Title: NUTS AND BOLTS to get started
1NUTS AND BOLTS to get started
2Location Terms
- Superior-inferior
- Medial- lateral
- Dorsal-ventral
- Rostral-CaudalAnterior/Posterior
3Planes of orientation
4Dorsal Fin
5The basic unit of the nervous system
6White matter and gray matter
7Staining for myelin in the brain coronal section
8Staining for cell bodies in the brain-coronal
9Lets begin with the PNS
10The vertebral column
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13Each segment is similar
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15Dorsal sensoryVentral motor
16Each vertebra houses a spinal cord segment
17And the column collectively gives rise to 31
peripheral nerve pairs
18Each nerve pair contains thousands of incoming
and outgoing axons
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23motor output to skeletal muscles
24And somatosensory input
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27The other subdivision of the PNS-the ANS
28The sympathetic chain
29Sympathetic activation may be magnified by
adrenal gland
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