WCC Managers - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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WCC Managers


Learning and Development Equality & Diversity Finance Managing your People Other Home WCC Managers Induction Package Welcome to your interactive induction package ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: WCC Managers

WCC Managers Induction Package
Learning and Development
Equality Diversity
Managing your People
Welcome to your interactive induction package
introducing you to key information about your
role as a WCC Manager under the sections
Managing your People, Learning and Development,
HS/Wellbeing, Equality Diversity, Finance and
Other. To navigate, use the menu at the top of
each page to access the content and the menus and
links at the side for more detailed
information. The induction links to lots of other
information by launching other windows. To return
to the induction package, simply close the
additional window using the in the top
right hand corner. If you get lost, just click
on the home page button on the top menu and it
will bring you back to this page. To exit the
presentation, hit Esc on your keyboard.
Learning and Development
Equality Diversity
Managing your People
Managing your People
Performance Management
This section details some of the key areas that
you will take responsibility for as a People
Manager. It gives basic information and will
point you to where to go to find out more.
Policies and Procedures
HR Matters
Staff Engagement
Learning and Development
Equality Diversity
Managing your People
Related links
Performance Management
WCC relies on line managers to cascade all sorts
of information to your teams. If you dont get it
right, essential messages may not get through to
the people who need to hear it. Its not enough
just to deliver the information, as a
communicator it is your responsibility to make
sure that the listener understands the message.
How you communicate is as important as what you
say. Its therefore really important that if you
dont understand something, you clarify it with
your line manager before you share it with your
team. Line managers are also responsible for
relaying information from their teams back up to
Senior Management.
10 Steps to Better Communication
Policies and Procedures
HR Matters
Staff Engagement
Learning and Development
Equality Diversity
Managing your People
Channels of Communication with your Team
Related links
Performance Management
Core Brief Core Brief is produced both
corporately and within each Group. Both contain
vital information that staff need to know. Make
sure that you share them in a regular and timely
manner. Allow time for two-way dialogue so that
staff can feedback or ask questions on what they
are hearing, which you can pass on if you need
to. E-mail where you have a message with a lot
of information in it, email can be a helpful way
of capturing all that you need to communicate.
However, dont rely on email for communicating
essential messages, as you cannot guarantee what
people will take in. Informal conversation
dont underestimate the value of informal
conversation in passing on information. Supervisio
n/Appraisal these regular one-to-one sessions
with your staff provide an excellent opportunity
for communicating more individualised
messages. Team meetings it is recommended that
managers hold regular team meetings to ensure
that they communicate regularly with their
10 Steps to Effective Meetings
Policies and Procedures
Corporate Appraisal
HR Matters
Core Brief
Staff Engagement
Learning and Development
Equality Diversity
Managing your People
Channels of Communication with a Wider Audience
Related links
  • There are number of channels of communication
    which go out across each Group/the whole
    organisation. It is important to allow time for
    both yourself and your staff to keep up to date
    with these. You may also need to use some of
    these communication channels to communicate
    messages pertinent to your team.
  • Corebrief (Group-level)
  • Corporate Corebrief
  • E-mails
  • The Friday Alternative
  • The Intranet
  • Staff Representative Groups/Forums
  • Working for Warwickshire

Performance Management
Policies and Procedures
About Core Brief
Past Core Briefs
HR Matters
People Group Core Brief
Staff Engagement
Resources Group Briefing
Communities Briefing
The Friday Alternative
Working for Warwickshire
WCC Intranet Homepage
Staff Representative Groups/Forums
Learning and Development
Equality Diversity
Managing your People
Performance Management
Performance Management
  • Performance Management is an essential part of
    any line managers role. Please click on one of
    the following for further information on any of
    the below aspects of performance management -
  • Appraisals all staff should have both an
    annual appraisal and an interim six monthly
    review. Timeframes for these to be undertaken are
    between April - June (Annual Appraisal) and
    September - November (Six monthly review) .
  • Supervision (or 1 to 1s)
  • Sickness/Absence Management
  • Probation period for new starters

