could be sitting with between 400 to 1,000 people
    on any given day.
  • The Poor could buy several items

The Globe Poor continued
  • So what could the Poor purchase?
  • 1. Garlic
  • For your mouth (breath)
  • 2. Oranges
  • If you hate the actors
  • 3. The people selling the items
  • If you get bored

The Globe The Middle Class
  • The Middle Class got seats above the people.
    Often reserved
  • They could purchase the same items as the poor
  • You could dump the chamberpots on the poor if you
  • The Middle Class had to pay more to get in.

The Globe The Rich
  • Had the highest seats in the theatre. You could
    see everything
  • The actors played to you (this is why actors are
    supposed to act up
  • Had privacy (curtains) for their bathrooms and
    servants to clean for them
  • Could buy the same thing as the Poor and Middle
    Class, but could also buy mint leaves to chew
    like gum
  • Elizabeths box was dead center

The Globe The Rich Continued
  • The Rich decided if they liked the play based on
    the hierarchy if the Queen liked it, so did
    youeven if you didnt
  • You paid the most to get in, but you didnt have
    to deal with the issues the Poor and Middle Class
    (the smell, etc)
  • There was a fainting station for ladies who were

Romeo and Juliet
  • Its a real love story
  • Its based on a Greek tale of a woman from Athens
    and man from Sparta who killed each other to be
  • Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet also lived in
    Verona in the 1300s (Roughly 1303).
  • Shakespeare is said to have discovered this love
    in Arthur Brookes 1592 poem The Tragical
    Historeye of Romeus and Juliet.
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