Title: Chapter 14: The Brain and Cranial Nerves
1Chapter 14 The Brain and Cranial Nerves
26 Regions of the Brain
- Cerebrum
- Cerebellum
- Diencephalon
- Mesencephalon
- Pons
- Medulla oblongata
- Largest part of brain
- Controls higher mental functions
- Divided into left and right cerebral hemispheres
- Surface layer of gray matter (neural cortex)
- Also called cerebral cortex
- Folded surface increases surface area
- Elevated ridges (gyri)
- Shallow depressions (sulci)
- Deep grooves (fissures)
- Second largest part of brain
- Coordinates repetitive body movements
- 2 hemispheres
- Covered with cerebellar cortex
- Located under cerebrum and cerebellum
- Links cerebrum with brain stem
- 3 divisions
- Thalamus - relays and processes sensory
information - Hypothalamus - hormone production, emotion,
autonomic function - Epithalamus (Pineal gland)
6Pituitary Gland
- Major endocrine gland
- Connected to hypothalamus
- Via infundibulum (stalk)
- Interfaces nervous and endocrine systems
7The Brain Stem
- Processes information between
- spinal cord and cerebrum or cerebellum
- Includes
- Mesencephalon (midbrain)
- Processes sight, sound, and associated reflexes,
maintains consciousness - Pons
- Connects cerebellum to brain stem is involved
in somatic and visceral motor control - Medulla oblongata
- Regulates autonomic functions HR, BP, and
8Primary Brain Vesicles
- The anterior end of the neural tube expands and
constricts to form the three primary brain
vesicles - Prosencephalon the forebrain
- Mesencephalon the midbrain
- Rhombencephalon hindbrain
9Secondary Brain Vesicles
- In week 6 of embryonic development, secondary
brain vesicles form - Telencephalon and diencephalon arise from the
forebrain - Mesencephalon remains undivided
- Metencephalon and myelencephalon arise from the
10Adult Brain Structures
- Fates of the secondary brain vesicles
- Telencephalon cerebrum cortex, white matter,
and basal nuclei - Diencephalon thalamus, hypothalamus, and
epithalamus - Mesencephalon brain stem midbrain
- Metencephalon brain stem pons
- Myelencephalon brain stem medulla oblongata
- Lateral ventricles
- Deep w/in cerebrum
- Third ventricle
- Connected by interventricular foramen (Monro)
- Fourth ventricle
- Connected by cerebral aqueduct (Sylvius)
- Connects to subarachnoid space to return to
12Brain Protection and Support
- Physical protection
- bones of the cranium
- cranial meninges
- cerebrospinal fluid
- Biochemical isolation
- bloodbrain barrier
13The Cranial Meninges
- Has 3 layers
- dura mater
- arachnoid mater
- pia mater
- Is continuous with spinal meninges
- Protects the brain from cranial trauma
14Characteristics of Cranial Meninges
- Dura mater
- inner fibrous layer (meningeal layer)
- outer fibrous layer (endosteal layer) fused to
periosteum - venous sinuses between 2 layers
- Arachnoid mater
- contacts epithelial layer of dura mater
- Subarachnoid space b/t arachnoid and pia mater
- Pia mater
- attached to brain surface by astrocytes
15Dural Folds
- Folded inner layer of dura mater
- Extend into cranial cavity to stabilize and
support brain - Contain collecting veins (dural sinuses)
- Falx cerebri, tentorium cerebelli, and falx
16Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF)
- Surrounds all exposed surfaces of CNS
- Interchanges with interstitial fluid of brain
- Functions of CSF
- Cushions delicate neural structures
- Supports brain
- Transports nutrients, chemical messengers, and
waste products
17Forming CSF
- Choroid plexus
- Specialized ependymal cells and capillaries
- secrete CSF into ventricles
- remove waste products from CSF
- adjust composition of CSF
- Produces about 500 ml of CSF/day
- Room for 150 ml
18Circulating CSF
- CSF produced from choroid plexus (in all
ventricles) - Lateral Ventricle (thru interventricular foramen
