Title: Summary on CP Violation with Kaons
1Summary on CP Violation with Kaons
Patrizia Cenci INFN Sezione di Perugia XX
Workshop on Weak Interaction and
Neutrinos Delphi, June 7th 2005 On
behalf of the NA48 Collaboration Cambridge,
CERN, Chicago, Dubna, Edinburgh, Ferrara,
Firenze, Mainz, Northwestern,
Perugia, Pisa, Saclay, Siegen,
Torino, Vienna
- Introduction
- CP Violation with Kaons
- Experiments KLOE, KTeV, NA48
- Results
- Direct CP Violation with neutral Kaons
- Charge Asymmetry in K0e3
- KS ? 3p0
- KS,L ? p0 ll-
- Direct CP Violation in K3p decays
- Prospects and conclusions
- Why Kaons
- crucial for the present definition of Standard
Model - search for explicit violation of SM key element
to understand flavour structure of physics
beyond SM - Motivation for Kaons experiments
- Test of fundamental symmetries
- CP Violation charge asymmetry, T violating
observables - CPT test tigher contraints from Bell-Steinberger
rule, KS/KL semileptonic decays - Sharpen theoretical tools
- Study low energy hadron dynamics ?PT tests and
parameter determination, form factors - Probe flavour structure of Standard Model and
search for explicit violation - Rare decays suppressed (FCNC 2nd order weak
interactions) or not allowed by SM (e.g. Lepton
Flavour Violation) - Sensitivity to physics BSM
4CP Violation with Kaons
CP Violation a window to physics beyond SM
- Brief History of CP Violation
- 1964 CP violation in K0 (Cronin, Christenson,
Fitch, Turlay) - 1993-99 Direct CP violation in K0 (NA31, NA48,
KTeV) - 2001 CP violation in B0 decay with oscillation
(Babar, Belle) - 2004 Direct CP violation in B0 (Belle, Babar)
- CP Violation in Kaon decays can occur either in
?K0-K0 mixing or in the decay amplitudes - Only Direct CP Violation occurs in K decays (no
mixing) - Complementary observables to measure Direct CP
Violation in Kaons e/e, Ag , rare decays
5Experiments with Kaons
CERN NA48 1997-2001 KL,KS NA48/1 2000,2002
KS NA48/2 2003-2004 K?
Active Experiments
Fermilab KTeV 1997,1999 KL,KS
Frascati - Da?ne KLOE gt 2000 KS ,KL ,K?
6FNAL - KTeV Experiment
- Parallel K beams
- 2 proton lines ( 1012 ppp)
- KS from KL on Regenerator (scintillator plates),
- KS identification via x-y position
- switches beam line once per cycle
- ??- Magnetic Spectrometer
- ?(p)/p ? 0.17 ? 0.007 pGeV/c
- ?0?0 CsI calorimeter
- ?(E)/E ? 2.0/vE ? 0.45
- ?M(?0?0) ?M(??-) 1.5 MeV
- Photon veto and muon veto
?M(?0?0) ?M(??-) 1.5 MeV
Experimental Program KTeV 1997,1999 KL,KS
7CERN - NA48 Experiment
- Simultaneous K beams (e/e)
- split same proton beam (1012 ppp)
- convergent KL-KS beams
- KS from protons on near target
- KS identification via proton tagging
- ??- Magnetic Spectrometer
- ?p/p 1.0 ? 0.044 x p GeV/c
- ?0?0 LKr Calorimeter
- ?E/E 3.2/vE ? 9/E ? 0.42 GeV
- Photon and muon veto
Beam pipe
Experimental Program NA48 1997-2001
KL,KS NA48/1 2000,2002 KS NA48/2 2003-2004 K?
?M(?0?0) ?M(??-) 2.5 MeV
8LNF Da?ne the ? Factory
- ? Factory ee- collider_at_?s 1019.4 MeV M?
