William Shakespeare - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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William Shakespeare


William Shakespeare He was not of an age, but for all time! -Ben Jonson – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare
He was not of an age, but for all time! -Ben
About Billy
  • Born on April 23, 1564 in Stratford-on-Avon
  • Married Anne Hathaway in 1582. On marriage cert.
    his name is spelled Shags-spere. Not kidding.
  • She was likely pregnant at the time, as were up
    to 40 of brides in that part of England at the
  • Children Susanna (1583), twins Hamnet Judith
  • Moved to London by 1592
  • Long affiliated with Lord Chamberlains Men
  • Company began performing in the Globe in 1599
  • Was not concerned with preservation of works
  • Number of plays printed during his life 18
  • No certain chronology of writings or performances

Shakespeare or Shakspe
  • We are not sure how best to spell his name- but
    then neither, it appears, was he, for the name is
    never spelled the same way twice in the
    signatures that survive Willm Shaksp, William
    Shakespe, Wm Shakspe, William Shakespere, Willm,
    Shakspere, and William Shakspeare.
  • Curiously, one spelling he didnt use was the one
    now universally attached to his name.
  • According to one estimate 70 of men and 90 of
    women could not even sign their own names at the
  • Many of the following slides come from Bill
    Brysons Book Shakespeare

Shakespeare or Shakspe
  • It is perhaps worth noting that the spelling we
    all use is not the one endorsed by the Oxford
    English Dictionary, which prefers Shakspere

Language of the Time
  • Some 12,000 words entered the language between
    1500 and 1650, about half of them still in use
    today, and old words were employed in ways that
    had not been tried before.
  • Spelling was variablea dictionary published in
    1604, A Table Alphabeticall of Hard Words,
    spelled words two ways on the title page.

Shakespeares Words
  • He coined-or to be more carefully precise, made
    the first recorded use of- 2,035 words.
  • Hamlet alone gave audiences about 600 words that,
    according to all other evidence, they had never
    heard before.
  • Here are some countless, critical, frugal, vast,
    horrid, excellent, hereditary, leapfrog, dwindle,
    assassination, lonely, zany.

  • Some of his inventions one fell swoop, vanish
    into thin air, be in a pickle, flesh and blood,
    foul play, tower of strength, with bated breath,
    foregone conclusion.
  • If we take the Oxford English Dictionary as our
    guide, S produced roughly 1/10 of all the most
    quotable utterances ever written or spoken in

  • Started off writing histories and comedies
  • Series of romantic comedies starting 1595
  • Wrote tragedies in early 1600s (Hamlet, Othello,
  • Dark Comedy-- Troilus Cressida, Alls Well
    That Ends Well, Measure for Measure
  • Romances-- patterns of loss/recovery,
    suffering/redemption, despair/renewal (Pericles,
    Cymbeline, The Winters Tale, The Tempest)
  • London was a city where a single theatre held
    more people than in his hometown!

The Theatre
  • Theatres as dedicated spaces of entertainment
    were a new phenomenon in Englandused to be in
    halls of great homes or inns yards.
  • Plays were at 2pm because of no lights
  • Lines of play let people know if it was supposed
    to be night, indoors, etcnot much of a set
  • The money for tickets was dropped into a box,
    which was taken to a special room for
    safe-keepingthe box office!

The Theatre
  • The disdain for female actors was a Northern
    European tradition. In Spain, France, and Italy,
    women were played by women.
  • Even poor people went to the theatre, especially
    during the depressed years, just like movies were
    for Americans in the 1930s.

The Theatre
  • To prosper, a theatre in London needed to draw as
    many as 2,000 spectators a day-about 1 of the
    citys population-200 or so times a year!
  • To keep customers coming back, it was necessary
    to change the plays continually. Most acting
    companies performed at least 5 different plays a
    weekused all spare time to memorize lines!
  • Makes sense why Shakespeare would have written so
    many (36) plays. And why he re-wrote plays (Romeo
    and Juliet for example)

The Theatre
  • There were no formal directors in Shakespeares
  • Actors could sometimes be required to memorize
    15,000 lines in a season. About the number of
    words in a 200 page book.
  • Shakespeare never used a plot from his own times,
    and none were set in London

The Theatre
  • In classical drama plays were strictly either
    comedies or tragedies. Elizabethan playwrights
    refused to be bounded by such rigidities and put
    comic scenes in their darkest tragedies.
  • In so doing, they invented comic relief
  • Also, classical drama has no soliloquies and no

The Theatre
  • The practice of pausing between acts didnt begin
    until plays moved indoors, late in Shakespeares
    career, and it became necessary to break from
    time to time to trim the lights!