Policies and Procedures
HR Matters
Staff Engagement
Equality Diversity
Managing your People
Learning and Development
Policies and Procedures
Performance Management
  • You should familiarise yourself with the
    following policies and procedures which are
    available on the intranet -
  • Code of Conduct
  • Corporate Governance
  • Data Protection
  • E-mail and Internet Code of Practice
  • Flexi-time
  • Freedom of Information Guide
  • Gifts and Hospitality Register
  • Information Management
  • Modern and Flexible Working
  • Staff Register of Interests
  • Understanding and Managing Risk
  • WCC Corporate Approach to Project Management

Policies and Procedures
HR Matters
Staff Engagement
Learning and Development
Equality Diversity
Managing your People
HR Matters
Related links
Performance Management
  • The following HR Policies and Procedures are also
    available on the intranet for you to read and
    refer to as necessary -
  • Absence
  • Annual and other leave
  • Apprenticeships
  • Bullying and Harassment
  • Capability
  • Disciplinary
  • Family Friendly Guide
  • Grievance
  • Leavers forms and checklists
  • Occupational Health
  • Recruitment, Selection and Induction
  • Whistle Blowing

About the HR Service
Policies and Procedures
Terms and Conditions
HR Matters
Staff Engagement
Industrial Action Guidance
Pay Structures
Guide on giving references
Learning and Development
Equality Diversity
Managing your People
Staff Engagement
Related links
Performance Management
A member of staff can be said to be engaged
with the organisation and their role when they
get good job satisfaction and when they deliver
above and beyond expectations, willing to go the
extra mile. The Managers role is vitally
important in Staff Engagement, ensuring that
staff feel valued and involved. For more
information on how to engage your team, please
see 10 steps to help your staff shine.
Staff Survey
Policies and Procedures
GEM Awards
HR Matters
Staff Representative Groups/Forums
Staff Engagement
The WOW Awards
Suggestion and Feedback Scheme
Learning and Development
Equality Diversity
Managing your People
Related links
Performance Management
HRMS is our Human Resources Management System
which pays us all and which provides vital Human
Resources information to the County Council. A
Self-Service facility is now available for both
Staff and Managers. As a Manager this means that
you have access to information about your
employees which will make it easier to manage
those who report to you. You will also have
responsibility for entering sickness absence on
the system, and for dealing with any
notifications that are sent to your email inbox
(for example when one of your staff members
requests approval for a change, or authorisation
of a leave request.) More detailed information
on HRMS and the Manager Self Service training
course is available on the intranet . If you
need any help with HRMS you can e-mail HRMS
HRMS (link to system)
Policies and Procedures
Employee Self Service
HR Matters
Manager Self Service
Staff Engagement
Learning and Development
Equality Diversity
Managing your People
Health, Safety and Workforce Wellbeing
Related links
  • You play a significant role in ensuring the
    health, safety, and well-being of the staff you
    manage and therefore you must read and
    familiarise yourself with the WCC Health and
    Safety Policy. You should also familiarise
    yourself with the following -
  • Accident, Incident, Near Miss Reporting,
    Recording and Investigation Policy
  • COSHH Policy and Guidance
  • New and Expectant Mothers Guidance and Risk
  • Personal Safety Policy
  • Risk Assessment Policy
  • Management of Work-related Stress Policy and
  • Other support services include
  • Information on Staff Care Services (short term
    support and counselling)
  • Occupational Health
  • Your Well Being information

Performance Management
Health and Safety Contacts
Policies and Procedures
Health and Safety A-Z
HR Matters
Health, Safety and Workforce Wellbeing intranet
Staff Engagement
Learning and Development
Equality Diversity
Managing your People
Learning and Development
Identifying Staff LD Needs
All managers have a responsibility to develop
their staff to ensure that they receive the right
training and development to carry out their role
effectively. This section covers information
relating to learning and development
opportunities available to staff as well as for
you as a WCC manager.
Meeting LD Needs
Evaluating LD
Team Development
Management Development
Learning and Development
Equality Diversity
Managing your People
Related links
Identifying Staff LD Needs
As a line manager it is your responsibility to
ensure that staff are properly inducted into
their role. Staff will need to be given an
induction at three levels - Organisational There
are three corporate mandatory induction modules
for all staff - Welcome to Warwickshire,
Customer Service and Equality Diversity. There
are additional induction courses for
managers. Group Each Group has its own process
for introducing staff to that level. More
information on Group induction is available on
the intranet. Role It is important that you give
your new starter all the information that they
need to do their job well, including introducing
them to anyone that they will be working with.
Please see the induction checklist for a list of
practical information you will also need to
Probationary Periods
Meeting LD Needs
Evaluating LD
Team Development
Management Development
Learning and Development
Equality Diversity
Managing your People
Identifying Staff Learning and Development Needs
Related links
Identifying Staff LD Needs
  • Development is necessary when there is a gap
    between what staff can do and what they need to
    do for any of the following reasons -
  • Skills they need to do their current job
  • Skills that they will need for a forthcoming
    piece of work
  • Skills that they need for their own personal
  • Appraisals and Supervision are central to the
    process of identifying skills gaps. You may find
    it helpful to use the Personal Development Review
    Tool to identify areas for development.

