Principles of Prescription Writing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Principles of Prescription Writing


Principles of Prescription Writing Nicholas G Popovich Ph.D., R.Ph. Professor and Head Department of Pharmacy Administration UIC College of Pharmacy – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Principles of Prescription Writing

Principles of Prescription Writing
  • Nicholas G Popovich Ph.D., R.Ph.
  • Professor and Head
  • Department of Pharmacy Administration
  • UIC College of Pharmacy

  • Define a prescription and the classification of
  • Compare and contrast the various schedules of
    controlled substances
  • Compare and contrast a prescription medicine and
    a non-prescription medicine
  • List the component elements of the prescription

Objectives contd
  • List the component elements of a controlled
    substance prescription
  • Classify controlled drugs by their schedule
  • Describe writing conventions associated with
    prescription writing
  • Provide examples of look alike, sound alike
    prescription medicines, including trade names

Objectives contd
  • Provide examples of confusing abbreviations used
    in prescription writing
  • Describe important prescription writing
    precautions for traditional and controlled
    substance prescriptions
  • Define the off label use of a drug

Prescription Order Writing
  • Definition A prescription is a written, verbal,
    or electronic order from a prescriber (e.g.,
    physician, dentist, podiatrist, nurse
    practitioner) to a pharmacist for a particular
    medication for a specific medication at a certain

Classification of Medications
  • Prescription legend drug or medication
  • Prescription product label reads
  • Caution Federal Law Prohibits Dispensing
    without a Prescription.

Types of Prescriptions
  • Generic? The nonproprietary name provided by the
    United States Adopted Name (USAN) Council
  • syn. Chemical Name
  • e.g., amoxicillin, fluoxetine, diazepam, aspirin
  • Brand Name? The proprietary name or registered
    trademark name provided by the pioneer
    (innovator) pharmaceutical company who holds the
    patent on the drug
  • e.g., Prozac, Viagra, Xanax

Types of Prescriptions contd
  • Compounded? Requires the preparation of one or
    more active ingredients with one or more
    pharmaceutical necessities, e.g., suspending
    agent, flavoring agent, to create a finished
  • For example, an oral compounded prescriptions
    may be used to facilitate the administration of a
    solid dosage form that is not available in liquid
    form for patients unable to swallow a solid
    dosage form.
  • e.g., pediatric, geriatric

Types of Prescriptions contd
  • Control Substance? Distribution of certain
    medicines with abuse potential is controlled
    through the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention
    and Control Act of 1970
  • This Act is regulated and enforced by the
    federal Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)
  • MDs must be registered with the DEA to prescribe
    those drugs under the control of this act.
  • Re-registration is mandatory every three years.
  • A partial listing of controlled substances is
    demonstrated in Appendix A. Further examples of
    drugs by schedule are found at http//

Types of Prescriptions contd
  • New? An original prescription order dispensed for
    the first time.
  • Refill? A repeat dispensing of the original
    prescription order.
  • Usually, encompasses patients on maintenance
    therapy, e.g., digoxin, phenytoin, lovastatin,
    potassium chloride.

Schedules of Controlled Substances
  • Schedule I ? No medical use with a high abuse and
    dependence potential
  • A physician cannot write for this schedule of
  • e.g., LSD, Marijuana, Heroin, Mescaline
    (Peyote), 1-(1-Phenylcyclohexyl)pyrrolidine
    (i.e., PCP).
  • Twelve states have laws regulating the medical
    use of marijuana- AL, AZ, CA, CO, HI, ME, MD, MT,
    NV, OR, VT, WA

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Schedules of Controlled Substances
  • Schedule II ? A written prescription is required
    for this schedule. However, there are no refills
  • Only in an emergency situation is an oral order
    allowable and acceptable to the dispenser.
  • Must be followed by a written prescription within
    72 hours.
  • In some states (formerly IL), the physician must
    complete a triplicate prescription form to
    prescribe Class II in ink.
  • The physician should write out the actual amount
    prescribed besides giving an Arabic Number or
    Roman Numeral for the quantity.
  • This discourages forging or alteration of the
  • In Illinois, a written prescription for this
    schedule must be dispensed within 7 days of
    issuance or it expires.
  • e.g., amphetamines, meperdine HCl, cocaine,
    oxycodone, secobarbital sodium

Multiple Prescriptions for Schedule II Controlled
SubstancesDEA Rule
  • 12/19/07 Approved federal legislation to allow
    prescriber to write gt1 prescriptions (not more
    than a 90 day supply total) for CII controlled
    substances in certain circumstances.
  • ? Legitimate medical purpose.
  • ? Instruction on each prescription indicating
    earliest date to dispense the prescription.
  • ? This situation does not create an undue risk
    of diversion or abuse.
  • ? Applicable state laws permit this practice
    (Not in Illinois).
  • ? Prescriber is in compliance with all other
    state and federal laws.