of Monro) - Third Ventricle (thru cerebral aquaduct of
Sylvius) - Fourth Ventricle (thru median lateral
apertures) - To central canal of spinal cord subarachnoid
space around the brain, spinal cord, and cauda
equina - Thru arachnoid villi/granulations (into dural
venous sinuses) - DVSs merge into Internal Jugular Vein
19Blood Supply to the Brain
- Supplies nutrients and oxygen to brain
- Delivered by internal carotid arteries and
vertebral arteries - Removed from dural sinuses by internal jugular
20Cerebrovascular Disease
- Disorders interfere with blood circulation to
brain - Stroke or cerebrovascular accident (CVA)
- shuts off blood to portion of brain
- neurons die
- Transient ischemic attack (TIA)
- temporary reduction in blood flow
21BloodBrain Barrier (BBB)
- Isolates CNS neural tissue from general
circulation - Formed by network of tight junctions between
endothelial cells of CNS capillaries - Lipidsoluble compounds (O2, CO2), steroids, and
prostaglandins diffuse into interstitial fluid of
brain and spinal cord - Astrocytes control bloodbrain barrier by
releasing chemicals that control permeability of
224 Breaks in the BBB
- Portions of hypothalamus
- secrete hypothalamic hormones
- Posterior lobe of pituitary gland
- secrete hormones ADH and oxytocin
- Pineal glands
- pineal secretions
- Choroid plexus
- where special ependymal cells maintain bloodCSF
23The Medulla Oblongata
- Allows brain and spinal cord to communicate
- Coordinates complex autonomic reflexes
- Controls visceral functions
24Medulla Oblongata
- Vital reflex centers (life sustaining decisions)
- Cardiac center rate/force of contractions
- Vasomotor center smooth mm in b.v.s (BP
control) - Respiratory center rate/depth of breathing (up
into pons) - Non-vital reflex centers
- Vomiting, hiccough, swallowing, coughing,
sneezing - CN VIII through XII nuclei
- Vestibular nuclei complex subconsciously
maintain balance (equilibrium) - Solitary nucleus - receives visceral sensory
information - Olivary nuclei (olives)lateral to pyramids
- Receive sensory info from proprioceptors
(position) in skeletal muscles joints act as
a relay point to the cerebellum
25The Pons
- Links cerebellum with mesencephalon,
diencephalon, cerebrum, and spinal cord - Nuclei of cranial nerves V, VI, VII, VIII
- Nuclei involved with respiration
- apneustic center and pneumotaxic center
- modify respiratory rhythmicity center activity
- Cerebellar peduncles connect cerebellum to
brainstem (6 in all) - Superior cerebellar peduncles to midbrain
- Middle cerebellar peduncles to pons (largest)
- Inferior cerebellar peduncles to medulla
26Functions of the Cerebellum
- Adjusts postural muscles
- Fine-tunes conscious and subconscious movements
- Ataxia
- damage from trauma or stroke
- intoxication (temporary disturbance)
- disturbs muscle coordination
27Structures of the Cerebellum
- Folia
- surface of cerebellum
- highly folded neural cortex
- Anterior and posterior lobes
- separated by primary fissure
- Cerebellar hemispheres
- separated at midline by vermis
- Flocculonodular lobe
- below fourth ventricle
- Arbor vitae Highly branched, internal white
matter of cerebellum
28Structures of the Mesencephalon
- Tectum (corpora quadrigemina)
- superior colliculus (visual)
- inferior colliculus (auditory)
- Tegmentum
- red nucleus (many blood vessels)
- substantia nigra (pigmented gray matter)
- Cerebral peduncles
- Contain descending fibers to cerebellum
- motor command fibers
29The Diencephalon
- Integrates sensory information and motor commands
- Thalamus
- Epithalamus
- Secretes hormone melatonin
- Hypothalamus
Figure 145a
30The Thalamus
- Filters ascending sensory information for primary
sensory cortex - Relays center to funnel information between basal
nuclei and cerebral cortex
315 Groups of Thalamic Nuclei