Continuous Professional Development
Meeting LD Needs
Supporting you through Change
Evaluating LD
Development Plans
Team Development
Management Development
Learning and Development
Equality Diversity
Managing your People
Meeting Learning and Development Needs
Related links
Identifying Staff LD Needs
  • There are a number of ways to meet a Learning and
    Development Need. You should consider the
    following -
  • On the job coaching Project Roles
  • Shadowing Secondment
  • Research Training Course
  • Mentoring Action Learning Set
  • ICT Training
  • Ashridge Virtual Learning Resource Centre
  • In deciding between the above it is important to
    take into account your employees preferred
    learning style.
  • If a training course is the most appropriate
    option, there is a Corporate Course catalogue and
    course dates available. If the course you need is
    not on that menu you can contact Corporate
    Learning and Development on 01926 476605.
  • If you are exploring Learning and Development for
    staffs personal development, further information
    on Continuous Professional Development is
    available too.

Learning Styles
Meeting LD Needs
Evaluating LD
Team Development
Management Development
Learning and Development
Equality Diversity
Managing your People
Evaluating Learning and Development
Managers must be involved in the evaluation of
our training and development to ensure we are
getting value for money and considering the
return on investment. For information on the
specific responsibilities of managers, and to
access copies of the forms that you will need,
see the Corporate Evaluation Toolkit.
Identifying Staff LD Needs
Meeting LD Needs
Evaluating LD
Team Development
Management Development
Learning and Development
Equality Diversity
Managing your People
Team Development
Related Links
Identifying Staff LD Needs
  • As a manager, developing your team can make a
    real difference to
  • your teams performance
  • achieving your business plan
  • the service you provide
  • improving relationships
  • supporting a team who have been through a period
    of change
  • a new team that has been formed
  • The Corporate Learning and Development Team are
    available to help you with this and further
    information can be found on the intranet.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
Meeting LD Needs
Evaluating LD
Team Development
Management Development
Learning and Development
Equality Diversity
Managing your People
Management Development
Managing for Warwickshire is the Councils
Framework which details the knowledge, skills,
and qualities we need from our Managers. A
self-assessment form is available as part of the
framework, and is an invaluable tool for managers
to identify their own development needs. A
number of development opportunities are available
to managers, and these are detailed in the
Management Development section on the intranet
(also use the links on the right hand side of
this page). Mindtools Our online management
development tool is available for Managers see
intranet for details of how to get a licence
Related links
Identifying Staff LD Needs
Managing for Warwickshire
Meeting LD Needs
Self-Assessment Form
Evaluating LD
Team Development
Management Development
Management Development At a Glance
Learning and Development
Equality Diversity
Managing your People
Equality and Diversity
Key responsibilities
ED Legislation and Policies
Warwickshire County Council commits itself to the
general principles of fairness and
equality. There are statutory duties that as a
manager you need to be aware of , in order that
we can remain compliant with legislation and
continue to be an employer of choice. We seek to
apply these principles by challenging and
eliminating discrimination where it exists by
ensuring high levels of public satisfaction with
our services through our one front door
policy by creating a diverse workforce within
which all staff are equally valued and through
knowing and engaging with our communities. Your
responsibilities as a manager are to ensure
these principles are delivered by embedding
Equality Diversity within your work practices
to ensure that we meet our moral and legal
duties, and in creating a positive environment to
work within.
Equality Impact Assessments
Consultation and Engagement
Staff Networks
Learning and Development
Equality Diversity
Managing your People
Key Responsibilities
Key responsibilities
Related links
  • Your key responsibilities include
  • taking the lead in creating a positive,
    inclusive ethos that challenges inappropriate
    behaviour by managers, staff, service users and
  • assessing and monitoring the impact of new
    policies and practices to ensure they do not
    affect the protected groups under the equalities
  • integrating equalities into business planning
    and objectives, through due regard to the 3 main
    aims of the general equality duty.
  • Information, guidance and training can be sought
    at any time from the Corporate Equalities and
    Diversity team on 01926 412659 or contact

