Title: History Modern Europe
1HistoryModern Europe
2Sigmund Freud ( 1856-1939)
A civilization which leaves so large a number of
its participants unsatisfied and drives them into
revolt neither has nor deserves the prospect of a
lasting existence.
3 Chronology
- The most important moments in Sigmund Freud's
life and genesis of his work - 1856 - 6 May is born (to change his name to
Sigmund at 22). According to custom, he is also
given a Jewish name Schlomo. His birthplace is
Freiberg (nowadays Pribor) in Moravia (the Czech
Republic). - 1873 - He receives a summa cum laudae award on
graduation from secondary school. He is
congratulated on his style in German. He is
already able to read in several languages. Under
his colleague's Heinrich Braun influence, he
plans to study law but finally decides in favor
of medical school, after having attended a
lecture on Goethe's essay On Nature. Start his
studies at Vienna University. - 1876 - His first personal research in Trieste, on
sexual glands of anguilas. Joins Brucke's
laboratory. - 1877 - Publishes the result of his anatomical
research on the central nervous system of a
specific larva. -
- 1881 - A delayed award of a doctor's degree in
medicine. - 1884 - Discovers the analgesic properties of
cocaine. Carl Koller is the one publishing a
successful study in that respect. Freud himself
uses cocaine as a tonic but prescribes it to his
friend Fleischl who was morphine addicted,
thereby aggravating his situation. He is
criticized in medical circles.
4- 1885 - Hold a temporary position in a private
clinic where hypnosis is used. He destroys all
his documents in April. He is appointed
Privatdozent, then is awarded a grant for a study
tour and chooses to go to Paris, to visit Charcot
at the Salpetriere Hospital. He is able to
observe the manifestations of hysteria and the
effects of hypnosis and suggestion here. Charcot
leaves him with special impression. Freud
volunteers to translate his lectures. - 1900 -Interprataion of dreams was released, the
fundamental work for the whole of psychoanalytic
theory - 1902 - professor at University of Vienna
- 1930 -becomes the winner of Goethes Literary
Prize - 1939 - suffers from cancer and in severe pain,
persuaded his doctor and friend Max Schur to help
him commit suicide
5Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev (1834-1907)
No law of nature, however general, has been
established all at once its recognition has
always been preceded by many presentiments.
6- Mendeleev recognized there were undiscovered
elements. - By using his periodic table, he could predict the
chemical properties of the undiscovered elements
- March 1869 - Mendeleev presented a paper to the
Russian Chemical Society entitled On the
Correlation Between the Properties of the
Elements and their Atomic Weights - Not translated from Russian until 1895
- 1869, two German abstracts of the paper were
published. - The first contained only the table.
- The second failed to mention the word periodic
and contained a confusing typographical error - Mendeleev was recognized as the first scientist
to publish on the relationship between atomic
weight and periodic chemical properties.
8Wall Art Statue
9(No Transcript)
10Charles Darwin (1809-1882)
11Best Selling Books on Charles Darwin
1839 Voyage of the Beagle 1851 1854 Living
and Fossil Cirripedia 1859 On the Origin of
Species 1862 On the Various Contrivances by
which British and Foreign Orchids are Fertilised
by Insects 1865 On the Movements and Habits of
Climbing Plants 1868 The Variation of Animals
and Plants under Domestication 1871 The Descent
of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex 1872
The Expression of the Emotions in Man and
Animals 1875 Insectivorous Plants 1876 The
Effects of Cross and Self Fertilisation in the
Vegetable Kingdom 1877 The Different Forms of
Flowers on Plants of the Same Species 1880 The
Power of Movement in Plants (with son Francis
Darwin) 1881 The Formation of Vegetable Mould,
Through the Action of Worms
12- Darwin was born in Shrewsbury, Shropshire
- 1817 1818 Attended day-school of Reverend
Case - 1818 1825 Attended Shrewsbury School, a
boarding school run by Dr. Samuel Butler
(grandfather of the Samuel Butler who wrote
Erewhon and The Way of All Flesh). He could
readily walk back home from this school, although
he was a boarder. - 1825 1827 Studied medicine (mostly) at
University of Edinburgh, where his father and
brother had studied, but discovered medicine was
not to his liking. - 1828 1831 Attended and graduated from
Cambridge University, intending to become a
13- 1836 1839
- Back in London, Darwin became a well-known
scientist/ naturalist, more of a geologist than a
biologist. However, he began several notebooks
on biology and evolution, having become convinced
that species were not immutable but changed and
evolved. - In 1838 he read Thomas Malthus essay on
population and conceived the importance of
natural selection in evolution. - In 1839 he married his first cousin. Emma
Wedgwood, and they had 10 children born between
1841 and 1854
14Louis Pasteur (1822-1895)
15August Comte (1798 1857)
- Comtes goal was to
- Explain the past
- Predict the future
Auguste Comte is mostly known as the creator of
the science of sociology, the foundations of
which he laid in his two main treatises, the
Course in Positive Philosophy (1830-1842) and the
System of Positive Policy (1851-1854).
16Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky (1821-1881)
17- Fyodor Dostoevsky is renowned as one of the
worlds greatest novelists and literary
psychologists. -
- Born in Moscow in 1821, the son of a doctor,
Dostoevsky was educated first at home and then at
a boarding school. - When Dostoevsky was a young boy, his father sent
him to the St. Petersburg Academy of Military
Engineering, from which he graduated in 1843. - Dostoevsky had long been interested in writing,
and he immediately resigned from his position as
a sub lieutenant to devote his time to his craft.
- His first book, Poor Folk (1846), was immediately
popular with critics.
18- Crime and Punishments popular and critical
success allowed him to keep ahead, albeit just
barely, of daunting debts and the burden of
supporting a number of children left in his care
after the deaths of his brother and sister. - In 1867, he married a second time, to Anna
Grigoryevna Snitkina, who helped him cope with
his epilepsy, depression, and gambling problems. - Anna had served as his stenographer for his novel
The Gambler (1867).
19- After writing Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky
wrote The Idiot (1868), and perhaps his greatest
masterwork, The Brothers Karamazov (1880). - The Brothers Karamazov is Dostoevskys deepest
and most complex examination of crucial
philosophical questions of human existence. - In it, he addresses the conflict between faith
and doubt, the problem of free will, and the
question of moral responsibility
20Herbert Spencer (1820-1903)
21- Principles of Biology (several volumes 1864-1867)
- Textbook used at Oxford
- The Study of Sociology (1873)
- Textbook used at Yale University
- William Graham Sumner taught Spencerism at Yale
- Principles of Psychology (two volumes 1870-1872)
- Textbook used at Harvard University
22- Born April 27, 1820 in Derby, England
- Located in the heart of British industry
- Oldest of nine children, the only to survive
- Taught at home by his father and later his uncle
- Education--heavy in science--very light in Latin,
Greek, English, and History - By age 16 he had a good background in mathematics
and the natural sciences - Never would become a generally educated
individual - 1850 he finished his first book, Social Statics
- Based on the theme in The Proper Sphere of
Government - Creed of laissez faire
- His work was in disagreement with Comte in the
area of intervention. Comte visualized that a
social priest (with governmental powers) would
fine tune society so that society would run as
smoothly as possible. - Similar to the role of the chairperson of the
Federal Reserve (in the United States) in fine
tuning the economy via changing interest rates.
23Leo Tolostoy
-Born into an ancient noble family -Parents die
when Tolstoy is young -Raised by his
aunts -Studies law at the Kazan
University -Writes and publishes his first
fiction Childhood (1852) Boyhood (1854) Youth
Born August 28 (Sept. 9) 1828 on family estate,
Yasnaya Polyana
24- War and Peace (1863-69)
- Begins to appear in literary magazine Russky
vestnik in 1865 - Reflects Tolstoys interest in the Russian narod
(people) - Graphic descriptions of slaughter on the
battlefield reflect Tolstoys experience as a
soldier, amount to a pacifist critique of war
25Anna Karenina, 1873-77
- Family novel centred around an autobiographical
hero plus a novel about adultery (cf. Flauberts
Madame Bovary) - Vehicle for Tolstoy to express his opinion on the
reforms of the 1860s, agriculture, modernity
26Charles Lyell (1797-1875)
27Émile Zola