Title: Development Consultation Forum
1Development Consultation Forum
- Woodcroft Farm
- January 2012
- 17.30 Developers display
- 18.00 Introduction Councillor Guest
- 18.05 Explanation of process and policy
background - 18.15 Presentation by the Developer
- 18.35 Invited speakers
- 19.05 Comments from other consultees
- 19.15 Developer response to issues raised
- 19.25 Councillor opportunity to ask questions
- 19.50 Summary of key points
- 20.00 Chairman closes Forum meeting
3The purpose of the Forum is
- To allow developer to explain development
proposals directly to councillors, public key
stakeholders at an early stage - Informs officer pre application discussions with
developer - Identify issues that may be considered in any
formal application. - Enable the developer to shape an application to
address community issues
4The Forum is not meant to
- Negotiate the proposal in public
- Commit councillors or local planning authority to
a view - Allow objectors to frustrate the process
- Address or necessarily identify all the issues
that will need to be considered in a future
planning application - Take the place of normal planning application
process or role of the Development Management
5The outcome of the Forum will be
- Developer will have a list of main points to
consider - Stakeholders and public will be aware of
proposals and can raise their concerns - Councillors will be better informed on
significant planning issues - Officers will be better informed as to community
expectations during their pre application
negotiations with developers
6Woodcroft Farm
7Strategic Site Profile Site location Woodcroft
Farm Site 5
8Woodcroft Farm
9Policy Background
- National Planning Policy Statements
- Havant Borough Core Strategy 2011 Policy CS18
Strategic Sites - Contributions Policy (SPD)
- Local Transport Strategy
- Playspace
10Core Strategy - allocation
11Key Planning Issues
- Principle of development
- Policy CS18 Allocates residential development
indicative 340 dwellings - Residential mix
- No. and size of houses
- Highways and access
- Assessment of traffic
- Design
- Context of surrounding properties
12Key Planning Issues
- Neighbouring properties
- Assessing relationships
- Open space
- Location and amount
- Landscaping
- Existing on site trees and site boundaries
- Site conditions and Drainage
- - Sustainable drainage (SUDS) and sink holes
13Key Planning Issues
- Relocation of playing field
- - From Woodcroft School
- Diversion of bridleway
- - Woodcroft Lane
- Nature Conservation
- - James Copse SINC
- Possibility of other development
- - Fields to north and south
- Existing mobile phone mast
14Developers Presentation
15Main Points for DiscussionWaterlooville
Community Board
- Main concerns relate to traffic movements during
construction and later residential access - Proposals for junction movements in Eagle Av,
Milton Rd Lovedean Lane incl. London Rd
junction - Interaction between site traffic, footpaths and
relocated bridleway - Impact of possible extension to Woodcroft Farm
development on cumulative traffic flow - Site traffic flows and time of day patterns
across the WV/A3(M) - Impact of parking and mov.t of commercial
vehicles during the construction period
16Main Points for DiscussionWaterlooville
Community Board
- Impact of development in Winchester on land
adjacent to the site - Request that HCC Highways publish analysis of
traffic impact survey - Traffic impact statements must incorporate
possible future development in adjoining areas
17Consultee Comments
- Housing Services Manager
- Policy CS9 requires min 30 affordable
- Low affordable housing within Hart Plain ward
(22) therefore no justification for decreased
provision - Tenure expectation 7030 (affordable rent shared
ownership) - Accommodation mix will be flexible
18Consultee Comments
- Housing Services Manager contd..
- Affordable housing to be pepper potted and
indistinguishable from private housing - Hampshire Homechoice (choice based lettings
scheme) demonstrates housing need - - 1155 require 2 bed accommodation
- - 654 require 3 bed accommodation
- - 473 require 4 bed accommodation
19Consultee Comments
- Housing Services Manager cont.d
- Homes in Hants shared ownership/equity housing
- 76 require 23 bed accommodation
- Broad guidelines agreed with Savills
- 65 2 bed
- 30 3 bed
- 4 4 bed
- No 1 bed houses proposed
20Consultee Comments
- Housing Services Manager cont.d
- The location is best suited for families
- Initial proposals indicate that sizes of
dwellings will equate to the upper levels of the
HBC Housing Quality Indicators (Housing SPD)
21Consultee Comments
- Hampshire Highways Highways Officer
- A traffic assessment will be required
- The traffic assessment will need to assess
committed developments and cumulative impacts. - The surrounding junctions will be assessed, also
linkages to public transport
22Consultee Comments
- Drainage - HBC Special Projects Engineer
- Design utilises Sustainable Urban Drainage (SUDS)
in accordance with current best practice - The design recognises and responds to the
constraint imposed by the swallow holes. - The design allows for detention and treatment on
site using a mixture of open ponds, shallow
roadside ditches ('swales') and underground
storage, using buried cellular boxes. - Future maintenance of SUDS features
23Consultee Comments
- Drainage - HBC Special Projects Engineer cont.d
- Southern Water have verified the capacity for
foul water sewerage - A s106 will be required for maintenance issues
24Consultee Comments
- HBC Open Spaces Team Leader
- Sufficient sports pitches for hire to teams for
organised sport in the Borough but quality issues
and a lack of artificial turf pitches. - Deficient in allotments, burial land and areas of
formal horticulture. - Wecock is well provided for in terms of informal
open space, equipped play and youth provision
although the play equipment is ageing. - There is a move towards more natural playable
spaces and there may be scope for this.
25Consultee Comments
- HBC Open Spaces cont.d
- Facilities and public spaces need to be have
regard to proximity to houses and anti-social
behaviour and noise nuisance to residence. - The need to design out difficult to maintain
areas and litter traps - The need to be aware of traveller incursions and
designing out or defending against these.