- Anterior group part of limbic system (emotions)
- Medial group provides awareness of emotional
states - Ventral group relays sensory information
- Posterior group
- pulvinar nucleus (sensory)
- lateral geniculate nucleus (visual)
- medial geniculate nucleus (auditory)
- Lateral group affects emotional states
- integrates sensory info
32Structures of the Hypothalamus
- Mamillary bodies
- process olfactory and other sensory information
- control reflex eating movements
- Infundibulum
- a narrow stalk
- connects hypothalamus to pituitary gland
338 Functions of the Hypothalamus
- Provides subconscious control of skeletal muscle
- Controls autonomic function
- Coordinates activities of nervous and endocrine
systems - Secretes hormones
- antidiuretic hormone (ADH) oxytocin (OT)
- Produces emotions and behavioral drives
- the feeding center (hunger) the thirst center
- Coordinates voluntary and autonomic functions
- Regulates body temperature
- Controls circadian rhythms (daynight cycles)
34The Limbic System
- Is a functional grouping that
- establishes emotional states
- links conscious functions of cerebral cortex with
autonomic functions of brain stem - facilitates memory storage and retrieval
35Components of the Limbic System
- Amygdala deals with anger, danger, and fear
responses - interfaces limbic system, cerebrum, and sensory
systems - Limbic lobe of cerebral hemisphere
- cingulate gyrus - plays a role in expressing
emotions via gestures, and resolves mental
conflict - hippocampus - converts short-term memory to
long-term memorymemories charged w/ emotion are
often retained - Fornix tract of white matter
- connects hippocampus with hypothalamus
- Anterior nucleus of the thalamus
- relays information from mamillary body to
cingulate gyrus - Reticular formation
- stimulation or inhibition affects emotions
(rage, fear, pain, sexual arousal, pleasure)
36The Cerebrum
- Is the largest part of the brain
- Controls all conscious thoughts and intellectual
functions - Processes somatic sensory and motor information
- Gray matter
- in cerebral cortex and basal nuclei
- White matter
- deep to cortex
- around basal nuclei
37Structures of the Cerebrum
- Gyri of neural cortex increase surface area
(number of cortical neurons) - Longitudinal fissure separates cerebral
hemispheres - Lobes divisions of hemispheres
- Central sulcus divides anterior frontal lobe
from posterior parietal lobe - Lateral sulcus divides frontal lobe from
temporal lobe - Parieto-occipital sulcus divides parietal lobe
from occipital lobe
383 Functional Principles of the Cerebrum
- Each cerebral hemisphere receives sensory
information from, and sends motor commands to,
the opposite side of body - The 2 hemispheres have different functions
although their structures are alike - Correspondence between a specific function and a
specific region of cerebral cortex is not precise
393 Types of Axons in the Cerebrum
- Association fibers
- Connections within 1 hemisphere
- Commissural fibers
- Bands of fibers connecting 2 hemispheres
- Projection fibers
- Link cerebral cortex with diencephalon, brain
stem, cerebellum, and spinal cord
40Basal Nuclei
- Are masses of gray matter embedded in white
matter of cerebrum - Direct subconscious activities
- Are involved with
- the subconscious control of skeletal muscle tone
- the coordination of learned movement patterns
(walking, lifting)
- Caudate nucleus
- Lentiform nucleus
- globus pallidus
- putamen
41Motor and Sensory Areas of the Cortex
- Central sulcus separates motor and sensory areas
- Precentral gyrus (Primary motor cortex) of
frontal lobe - directs voluntary movements
- Postcentral gyrus (Primary sensory cortex) of
parietal lobe - receives somatic sensory information (touch,
pressure, pain, vibration, taste, and
42Special Sensory Cortexes