ED Legislation and Policies
Equality and Diversity Internet Page
Equality Impact Assessments
Consultation and Engagement
Staff Networks
Learning and Development
Equality Diversity
Managing your People
Equality and Diversity Legislation and Policies
Key responsibilities
  • You will need to familiarise yourself with the
    below policies and information on legislation to
    ensure that you fulfil all your obligations as a
    WCC manager with regard to Equality and
    Diversity -
  • The Equality and Diversity Policy Statement
  • Equality Legislation
  • Please note that this has undertaken a major
    review over the past year, replacing the 6
    diversity strands with 9 protected
  • Public Sector Equality Duty
  • We have legal duties to comply with, including
    publishing equalities data and setting equalities
  • WCC Equality Framework
  • WCC has been assessed as an 'Achieving' authority
    under the Equality Framework for Local Government

ED Legislation and Policies
Equality Impact Assessments
Consultation and Engagement
Staff Networks
Learning and Development
Equality Diversity
Managing your People
Equality Impact Assessments (EqIA)
Key responsibilities
An EqIA is a tool for identifying the potential
impacts/analysing the effects of Warwickshire
County Councils strategies, policies, functions
and services in relation to equality. This tool
is designed to support you in developing and
reviewing new and existing policies, processes
and strategies. It is expected that you will
carry out an EqIA when you are going through the
various development stages of your policies or
service review and when you are making difficult
decisions regarding your service provision that
involves our customers and communities. Guidance
and a toolkit for the EqIA is available on the
intranet and full training and support is
available from the Corporate Equalities and
Diversity Team.
ED Legislation and Policies
Equality Impact Assessments
Consultation and Engagement
Staff Networks
Learning and Development
Equality Diversity
Managing your People
Consultation and Engagement
Key responsibilities
As a manager of services you are likely to be
involved in consulting and engaging with our
customers. When carrying out engagement
activities, it is important that we integrate
equality monitoring so that we can ensure that we
are gaining views from a diverse range of people.
See Equality Guidance for Public Consultation and
Engagement Activity for more information. The
Warwickshire Observatory is the home for
information about Warwickshire and its people. It
can provide you with demographic data down to
ward level, and has produced a range of data
relating to equalities profiles which is very
useful when you are designing and reviewing your
service provision.
ED Legislation and Policies
Equality Impact Assessments
Consultation and Engagement
Staff Networks
Learning and Development
Equality Diversity
Managing your People
Other r
Staff Networks
Key responsibilities
These networks are endorsed and supported by the
council and any employees wishing to attend these
networks in work time are entitled to do so, if
work schedules and commitments allow. WCC has the
following staff networks - Disability staff
network If you have a disability, work disabled
people, have a professional interest or personal
interest or awareness please come along to our
Disability staff network. Ethnic minority staff
network For all employees of Warwickshire County
Council and its partner agencies who consider
themselves to be from an ethnic minority
community. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans staff
network For all staff members who identify as
lesbian, gay, bisexual or trans (LGBT). Religion
and Belief staff network The network welcomes
those who are Warwickshire County Council staff,
and partner agencies, who would like to share
their religion or belief with others.
ED Legislation and Policies
Equality Impact Assessments
Consultation and Engagement
Staff Networks
Learning and Development
Equality Diversity
Managing your People
Other r
Key responsibilities
ED Legislation and Policies
Warwickshire County Council is a Stonewall
Diversity Champion and participates in the
Stonewall Workplace Equality Index which is an