- ? Decays BR(??KLKS)34.3 BR(??KK-)49.31
- tagged K decays from ? ??KK ? pure K beams
- clean investigation of K decays and precision
measurements - KLOE data taking 2000-01-02-04-05
- New KLOE run in progress
- Lpeak 1.4 1032 cm-2s-1
- Goal collect 2 fb-1 by end 2005
May 2005
Integrated Luminosity
920106 f decays
550106 f decays
(Recent results from KLOE S. DellAgnello LNF
SC Open Meeting, may 05 and M. Martini Krare
Workshop_at_LNF, may 05)
9LNF the KLOE detector
EM Calorimeter Lead and scintillating fibres
Drift Chamber Stereo geometry
10Direct CP Violation experimental results on e/e
- Direct CPV established in K0?pp by NA48 and KTeV
- more results expected (KTeV, KLOE)
- no third generation experiments
- Result (roughly) compatible with SM
- Exclude alternative to CKM mechanism (superweak
models and approximate-CP) - Despite huge efforts, e/e not yet computed
reliably due to large hadronic uncertainties - Improvement of the calculation expected with
lattice - New physics may contribute as a correction to SM
(16.7 ? 2.6) ? 10-4
- Half Statistics (
11K0e3 Charge Asymmetry
- Charge Asymmetry in K0e3 is due to?K0-K0 mixing
(Indirect CPV) - Limits on CPT and ?S?Q
- Il CPT is conserved and ?S?Q
- Results in NA48 (2x108 Ke3) and KTeV (3x108
? 2 ? Re(e)
KTeV dL(e) (3.322 ? 0.058stat ? 0.047syst) x
NA48 dL(e)(3.317 ? 0.070stat ? 0.072syst) x 10-3
PDG2004 dL(e) (3.27 ? 0.12) x 10-3
12Semileptonic KS decays
- KLOE first measurement (2002), update in
progress - New preliminary result
- CPT Test new measurement of the charge
asymmetry in KS
(dL(e) 3.32 ? 0.07) ? 10-3 )
- Method
- KS tagged by opposite KL (? ??KK)
- Identify ?e pairs using TOF
- Event counting by fitting the E(?e)-P
distribution (test for ?) - Independent measurement of the two charge modes
- Selected 104 signal events per charge in the
2001-02 data (0.5 fb-1)
Emiss Pmiss(MeV)
BR(KS ? pen) (7.09 ? 0.07stat ? 0.08syst) 10-4
dS(e) (-2 ? 9 ? 6) ? 10-3
13CP Violation in KS? p0p0p0
- KS? 3p0 is CP violating CP(KS) ? 1, CP(3p0)
- 1 - Allowed by SM, but never observed
- According to SM
- Last limit from direct search BR(KS?3p0) lt
1.4x10-5 (SND, 1999) - Can be parametrized with the amplitude ratio ?000
- The uncertainty on KS ? 3p 0 amplitude limits the
precision on CPT test (Bell-Steinberger
If CPT is conserved Re(?000) CPV in
mixing Im(?000) direct CPV
14KLOE search for KS?p0p0p0
- Direct search, new result
- Rarest decay studied by KLOE so far
- Data sample 0.5 fb-1 (2001-2002 run)
- 37.8 x 106 (KL-crash tag KS????)
- Require 6 prompt photons
- large background 40K events
- Kinematic fit, 2?0,3?0 estimators (z2, z3)
- After all analysis cuts (?3? 24.4)
- 2 candidate events found
- expected background 3.13 0.82 0.37
Submitted to Phys. Lett. hep-ex/0505012
Prospects with 2 fb-1 if background
negligible level UL will improve by factor 10
(down to few 10-8)
15NA48/1 KS?p0p0p0 and ?000
- Measurement in NA48
- Sensitivity to ?000 from KS-KL interference
superimposed on a huge flat KL?? ?0?0?0 component - Aim O(1) error on Re(?000) and Im(?000)
- Method measure KS-KL interference near the
production target - use 3p0 events from near-target run for ?000
- normalize to KL? 3p0 from far-target run
- use MC to correct for residuals acceptance
difference and Dalitz decays - Time evolution of KL,S? 3p 0
16NA48/1 results on KS?p0p0p0
- Data samples (run 2000)
- Near-target run 4.9?106 KL,S ?
