Title: EE359
1EE359 Lecture 20 Outline
- Announcements
- Project due Friday at 5 pm (extension request due
today). - HW 8 due Friday at 5 (no late HWs solns posted
at 5). - tbp evals at end of class (10 bonus poits)
- Must be turned in no later than Monday, Dec. 6,
at exam. - 2nd Exam next Monday, 12/6, 930-130, Gates B01
- Review of Last LectureRAKE Receivers
- Course Summary
- EE359 Megathemes
- Wireless Networks
- Hot Research Topics
22nd Exam Announcements
- 2nd Exam next Monday, 12/6, 930-1130, Gates B01
- Local SCPD student take in class, others contact
Joice. - Open book/notes
- Covers Chapters 9-13 (and related prior material)
- Similar format to first exam
- Practice finals posted (10 bonus points)
- Exam review session Thursday 5-6 pm TCSEQ 102
- Extra OHs
- My OHs Th 7-8, F 4-5 and by appt (none today).
- Rajiv T 6-7, W 5-7, F 11-12, Sa 3-4, Email TWTh
3Review of Last Lecture
- Introduction to Spread Spectrum
- Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum
- ISI rejection by code autocorrelation
- Maximal linear codes
- Good properties
- Long versus short codes
Interference Rejection
ISI Rejection
-1 N
4RAKE Receiver
- Multibranch receiver
- Assume h(t)?a1d(t)a2d(t-Tc)aNd(t-MTc)
- Branches synchronized to different MP components
- ISI with delay jTc on ith branch reduced by
rsc((j-i)Tc) - Diversity combiner can use SC, MRC, or EGC
Diversity Combiner
5Course Summary
- Signal Propagation and Channel Models
- Modulation and Performance Metrics
- Impact of Channel on Performance
- Fundamental Capacity Limits
- Flat Fading Mitigation
- Diversity
- Adaptive Modulation
- ISI Mitigation
- Equalization
- Multicarrier Modulation
- Spread Spectrum
6Future Wireless Networks
Ubiquitous Communication Among People and Devices
Wireless Internet access Nth generation
Cellular Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Sensor Networks
Wireless Entertainment Smart Homes/Spaces Automat
ed Highways All this and more
- Hard Delay/Energy Constraints
7Design Challenges
- Wireless channels are a difficult and
capacity-limited broadcast communications medium - Traffic patterns, user locations, and network
conditions are constantly changing - Applications are heterogeneous with hard
constraints that must be met by the network - Energy, delay, and rate constraints change design
principles across all layers of the protocol stack
8Signal Propagation
- Path Loss
- Shadowing
- Multipath
9Statistical Multipath Model
- Random of multipath components, each with
varying amplitude, phase, doppler, and delay - Narrowband channel
- Signal amplitude varies randomly (complex
Gaussian). - 2nd order statistics (Bessel function), Fade
duration, etc. - Wideband channel
- Characterized by channel scattering function
10Modulation Considerations
- Want high rates, high spectral efficiency, high
power efficiency, robust to channel, cheap. - Linear Modulation (MPAM,MPSK,MQAM)
- Information encoded in amplitude/phase
- More spectrally efficient than nonlinear
- Easier to adapt.
- Issues differential encoding, pulse shaping, bit
mapping. - Nonlinear modulation (FSK)
- Information encoded in frequency
- More robust to channel and amplifier
11Linear Modulation in AWGN
- ML detection induces decision regions
- Example 8PSK
- Ps depends on
- of nearest neighbors
- Minimum distance dmin (depends on gs)
- Approximate expression
12Linear Modulation in Fading
- In fading gs and therefore Ps random
- Metrics outage, average Ps , combined outage and
13Moment Generating Function Approach
- Simplifies average Ps calculation
- Uses alternate Q function representation
- Ps reduces to MGF of gs distribution
- Closed form or simple numerical calculation for
general fading distributions - Fading greatly increases average Ps .
