Chapter 10 - Somatic and Special Senses - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 10 - Somatic and Special Senses


Chapter 10 - Somatic and Special Senses Receptors and Sensations Changes within or outside the body are picked up by sensory receptors, which trigger nerve impulses. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter 10 - Somatic and Special Senses

Chapter 10 - Somatic and Special
Senses Receptors and Sensations Changes within
or outside the body are picked up by sensory
receptors, which trigger nerve impulses. These
nerve impulses travel to the brain for
interpretation so that the person can experience
a certain feeling or sensation. Each type of
receptor is sensitive to a specific type of
change. There are five types 1. Chemoreceptors
- stimulated by changes in chemical
concentrations 2. Pain receptors - stimulated by
tissue damage 3. Thermoreceptors - stimulated by
changes is temperature 4. Mechanoreceptors -
stimulated by changes in pressure or
movement 5. Photoreceptors - stimulated by light
  • A sensation is a feeling that occurs when the
    brain interprets sensory impulses.
  • All impulses that travel away from sensory
    receptors to the brain are alike, so the
    resulting sensation depends on the area of the
    brain that receives the impulse.
  • At the time that a sensation forms, the cerebral
    cortex causes the feelings to seem to come from a
    certain body part (projection).
  • This is why ears seem to hear and eyes seem to
  • If a sensory receptor is continuously stimulated,
    it will usually undergo an adjustment called
    sensory adaptation.
  • Impulses leaving the receptors at decreasing
    rates and may eventually stop sending signals
  • once adaptation has occurred, impulses can only
    be triggered by a change in signal strength
  • if a person enters a room with a very strong
    odor, the original intense smell gradually
    becomes less and less noticeable

  • Somatic Senses
  • Somatic senses are associated with receptors in
    the skin, muscles, joints, and viscera. This
    group includes touch, pressure, temperature, and
  • The senses of touch and pressure come from three
    types of receptors that sense mechanical forces
    that deform or displace tissues.
  • 1. Sensory nerve fibers - common in epithelial
    tissues and associated with
  • touch and pressure
  • 2. Meissners corpuscles - small, oval masses of
    flattened connective tissue
  • that has two or more sensory nerve fibers
    that branch into it and end
  • within it as tiny knobs
  • abundant in the hairless portions of the skin
    and respond to the motion of objects that barely
    contact the skin and interpret it as a sensation
    of light touch
  • 3. Pacinian corpuscles - relatively large
    structures composed of connective
  • tissue
  • common in the deep subcutaneous tissues, muscle
    tendons, and joint ligaments respond to heavy
    and deep pressure

  • Temperature sensation depends on two types of
    free nerve endings in the skin
  • 1. Heat receptors that respond to warmer
  • most responsive at temperatures above 25C
  • unresponsive at temperatures above 45C (113F),
    which can stimulate pain receptors that produce a
    burning sensation
  • 2. Cold receptors that respond to colder
  • most sensitive to temperatures between 10C
    (50F) and 20C (68F)
  • temperatures below 10C stimulate pain
    receptors, producing a freezing sensation
  • Both heat and cold receptors rapidly adapt.
    Usually within a minute of continuous
    stimulation, the sensation of heat or cold begins
    to fade.

  • Other receptors consist of free nerve endings and
    can sense pain. These are widely distributed
    throughout the skin and internal tissues with the
    exception of nervous tissue in the brain.
    (Therefore, the brain feels no pain.)
  • Pain receptors are stimulated by tissue damage -
    the sensation is most often unpleasant and
    signals the person to take action to remove the
  • Pain receptors adapt poorly, if at all once a
    pain receptor is activated, it may send impulses
    to the CNS for some time (pain may persist).
  • Pain sensations may be triggered by the build up
    of certain chemicals.
  • Pain receptors are the only receptors in viscera
    that produce sensations.
  • Widespread stimulation of visceral tissues may
    produce strong pain sensations.
  • Visceral pain may sometimes seem as if it is
    coming from a part of the body other than the
    part being stimulated this is called referred
  • For example, pain originating in the heart may
    be referred to the left shoulder or left upper
    limb (heart attack).