End of a Career
  • Billy retired to Stratford-on-Avon in 1610
  • Shakespeare died on April 23, 1616 in Stratford
  • His epitaph reads Good friend for Jesus sake
    forbear, To dig the dust enclosed here Blest be
    the man that spares these stones, And curst be he
    that moves my bones.

Whats Happening in England?
Elizabethan London
Around Town
  • There was only one bridge across the Thames until
    around 1800 (the London Bridge)
  • In Shakespeares time, tea and coffee were still
  • Such was the popularity of sugar that peoples
    teeth often turned black, and those who failed to
    attain the condition naturally sometimes
    blackened their teeth to show they had had their
    share of sugar, too!
  • From Bill Brysons Shakespeare

Around Town
  • Tobacco was introduced to London the year after
    Shakespeares birth, was used for pleasure but
    also for a broad range of complaints. For a time,
    pupils at Eton faced a beating if caught
    neglecting their tobacco!

Monarchy in 16th and early 17th Century England
Key Events
  • Plague
  • Low tolerance for religion (specifically
  • Role of women (despite Elizabeths rule)
  • Golden Age of Literature
  • Sense of nationalism develops
  • Cultural Renaissance

King James
  • He reigned from 1603-1616
  • He was not, by all accounts, the most visually
    appealing of fellows. He was graceless, and had
    a disconcerting habit, indulged in more or less
    constantly, of playing with his codpiece. And his
    tongue appeared too big for his mouthmade his
    drinking and eating unpleasant to watch.
  • He didnt bathe much and didnt change his
    clothes often either.
  • But he liked the theatre.
  • King James Version of the Bible finally
    influenced a conformity of spelling.

The Plague
  • In non-plague years 16 of infants died in
  • In Shakespeares birth year 66 of infants died.
  • In a sense, his greatest achievement in life
    wasnt writing Macbeth or the sonnets, but just
    surviving his first year!
  • From Bill Brysons Book Shakespeare

  • A person with an income of 20 pounds a year was
    permitted to don a satin doublet but not a satin
    gown, while someone worth 100 pounds a year could
    wear all the satin he wished, but could have
    velvet only in his doublets, but not in any
    outerwear, and then only so long as the velvet
    was not crimson or blue. Silk netherstockings
    were restricted to knights and their eldest
    sonsamazing Ss plays were so deep if these were
    concerns of the day.
  • From Bill Brysons Book Shakespeare

Shakespeares Works
  • 154 Sonnets
  • 12 Comedies (All's Well That Ends Well, As You
    Like It, Comedy of Errors, Love's Labour's Lost,
    Measure for Measure, Merchant of Venice, Merry
    Wives of Windsor, Midsummer Night's Dream, Much
    Ado about Nothing, Taming of the Shrew, Twelfth
    Night, Two Gentlemen of Verona)
  • 10 Histories (Henry IV, Part I Henry IV, Part
    II Henry V Henry VI, Part I Henry VI, Part II
    Henry VI, Part III Henry VIII King John
    Richard II Richard III)
  • 11 Tragedies (Antony and Cleopatra, Coriolanus,
    Hamlet, Julius Caesar, King Lear, Macbeth,
    Othello, Romeo and Juliet, Timon of Athens, Titus
    Andronicus, Troilus and Cressida)
  • 4 Romances (Pericles, Cymbeline, The Winters
    Tale, The Tempest)

  • Tragedy A drama or literary work in which the
    main character is brought to ruin or suffers
    extreme sorrow, especially as a consequence of a
    tragic flaw, moral weakness, or inability to cope
    with unfavorable circumstances
  • Tragedy
  • Sad
  • Protagonist dies
  • Fault is moral
  • Sense of waste
  • Aristotelian
  • fall of person of high estate
  • Own fault, not moral
  • Catharsis- expulsion of pity and fear

