The Rhetoric of Protection - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Rhetoric of Protection


The Rhetoric of Protection The power of ladyhood as a value construct regulated women s behavior and restricted interaction with the world under system of southern ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Rhetoric of Protection

The Rhetoric of Protection
The power of ladyhood as a value construct
regulated womens behavior and restricted
interaction with the world under system of
southern chivalry Lynching engendered fear of
sexual assault and prevented voluntary
interracial sex - served as a weapon of racial
and sexual terror. White men lynch the offending
Afro-American, not because he is a despoiler of
virtue, but because he succumbs to the smiles of
white women. (Wells, 1892) When Southern white
women get ready to stop lynching, it will be
stopped and not before. (Ames, 1938)
  • A dramatization of cultural themes Here was the
    quintessential Woman as Victim polluted, ruined
    for life the object of fantasy and secret
    contempt. (p.335)

To Kill A Mockingbird (1963)
Hellhounds From Without Sanctuary(Litwack)
  • Between 1882 and 1968, an estimated 4,742 blacks
    were killed by lynch mobs (p.12)
  • Whiteshad come to think of black women and men
    as inherently and permanently inferior, as less
    than human, as little more than animals (p.13)
  • After Emancipation and during Reconstruction,
    violence characterized by sadism and
  • Lynchers demonstrated racial and community
    solidarity complacent, matter-of-fact - At he
    hands of unknown parties
  • The Negro as beast became a fundamental part of
    the white Souths racial imagery (similar to
    Sambo). Dual nature docile and amiable when
    enslaved, savage when free (p.23)
  • Of 3,000 black lynchings between 1889-1918, only
    19 accused of rape
  • Lynching as an expression of Southern fear of
    Negro progress than of Negro crime (p. 29)
  • For African Americans - pragmatic resignation and

The Historical Connections Between Rape and
Lynching(Jaqueline Dowd Hall, 1983)
  • In the 19th century South, slave owners meted out
    plantation justice undisturbed by any rule of
    law. Sexual exploitation of black women
    institutionalized under slavery
  • Lynching as an instrument of coercion creating
    a climate of fear
  • The protection of white womanhood and the image
    of the black rapist as a monstrous beast
    (p.334) pervasive fixtures of racist ideologies
  • The myth of the black rapist Factual info -
    less than 25 of lynching victims accused of rape
  • The emotional circuit between interracial rape
    and lynching undermines factual refutation

Ida B. Wells July 16, 1862 - March 25, 1931
  • In 1884 she was asked by the conductor of the
    Chesapeake Ohio Railroad Company to give up her
    seat on the train to a white man Wells refused
    and was forcefully removed from the train. She
  • Editor and co-owner of a Memphis black newspaper
    called "The Free Speech and Headlight. Wells
    used her paper to attack the evils of lynching
  • Formed the Women's Era Club, the first civic
    organization for African-American women.
  • Wells was one of the founding members of the
    National Association for the Advancement of
    Colored People (NAACP).

The real purpose of these savage demonstrations
(lynching) is to teach the Negro that in the
South he has no rights that the law will
enforce. Ida Bell Wells-Barnett - born Holy
Springs, Mississippi http//
Jessie Daniel Ames 1883-1972
  • In 1914, out of financial necessity, Ames went to
    work at the Georgetown Telephone Company, owned
    by her mother, also a widow. Both emerged as
    competent, tough-minded competitors in a
    male-dominated business community.
  • In 1930 Ames founded the Association of Southern
    Women for the Prevention of Lynching (ASWPL).
  • She challenged the notion that white women needed
    protection from African-American men. She pointed
    out that alleged rapes of white women by
    African-American men, the supposed rationale for
    a lynching, seldom occurred and that the true
    motive for lynching was rooted in racial hatred.

Jessie Daniel Ames Texas suffragist and
civil-rights activist 1883-1972 http//
Why the Photographic Display of LynchingWithout
Sanctuary ?A necessarily painful and ugly
  • Intent to depict the extent and quality of the
    violence unleashed on black men and women in the
    name of enforcing black deference and
    subordination (white supremacy)
  • Easier to choose path of collective amnesia or
    dismiss as depraved need to remember
  • Need to understand how normal men and women could
    live with, participate and defend such atrocities

The Lynching of Thomas Shipp and Abram Smith,
1930, Marion, Indiana
The Lynching of Thomas Shipp and Abram Smith,
1930, Marion, Indiana
James Cameron and The Black Holocaust Museum
  • Milwaukee museum teaches about atrocities of
  • The first time you hear the name of a museum
    dedicated to educating future generations about
    the atrocities of racism committed against
    African Americans, you might think it sounds odd.
    But America's Black Holocaust Museum in Milwaukee
    was founded by a survivor of a mob lynching who
    wants visitors to learn from the past and
    understand how racism begins and grows.
  • James Cameron was falsely arrested, along with
    two of his friends, when he was 16 years old in
    1930 for the murder of a white man in Indiana. He
    and his friends were beaten and the other two
    were hanged by an angry mob. Cameron miraculously
    lived through the beating and served four years
    in a state prison.
  • In later years, Cameron became a leader of local
    National Association for the Advancement of
    Colored People chapters and civil rights
    activities in Indiana and Wisconsin, and wrote a
    book about his experience, A Time of Terror.
  • In 1988 he founded America's Black Holocaust
    Museum to provide visitors with an opportunity to
    rethink their assumptions about race and racism.
    Cameron's collection included photographs, books
    and exhibits that document lynch mobs and racism
    in America.
  • Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Class Discussion
  • Can museum visitors learn from the past and
    understand how racism begins and grows?
  • Is it possible to understand how normal men and
    women could live with, participate and defend
    lynching through photo display?
  • How would you choose to depict racism? What aims
    would you have in mind?
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