Title: B%20physics,%20CP%20violation%20and%20CKM%20(Theory)
1B physics, CP violation and CKM (Theory)
- Vali Bashiry (IPM)
- Feb 12, 2007
2Plan of this talk
- Flavor Mesons (B, D, K)
- Unitarity triangle and New Physics
- B rare decays and B-gt tn
- Bs mixing and Bs -gtmm
- Future of flavor physics
33 FAMILIES - out of the vacuum
Family 1 (light)
Family 2 (heavy)
Family 3 (v. heavy)
43 FAMILIES - out of the vacuum
Family 1 (light)
Family 2 (heavy)
Family 3 (v. heavy)
53 FAMILIES - out of the vacuum
Family 1 (light)
Family 2 (heavy)
Family 3 (v. heavy)
6From the Higgs to the CKM Matrix
Masses ?
Spontaneous Symmetry breaking
Scalar Higgs field
Yukawa coupling Higgs-quarks
from flavour to mass eigenstates
Interaction quarks-W (charged currents)
3?3 unitary matrix
7The Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa Matrix
- VCKM unitary and complex
- 4 real parameters . (3 angles
and 1 phase)
Kobayashi, Maskawa 1973
Wolfenstein Parameterization (expansion in ?
CPV phase
Explicit CPV in SM, if
non-degenerate masses
Jarlskog 1985
Link between flavour and CP violation
(phase invariant!)
8The Unitarity Triangle
B sector
K sector
Expect large CP-violating effects in B-System
Tree processes
Loop processes (mixing, ...)
New Physics?
A Worldwide Effort
Studying CP Violation in the B System
10B deacysTree level Loop level (Penguin)
- Pure Leptonic
- (B-gt l l-, B-gt l ?,)
- Hadronic
- (B-gtJ/yKs, B-gtfKs,.)
- Semileptonic
- (B-gtr l l-, B-gtK l l-,.)
11 The CKM Matrix Impact of B Physics
Observables CKM Parameters(?) Experimental Sources Theoretical Uncertainties Quality
?md (Vtd) (1?)2 ?2 BdBd ? f f X, XRECO fBd?Bd ?
?ms (Vts) A Bs ? f X ? fBs?Bs/fBd?Bd ? ?
sin2? ?, ? Bd ? cc sd, ss sd small ? ? ?
sin2? ?, ? Bd ? ?(?) ? Strong phases, penguins ?
? ?, ? B ? DK small ? ?
? ?, ? b ? u, Direct CPV Strong phases, penguins ?
Vcb A b ? cl? (excl. / incl.) FD(1) / OPE ? ?
Vub ?2 ?2 b ? ul? (excl. / incl.) Model / OPE ?
Vtd (1?)2 ?2 Bd ? ? ? Model (QCD FA) ?
Vts NP Bd ? Xs (K(?)) ?, K(?) ll (FCNC) Model ?
Vub, fBd ?2 ?2 B ? ?? fBd ? ?
(?) Observables may also depend on ? and A - not
always explicitly noted
12 The Golden Channel
Tree Diagram
- Single weak phase
- clean extraction of CP phase
- no CPV in decay
13Standard Inputs
status ICHEP02
- Vud 0.97394 ? 0.00089 neutron nuclear
? decay - Vus 0.2200 ? 0.0025 K ? ? l?
- Vcd 0.224 ? 0.014
dimuon production ?N (DIS) - Vcs 0.969 ? 0.058 W ? XcX (OPAL)
- Vub (4.09 ? 0.61 ? 0.42) ?103 LEP
inclusive - Vub (4.08 ? 0.56 ? 0.40) ?103 CLEO
inclusive moments b?sg - Vub (3.25 ? 0.29 ? 0.55) ?103 CLEO
exclusive - ? product of likelihoods
for ?Vub? - Vcb (40.4 ? 1.3 ? 0.9) ?103
Excl./Incl.CLEO Moment Analysis - ?K (2.271 ? 0.017) ?103 PDG 2000
- ?md (0.496 ? 0.007) ps1
BABAR,Belle,CDF,LEP,SLD (2002) - ?ms Amplitude Spectrum02 LEP, SLD, CDF
(2002) - sin2? 0.734 ? 0.054 WA, ICHEP 02
- mt(MS) (166 ? 5) GeV/c2 CDF, D0, PDG 2000
- fBd?Bd (230 ? 28 ? 28) MeV Lattice 2000
- ? 1.16 ? 0.03 ? 0.05 Lattice 2000
- BK 0.87 ? 0.06 ? 0.13 Lattice 2000
Tree process ? no New Physics
Standard CKM fit in hand of lattice QCD
other parameters with less relevant errors
14CP violation and quark flavor mixing
- CP violation was discovered in KL decays in 1964,
much before the Standard Model was proposed. This
was a big mystery. - Since then, there have been a great deal of
progress in the elementary particle physics,
which leads us to gauge interactions and three
generations of quarks and leptons. Then,
Kobayashi-Maskawa mechanism, proposed in 1972,
has become a prime candidate for the theory of
the CP violation.