annual benchmarking exercise that ranks the Top
100 Employers in Britain for lesbian, gay and
bisexual people. In 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013,
WCC has been ranked in the Top 100 list and has
the aspiration of continuing to remain in the Top
100 and aiming higher year on year.
Equality Impact Assessments
Consultation and Engagement
Staff Networks
Learning and Development
Equality Diversity
Managing your People
Other r
How to Buy
Managing Finance is an essential part of most
managers job. In this section you will find
information on different elements of your
responsibilities in this area.
Capital Expenditure
Budget Holder Responsibilities
Travel Expenses
Learning and Development
Equality Diversity
Managing your People
How to Buy
As an organisation which spends public money,
there are a plethora of laws, rules and
obligations on both the Council as an
organisation and on officers as individuals and
if we get it wrong, the financial and operational
penalties can be significant. The Procurement
Intranet site provides all of the advice,
guidance and support you will need to get
procurement right first time every time.
Capital Expenditure
Budget Holder Responsibilities
Travel Expenses
Learning and Development
Equality Diversity
Managing your People
Other r
How to Buy
Related links
How to Buy
The Council has a number of centrally organised
contracts which save us money. They are mandatory
and must be used when purchasing goods or
services. Our Contracts Standing Orders (CSOs)
processes require you to use central contracts,
ESPO or central government contract where they
exist, before using alternative suppliers. The
Central Contracts section lists our existing
contracts and suppliers etc. If your purchasing
involves Capital Expenditure, a different set of
rules apply. It is the budget holders
responsibility to ensure they are met. The How
to Buy section of the intranet contains more
Central Contracts
Capital Expenditure
ESPO Online Ordering
Budget Holder Responsibilities
Travel Expenses
Learning and Development
Equality Diversity
Managing your People
Capital Expenditure
How to Buy
Capital expenditure is any expenditure which
enhances, creates or acquires an asset. An asset
will last for more than one financial year and
will generally be one of the following - land
buildings infrastructure (including roads,
bridges, signage and public transport) vehicles
machinery and equipment or software. The asset
does not have to belong to WCC to be classed as
capital expenditure. It is important to get
Capital Expenditure right in order to meet legal
requirements, achieve best value for money
through correct funding and advise members
correctly in matters of major financial and legal
implications. Budget holders must ensure that
they have sufficient Member and chief officer
approval to incur capital expenditure, prior to
the expenditure being incurred. The How To
section on Capital Expenditure contains a wealth
of information for those requiring it. If in
doubt, please contact a member of Budget and
Technical, or your Service's finance team.
Capital Expenditure
Budget Holder Responsibilities
Travel Expenses
Learning and Development
Equality Diversity
Managing your People
Budget Holder Responsibilities
How to Buy
  • Budget holders must comply with the Constitution,
    Financial Standing Orders and Contract Standing
    Orders and-
  • Ensure the best use of resources and value for
  • Ensure that information used to make financial
    decisions takes account of relevant service and
    corporate considerations, in accordance with best
    professional practices and advice
  • Comply with procedures for planning and
    implementing the budget,
  • Comply with guidance concerning capital
    expenditure issued by the Head of Finance and
    their Head of Service
  • Make sure that their income and expenditure is
    accurately entered on the general ledger
  • Monitor, forecast and control their expenditure
    to ensure it does not exceed the budget.
  • Identify and monitor the assets and stock for
    which they are responsible and ensure they are
    appropriately insured
  • Take necessary steps to identify, report and
    deter fraud, corruption and money laundering

