Title: Locus of the Renaissance
1Locus of the Renaissance
2Medieval Trade
3Medieval Guilds
4The Plague Changes Society
- What significant ways did the Plague reorder
society? - (Hint Think about the film!!!!)
5Medieval City-States Emerge
6Late Medieval City-States
75 Themes of the Renaissance
8Italian Renaissance
- Characterized by self-conscious awareness that
Italians were living in a new era - Artists of the Renaissance had contempt for
medieval predecessors - 5 Key themes
- Individualism
- Rationalism
- Secularism
- Virtù
- Humanism
91. Individualism
102. Rationalism
113. Secularism
12Pico della Mirandola 1463-1494
Our destiny is not determined by anything outside
of us. God has bestowed upon us a unique
distinction the liberty to determine the form
and value our lives shall acquire.man is the
master of his own destiny!
134. Virtú
145. Humanism
15Francesco Petrarch 1304-1374
Father of Humanism
16Living, I despise what melancholy fate has
brought us wretches in these evil years. Long
before my birth time smiled and may again, for
once there was, and yet will be, more joyful
days. But in this middle age times dregs sweep
around us, and we beneath a heavy load of vice.
Genius, virtue, glory now have gone, leaving
chance and sloth to rule. Shameful vision this!
We must awake or die!
17Sonnet to Laura If this should be love, O God,
what shakes me? If Love it is, what strange,
what rich delight! If Love be kind, why has
it fangs to bite? If cruel, why so sweet the
barb that rakes me?
18Baldassare Castiglione
The Book of the Courtier
19I am of the opinion that the true profession of
the Courtier ought to be that of arms which I
would have him follow above all else and be known
among others as bold and strong and loyal to
whomsoever he serves...
20Niccollo Machiavelli 1469-1527
The Prince c.1515
some virtues will lead to a princes destruction
and some vices will allow him to survive..