Current state of computer - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Current state of computer


Current state of computer & memory technology vs. state of human culture While comparing the formal values of computer performance and the relevant memory volume with ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Current state of computer

Current state of computer memory technology vs.
state of human culture
  • While comparing the formal values of computer
    performance and
  • the relevant memory volume with the best estimate
    of human features expressed in similar terms, one
    may come to conclusion that the technology
    already overpasses the humans intellectual
  • Such conclusion would be, certainly, naïve
    computers are still just big calculators having
    neither intuition, nor real association, nor
    ability to overcome the rigid frame of initial
    axioms to jump to the next floor of the Godels
    perpetual staircase of ever broadening logic
  • However, the power of contemporary
    data-processing and data-storage technology truly
    exceeds the humanity IP asset and the pace of
    its growth.
  • Continuing progress of information technology at
    present time is more about communication and
    control that about true values.

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The life-long performance of the greatest humans
in computers terms would be never too high
In such computer-taste scale, the
symbolic/universal language of scientists will be
inferior to combined symbolic/analog language of
writers who would be still inferior to pure
analog language of artists
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(No Transcript)
Another paradox may be encountered between
intellectual creativity and senseless
communications What would happen if all 5
billions of adult humans suddenly became
In another extreme scenario, what would happen if
all 5 billions of adult humans suddenly lost
their intellectual power and may only say
Hello, but everybody wants to say it to
3,800,000,000 years of evolution was billions
years long raising and training of human brain
for solution of most complex, changeable,
unexpected problems. But the human brain is not
as powerful in quick solution of simple problems.
The world champions in that would be mongoose
(gold medal) and cobra (silver medal). But no
creature may compete in speed with machines for
humans, diminishing complexity and diversity of
brain task is equal to jump down from their
evolution position collision between humans and
machines can become tragedy as it happened with
countless thousands people with introduction of
moving assembly.
Certainly, the creative capabilities of computers
should not be overestimated. But every kind of
human activity which the human had comprehended
in scientific respect, the electronics and
automatics will be able subsequently accomplish
with no less power than human. The crystal can
do with information everything that we can do, if
only we know in advance what exactly we have to
do with it. V.F.Dorfman, On the Border of
Millenniums, Moscow, 1982, p.63
Virtual Will and real Competition
  • Although computer has no its own will,
  • behind of the Computer
  • are the interests and wills of individuals,
  • corporations, organizations and government.
  • Thus, computer is getting a virtual will.
  • Competition between people and computer become a
    real reality.

Competition between humans and computers for
Ancient model of Humanity
Coming model of Humanity
Start of modern technology was tied with medical
tasks. Intervention in brain starts now with the
same noble purpose
Computers technology, performance and impact on
our life What is predictable, what is
  • The trends of actual development for all major
    kinds of computers and computer elements up to
    the current moment correspond to forecast plotted
    over two decades ago. Such forecast is
    possible due to general laws of systems
    development not depending on specific features of
    technology or physical principles of elements.
    This development will continue to systems limits
    and may be further forecasted. Although solid
    state electronics will persist as the computer
    base over the next two decades, and development
    of physics may never stop, the further progress
    in computers performance will be predominantly
    due to advance in their structural hierarchy.

Computers technology, performance and impact on
our life What is predictable, what is
  • On the element levels, progress to nano, shift
    from classical statistical phenomena to
    singular quantum events and molecular
    data-processing systems will make possible
    simulation of both inorganic and organic world
    based on life-like elementary phenomena, and
    analog principles will eventually return into
    computers. Solid-state electronics will remain
    in the core processor due to its universality,
    speed, reliability and accuracy, and computer
    will transform into hybrid digit-analog
    faster-than-real-time simulating system. On
    technology levels, the crucial are self-aligning
    and self-assembling, on system levels
    self-reservation, self-diagnostic and
    self-repair. The slogan self is as important as
    nano and quantum. Still, as it was shown
    decades ago, it is the level of interconnectivity
    - the key factor of brains advantage due to
    basic features of planar technology, solid state
    computer will never be able to reach the brain
    complexity. (CONTINUED)

Computers technology, performance and impact on
our life What is predictable, what is
  • Each hierarchical level of evolving computer
    structure has limits of complexity and
    performance the further computers development
    will be stratified. Each stratum signifies new
    data processing power exceeding certain natural
    capability of humans. In spite computer has no
    real intuition of brain, this superpower of data
    processing implies deep impact on humanity. In
    the core of future impact - increasing
    predictability of nearly all aspects of
    individual and social life. It will better
    protect individual life from natural dangers
    internal illnesses and external hazards.
    Personal computer combined with miniature
    bio-devices will acquire power of medical
    diagnosis and even therapy meteorological and
    seismic prognosis will reach high accuracy, etc.

Computers technology, performance and impact on
our life What is predictable, what is
  • But new technology will magnify both symbiotic
    and antagonistic relationship between
    individuality and sociality. It may change
    political paradigm of state and power and
    transform all institutions of insurance industry.
    Individual and society become more vulnerable to
    high-tech-based violence, from terrorism to
    thieves of individuality, even biological. Not
    only the world becomes open and transparent, but
    every individual as well. Differently from
    technical trends, social development cannot be
    deterministically predicted because it does
    depend on individual human will.
  • Future of progeny depends on wisdom of ancestors.

  • From the end of 1960s the author was a member of
    Council for Microelectronics, a
    scientific-technical Institution that had no
    political power but had decisive voice in
    development of general strategy for electronic
    and computer industry in the USSR. He was
    responsible for computer elements for
    non-military machines.
  • In 1976, he was invited to write a general
    analysis in this field for jubilee issue (in the
    even of 60-years anniversary of the USSR) of
    Soviet Journal of Microelectronics. Between the
    major conclusions of his analysis were the

  • 1. Superconductor elements, even if the
    high-temperature superconductivity discovered
    (that had really happened some 10 years later on)
    cannot essentially increase maximum computer
  • 2. No alternative for silicon transistors may be
    indicated between all the known physical
    principles or materials, while between the
    silicon transistors the key role would play the
    low-energy (CMOS) but not the fastest (like ESL)
    transistors, and gallium arsenide transistors may
    have only limited applications, predominantly for
    military machines.
  • 3. The problem of defects will progressively
    grow with the IC complexity growth, and the most
    effective approach to overcome it should be the
    concept chip-system or wafer-system with
    intrinsic reservation and self-repair functions.
  • 4. If all the past progress of microelectronics
    is mostly due to active elements (transistors,
    etc.), then with the further advance of the level
    of IC integration the interconnections will
    progressively play more decisive role.
  • 5. It is the level of interconnectivity
    represents the key factor of the brains
    advantage, and due to the basic features of
    planar technology the solid state computer will
    never be able to reach the brain complexity.

  • The first three conclusions prompted the Soviet
    Government for immediate actions all projects in
    superconducting computers were completely closed
    (prior to my analysis those projects included
    building of a few secrete electronic cities),
    gallium arsenide projects diminished to strictly
    specialized military projects, and the project
    wafer-system had been established (perhaps, it
    was premature in that time) in major electronic
    center in Zelenograd.
  • BUT Publication of the article was strictly
    forbidden during 10 years.
  • Still, the conclusions 4 regarding
    interconnection was published in monograph
    Micrometallurgy in Microelectronics (Moscow,
    1978), and it was recognized during recent
    presentation in Intel.

Mask for magnetic bubble memory. Design rule 1.5
mm Immersion lithography February 1978
This is an example of approach developed in the
authors Moscow Laboratory equipped with 5 to
7-year lag behind of the time that forced to find
solution in about 26 years ahead of the time
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