Capital Expenditure
Budget Holder Responsibilities
Travel Expenses
Learning and Development
Equality Diversity
Managing your People
Travel Expenses
Related links
How to Buy
All employees are entitled to reimbursement or
reasonable expenses incurred in making business
journeys in accordance with the County Councils
Travel Code of Conduct. As a manager it will be
your responsibility to authorise appropriate
expenses for your staff. Further information,
including expense claim forms, is available on
the intranet pages on the Reimbursement of
Intranet Pages on Travel
Capital Expenditure
Staff Car Parking Arrangements
Budget Holder Responsibilities
Buying Rail Tickets for Business Travel
Travel Expenses
Cycle Scheme
Learning and Development
Equality Diversity
Managing your People
Other r
How to Buy
Agresso Business World (ABW) is the name of the
new integrated financial system for WCC. As a
Manager, depending on your role, you may need to
attend training in how to use the system. More
information can be found on the Agresso Financial
Systems Training pages.
Capital Expenditure
Budget Holder Responsibilities
Travel Expenses
Learning and Development
Equality Diversity
Managing your People
Our Council
Your Group
This section signposts you to further information
available on a range of topics not covered
elsewhere in the presentation.
Staff Consultation
Complaints Procedure
Investors in People
Approach to Business Planning
Planning at service team level
Delivery Roles and Responsibilities
Corporate Governance
Managing Information
Learning and Development
Equality Diversity
Managing your People
Our Council
Our Council
Related links
As a Manager it is important that you have an
understanding of Our Council, including our 7
Ambitions, and our Vision and Values. These are
what we stand for and what we are trying to
achieve as an organisation. Our Corporate Plan
for 2011-13 and information on Councillors and
Committees is also available. Transformation is
the name of our current agenda to deliver more
efficient and effective services whilst
addressing our financial pressures. One of the
key areas of focus in our Transformation
programme is our project to become a Strategic
Commissioning authority. More information is
available to help you understand what this means
for us.
Your Group
Our Council Intranet Page
Staff Consultation
Environmental Sustainability
Complaints Procedure
Jargon Buster
Investors in People
Approach to Business Planning
Planning at service team level
Delivery Roles and Responsibilities
Corporate Governance
Managing Information
Learning and Development
Equality Diversity
Managing your People
Our Council
Your Group
Related links
Your Group
Staff Consultation
People Group Induction
  • The Council is made up of four Groups
  • The four Groups are -
  • People Group Strategic Director - Wendy Fabbro
  • Resources Group Strategic Director - David
  • Communities Group Strategic Director - Monica
  • Fire and Rescue Service - led by Chief Fire
    Officer - Graeme Smith.
  • Some of the Groups have their own induction
    package providing specific information about the
    group and you should familiarise yourself with
    this if applicable.

Complaints Procedure
Investors in People
Approach to Business Planning
Planning at service team level
Delivery Roles and Responsibilities
Corporate Governance
Managing Information
Learning and Development
Equality Diversity
Managing your People
Staff Consultation
Our Council
Related links
Your Group
  • The County Council is committed to consulting its
    staff on all kinds of matters.
  • A number of different groups exist for this
    purpose. More information is available by
    clicking on the links below -
  • Staff Representative Groups/ Forums
  • Staff Survey
  • Staff Feedback and Suggestion Scheme
  • Trade Unions

Advice on Consultation
Staff Consultation
Complaints Procedure
Investors in People
Approach to Business Planning
Planning at service team level
Delivery Roles and Responsibilities
Corporate Governance
Managing Information
Managing for Warwickshire setting out the
skills, values and qualities of a Warwickshire
Learning and Development
Equality Diversity
Managing your People
Complaints Procedure
Our Council
Related links
Your Group
We like to know when we are getting it right and
we can learn how to improve things if customers
tell us when we are getting it wrong. WCC has a
Compliments, Comments and Complaints Policy and a
Compliments, Comments and Complaints Procedures
for Staff which you should read and make your
staff aware of. If you have any queries about
corporate complaints please contact Karen Smith,
Customer Relations Manager, or the Customer
Relations Team on 01926 414102.
Corporate Complaints Procedure Documents
Staff Consultation
Complaints Procedure
Investors in People
Approach to Business Planning
Planning at service team level
Delivery Roles Responsibilities
Corporate Governance
Managing Information
Learning and Development
Equality Diversity
Managing your People
Investors in People
Our Council
Related links
Investors in People (IiP) is a flexible,
tailored and easy-to-use people management
standard which aims to help businesses to achieve
their objectives by improving their People
Management Strategies and Processes. Investors
in People focuses on how an organisation values
its staff and recognises the contribution they
make to its effectiveness. It is also a quality
standard which sets out principles of good
practice, so if we can show we follow these
principles and put our people at the heart of our
success we are on the right path to be classed an
Investor in People. WCC has held
organisation-wide Investors In People
accreditation since 2008. The most recent review
was in December 2011, when, despite the massive
amount of change in the organisation, we were
successful in retaining our IiP status.
Your Group
Investors in People Website
Staff Consultation
Complaints Procedure
Investors in People
Approach to Business Planning
Planning at service team level
Delivery Roles Responsibilities
Corporate Governance
Managing Information
Learning and Development
Equality Diversity
Managing your People
WCCs Approach to Business Planning
Our Council
Your Group
  • Our key strategic business and financial planning
    documents provide a focus to the delivery of our
    Vision, Aims and Ambitions for the citizens of
    Warwickshire and demonstrates the contribution
    everyone makes to this vision.
  • The benefits of having a robust business plan -
  • To guide the day to day services of the Business
  • To be a key tool in demonstrating to the
    Organisation, Partners, Regulators and staff that
    we are well prepared to meet the challenges
  • To be a key tool to measuring our achievements,
    learning from our successes and remedying our
  • To support and strengthen individual appraisals
    providing clarity of direction at all levels.
  • Please make sure that you are familiar with the
    information available on the intranet about our
    Corporate Business Plan and on Business Unit