3p0 data 90?106 KL? 3p0 MC - Far-target (KL) run 109?106 KL? 3p0
data 90?106 KL? 3p0 MC -
- Fit method fit double ratio
- Final Results (2004)
- Re(?000) -0.002 0.011stat. 0.015syst
- Im(?000) -0.003 0.013stat. 0.017syst
- ? lt 0.045 90 CL
- Br(KS?3p0) lt 7.4 ? 10-7 90 CL
- If Re(?000) Re(e) 1.66 ? 10-3 (CPT)
- Im(?000)CPT -0.000 0.009stat. 0.017syst
- ?CPT lt 0.045 90 CL
- Br(KS?3p0)CPT lt 2.3 ? 10-7 90 CL
Ratio of near-target and far-target data
corrected for acceptance (3 Energy intervals)
17KLOE search for KS?pp-p0
- Motivation
- Present status
- BR(CPC) 3x10-7, BR(CPV) 1.2x10-9
- Direct measurement of CPC part possible with
ultimate 2fb-1 - Measurement tests of prediction (untested) of ?PT
- Data sample 740 pb-1
- 373 pb-1 (2001/2 data) 367 (2004 data)
- Assuming BR3x10-7 230 signal events produced
- Prospect with 2 fb-1
- 16 events, of which 9 background
- 60 statistical accuracy on BR(KS ?pp-p0 )
- BR with accuracy below 50 competitive with
other measurements, and the only direct search
E621 (1996) 4.82.2-1.6(stat)
1.1(syst) ? 10-7 CPLEAR (1997)
2.51.2-1.0(stat)0.5-0.6(syst) ? 10-7
PDG2004 (average) 3.2 1.2-1.0
? 10-7 ?PT 2.4
0.7 ? 10-7
18Direct CP Violation in K3?
- K ? 3? matrix element
- M(u,v)2 1 gu hu2 kv2
BR(K?????)5.57 BR(K???0?0)1.73
K? pp-p g -0.2154 K? p0p0p g
0.652 h, k ltlt g
Dalitz variables
K-K- asymmetry in g
K? pp-p
i3 is the odd pion
NA48/2 search for Direct CPV by comparing the
linear slopes g for K
19Experimental and theoretical status
Experimental results
Ford et al. (1970)
SM estimates of Ag vary within an order of
magnitude (few 10-6 to 8x10-5).
HyperCP prelim. (2000)
TNF prelim. (2002) - neutral mode
Models beyond SM predict substantial enhancements
partially within the reach of NA48/2. (theoretical
analyses are by far not
exhaustive by now)
NA48/2 proposal
CPV asymmetry in decay width is much smaller
than in Dalitz-plot slopes Ag (SM 10-710-6)
New physics
20NA48/2 goal and method
- Primary NA48/2 goal
- Measure slope asymmetries in charged and
neutral modes with precisions dAg lt 2.2x10-4,
and dAg0 lt 3.5x10-4, respectively - Statistics required for this measurement gt 2x109
in charged mode and gt 108 in neutral mode - NA48/2 method
- Two simultaneous K and K beams, superimposed in
space, with narrow momentum spectra - Detect asymmetry exclusively considering slopes
of ratios of normalized u distributions - Equalise K and K acceptances by frequently
alternating polarities of relevant magnets
21NA48/2 experimental set-up
beam pipe
focusing beams
7?1011 ppp
- Second Achromat
- Cleaning
- Beam spectrometer
- Front-end Achromat
- Split /-
- Select momentum
- Recombine /-
/- beams overlap within 1mm all along 114m
decay volume
- Quadrupole quadruplet
- Focusing
- µ swapping
He tank spectrometer
vacuum tank
not to scale
22NA48/2 Data Taking
Data taking finished 2003 run 50 days 2004
run 60 days Total statistics in 2 years
K?? ????? 4x109 K?? ?0?0?? 2x108 200
TB of data recorded
This presentation first result based on 2003
K? ????? sample
23K3? statistics
Data taking 2003 1.61x109 K ? ????? events
?M1.7 MeV/c2
even pion in beam pipe
Invariant ??? mass
odd pion in beam pipe
Accepted statistics K 1.03 x109 events K?
