Literature and peace - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Literature and peace


Literature and peace A Project Objectives: Gather and analyse all the materials about peace we studied this year Find out how if and literary texts may promote peace ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Literature and peace

Literature and peace
  • A Project

  • Gather and analyse all the materials about peace
    we studied this year
  • Find out how if and literary texts may promote

  • W. Shakespeare, Macbeth (Mondadori 1983), English
    and Italian version
  • W. Shakespeare, Hamlets monolugue (Act III
    Scene 1), from Hamlet
  • S. Sassoon, They
  • W. Owen, Futility from The Collected Poems, 1963

  • Textual analysis
  • Finding relationships between texts and peace
  • Class discussion and sharing ideas

  • Macbeth is a tragedy.
  • The title refers to the main character who is
    also the the tragic hero.
  • In Macbeth the natural order (symbol for peace)
    of Duncans Kingdom seems to be perfect but it is
    broken by the Kings murder.
  • Such event creates new wars and contributes to
    break Macbeths and his wifes inner peace. The
    loss of inner peace makes Macbeth and his wife
  • In this play the obsessive search for power
    persuades Macbeth to change the natural order of
    things (symbol for peace)
  • Peace can only return with Macbeths death that
    re-establish the balance in the play.
  • The word peace appears very frequently in all
    the play (11 times).
  • It is often compared to silence in fact when a
    character says peace! he means to shut up
  • The comparison can be drawn because peace is also
    symbol for the quietness Macbeth is unable to

Hamlets monologue
  • To be or not to be is the most famous line by
    Shakespeare, and also Hamlets monologue is one
    of the most known pieces of the Shakespearian
  • The text is a monologue, that is its a piece of
    speech where a character expresses his or he most
    inner feelings.
  • The first line expresses the question the
    question in Hamlet's mind is that he has to
    decide whether to be or not to be.
  • "To be" means "to live" but its meaning is wider
    because it includes life after death, too."Not
    to be" means "to sleep no more".
  • An important question that Shakespeare wants to
    ask is is it nobler in the mind suffer and fight
    against the problems of life?
  • Shakespeare speaks about the problems of life
    using hyperboles "a sea of troubles".
  • Shakespeare's answer is the human being prefers
    suffering what he knows because he does not know
    what happens after death.
  • The metaphor "the undiscovered country" refers to
    what we don't know about life after death.

Poems from World War I Siegfried Sassoon and
Wilfried Owen
  • S. Sassoon and Owen are war poets
  • In their poems they speak about war, changing its
    traditional vision.
  • All their poems convey an implicit message of

Sigfried Sassoons They
  • Title expectation the poem about people
    different from the speaking voice the word
    they conveys the idea of distance.
  • The bishops point-of-view
  • ?
  • when men come back from a war they are changed
    because they have fought in a just cause.
  • had the courage to fight against Anti - Christ.
  • The boyspoint-of-view
  • ?
  • People changed because war has mutilated their
  • V ery important line the bishop the decisions
    of God are very strange
  • Words belonging to the semantic field of war
    they are fought, attack, comrades
  • Two points of view about war

  • Positive consideration of war it can change
    everybody if fought for a just cause (in this
    poem the war is against Anti-Christ).
  • The bishop justifies the war using some abstract
    words like Anti-Christ, honour, just cause
    and God.
  • The soldiers negative viewpoint about war
  • Phrases like lost both his legs, Bills stone
    blind, Berts gone syphilitic underline all
    the negative aspects of war.
  • The last line of the poem
  • nobody can understand the ways of God which
  • seem very strange.

Sigfried Sassoons Glory of Women
  • Title expectations poem about some happy women?
  • 2 words glory women.
  • Soldiers criticize womens point of view ?love
    soldiers when they come back from the wars
    disgrace as heroes .
  • Women do not know the real face of war they have
    rehtoric beliefs.
  • Lots of words from the semantic field of war
    underline different points of view between
    soldiers and women
  • Women cannt really understand war ? they are too
    distant and they can only mourn their soldiers
    and pray.

  • They also hope that their men will return as
    heroes so they will carry on loving them.
  • The soldiers point of view is very different
    they know what war really is and so they cant
    convey a positive idea of war.
  • The poet wants to underline that war is
    unimaginable for those who do not fight.

Wilfried Owens Futility
  • The title consists of an uncountable noun,
    similar to the Italian adjective "futile.
  • Maybe the poet wanted to illustrate what is
    useless in men's life?
  • Words from the semantic field of nature "sun",
    "field", " morning", "snow", "seeds", "clay",
    "star" and "earth".They represent the
    never-ending cycle of nature
  • Repetition of words "move", "awake", "rouse",
    "know", "wakes" and "think" underlining the sense
    of futility of mens life.
  • Important metaphor Woke, once, the clays of a
    cold star.
  • Comparison star to a dead man a star is cold as
    is a dead man.

  • All the poem tries to ask a question about mens
    futile life.
  • Exclamation O what made fatuous sunbeams toil.
  • Mens life is very futile for the poet because he
    saw lots of wars atrocities.

Class discussions about peace
  • Peace is very important for everybody because it
    allows to live a very good life and it creates
    the conditions to improve and culture.
  • The loss of peace is very frequent in our society
    because war is very important for the economy of
    some countries.
  • Today there are a lot of wars all around the
    world Israel and Palestine, the conflicts in
    Africa, the situation in Afghanistan and in Iraq
  • But war is not only the lack of peace it is
    mans obsessive search for power that makes him
  • Men always want to become rich and commit crimes
    and other delinquencies to reach their intent.
  • In peace human rights are respected.
  • To safeguard a human balance means to avoid new
  • The global community has to understand that
    keeping a global balance is an urgent
    responsibility for everybody.
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