Staff Consultation
Complaints Procedure
Investors in People
Approach to Business Planning
Planning at service team level
Delivery Roles Responsibilities
Corporate Governance
Managing Information
Learning and Development
Equality Diversity
Managing your People
Planning at Service and Team Level
Our Council
Your Group
  • Whilst there is no prescriptive method of service
    and team level planning, Managers have a
    responsibility to recognise the importance of
    consistent business planning at all levels of the
    Organisation. This will ensure that key messages
    articulated within the business unit plan are
    cascaded down to all levels and l inform setting
    individual targets in the appraisal process and
    supervision sessions (1-2-1) throughout the year.
  • It is recommended therefore, that Service and
    Team Managers, follow the planning framework
  • Introduction
  • Role of the Team
  • Key Actions / Outcomes / Measures (aligned to the
    Business Unit Plan and Corporate Business Plan)
  • Finance
  • Marketing (if appropriate)
  • Workforce Learning Development plan
  • Risk Register
  • Report Card

Staff Consultation
Complaints Procedure
Investors in People
Approach to Business Planning
Planning at service team level
Delivery Roles Responsibilities
Corporate Governance
Managing Information
Learning and Development
Equality Diversity
Managing your People
Delivery Roles and Responsibilities
Our Council
Your Group
  • Managers are responsible for the delivery of the
    activity in their Plans. Plans are live
    documents, updated in-year to take account of
    delivery on the ground, feedback from residents,
    staff and regulators, and any unforeseen
    circumstances that arise. Therefore-
  • Managers are responsible for the overall
    operational performance of their service, and the
    contribution their service makes to achieving the
    corporate aims and ambitions.
  • Managers are responsible for making sure that
    proper systems and processes are in place to
    support desired outcomes,
  • Managers are responsible for making sure that
    appropriate action is taken, that risks are
    managed and that they help people to achieve
    better performance.

Staff Consultation
Complaints Procedure
Investors in People
Approach to Business Planning
Planning at service team level
Delivery Roles Responsibilities
Corporate Governance
Managing Information
Learning and Development
Equality Diversity
Managing your People
Corporate Governance
Our Council
Your Group
Corporate Governance is about delivering our
promises, engaging with our communities and
maintaining high standards of conduct. It sets
the framework for the way in which we work
corporately to achieve our priorities and it is
essential for the delivery of high quality
services. It is all about Doing the right
thing. A Brief Guide to Corporate Governance
is available on the intranet as well as
information on the six core principles which
underpin the Corporate Governance code, clearly
laid out in the Corporate Governance Framework.
(Vision and Outcomes Common Purpose Standards
of Conduct Decision Making Capacity and
Capability and Community Engagement.) As a
Manager, you are required to attend the mandatory
Corporate Governance (Do the right thing)
training course.
Staff Consultation
Complaints Procedure
Investors in People
Approach to Business Planning
Planning at service team level
Delivery Roles and Responsibilities
Corporate Governance
Managing Information
Learning and Development
Equality Diversity
Managing your People
Managing Information
Our Council
Your Group
Guidance on different aspects of Managing
Information is available on the intranet. You
should particularly take note of the County
Councils Data Protection Policy and of your
obligations to respond to requests for
information under the Freedom of Information Act
Staff Consultation
Complaints Procedure
Investors in People
Approach to Business Planning
Planning at service team level
Delivery Roles and Responsibilities
Corporate Governance
Managing Information
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