  • There are two types of fibers that move impulses
    away from pain receptors
  • 1. Acute pain fibers - thin, myelinated nerve
  • very fast relay
  • associated with sharp pain typically from the
  • rarely continues after the pain stimulus stops
  • 2. Chronic pain fibers - thin, unmyelinated nerve
  • much slower relay
  • produce dull, aching pains that may be hard to
    pinpoint to a specific location
  • may continue for some time after the pain
    stimulus is removed
  • Both types of pain fibers are usually activated
    when an event stimulates pain receptors causing a
    dual sensation - a sharp, prickling sensation
    followed by a dull, aching one. The aching pain
    is usually more intense and may worsen over time.
  • Awareness of pain occurs when the impulses reach
    the thalamus however, the intensity of the pain
    and its source is not determined until the
    impulses reach the cerebral cortex.

  • Special Senses
  • Smell, Taste, Sight, Hearing, Equilibrium
  • __________________________________________________
  • SMELL - associated with the complex sensory
    structures in the upper region of the nasal
  • Olfactory(smell) receptors are chemoreceptors
    that are stimulated by chemicals dissolved in
  • The olfactory organs are yellowish brown masses
    that cover the upper parts of the nasal cavity,
    the superior nasal conchae, and a portion of the
    nasal septum.
  • Olfactory Receptors
  • bipolar neurons surrounded by epithelial cells
  • cilia cover knobs at the ends of these neurons
    dendrites which project into the nasal cavity and
    act as the sensitive parts of the receptor
  • detect chemicals that have partially dissolved
    into the watery fluids of the nasal cavity

  • Olfactory Nerve Pathways
  • receptor cells send nerve impulses along their
  • these fibers connect with neurons located within
    olfactory bulbs
  • here, impulses are analyzed and send more
    impulses along the olfactory tracts to the limbic
  • the area for interpretation (olfactory cortex)
    is located in the temporal lobes and at the base
    of the frontal lobes
  • How Do We Smell?
  • shapes of molecules fit into complementary areas
    on the membrane receptor sites of olfactory
    receptor cells
  • when the molecules bind to its particular site,
    an impulse is sent
  • since olfactory organs are located above the
    usual pathway of inhaled air, a person might have
    to sniff or force air up to the receptor areas
    in order to smell a faint odor
  • olfactory receptors undergo sensory adaptation
    very quickly, but just because they have adapted
    to one scent does not mean that they wont detect

  • The loss of smell is called anosmia.
  • Causes
  • inflammation of the nasal cavity lining from a
    respiratory infection
  • tobacco smoking
  • use of certain drugs, such as cocaine
  • Smell and taste function closely together and aid
    in food selection because we usually smell food
    at the same time we taste it.
  • --------------------------------------------------
  • Taste buds are the primary organs TASTE
  • occur mostly on the surface of the tongue, while
    a few are scattered in the roof of the mouth and
    the walls of the throat
  • each taste bud contains a group of gustatory
    (taste) cells which function as taste receptors
  • each taste bud contains a small opening called a
    taste pore, which has small projections called
    taste hairs
  • taste hairs are believed to be the sensitive
    parts of the receptor cells

  • In order for a taste sensation to occur
  • molecules must dissolve in the saliva that
    surrounds the taste buds
  • molecules contact receptor surfaces on the taste
    hair and triggers an impulse
  • the impulse is sent to the brain for
  • Taste Sensations
  • 1. Sweet
  • 2. Sour
  • 3. Salty
  • 4. Bitter
  • Each of the four primary taste sensations is
    concentrated in a certain region of the tongue.
  • A flavor results from the stimulation of one of
    the primary sensations or a combination of two or
    more of them.