0.58 x109 events K/K 1.8
24Ag measurement strategy - 1
- Use only the slopes of ratios of normalized
u-distribution - Build u-distributions of K and K- events
N(u), N-(u) - Make a ratio of these distributions R(u)
- Fit a linear function to this ratio normalised
slope ?g
e.g. uncertainty dAg lt 2.210-4corresponds to
d?g lt 0.910-4
- Compensate unavoidable detector asymmetry
inverting periodically the polarity of the
relevant magnets - Every day magnetic field B in the spectrometer
(up/down B/B-) - Every week magnetic field A of the achromat
(up/down A/A-)
25Ag measurement strategy - 2
Four ratios are used to cancel acceptances
Spectrometer field
beam line K Up
Jura (left)
Saleve (right)
beam line K Down
- beam line polarity (U/D)
- direction of kaon deviation in the spectrometer
- Supersample data taking strategy
- achromat polarity (A) was reversed on weekly
basis - spectrometer magnet polarity (B) was reversed on
daily basis
? 1 Supersample 2 weeks ? 2003 data 4
26Ag measurement strategy - 3
Quadruple ratio is used for further cancellation
R RUS ? RUJ ? RDS ? RDJ 1 4 ? Dg ? u
- Cancellation of systematic biases
- Beam rate effects global time-variable biases
(K and K- simultaneously recorded) - Beam geometry difference effects beam line
biases (K beam up / K- beam up etc) - Detector asymmetries effects (K and K-
illuminating the same detector region) - Acceptance is defined respecting azimuthal
symmetry - Effects of permanent stray fields (earth, vacuum
tank magnetisation) cancels
The result is sensitive only to time variation
of asymmetries in experimental conditions
(beamdetector) with a characteristic time
smaller than the corresponding field-alternation
period (e.g. the
supersample time scale beam-week, detector-day)
27Beam systematics
- Time variations of beam geometry
- Acceptance largely defined by central beam hole
edge (R10 cm) - Acceptance cut defined by a (larger) virtual
pipe - centered on averaged beam positions - as
a function of charge, time and K momentum
Y, cm
Sample beam profile at DCH1
Beam movements 2 mm
2 mm
Beam widths 5 mm
X, cm
28Spectrometer systematics
- Time variations of spectrometer geometry
- DCH drifts by O(100µm) in a 3 month run
asymmetry in p measurement - alignment is fine tuned by forcing the average
value of the reconstructed invariant 3? masses
to be equal for K and K-
- Momentum scale
- due to variations of the magnet current (10-3)
- sensitivity to a 10-3 error on field integral
?M 100 keV - mostly cancels due to simultaneous beams
- in addition, it is adjusted by forcing the
average value of reconstructed invariant 3?