26Consultee Comments
- Planning Policy Requirements (CS18)
- Provision of a mixed community to include private
market housing - 30 affordable housing in accordance with policy
CS9 Housing - Code for Sustainable Home requirements
27Consultee Comments
- Planning Policy Requirements cont.d
- (Policies CS18 DM6 Coordination of Development)
- Policy CS18 acknowledges potential larger overall
site 700 homes (400 outside Borough) - Larger site promoted to Winchester City Council
and East Hants DC. - Policy DM6 only permits development that does not
undermine future development potential of
adjacent land.
28Consultee Comments
- Planning Policy Requirements cont.d
- Highway impacts beyond the immediate site
- Close working with HCC regarding access via
surplus land at Meadowlands School. - Diversion of existing bridleway accommodated
29Consultee Comments
- Planning Policy Requirements cont.d
- Development will need to have regard to the
adjacent SINC designation - Minimise tree loss, include new planting
- Suitable provision required for sports
facilities/play space
30Consultee Comments
- Planning Policy Requirements cont.d
- Identify deliver wider regeneration benefits
(policy CS6.5 Regeneration of the Borough Wecock
Farm). - HBC/ Skills and Employability Partnership
developing a skills and employment guidance note
to maximise site training employment
31Consultee Comments
- Urban Design and Landscape
- Proposal integrates existing landscape assets
with the overall design and layout. - Masterplan needed, including land beyond Havant
BC boundary - The need to create a safe, overlooked and
attractive gateway entrance - Well lit and overlooked routes
32Consultee Comments
- Urban Design and Landscape cont. d
- The new development needs to have good access to
the school. - The need for an attractive boundary to the
playing field - Avoid over-reliance on car parking courts.
- Care need to avoid dominance of parking in
33Consultee Comments
- Arboriculturalist
- Further information will be required
- -Topographical survey with tree positions Root
Protection Areas - -Trees for removal to be identified.
- -Full Arboricultural Impact Assessment
including remaining trees
34Developers Response
- A construction route will be agreed
- A total figure of 700 houses is considered
unlikely, the future Core Strategies for
Winchester and East Hants are currently out to
public consultation - Grainger builds to some of Life Time Homes
standards (parking and space)
35Main Points for Discussion Councillors
- Q Will the existing farm house be maintained?
- A Yes, the developer is aware of the need to
maintain and secure the existing farmhouse. - Q Can local businesses and trades people be used
where possible? - A Grainger has a CITB apprenticeship/training
scheme. - Q The development would result in additional
vehicles using the dangerous Lovedean Lane/Milton
Rd junction will roundabouts or traffic lights
be incorporated? - A This is being considered as part of the TA
36Main Points for Discussion Councillors
Questions Cont.d
- Q Can the terraces be split up to appear more
visually appealing? - A The design is low density and the detailed
design can be negotiated. - Q Will cycleways into the site from surrounding
areas encourage and invite trouble? - A The routes will be well overlooked to
discourage anti-social behaviour and connect the
new development to the community
37Main Points for Discussion Councillors
Questions Cont.d
- Q What is the housing mix likely to be?
- A Indicative percentages are currently
- 1 bed 3
- 2 bed 38
- 3 bed 44
- 4 bed 15
- Q Will the TA take into consideration the amount
of construction traffic coming onto Eagle Avenue? - A This will be looked at as part of the proposed
38Main Points for Discussion Councillors
Questions Cont.d
- Q Will the houses be linked to cables?
- A Yes, internet provision will be incorporated
- Q Will the site be linked to Wecock field?
- A Yes there will be a footpath link
- Q Will there be a footpath link to the school as
part of safer routes to school? - A Yes, a crossing point at the new access road is
shown. The crossing would lead to a footpath to
the school
39Main Points for Discussion Councillors
Questions Cont.d
- Q Will the Council be obliged to take on
sustainable drainage? - A Not at the present time and maintenance will be
undertaken by a management company which will
need to be set up to serve the development.
However, in the future the County Council would
have the legal power to adopt such schemes.
40Main Points for Discussion Councillors
Questions Cont.d
- Q Can commercial vehicles and caravans be banned
from the site? - A This is incorporated in most of Graingers
covenants - Q Could an employment fair be held at the Wecock
Centre? - A Yes
- Q Can the mess from construction vehicles onto
surrounding roads be kept to a minimum? - A A condition can be incorporated to require
wheels to be cleaned prior to leaving the site.
41Main Points for Discussion Councillors
Questions Cont.d
- Q Can safe routes be provided during the
construction phase as well as for the final
scheme? - A Temporary measures can be introduced
- Q If the pinch point along the access road is
damaged during construction work, which is
possible given the need for construction vehicles
to use it, would it be made good before the
development is completed? - A Yes
42Main Points for Discussion Councillors
Questions Cont.d
- Q Please avoid giving the impression of a gated
community. - A Noted
43Wecock Residents Association
- Q. Will traffic calming measures be incorporated
to ensure school childrens safety? - A. The TA will need to have regard to the
surrounding situation including the proximity of
the school. Specific measure proposed crossing
the new access road. - Q. Will the rooms be large enough to encourage
family interaction e.g space for family dinner
table? - A. Yes, with the majority of housing proposed to
be family housing. - There is a need for the development to
integrate with the existing community and
community centre, for instance financing
community worker and youth employment ideally a
purpose built workshop to teach skills such as
mending a bike and purpose built facilities for
teenage children - The developer welcomes the suggestions where
improvements could be made. Developer will enter
into negotiations with the Council and community
regarding the content of the section 106 planning
agreement. - Comment - James Copse is not suitable for future
44What Happens Next?
- Summary notes circulated to attendees
- Officers will discuss outcomes with developer
- Developer will continue to develop proposals and
consider issues raised by Forum - Decision as to form of application and timing of
submission rests with developer.