History of That Play
  • Written and performed for King James I (1606)
  • Tragedy with a historical emphasis
  • Real Macbeth ruled from 1040-1057 killed Duncan,
    revenged by Malcom (son) in 1057-- reigned until
  • Banquo is said to be an ancestor of James I
  • Assassination was key issue for James-- had
    already survived one attempt
  • Loosely based on Gunpowder Plot of 1605
  • Witchcraft punishable by death (Salem trials in
  • Some witch scenes believed to be added by Thomas
    Middleton after Shakespeares death

The Curse
  • The "Curse of Macbeth" is the misfortune that
    happens during the production of the play.
  • The theory goes that Shakespeare included actual
    black magic spells in the incantations of the
    weird sisters. Those who appear in the play or
    those who mention the play's name within the
    confines of a theatre risk having these evils
    brought down on their heads.
  • The tragedy of Macbeth is considered so unlucky
    that it is hardly ever called by name inside the
    profession. People refer to the play as "that
    play, the unmentionable" or "the Scottish
    play." It is supposed to be bad luck to quote
    from the play or to use any sets, costumes, or
    props from a production.

  • August 7, 1606-- The boy actor playing Lady
    Macbeth died back stage on opening night.
    Shakespeare had to fill-in.
  • Amsterdam, 1672-- the actor playing Macbeth
    substituted a real dagger for the blunted stage
    one and with it killed Duncan in full view of the
    entranced audience.
  • New York, 1849-- performance at Astor Place, a
    riot broke out in which 31 people were trampled
    to death.
  • 1934, four actors played Macbeth in a single
    week. In 1937, Macbeth had to be postponed for
    three days after a change in directors and
    because of the death of Lilian Boylis. In 1954,
    the portrait of Lilian Boylis crashed down on the
    bar on opening night.

  • 1934-- British actor Malcolm Keen turned mute
    onstage, and his replacement, Alister Sim, like
    Hal Berridge before him, developed a high fever
    and had to be hospitalized.
  • 1937-- when Laurence Olivier took on the role of
    Macbeth, a 25 pound stage weight crashed within
    an inch of him, and his sword which broke onstage
    flew into the audience and hit a man who later
    suffered a heart attack.
  • 1942-- Macbeth production headed by John Gielgud,
    three actors -- Duncan and two witches -- died,
    and the costume and set designer committed
    suicide amidst his devilish Macbeth creations.
  • Bermuda, 1953--The indestructible Charlton Heston
    suffered severe burns in his groin and leg area
    from tights that were accidentally soaked in

  • New York, 1970-- An actor's strike felled Rip
    Torn's production
  • 1971-- two fires and seven robberies plagued the
    version starring David Leary
  • 1981-- production at Lincoln Center, J. Kenneth
    Campbell, who played Macduff, was mugged soon
    after the play's opening.
  • The superstition is not so much about doing the
    play as about naming it. You are not supposed to
    mention the title in a theatre.
  • The most common remedy to get rid of the curse is
    that the offender must step outside, turn around
    three times, spit, and say the foulest word
    he/she can think of, and wait for permission to
    re-enter the theatre.

(No Transcript)
Other Act 1, Scene 1s
  • Romeo Juliet-- fight scene between Montague and
    Capulet household Romeo professes love for
  • Othello-- Roderigo upset with Iago Iago upset
    because Othello appointed Cassio lieutenant
    Brabanzio finds out about Desdemonas marriage to

  • Julius Caesar-- Flavius and Murellus are upset
    over the citys support of Caesar and his victory
    over Pompey (a leader they used to support)
  • Much Ado About Nothing-- Don Juan and crew return
    victorious from battle Beatrice and Benedick
    relationship set up plan to hook-up Claudio and

Macbeth Act 1, Scene 1
  • Three witches appear out of a storm and plan to
    meet again after the battle to confront Macbeth.
    They disappear as quickly as they appeared (scene
    is 13 lines).

A desert place. Thunder and lightning. Enter
three witches. 1st witch When shall we three
meet again In thunder, lightning, or in
rain? 2nd witch When the hurlyburlys
done, When the battles lost and won.5 3rd
witch That will be ere the set of sun. 1st
witch Where the place? 2nd witch Upon the
heath. 3rd witch There to meet with
Macbeth. 1st witch I come, Graymalkin!10 2nd
witch Paddock calls. 3rd witch Anon! All
Fair is foul, and foul is fair Hover through
the fog and filthy air. They vanish
Literary Allusion
Act 4, Scene 1 Line 45
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