Some scientists now also recognize two other
taste sensations ALKALINE and METALLIC
Experiencing flavors involves 1. Taste -
concentrations of stimulating chemicals 2.
Sensations of odor 3. Texture (touch) 4.
Temperature 5. In some foods, such as chili
peppers and ginger, pain receptors may also
be stimulated Taste receptors can also undergo
sensory adaptation. However, by moving bits of
food over the surface of the tongue to stimulate
different receptors at different times, the taste
sensation remains. Taste Nerve Pathways 1.
Impulses from taste receptors travel along the
facial, glossopharyngeal, and vagus nerves
to the medulla oblongata. 2. From there, impulses
travel to the thalamus and on to the gustatory
cortex which is located in the parietal lobe of
the cerebrum.
The Basics of Hearing 1. Sound waves enter the
external auditory meatus. 2. The pressure from
the external waves causes the eardrum to
reproduce similar vibrations. 3. The vibrations
are amplified by the auditory ossicles (malleus,
incus, and stapes) as they pass. 4. The stapes
moves against the oval window to transmit the
sound vibrations to the perilymph in the scala
vestibuli. 5. The vibrations continue on through
the vestibular membrane and into the endolymph of
the cochlear duct. 6. Differences in the
frequencies stimulate different sets of hearing
receptor cells. 7. Once the receptor cells are
stimulated, its membrane becomes permeable to Ca
  • 8. As Ca ions move into the cells, a
    neurotransmitter is released to stimulate nearby
    sensory neurons.
  • 9. Impulses travel down the vestibulocochlear
    nerve to the auditory cortex located in the
    temporal lobe to be interpreted.
  • Decibel (dB) - unit used to measure sound
  • whisper - 40 dB
  • normal conversation - 60-70 dB
  • heavy traffic - 80 dB
  • rock concert - 120 dB produces discomfort
  • plane take-off - 140 dB produces pain
  • Frequent exposures to more than 90 dB can cause
    permanent hearing damage.

  • Equilibrium
  • 1. Static equilibrium - senses the position of
    the head and maintains posture
  • and stability when the head and body are
  • 2. Dynamic equilibrium - detects sudden motion of
    the head and body and
  • aids in maintaining balance
  • Static Equilibrium
  • within the vestibule are two chambers called the
    utricle and saccule
  • each of these chambers has a tiny structure
    called a macula, which contains
    many hair cells that serve as
    sensory receptors
  • when the head is upright, the hairs project into
    a gel-like material that contains structures
    called otoliths
  • when the head changes position, the hair cells
    become stimulated by the shifting of the gel-like
    material and otoliths
  • impulses sent along the vestibulocochlear nerve
    inform the brain of the heads new position
  • the brain sends impulses to skeletal muscles to
    contract or relax in order to maintain balance

  • Dynamic Equilibrium
  • three semicircular canals detect motion of the
    head and aid in balancing the head and body
    during sudden movement
  • the canals end in a swelling called an ampulla,
    which contains the organs of the semicircular
    canals called the crista ampullaris
  • these organs contain hair cells similar to the
  • the hair cells extend into a gel-like structure
    called the cupula
  • rapid movement of the head or body stimulates
    the hair cells
  • the semicircular canals move with the head, but
    the fluid within the canals remains stationary
  • this bends the cupula and causes the hair cells
    to become stimulated
  • hair cells signal their associated nerve fibers
    and impulses travel to the brain, in particular
    the cerebellum

  • Other structures that aid in maintaining
  • mechanoreceptors in the joints of the neck
  • eyes detect changes in posture
  • Motion sickness is a result of abnormal movements
    that disturb the organs of equilibrium. Symptoms
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • dizziness
  • headache

