Title: COLLABORATIVE Performance Management Non-Supervisory Staff
1COLLABORATIVEPerformance ManagementNon-Superviso
ry Staff
- By Liz Hedrick
- April, 2006
3Performance Reviews
- Why do them?
- What is achieved?
4Collaborative Performance Management Discussions
with Employees
- Support strategic initiatives
- Clarify expectations responsibilities
- Review progress toward goals
- Identify opportunities and challenges
- Discuss job/career training, development
- Develop blueprint for future performance goals,
assignments, improvement - Develop a high level of job satisfaction
5- What factors impact job satisfaction?
6Factors ImpactingJob Satisfaction
- Workplace Support 37
- Individual Variability 26
- Job Quality 32
- Job Demands 3
- Earnings and Benefits 2
- National Study of Changing Workforce, Families
and Work Institute
7Impact of Employee Attitudes
- Organizations where employees have above average
job satisfaction have - 38 higher customer satisfaction scores
- 22 higher productivity
- 27 higher profits!
8What Do YOU Want From Your Job?
- Full Appreciation for Work Done
- Good Wages/Benefits
- Good Working Conditions
- Interesting Work
- Job Security
- Promotion/Growth Opportunities
- Personal Loyalty to Workers
- Feeling In On Things
- Sympathetic Help on Personal Problems
- Tactful Disciplining
9What Do EMPLOYEES Want From Their Jobs?
- Rank these factors 1-10 in order of importance to
you! - How do your priorities compare with national data?
10What Do Employees Want From Their Jobs?
- Managers
- 8 Full Appreciation for Work Done
- 1 Good Wages
- 4 Good Working Conditions
- 5 Interesting Work
- 2 Job Security
- 3 Promotion/Growth Opportunities
- 6 Personal Loyalty to Workers
- 10 Feeling In On Things
- 9 Sympathetic Help on Personal Problems
- 7 Tactful Disciplining
- Employees
- 1 Full Appreciation for Work Done
- 5 Good Wages
- 9 Good Working Conditions
- 6 Interesting Work
- 4 Job Security
- 7 Promotion/Growth Opportunities
- 8 Personal Loyalty to Workers
- 2 Feeling In On Things
- 3 Sympathetic Help on Personal Problems
- 10 Tactful Disciplining
11Key Motivators That Draw Us to the Best
Organizationsand Keep Us There,Performing At
Peak Effectiveness
12Key Motivators
- The QUALITY of the work itself
- and
- Our RELATIONSHIPS with others at work
13Grimmes Top 10 TipsTo Attract, Retain, And
Motivate Employees
- Pay fairly and well then get them to forget
about money. - 2. Treat each and every employee with respect.
Show them that you care about them as persons,
not just workers.
14Grimmes Top 10 Tips
- Praise accomplishments attempts.
- - Both large small
- - At least 4 time more than you criticize
- - Publicly and in private
- - Verbally and in writing
- - Promptly (as soon as observed)
- - Sincerely
15Grimmes Top 10 Tips
- Clearly communicate goals, responsibilities and
expectations - Never criticize in public redirect in private
16Grimmes Top 10 Tips
- 5. Recognize performance appropriately and
consistently - Reward outstanding performance (promotions,
raises, and opportunities) - Do not tolerate sustained poor performance
coach and train or remove
17Grimmes Top 10 Tips
- Involve employees in plans and decisions,
especially those that affect them. - Solicit their ideas and opinions.
- Encourage initiative.
- Create opportunities for employees to learn and
grow. Link the goals of the organization with
the goals of each individual in it.
18Grimmes Top 10 Tips
- Actively listen to employees concerns - both
work-related and personal. - Share information promptly, openly, and clearly.
- Tell the truth..with compassion.
19Grimmes Top 10 Tips
- Celebrate successes and milestones reached
organizational and personal. - Create an organizational culture that is open,
trusting, and fun! - Don Grimme, GHR Training Solutions
20Retain Optimize Your Greatest Asset Your
- The University will prosper and grow by
- Maximizing the untapped talents of the
individuals and teams - Creating an environment of respect, trust, and
mutual support - Encouraging open communication
- Employee Retention Headquarters
21Realities and Options
- Money is necessary but not sufficient condition
to attract, retain and motivate good employees. - You and I go TO work for a paycheck and benefits
plan. But we wont really DO work (at least our
best work), unless something else is present.
22Realities and Options
- It is the QUALITY OF THE WORK itself and the
- RELATIONSHIPS WITH OTHERS at work that draw us to
the best organizations - and KEEP us there,
- performing at PEAK effectiveness.
23OCUs Collaborative Performance Review Process
- Is interactive and collaborative by design
- Supports strategic planning initiatives
- Provides input by both employees and supervisors
- Identifies high performance areas growth
opportunities - Identifies targets training and development
- Reinforces high productivity effectiveness
- Develops a highly trained, effective staff
- Is research-based
- Supports merit pay recommendations
24Performance Reviews
25Continuing EmployeesAnnual Reviews
- Planning Document
- Completed by employee
- Discussed with supervisor prior to performance
26- Goal Setting Documents
- To be completed by employee
- Discuss progress and estimated completion with
administrator - Employee and administrator discuss possible
2006-07 goals - Correlate goals with Strategic Plan
- 2006-07 Goal Planning Documents due September 30,
- Specific
- Measurable
- Attainable
- Relevant
- Timely
- Types of Goals
- Routine
- Problem-Solving
- Innovative
- Personal Development
- Organizational Development
- Today
- Complete one goal document for 2006-07
29AnnualPerformance Review Forms
- Performance Review Forms
- Two formats, outline or narrative
- To be completed by administrator following
discussion of planning document and review of
progress on goals. - To be discussed/reviewed with employee
- Attach completed goal documents
- Attach job description
To be used only for continuing employees whose
performance is satisfactory or higher.
30IntroductoryPerformance Review
- Performance review to be completed prior to the
end of six-month introductory employment period - Performance Review Form
- Completed by supervisor
- Reviewed with employee
- Strengths and areas of growth noted
- Retention decision made
- Future development, goals discussed
31ProbationaryPerformance Review
- Performance Review Form
- To be completed by administrator.
- Document progress toward targeted key areas and
core values since last evaluation. - Retention decision and or change of status made
by administrator. - To be reviewed with employee.
32Tasks to be Done By Employee
- Complete 2005-06 goal documents.
- Complete planning document.
- Make appointment with administrator to review.
- Review, discuss revisions to job description.
- --------------------------------------------------
------ - Discuss performance review.
- Identify possible goals for 2006-07.
33Tasks to Be Done by Supervisor
- Review/discuss Planning Document prepared by
employee - Review/discuss 2005-06 goal documents prepared by
employee - --------------------------------------------------
------------------ - Complete performance review
- Discuss with employee
- Discuss possible goals for 2006-07
- Review, discuss revision to job description,
sign/attach. - Merit pay increases for 2006-07 will be based
upon 2005-06 performance reviews.