masses to the PDG value of MK
Maximum equivalent horizontal shift 200?m
_at_DCH1 or 120?m _at_DCH2 or 280?m _at_DCH4
29Trigger systematics
- Measure inefficiencies using control data from
low bias triggers - Assume rate-dependent trigger inefficiencies
L2 trigger (online vertex reconstruction)
time-varying inefficienciy ( 0.2 to 1.8) flat
in u within measurement precision
u-dependent correction applied
L1 trigger (2 hodoscope hits) stable and small
inefficiency ( 0.710-3) no correction
L2 inefficiency
30Fit linearity 4 Supersamples
SS2 ?g(-3.12.5)x10-4
SS0 ?g(0.62.4)x10-4
SS1 ?g(2.32.2)x10-4
SS3 ?g(-2.93.9)x10-4
31Systematics summary and results
Conservative estimation of systematic uncertainties Effect on ?gx104
Acceptance and beam geometry 0.5
Spectrometer alignment 0.1
Analyzing magnet field 0.1
p??? decay 0.4
U calculation and fitting 0.5
Pile-up 0.3
Systematic errors of statistical nature
Trigger efficiency L2 0.8
Trigger efficiency L1 0.4
Total systematic error 1.3
Combined result in ?g x
104 units (3 independent analyses)
Raw Corrected for L2 eff
SS0 0.01.5 0.52.4
SS1 0.92.0 2.22.2
SS2 -2.82.2 -3.02.5
SS3 2.03.4 -2.63.9
Total -0.21.0 -0.21.3
?2 2.2/3 3.2/3
L2 trigger correction included
32Stability of the result
?g (-0.21.0stat.0.9stat.(trig.)0.9syst.)x10-4
?g (-0.2 1.7) x 10-4
Quadruple ratio with
EK (GeV)
4 supersamples give consistent results
control of detector asymmetry
control of beam line asymmetry
MC reproduces these apparatus asymmetries
zvertex (cm)
33Preliminary result on Ag
Ag (0.52.4stat.2.1stat.(trig.)2.1syst.)x10-
4 Ag (0.53.8) x 10-4 NA48/2 - 2003 data
Smith et al. (1975) (N)
Ford et al. (1970) (C)
- This is a preliminary result, with conservative
estimate of the systematic errors - The extrapolated statistical error 200304 is
?Ag1.610-4 - 2004 data expected smaller systematic effects
(more frequent polarity inversion, better beam
HyperCP prelim. (2000) (C)
TNF (2004) (N)
New physics
34Neutral mode asymmetry K???0?0
- Statistics analyzed 28 x 106 events (1 month of
2003) - Statistical error with analyzed data ?Ag 2.2
10-4 - Extrapolation to 2003 2004 data ?Ag 1.3
10-4 - Similar statistical precision as in charged
mode - Possibly larger systematics errors
35Search for KS???0ee?
Motivation determination of the indirect CP
violating amplitude of the decay KL???0ee?
- BR(SM)3-10x10-12, BR(??ee?)6?10-7
- 3 contribution to this decay (?PT)
- A1(CPC) not predicted, derived from KL???0 ??
(K2??0????0ee?, NA48, KTeV) - A2(CPVInd) not predicted, measured by
KS ??0ee- (NA48/1) - A3(CPVDir) predicted in terms of CKM phase
(electroweak penguins and W boxes with top)
KTeV limits (90CL) BR(p0ee) lt
2.8x10-10 BR(p0mm) lt 3.8x10-10
36 NA48/1 K0S ? p0ll-
Main motivation for the NA48/1 proposal
KS ?p0 ee
KS ?p0 mm
6 events, bkg. 0.220.19-0.12
7 events, bkg. 0.150.10-0.04
First measurement BR(p0ee) 5.8 2.8-2.3(stat)
0.8(syst) ? 10-9 as1.060.26-0.21 (stat)
0.07 (syst) PLB 576 (2003)
First measurement BR(p0mm) 2.9 1.4-1.2(stat)
0.2(syst) ? 10-9 as1.550.38-0.32 (stat)
0.05 (syst) PLB 599 (2004)
37 SM prediction for K0L ? p0ll-
- From KL measurement small CPC contribution
- From KS measurement indirect CPV contribution
dominates - Sensitivity of BR to CKM phase depends on the
(unmeasurable) relative sign of the two CPV terms
- Theory constructive interference favored
- Sensitivity to new physics enhanced electroweak
penguins would enhance the BR
Isidori et al. EPJC36 (2004)
J. Buras et al. hep-ph/0402112 NP B697 (2004)
Two indeopendent analysis G. Buchalla, G.