  • 1. Cornea - window of the eye
  • helps focus entering light rays
  • transparent because it contains few
  • cells and no blood vessels
  • 2. Sclera - white portion of the eye
  • protects the eye
  • attachment site for extrinsic muscles
  • 3. Optic nerve - extends off the back of the eye
  • responsible for transmitting visual information
    to the brain
  • 4. Lens - structure capable of changing shape in
    order to focus by the
  • process of accomodation
  • held in place by suspensory ligaments
  • when the s.l. are pulled tight, the lens has a
    thin shape and can focus on distant objects
  • when the s.l. are relaxed, the lens has a
    thicker shape and can focus on closer objects
  • located directly behind the iris and pupil

  • 5. Iris - composed mostly of connective tissue
    and smooth muscle fibers
  • color part of the eye (blue, green, brown, gray,
  • located between the cornea and lens, and divides
    the anterior cavity into the anterior and
    posterior chambers
  • 6. Pupil - circular opening in the center of the
  • 7. Aqueous humor - watery fluid that fills the
    posterior and anterior
  • chambers
  • 8. Vitreous humor - jellylike fluid that fills
    the posterior cavity
  • 9. Retina - contains the visual receptors
  • a point called the fovea centralis is the area
    on the retina that produces the sharpest vision
  • an area called the optic disk contains no
    receptor cells and therefore cannot detect visual
    information this is called your blind spot

  • 1. Cataracts - the lens or its capsule slowly
    becomes cloudy and opaque
  • can cause blindness without treatment
  • were once treated surgically and required a
    two-week recovery period
  • now treated on an outpatient basis with laser

  • 2. Glaucoma - the rate of production of aqueous
    humor is greater than the
  • rate of its removal
  • as fluid accumulates, the pressure rises and can
    shut down the blood supply to the receptor cells
  • if the receptor cells die, permanent blindness
    will result
  • if diagnosed early, it can be treated with
    drugs, laser therapy, or surgery
  • 3. Floaters - sometimes as a person ages, clumps
    of gel or crystal-like
  • substances form in the vitreous humor
  • they cast shadows on the retina
  • cause the person to see small, moving flecks in
    the field of vision
  • most apparent when looking at a plain
    background, such as the sky or wall
  • 4. Retinoblastoma - inherited, highly malignant
    tumor in the retina
  • may result in the loss of one or both eyes

  • Light Refraction
  • A person sees an object because it is either
    giving off light waves or light waves are
    reflecting from it.
  • The light waves enter the eye and are focused on
    the retina. Focusing bends the light waves in a
    process called refraction.
  • Refraction occurs when light waves pass from one
    medium to another.
  • The shape of the lens causes the waves to
    converge on the retina.
  • If the eye is normal, the waves will focus
    sharply on the retina.
  • However, the image that forms on the retina will
    be upside down and reversed from left to right.
  • The visual cortex of the brain then interprets
    the image in its proper position.

Common Vision Problems
  • Visual Receptors
  • Visual receptor cells are modified neurons that
    fall into two categories
  • 1. Rods - extremely sensitive to light and can
    provide vision in very dim
  • light
  • do not detect color
  • provide general outlines of objects
  • 2. Cones - not as sensitive to light
  • provides color vision
  • produces sharper vision
  • fovea centralis contains only tightly packed
    cones (no rods)
  • Visual Pigments
  • 1. Rods contain the pigment rhodopsin, or visual
  • In the presence of light, rhodopsin breaks down
    into a colorless pigment called opsin and a
    yellowish substance called retinal.
  • In bright light, almost all rhodopsin in the
    rods decomposes and reduces rod sensitivity.
  • In dim light, opsin and retinal regenerate
    rhodopsin faster than it is broken down.

  • 2. There are three different types of cone cells,
    with each containing a
  • different light-sensitive pigment. Each
    pigment detects a certain color
  • wavelength. The color a person perceives
    depends on which cone or
  • combination of cones is stimulated.
  • Erythrolabe - sensitive to red light waves
  • chlorolabe - sensitive to green light waves
  • cyanolabe - sensitive to blue light waves
  • If all three sets of cones are stimulated, the
    person senses the light as white.
  • If none of the sets of cones are stimulated, the
    person senses black.
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