Schedules of Controlled Substances
  • Schedule III? Drugs in this schedule have a
    moderate abuse and dependence potential
  • May be prescribed in writing or through a verbal
  • May be refilled up to five times within a six
    month interval from the date of issuance.
  • e.g., glutethimide, chlorphentermine,
    phenmetrazine, anabolic steroids

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Schedules of Controlled Substances
  • Schedule IV? Drugs in this schedule are
    considered to have low abuse and low dependency
  • May be prescribed through writing and through a
    verbal order.
  • May be refilled upto five times within a six
    month interval from the date of issuance.
  • E.g., alprazolam (Xanax), pentazocine (Talwin),
    flurazepam (Dalmane)

Schedules of Controlled Substances
  • Schedule V? Drugs in this schedule have the least
    amount of abuse potential and an unlikely
  • Consists primarily of medications that contain
    limited quantities of certain narcotic and
    stimulant drugs generally used as anti-tussives,
    antidiarrheals, and analgesics
  • Can be purchased OTC by the patient who signs a
  • e.g., Robitussin AC, Parepectolin, Kaopectolin PG
  • Technically, applies to pseudoephedrine purchases.

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Nonprescription Medications
  • Can be purchased at pharmacies and retail outlets
    without a prescription (syn. Over-the-counter
    OTC products)
  • To date, 99 drugs and/or drug dosage forms have
    been switched from prescription to OTC status
    (Note Appendix AA)
  • Besides South Africa, the US is the only country
    NOT to have a third class of drugs. That is,
    available through the pharmacist.
  • FL has a pharmacist only class of medications
  • BTC being considered by FDA

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National Coordinating Council for Medication
Error Reporting and Prevention (NCC-MERP) --
Founding Members
  • American Association of Retired PersonsAmerican
    Health Care AssociationAmerican Hospital
    AssociationAMA American Nurses Association
    American Pharmacists Association American
    Society of Health-System Pharmacists FDA GPIA
    JCAHO National Association of Boards of
    Pharmacy National Council of State Boards of
    Nursing, Inc PhRMA United States Pharmacopeia

NCC-MERP Recommendations to Improve Error-Prone
Aspects of Prescription Writing
  • All prescriptions must be legible. Prescribers
    should move to a direct, computerized, order
    entry system.Handwriting examples

Can you read this?
Component Elements of the Prescription
  • Heading? Physicians name, practice address and
    telephone number, DEA number
  • Date prescription is written
  • Patient Information? Name, address, age (esp., if
    for a pediatric or geriatric patient) or Date of
    Birth (DOB)

Component Elements of the Prescription
  • Body of the Prescription (Note Exhibit)
  • RX? Take Thou. Name of the prescribed drug or
    drug product. Also included is the strength of
    the medication, the number or quantity of the
    prescribed drug in addition to the dosage form
  • DO NOT use abbreviations for drugs prescribed
    unless the abbreviation is official, e.g., SSKI
    (Saturated Solution of Potassium Iodide), NSS
    (Normal Saline Solution), HCTZ (Hydrochlorothiazid
    e), NTG (Nitroglycerin), MTX (Methotrexate)
  • Avoid unofficial abbreviations

Many drugs come in several concentrations and
sizes of containers. Prescribe only by
metric weight, not number (or ) of "cc's",
"amps", "vials (is above order for digoxin
0.1mg/mL or 0.25mg/mL?)
Component Elements of the Prescription - Body of
the Prescription (contd)
  • Sig? Signatura (i.e., Mark Thou). Directions for
    use, e.g., one cap every 8 hrs.
  • Avoid ut dictum or as directed. Units should
    be spelled out rather than writing U.
  • Latin abbreviations (Appendix B) are acceptable
    as well as plain English
  • Commonly confused Latin abbreviations include
    qd, qod
  • Refills? N times or NR. Leaving this section
    blank implies that the prescription is non-

A handwritten "u" can look like a zero, a four,
or "cc." Always write out "unit." (all three
problems illustrated above)
Dangerous Abbreviations
  • Abbreviation ? Intended Meaning
  • U ? Units
  • µg ? Micrograms
  • Q.D. ? Every day
  • Q.O.D. ? Every other day
  • MS, MSO4, ? Morphine sulfate or
  • MgSO4 magnesium sulfate?

