Title: The Nuts and Bolts of NCHELP _____
1The Nuts and Bolts of NCHELP_____
- Val Rodekohr
- Wyoming Student Loan Corporation
- Mark Putman
- Paul S. Garrard
- Who we are, our mission, membership, and major
meetings - Committees
- Relationship with student loan industry and
higher ed associations - New NCHELP web site
- Listserves
3NCHELP Who are we?
- Nationwide network of schools, lenders, guaranty
agencies, secondary markets, servicers,
collection agencies, and other organizations
involved in the administration of FFELP - NCHELP members promote student access and choice
for postsecondary education and training
4NCHELP Mission
- Our mission is to advocate for the adequate and
affordable access to quality education for all
students at all levels. - NCHELP is committed to continuing our efforts to
ensure the integrity of the FFELP.
5Classes of Membership
- Voting Membership
- guaranty agencies and secondary markets
- Associate Membership (non-voting)
- lenders
- schools
- collection agencies
- loan servicers
- other organizations approved by the Board
6Benefits of NCHELP membership
- Information
- Morning Briefing, meetings and conferences,
- Involvement
- NCHELP Committees
- Advocacy
- Works on public policy, regulatory issues, and to
improve legislation and regulations
7Major Meetings
- January Leadership
- Debt Management Conference
- Spring Convention
- Fall Legislative Workshop
- Fall Training Conference
8NCHELP Committees
- Debt Management
- Electronic Standards
- Financial Aid Professionals
- Legal Affairs
- Membership Education and Training
- Program Operations
- Program Regulations
9Debt Management
- Assist industry participants with default
prevention initiatives and recovery efforts when
borrowers default - Maree Fox (NY HESC) and Tim Fitzgibbon (ICSAC),
Co-Chairs - National Debt Management Conference held each
10Electronic Standards
- Established a coordinated and proactive approach
for all NCHELP electronic standardization efforts - Replaced CommonLine Committee
- Oversight of CommonLine, CAM, and CCI
- Bob King (Citibank) and Brian Allison (USA
Funds), Co-Chairs - 9 Advisory Teams support efforts
11Electronic Standards (cont.)
- ESC especially important as FFELP community
strives for increased efficiencies with smaller
margins - Common Record CommonLine Implementation and
Training - Participation in the development of a Data
Transport Standard
12Financial Aid Professionals
- Provide the NCHELP Board of Directors with advice
and counsel on higher education financing issues - Role as gatekeepers, day to day contact with
students, part of bigger picture of school
administration - 20 members representing all types of schools
- Participation at NCHELP major meetings
13Legal Affairs
- Meetings throughout the year dealing with
guarantor, lender, and secondary market issues - Resource for NCHELP members of legal topics
- Tom Levandowski (Educaid), Chair
14Membership Education and Training
- Provide training opportunities and educational
materials to NCHELP members - Orientation to student loan industry
- National Fall Training Conference
- Ann Scott (GLHEC), Chair
15Program Operations
- Monitors and responds to issues that involve and
impact loan operations and related federal
reporting - Clearinghouse for information
- Coordinates the development of common and
simplified forms, procedures, and policies
between GAs, lenders/servicers, secondary markets
and other participants - Works closely with ESC and promotes technology
- Renee Jennrich (ECMC) and Rick Eddington (OGSLP),
16Program Regulations
- Responsible for all activity in the regulatory
arena including developing NCHELP responses to
Notices of Proposed Rule Making and other
sub-regulatory issues - Closely involved in HEA Reauthorization
- Develops extensive regulatory documentation for
dissemination to NCHELP members and other
interested parties - Laura Kowalski (TGSLC) and Vicki Shipley (SSSC),
17NCHELP and the Student Loan Community (Pentangle)
- Trade associations (CBA, EFC, NCHELP, SLSA) and
Sallie Mae - Reauthorization Recommendations submitted to
House, ED, and Senate - Recommendations listed on NCHELP Web site at
18NCHELP and the Coalition for Better Student Loans
- Started with some initial discussions on
repayment terms for students just entering the
workforce, led by NAICU - Pentangle joins with school groups and CPA for
joint proposals
19NCHELP and other collaborative efforts
- First Annual Conference on Technology and
Standards, sponsored by CBA, EFC, NCHELP, and
PESC held May 2004 - Joint letters to the Hill
- National Default Prevention Conference
20Coalition for Better Student Loans
- Sallie Mae
- E-Library
- Committee SharePoint pages
- Search Capability
- Initiatives
- Electronic Standards Issues Log
- CommonLine Code Database
- Morning Briefing
- Presentations
- Reference Materials
- Regulations Federal Registers
- Reports Testimonies
- Software Tools
- Training Modules
- Common Manual
- Dear Partner Letters
- Forms
- Higher Education Research
- Laws
- Legal Proceedings
- Manuals, Guides, Documentation Information
23Committee SharePoint Pages
- Allows flexibility in committee pages while
maintaining design integrity - Protects certain content by user permissions
- Private area for working documents
24Search Capability
- Search the entire site by keyword(s) from any
page in the site - Search the section that you are in by keyword(s)
- Site indexed weekly
25Initiatives Section
- Reauthorization
- Meteor Project
- Common Review Initiative
- EDs Lender Reporting System
- Policies/Questions Regarding September 11 Attacks
26Electronic Standards Issues Log
- A record of issues reported through the online
issue reporting process regarding the CommonLine
and CAM (Common Account Maintenance)
documentation. - Searchable by issue number, keyword(s),
Version(s) affected, or submitters name
27CommonLine Code Database
- The repository of CommonLine Codes. It contains
Alternative Loan Program Codes, Guarantor Codes
for FFELP and non-FFELP Loans, as well as Service
Provider codes. - Searchable by Provider, Code, Name, and/or Code
- NCHELP oversees 36 separate lists
- Committees and Advisory Teams
- Workgroups
- Friends of the List
30Thank you for joining us, enjoy the rest of the
conference, and please complete your conference
evaluations forms!_____