DAmbrosio, G. Isidori, Nucl.Phys.B672,387 (2003)
- S. Friot, D. Greynat, E. de Rafael,
hep-ph/0404136, PL B 595
38Prospects and conclusions
- Kaon was central in the definition of SM
- Quantitative tests of CKM mechanism and search
for new physics beyond SM are possible with rare
Kaon decay mesurements - High level of precision is attainable
- Constraints to CKM variables and further test of
CPV from FCNC processes (golden decays) - KL???0ee? decays
- K ? p?nn decays
39 40The golden K ? p?l l decays
- Motivation
- FCNC processes, no tree level, proceed via loop
diagrams - access to quark level physics with small
theoretical uncertanties - dominant short distance contributions
- long distance only for charged lepton modes
- matrix elements of quark operators related to
Ke3 decays - CPV KL decays
- Charged leptons final states easier lepton
identification but high levels of radiative
background - Best change K ? pnn decays
- no long distance contributions
- clean theoretical predictions
- no radiative background
- KL decay dominated by direct CPV
41Why Kaon again?
Unitarity Triangle Vud Vub Vcd Vcb Vtd
Vtb 0
? and ? precise measurements important as
precision test of the CMK formalism - used to
describe CP and quark mixing -and search for new
KL? ?0??? KOPIO_at_BNL KS ? ?0ee- KL?
?0ee- KL ? ?0?? KL ? ee- ??
K ? ???? P326_at_CERN
The study of K mesons allows quantitative tests
of the SM independent and complementary to B
KL ? ??- KL ? ?? KL ? ee- ? KL ? ee-
ee- KL ? ee- ??-
42Experimental prospects
- K0L ? p0nn
- Large window of opportunity exists.
- Upper limit is 4 order of magnitude from the SM
prediction - Expect results from data collected by E391a
(proposed SES3 10-10) - Next experiment KOPIO_at_BNL
- Future JPARC and KLOD_at_IHEP
- K0L ? p0ee(mm)
- Long distance contributions under better control
- Measurement of KS modes has allowed SM prediction
- KS rates to be better measured (KLOE?)
- Background limited (study time dep.
Interference?) - 100-fold increase in kaon flux to be envisaged
- K? pnn
- The situation is different 3 clean events are
published - Experiment in agreement with SM
- Next round of exp. need to collect O(100) events
to be useful P326 at CERN - Move from stopped to in flight experiments
43KAon BEam Spectrometer (KABES)
- 3 MICROMEGA gas chamber stations
- measure beam particle
- charge (prob. mis-ID10-2)
- momentum (?p/p0.7)
- position in the 2nd achromat (?x,y?100?m).
- Measurement of kaon momentum
- Reconstruct K3p with a lost pion
- Redundancy in K3p analysis
- Resolve Ke4 reconstruction ambiguity.
Not used yet for K?3? analysis
E. Goudzovski / CERN, 1 March 2005
44KL,S ? ????e?e? why?
For KL interference gives indirect CP-violating
asymmetry in the orientation of ???? and e?e?
decay planes Easier access to polarization
asymmetry in K ? ??? Large (? 14) asymmetries
45KL,S ? ????e?e?
A? (13.3 ? 1.7)
NA48A? (14.2 ? 3.6)
1.5K events
BR (3.63 ? 0.18) ? 10-7
NA48 BR (3.08 ? 0.2) ? 10-7
BR (4.69 ? 0.30) ? 10-5
No asymmetryA? (?1.1 ? 4.1)
46KTeV ?- measurement
- Direct CPV
- Assuming G(KS?pe?)G(KL?pe?), the result is
? 2.7s discrepancy with PDG average