- Visual cortex occipital lobe
- information from sight receptors
- Auditory cortex temporal lobe
- information from sound receptors
- Olfactory cortex frontal medial temporal lobe
- information from odor receptors
- Gustatory cortex insula (deep to temporal lobe)
- information from taste receptors
43Association Areas
- Premotor cortex
- coordinates somatic motor responses (learned
movements) - Somatic sensory association area
- interprets input to primary sensory cortex (e.g.,
recognizes and responds to touch) - Visual association area
- interprets activity in visual cortex
- Auditory association area
- monitors auditory cortex
44Integrative Areas
- Wernickes area (General Interpretive Area )
- Present in only 1 hemisphere
- Receives information from all sensory association
areas - Coordinates access to complex visual and auditory
memories - Speech center coordinates all vocalization
functions - is associated with general interpretive area
- Prefrontal cortex of frontal lobe
- integrates information from sensory association
areas - performs abstract intellectual activities (e.g.,
predicting consequences of actions)
45Brodmanns Areas
- Patterns of cellular organization in cerebral
Figure 1415c
46Hemispheric Lateralization
- Functional differences between left and right
hemispheres - In most people (90), left brain (dominant
hemisphere) controls - reading, writing, and math
- decision-making
- speech and language
- Right cerebral hemisphere relates to
- senses (touch, smell, sight, taste, feel)
- recognition (faces, voice inflections)
- Unclear dominance may lead to dyslexia
47Monitoring Brain Activity
- Brain activity is assessed by an
electroencephalogram (EEG) - electrodes are placed on the skull
- patterns of electrical activity are printed out
(brain waves)
484 Categories of Brain Waves
- Alpha waves
- found in healthy, awake adults at rest with eyes
closed - Beta waves
- higher frequency
- found in adults concentrating or mentally
stressed - Theta waves
- found in children
- found in intensely frustrated adults
- may indicate brain disorder in adults
- Delta waves
- during sleep
- found in awake adults with brain damage
49Cranial Nerves
- 12 pairs connected to brain
- Name
- Number
- Function
50Olfactory CN I
- Sensory
- Terminates in olfactory bulbs
- Discrimination of smell
51Optic CN II
- Sensory
- Vision
- Terminates at optic chiasm
52Occulomotor CN III
- Motor
- Inferior oblique, sup/inf/medial rectus
- Test planes of gaze
- PSNS Function
- Test constrictor mm of iris (ciliary mm)
- Pupillary reflex
53Trochlear CN IV
- Motor
- Superior oblique (down out)
- Test planes of gaze
54Trigeminal CN V
- Mixed
- 3 divisions ophthalmic, maxillary, mandibular
- Test
- Motor- mandibular division to mm of mastication
- Corneal reflex to elicit blinking
55Abducens CN VI
- Motor
- Lateral rectus
- Test planes of gaze
56Facial CN VII
- Mixed
- Taste on anterior 2/3 of tongue
- Motor to mm of facial expression (not chewing)
- 5 motor branches
- Temporal, zygomatic, buccal, mandibular, cervical
- PSNS to lacrimal gland
- Test making faces
57Vestibulocochlear CN VIII
- Sensory
- Equilibrium hearing
- Test hearing
58Glossopharyngeal CN IX
- Mixed
- Motor fibers to pharynx
- PSNS to parotid salivary gland
- Sensory conduct taste from posterior 1/3 of
tongue carotid sinus pressure chemoreceptors
(Oxygen), general sensation of pharynx - Test swallowing (gag reflex w/ CN X)
59Vagus CN X
- Mixed
- Only nerve to descend beyond neck (into thorax
abdomen) - PSNS serving heart, lung, abd viscera to regulate
heart rate, breathing, digestive activity - Test gag reflex (w/ CN IX)
60Spinal accessory CN XI
- Motor
- Trapezius SCM
- Test shrugging shoulders
61Hypoglossal CN XII
- Motor
- Extrinsic intrinsic muscles of the tongue
- Test by sticking out tongue