15- In 2001, a large CP violation in the B sector was
found at two B factories at KEK and SLAC. New
discoveries in B decays have followed, such as a
direct CP violation, b -gt sll, and b-gtdg. - LHC will start running next year to explore TeV
scale physics. Focus of flavor physics is also
shifting to search for New Physics effects. - There are a variety of ways to explore New
Physics in K, Bd/Bu, Bs, D physics. Important
information has been already obtained.
16Vus and CKM unitarity in the first row
Significant improvements in Kaon semi-leptonic
decays has been made at BNL, KTeV,CERN-NA48,
KLOE, and ISTRA in recent years. The CKM
unitarity is now satisfied with 1 s. A proposal
of Vus from t decay Vud from neutron life-time
and A-asymmetry.
17Unitarity triangle
Various observable quantities in K and B physics
constrain the angles and lengths of the unitarity
B(K -gt pnn)
DmBd, DmBs/DmBd,
B(B-gtr(w) g)/B(B-gtK g)
b-gtu transition
Angle determination
f1/b CP asymmetries in b-gtccs modes. f2/a CP
asymmetries in B-gt pp, rr,rp. f3/g CP
asymmetries in B-gtDK, etc. (2f1g)/(2bg) CP
asymmetry in B-gtDp, etc
18The unitarity triangle a year ago
Already many observable quantities are
over-constraining the unitarity triangle.
19Is this enough?
Fit from tree level processes
Pre-ICHEP 06
Not, to study New Physics effects. In order to
disentangle new physics effects, we should first
determine CKM parameters by tree-level
We know (or constrain) which sector is affected
by new physics. Improvement of f3/g is essential.
20CP asymmetry in penguin-dominated processes
Summer 2005
Time-dependent CP asymmetry
(Dominant decay diagrams)
Summer 2006 update gt M.Hazumis talk
sin 2f1 is the same in the SM
21Recent theoretical calculations on DS
- There are efforts to calculate difference of CP
asymmetries between penguin-dominated modes and
tree-dominated mode in different methods (QCD
factorization, Final-state interaction, Soft
Collinear Effective Theory). - Differences are estimated so far within a few
for B to fKs and hKs modes in the Standard
SCET Williamson-Zupan
QCDF Buchalla-Hiller-Nir-Raz
QCDF Beneke
QCDFFSI Cheng-Chua-Soni
22Rare B decays
- There are many rare decay processes sensitive to
new physics effects. - Electroweak penguin processes offer several
theoretical clean observables.
Inclusive and exclusive b-gtsg Inclusive and
exclusive b-gtdg Inclusive and exclusive b-gtsll
1. Direct CP violation in b-gtsg,dg
(New phase)
2. Mixing-induced CP asymmetry in B-gtKg, Ksp0g.
(Right-handed photon operator)
3. Lepton forward-backward asymmetry in b -gtsll.
23- Many recent theoretical developments are
reported. - Status of NNLLQCD correction to b-gtsg, b-gtsll.
(T.Hurth) - Inclusive b-gtuln, b-gtsg,B-gtVV in SCET.
(T.Feldmann) - B-gtpp,Kp in SCET.(S.Jaeger)
- Correction to mixing-induced CP violation in
B-gtKg, Ksp0g. - Naively the asymmetry is suppressed by ms/mb
(a few ), but there - are corrections at 10 level in the SM.
(B.Grinstein and D.Pirjol) - Forward Backward Asymmetry in B-gtKll-
- QCDF calculation (M.Beneke,T.Feldmann,and
D.Seidel) - SCET calculation (A.Ali,G.Kramer and G.Zhu)
A.Ali,G.Kramer and G.Zhu
24Tauonic B decay
The Belle result of the B -gttn branching ratio.
gt R.Barlows talk
This is sensitive to the charged Higgs boson
exchange diagram in 2 Higgs doublet model as
well as SUSY models. New contributions are
important for the large tanb case
Charged Higgs exchange contribution depends on
25B(b-gttn) vs. B(b-gtctn) and B(B-gtDtn)
- Related modes are inclusive and exclusive
processes on b-gtctn . - Inclusive B(b-gtctn) was measured at LEP
Constraint on r in 2HDM.
