Title: Diversity in Adolescent Literature
1Diversity in Adolescent Literature
- Jessica Dockter University of Minnesota 2009
- Adapted from Beth Brendler 2008
2- The world in which you were born is just one
model of reality. Other cultures are not failed
attempts at being you they are unique
manifestations of the human spirit. -
- Wade Davis
3What does multicultural or culturally diverse
- About all cultures
- Race and Ethnicity
- Multiethnic
- International
- Gender
- Sexuality
- Exceptionalities
- Values, attitudes, customs, beliefs, ethics
- Religion
4What does multicultural mean?
- Race and Ethnicity
- The Heart of a Chief Joseph Bruchac
- The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian
Sherman Alexie - Before We Were Free Julia Alvarez
5What does multicultural mean?
- Race and Ethnicity
- Born Confused - Tanuja Desai Hidier
- The Skin Im In Sharon G. Â Flake
- Baseball in April Gary Soto
- Habibi Naomi Shihab Nye
6What does multicultural mean?
- Gender
- Fat Chance Leslea Newman
- Inexcusable - Chris Lynch
- Speak Laurie Halse Anderson
- A Northern Light Jennifer Donnelly
7What does multicultural mean?
- Sexual Orientation
- Luna Julie Ann Peters
- Hard Love Ellen Wittlinger
- Annie on My Mind Nancy Garden
- Totally Joe James Howe
- From the Notebooks of Melanin Sun Jacqueline
8What does multicultural mean?
- Exceptionalities
- Stuck in Neutral Terry Trueman
- The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime
Mark Haddon - Invisible Pete Hautman
- Stop Pretending What Happened When My Big Sister
Went Crazy Sonja Sones - Joey Pigza books Jack Gantos
9What does multicultural mean?
- Values, attitudes, customs, beliefs, ethics
- Stargirl Jerry Spinelli
- Whale Talk Chris Crutcher
- Feed M.T. Anderson
10What does multicultural mean?
- Religion
- Armageddon Summer Jane Yolen Bruce
Coville - Godless Pete Hautman
- Leaving Fishers Margaret Peterson Haddix
- Blind Faith - Ellen Wittlinger
11What does multicultural mean?
- International Literature
- Halinka and Malka Mirjam Pressler
- True Confessions of a Heatless Girl Martha
Brooks - Out of Bounds Seven Stories of Conflict and Hope
Beverly Naidoo
12Why multicultural literature?
- If children never see themselves reflected in
literature, they receive the message that they
are not important to society. - If children never see other cultures in books,
they get the message that people with differing
worldviews are not valuable.
13Why multicultural literature?
- If we understand people of other cultures and
other nations, it is difficult to view them as
being on the other side in times of conflict.
14Why multicultural literature?
- Illuminates similarities of problems around the
globe while demonstrating the value of difference
as well - Universal themes
- Fear, love, grief, faith, injustice,
peer relationships, independence, family
relationships, coming-of-age
15Why multicultural literature?
- Approximately 12 of childrens books published
in the US are by or about people of color (2008
statistics) - Less than 1 of childrens books published in the
US have been translated from another language /
culture -
- (Childrens Cooperative Book Center)
16Why multicultural literature?
- Statistics represent only quantity, not quality
or authenticity - (Childrens Cooperative Book Center)
17Why multicultural literature?
- In 2007-2008, 44.2 of all public school students
were students of color - (National Center for Education Statistics)
- In 2004, more than 88 of public school teachers
were White - (National Center for Education Statistics)
18Evaluating Multicultural Literature
- The best books offer an experience that is more
like looking through a window as light slowly
darkens. At first one sees clearly through the
window into anothers world but gradually, as
the light fades, ones own image becomes
reflected too. - (Lee Galda)
19Evaluating Multicultural Literature
- Look for books that
- avoid / challenge stereotypes
- portray the values and the cultural group in an
authentic way - use language that reflects cultural group usage
20Evaluating Multicultural Literature
- Look for books that
- validate readers experiences while also
broadening vision and inviting reflection
21Cultural Authenticity
- What is cultural authenticity?
- Who decides?
- Why does this matter?
- Insider / outsider status for author and
illustrator - Whose understanding is presented?
- Variation of experience, beliefs, and values
within cultures
23Cultural Appropriation
- Was the author careful to research and
acknowledge the help of insiders? - Who gets published?
- What is the publishers responsibility?
24How can teachers address authenticity and
- Show examples of what you consider to be
authentic and inauthentic - Explore stereotypes in those examples
- Reveal the complexities of the issue
25How can teachers address authenticity and
- Question be a critical reader
- Acknowledge that you cant know everything
- Ask insiders for input on cultural nuances
26How can teachers address authenticity and
- Use good review sources
- Look at cultural award winners
- Use trusted authors
27How can teachers address authenticity and
- Consider the artistic quality of the writing as
well as the cultural quality - Is it good literature if it is culturally
accurate but artistically poor?
28How can teachers address authenticity and
- Worry less about individual books and more about
the diversity of the entire collection - Balance the differences and similarities
29Multicultural Book Awards
- Américas Award
- presented annually for outstanding books,
written in English or Spanish, that portray Latin
America, the Caribbean, or Latinos in the United
30Multicultural Book Awards
- Mildred L.
- Batchelder Award
- presented annually to the publisher of the most
outstanding childrens book originally published
in another language and later translated into
English and published in the United States
31Multicultural Book Awards
- Pura Belpré Award
- presented biennially to a Latino/Latina author
and illustrator whose work best celebrates the
Latino cultural experience
32Multicultural Book Awards
- Coretta Scott
- King Award
- presented annually for the most outstanding book
by an African American author and by an African
American illustrator
33Multicultural Book Awards
- Jane Addams Childrens Book Award
- presented annually by the Women's International
League for Peace and Freedom and the Jane Addams
Peace Association to the children's book that
most effectively promotes the cause of peace,
social justice and world community -
34Multicultural Book Awards
- Asian Pacific American Award for Literature
- for outstanding books by and about Asian Pacific
Americans - Childrens Africana Book Awards
- presented to the authors and illustrators of
the best children's books about Africa
35Multicultural Book Awards
- Carter G. Woodson Book Awards
- presented by the National Council for the Social
Studies for the most distinguished social science
books depicting ethnicity in the United States