The abbreviation "q.d." can sometimes look
like "q.i.d." Always spell out the word "daily."
More Dangerous Abbreviations
  • SC or SQ ? Subcutaneous
  • TIW ? Three times a week
  • D/C ? Discharge discontinue
  • HS ? Half strength bedtime?
  • cc ? Cubic centimeters
  • AU, AS, AD ? Both ears, left ear, right ear
  • I.U. ? International units

Component Elements of the Prescription - Body of
the Prescription (contd)
  • Generic Authorization? Physician signature on the
    dispense as written or may substitute line
  • No Child Resistant Packaging Authorization? All
    legend drugs intended for oral use must be
    dispensed by the pharmacist to the patient in
    containers having safety closures unless the
    prescribing physician or the patient specifically
    requests otherwise.
  • A request for a non-child resistant container may
    be applied to a single prescription or to all of
    the patients dispensed medications.
  • The pharmacist should clarify the patients
    desires, obtain and file a signed waiver request,
    and maintain the information in the prescription
    computer for future reference.
  • Exception Nitroglycerin (NTG) containing

Component Elements of the Prescription - Body of
the Prescription (contd)
  • Signature? Legible in indelible pencil or pen.
    Signature selections
  • May substitute_______________________
  • Dispense as written___________________
  • DEA Number? If necessary and, sometimes found
    within the heading of the prescription blank
    along with the physicians practice information

Writing Conventions
  • For compounded prescriptions, when units are not
    given, solids are assumed to be in grams (g) and
    liquids in milliliters (ml).
  • Never write a decimal without a zero preceding
    it, e.g., 0.15 g Clindamycin HCl. This helps to
    minimize an error in translation
  • Never write a decimal with a zero following it,
    e.g., Propylene Glycol 6.0, Propylene Glycol 6
  • e.g., Rx Clindamycin HCl 0.15
  • Propylene Glycol 6
  • Lavacol qsad 30
  • Sig Apply aa bid

Avoid a tenfold overdose. Place a zero before
the decimal point.
Avoid potential tenfold overdoses. Never follow
drug doses with a decimal point and
zero. (example of 1mg was read as 10 mg)
Writing Conventions (contd)
  • Sometimes a vertical line is used for the decimal
    point, although, conceivably, it could be
    confused as a number one.
  • ____
  • e.g., Rx Chlorpheniramine 0 l 002
  • Aspirin 0 l 325
  • d.t.d. Caps 12
  • Sig i cap po q.i.d allergy and pain

Writing Conventions (contd)
  • Liquid household measures
  • Milliliter ml
  • 1 teaspoonful 5 ml
  • 1 tablespoonful 15 ml
  • 2 tablespoonfuls 30 ml (approximately one
  • 8 fluid ounces 240 ml
  • One pint 16 fluid ounces 473 ml
  • One quart 32 fluid ounces 946 ml
  • One gallon 4 quarts 8 pints 3750 ml
  • gtts drops (e.g., oral, ophthalmic, ear,

Writing Conventions (contd)
  • Solid weights
  • mcg microgram
  • mg milligram
  • g gram
  • gr grain (old apothecary system reserved
    for older, traditional medications).
  • Note for these one grain is equal to 60 mg.
    Otherwise, one grain 64.8 mg.
  • e.g., nitroglycerin, 1/150 gr, 1/200 gr, 1/400
  • phenobarbital, ¼ gr., ½ gr.,1 gr.
  • thyroid ¼ gr, ½ gr, 1 gr.

Writing Conventions (contd)
  • Be very cautious about drug names that
    sound/look alike (Appendix C).
  • http//
  • Avoid using unofficial abbreviations for
    drugs/drug product names, e.g., PCN (Penicillin),
    SMX-TMP (Sulfamethoxazole-Trimethoprim), TCN
    (Tetracycline), KCl (Potassium Chloride), MOM
    (Milk of Magnesia). If confused, contact the

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Prescription Writing Suggestions
  • Intended to ensure patient safety and minimize
    pharmacist intervention on behalf of the
    prescriber and the patient.
  • Keep all prescription blanks in a safe place out
    of patient reach. This avoids the temptation and
    disappearance of blanks. Further, this procedure
    minimizes the number of prescription pads in use.
  • Use a separate prescription blank for each
    prescribed medication.

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Prescription Writing Suggestions
  • Ensure that refill directions are included on
    every prescription. Is it refillable or not?
  • If refillable, indicate the number of times or
    the duration of time that refills are authorized.
    It will save the prescriber time and
    interruptions in the long run. Legally, aside
    from refill limitations associated with
    controlled substances, a prescription refill for
    a conventional, non-controlled medication has a
    one year expiration time.

Prescription Writing Suggestions
  • Attempt to make the prescription order alteration
  • Use indelible pencil or ink and for controlled
    substances write the number and spell it out.
    Otherwise, for example, a XII can be forged to
    read XXX. Use the same pen or indelible pencil
    for the entire prescription. If a mistake is
    made, e.g., number of tablets, cross out the
    mistake, write/print error above it, and then
    initial it.

Prescription Writing Suggestions
  • Avoid writing a prescription for a large quantity
    of drug unless it is absolutely determined that
    such a quantity is necessary.
  • For an anticipated chronic medication, it is
    better to start with a lower number at first in
    the event that the patient cannot tolerate it
    because of side effects. Think also of the
    economic considerations. Insurance plans will
    limit the amount to one to three months at most.
  • When an institutional prescription blank is used,
    the prescriber should clearly print his/her name,
    address, DEA registration number on the blank.