Belle ICHEP06
Y.Grossman, H.Haber and Y.Nir 1995
Two-fold ambiguity is not resolved by the
Inclusive mode. Exclusive modes are necessary.
H.Itoh,N.Gaur, Y.O
26Comparison with the charged Higgs boson
production at LHC
- The parameter region covered
- by B decays and the charged Higgs
- production overlaps.
- If both experiments find positive effects, we can
perform Universality Test of the charged Higgs
B-gttn H-b-u coupling B-gtDtn H-b-c
coupling gb-gttH H-b-t coupling
SUSY loop vertex correction can break the
K.A.Assamagan, Y.Coadou, A.Deandrea
27Bs physics
This is a year of the Bs mixing.
Bs is quite different from Bd Large mass
difference (Dms/Dmd40) Sizable life-time
difference DGs/Gs 0(10) Almost no CP
phase in the Bs mixing amplitude in the SM.
If new physics effects induce a CP phase in the
Bs mixing amplitude
Large time-dep CP asymmetry in B-gtJ/yf (Syf)
DGltDG(SM) Correlation between
semi-leptonic asymmetry (ASL) and Syf.
Y.Grossman,Y.Nir,and G.Raz
Z.Ligeti,M.Papucci, and G.Perez
28Bs mixing and New Physics SUSY
- Supersymmetry introduces squarks and sleptons.
- Squark mass matrixes can carry information on
SUSY breaking mechanism and GUT scale
interactions. - Quark flavor changing neutral current processes
are sensitive to the off-diagonal elements of the
squark mass matrix.
29SUSY GUT and Bs mixing
B(t-gtmg) vs. Dms/Dmd in SUSY GUT
T.Goto,Y.O.Y.Shimizu,Y.Shindou,and M.Tanaka,2003
B.Dutta and Y.Mimura, hep-ph/0607147
30Bs mixing and New Physics Little Higgs model
- Little Higgs model a model with a composite
- Higgs boson.
- New particles (heavy gauge bosons, a heavy top
- partner) are introduced to cancel the quadratic
- divergence of the Higgs mass at one loop level.
- The mass of these particles are around
- 1 TeV if the model is extended with T parity.
- The lightest T-odd particle is a dark matter
- candidate.
N.Arkani-Hamed,A.G.Cohen, E.Katz,and
C.H.Cheng and I.Low,2003
31Flavor signals of T-odd fermions
T-odd SU(2) doublet mirror fermions
J.Hubisz,S.J.Lee, and G.Paz
Three flavor mixing matrixes Two are independent.
A new flavor mixing matrix can generate various
patterns of deviation from the SM.
hlig,and A.Weiler
32 Bs-gtmm and SUSY
- SUSY loop corrections can enhance B(Bs-gtmm) by a
few orders of magnitude from the SM prediction
for large values of tan b. - Loop-induced neutral Higgs exchange effects
The discovery region of a neutral Higgs
boson through pp-gtbf0-gtbmm at LHC and the
discovery region of Bs-gtmm at Tevatron and LHC
C.Kao and Y.Wang
33Future of Kaon phyiscs
- K0L ? p0 n n KEK E391gt JPARC
- K ? p n n
- CERN-SPSC-P-326 (a.k.a. NA48/3)
- Transverse m polarisation in
- K ? p0 m n (T-Violation )
- Other Initiatives
- DANAE (Frascati)
- OKA (Protvino)
New limit 2.1X10-7 (KEK E391) based on 1/10 of
Run I data
65 signal, 93Bgds/year
34B physics at LHC
Much improvements are expected for Bs physics and
B-gtKmm measurements, etc.
LHCb 2fb-1
35Super B factory
5X L(now)
50X L(now)
Current BelleBaBar integrated luminosity
In many aspects asymmetric B factories are
complementary to B physics in hadron machine
(unique for neutrino and tau modes)
Super KEK LoI
36Pattern of New Physics effects
Large Extra Dimension model
Different pattern of the deviations from the SM
prediction. Correlation with other physics
2003 SLAC WS Proceedings
- B factory experiments continue to produce
interesting results. - Measurement of the Bs mixing have added a new
dimension to flavor physics. - All these developments are important to explore
physics beyond the Standard Model from the
aspects of quark flavor physics in the LHC era.