Title: The People
1The Peoples Garden Initiative
Aimee Omohundro Housing Technician USDA Rural
2What is the Peoples Garden Initiative?
The Peoples Garden Initiative is an effort by
the United States Department of Agriculture
(USDA) which challenges its employees to
establish Peoples Gardens at USDA facilities
worldwide or help communities create gardens.
Peoples Gardens vary in size and type, but all
have a common purpose to help the community
theyre within and the environment.
3Peoples Garden Criteria
1. Benefits the Community
- Gardens can benefit communities in
- many different ways, such as
- Creating spaces for leisure or recreation
- Fostering pride through beautification
- Providing a harvest to a local food bank,
- Providing food or shelter for wildlife
- Serving as a demonstration site to educate the
public and raise awareness of issues such as
natural resource conservation, nutrition, healthy
eating, sustainable agriculture, forestry, etc. -
4Peoples Garden Criteria
2. Is a Collaborative Effort
The garden was created and/or is maintained by a
partnership of individuals, groups,
organizations, state or federal agencies.
5Peoples Garden Criteria
3. Incorporates Sustainable Practices
- Utilizing rain barrels for irrigation, or
- Using water efficient irrigation systems
- Xeriscaping
- Composting, mulching, or use of cover crops
- Planting native species
- Encouraging beneficial insects
- Erosion control
- Storm water management
6Note Gardens located at private residences are
NOT eligible to become Peoples Gardens.
7- Kirkendall Heights
- in Ellsworth, Kansas developed new whiskey
barrel gardens. - Residents Betty Jo and Eric are proud to show off
their new gardens.
8OLoughlin Village GardenSoxx
- John Harsch and Barb Simpson of Sustainable
Environmental Consultants have offered to donate,
install, and educate managers and tenants on the
maintenance of GardenSoxx for three Multi-Family
Housing complexes in Kansas. The GardenSoxx are
environmentally friendly, weed free planting
soxx that may be placed anywhere and moved as
necessary. These convenient products will allow
the projects to join the Peoples Garden
initiative by growing the plants of their choice
without the hassle and worry of digging a
traditional garden.
9Lakin GardenSoxx
10Liberal GardenSoxx
11Trinity Place Senior Residence
- These raised-bed gardens are located at Trinity
Place Senior Residence in Atchison, Kan., which
is managed by Homestead Affordable Housing.
Homestead Affordable Housing shared their success
of implementing raised-bed gardens at their
housing projects during the 2011 Rural Rental
Housing Association of Kansas Conference in Great
12Getting Involved
- Start a Peoples Garden at School!
- Help a USDA Rural Development complex build
and/or maintain a garden! - Donate plants, supplies, or time!
- Call Aimee Omohundro at USDA Rural Development
for more information about getting involved!
(785) 271-2726
13- Kerri Ebert serves as the Kansas Sustainable
Agriculture Research Education (SARE)
Coordinator. Ebert stated that SARE offers youth
grants for demonstration projects that provide
hands-on experience in exploring sustainable
agricultural issues and practices. Multi-family
housing complexes looking to create raised beds,
or developing other innovative gardening
techniques, could contact possible youth partners
like FFA, 4-H, Boy Scouts, and Girl Scouts for
possible gardening projects. Youth groups that
partner with complexes could be eligible for a
youth grant for up to 400 through SARE.
Applications are due in January 2012, and if you
have questions about SARE contact Ebert at
14Peoples Garden Website
15Registering YOUR Peoples Garden Online 1
16Registering YOUR Peoples Garden Online 2
17Registering YOUR Peoples Garden Online 3
18Start a Peoples Garden Today!
Peoples Garden Contacts
Aimee Omohundro USDA Rural Development 785-271-2726 aimee.omohundro_at_ks.usda.gov
Debra Staab RRHAK/Project Manager 785-628-2660 haysplaza_at_eaglecom.net
Tom Bishop Homestead Affordable Housing 785-364-0110 tom_at_homesteadks.org
David Coltrain KState Extension 785-325-2121 coltrain_at_ksu.edu
Shari Wilson KACEE 913-287-6879 swilson_at_kacee.org