Prescription Writing Suggestions for Controlled
  • Again, this is intended to ensure patient safety
    and minimize pharmacist intervention on behalf of
    the prescriber and the patient.
  • Use a separate prescription blank for each
    substance prescribed.
  • Maintain only a minimum stock of controlled
    substances in the medical bag, and it should be
    taken by the physician while away from the
    automobile. Keeping the medical bag locked in the
    automobile trunk is not always an effective

Prescription Writing Suggestions for Controlled
  • During the drug history, if a patient concedes
    that he/she has received a controlled substance
    prescription from another physician, consult that
    physician or the hospital records, and/or examine
    the patient to decide if a controlled substance
    should be prescribed.
  • Do not allow the patient to dictate the
    controlled substance, if any, to be prescribed.
    The patient may be doctor shopping.
  • Maintain an accurate record of controlled
    substance products dispensed as required by the
    Controlled Substances Act.

Prescription Writing Suggestions for Controlled
  • A prescription order blank should only be used
    for writing the prescription.
  • Do not use it to write a note and/or information
    for the patient. An unscrupulous drug dealer or
    abuser could erase the information easily and use
    the blank to forge a prescription drug.

Prescription Writing Suggestions for Controlled
  • The prescriber should use the pharmacist as a
    valuable resource when needed. Also, assist the
    pharmacist when he/she inquires to verify
    information about a prescription order. A
    corresponding responsibility/liability rests with
    the pharmacist who dispenses the prescription
  • Telephone the nearest DEA field office to secure
    and/or furnish information. The call is held in
    strictest confidence.

Unlabeled (syn Off-Label) Use (Indication)
  • Serendipitous observations (e.g., decreased
    migraine headache attacks while maintained on
    ß-blockers for cardiovascular therapy sildenafil
    citrate clinically evaluated for lowering blood
    pressure demonstrating use for erectile
    dysfunction) and therapeutic interventions of
    physicians have led to medicines being prescribed
    for unlabeled use for which the drug has not been
    approved by the FDA.
  • The off-label use is supposed to be based upon a
    rational scientific theory, expert medical
    opinion, or evidence based on sound clinical

Unlabeled (syn Off-Label) UseCommonly
used for depression, cancer, HIV/AIDS,dermatologi
cal disorders, and migraine.Common in the
pediatric populationdanger ? AEs.In 2001,
73 off label prescriptions were not supported
by scientific evidence.
Unlabeled (syn Off-Label) Use (Indication)
  • The FDA makes clear that it neither has, nor
    desires, the authority to compel physicians to
    adhere to only official labeled indications.
    Simply, experience has demonstrated that the
    official indications lag behind scientific
    knowledge and the scientific/medical literature.

Unlabeled (syn Off-Label) Use (Indication)
  • A Supplemental New Drug Application (NDA) may be
    filed by the drug manufacturer when approval is
    sought for an additional indication for a drug
    already approved for another indication. It has
    been estimated that 40 of all prescriptions are
    written for indications for which a Supplemental
    NDA has not been filed. While this process is
    less demanding, drug manufacturers do not want to
    invest the time, energy, and to do so.
  • Consequently, this has resulted in 75 to 90
    off-label prescribing for infants and children.
    The caveat is less than desirable dosing and
    warnings for the pediatric patient with increased
    incidence of adverse effects.

Single Patient Compassionate Use
  • A FDA-requested mechanism for a physician to use
    a drug in a single patient, usually in a
    desperate situation when there is no response to
    other therapies or in which there is no approved
    or recognized treatment available.

Single Patient Compassionate Use
  • Approval for a compassionate use may be sought in
    the following situations when a(n)
  • IND is in effect, but the drug is still in the
    early stages of testing.
  • IND is in effect, but the intent of the drug use
    is not for the purpose described in the IND.
  • drug has an IND, but it is not marketed.
  • drug has had previous FDA approval but has been
    withdrawn from the market because of questions
    regarding its safety.
  • drug is being investigated or marketed outside of
    the US, but no IND is in effect within the US.
  • Often, the FDA will permit the proposed use under
    a commercial sponsors IND or under a new IND
    filed by the physician in behalf of an identified

  • Scott SA. The Prescription, in Remington The
    Science and Practice of Pharmacy, 21st Edition,
    A. Gennaro, Chairman, Editorial Board and Editor,
    Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore MD,
    2005, pp. 1823-1839.
  • http//
  • http//
  • m11915
  • Updated March 23, 2009

Acknowledgement Examples scanned from
materials prepared by the Institute for Safe
Medication PracticesISMP, Warminster,
PAMichael Cohen, President
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