14Doppler Effects
- High doppler causes channel phase to decorrelate
between symbols - Leads to an irreducible error floor for
differential modulation - Increasing power does not reduce error
- Error floor depends on BdTs
15ISI Effects
- Delay spread exceeding a symbol time causes ISI
(self interference). - ISI leads to irreducible error floor
- Increasing signal power increases ISI power
- ISI requires that TsgtgtTm (RsltltBc)
16Capacity of Flat Fading Channels
- Three cases
- Fading statistics known
- Fade value known at receiver
- Fade value known at receiver and transmitter
- Optimal Adaptation
- Vary rate and power relative to channel
- Optimal power adaptation is water-filling
- Exceeds AWGN channel capacity at low SNRs
- Suboptimal techniques come close to capacity
17Variable-Rate Variable-Power MQAM
Goal Optimize S(g) and M(g) to maximize EM(g)
18Optimal Adaptive Scheme
- Power Water-Filling
- Spectral Efficiency
Equals Shannon capacity with an effective power
loss of K.
19Practical Constraints
- Constellation restriction
- Constant power restriction
- Constellation updates.
- Estimation error.
- Estimation delay.
- Send bits over independent fading paths
- Combine paths to mitigate fading effects.
- Independent fading paths
- Space, time, frequency, polarization diversity.
- Combining techniques
- Selection combining (SC)
- Equal gain combining (EGC)
- Maximal ratio combining (MRC)
21Diversity Performance
- Maximal Ratio Combining (MRC)
- Optimal technique (maximizes output SNR)
- Combiner SNR is the sum of the branch SNRs.
- Distribution of SNR hard to obtain.
- Can use MGF approach for simplified analysis.
- Exhibits 10-40 dB gains in Rayleigh fading.
- Selection Combining (SC)
- Combiner SNR is the maximum of the branch SNRs.
- Diminishing returns with of antennas.
- CDF easy to obtain, pdf found by differentiating.
- Can get up to about 20 dB of gain.
22Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO)Systems
- MIMO systems have multiple (M) transmit and
receiver antennas - With perfect channel estimates at TX and RX,
decomposes to M indep. channels - M-fold capacity increase over SISO system
- Demodulation complexity reduction
- Beamforming alternative
- Send same symbol on each antenna (diversity gain)
- Diversity versus capacity tradeoff
23Digital Equalizers
- Equalizer mitigates ISI
- Typically implemented as FIR filter.
- Criterion for coefficient choice
- Minimize Pb (Hard to solve for)
- Eliminate ISI (Zero forcing, enhances noise)
- Minimize MSE (balances noise increase with ISI
removal) - Channel must be learned through training and
tracked during data transmission.
24Multicarrier Modulation
- Divides bit stream into N substreams
- Modulates substream with bandwidth B/N
- Separate subcarriers
- B/NltBc flat fading (no ISI)
- FDM has substreams completely separated
- OFDM overlaps substreams
- More spectrally efficient
- Substreams separated in receiver
- Efficient FFT Implementation
- One modulator and demodulator
- FFT performs frequency translation
- Cyclic prefix eliminates ISI between blocks
25Fading Across Subcarriers
- Compensation techniques
- Frequency equalization (noise enhancement)
- Precoding (channel inversion)
- Coding across subcarriers
- Adaptive loading (power and rate)
- Practical Issues for OFDM
- Peak-to-average power ration
- System imperfections
26Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum
- Bit sequence modulated by chip sequence
- Spreads bandwidth by large factor (K)
- Despread by multiplying by sc(t) again (sc(t)1)
- Mitigates ISI and narrowband interference
- ISI mitigation a function of code autocorrelation
- Must synchronize to incoming signal
27RAKE Receiver
- Multibranch receiver
- Branches synchronized to different MP components
- These components can be coherently combined
- Use SC, MRC, or EGC
Diversity Combiner
28Megathemes of EE359
- The wireless vision poses great technical
challenges - The wireless channel greatly impedes performance
- Low fundamental capacity.
- Channel is randomly time-varying.
- ISI must be compensated for.
- Hard to provide performance guarantees (needed
for multimedia). - We can compensate for flat fading using diversity
or adapting. - MIMO channels promise a great capacity increase.
- A plethora of ISI compensation techniques exist
- Various tradeoffs in performance, complexity, and
29Wireless Network Design
- Broadcast and Multiple Access Channels
- Spectral Reuse
- Cellular System Design
- Ad-Hoc Network Design
- Networking Issues
30Broadcast and Multiple Access Channels
31Bandwidth Sharing
- Dedicated channel assignment
- Frequency Division
- Time Division
- Code Division
- Hybrid Schemes
32Multiple Access SS
- Interference between users mitigated by code
cross correlation - In downlink, signal and interference have same
received power - In uplink, close users drown out far users
(near-far problem)
33Multiuser Detection
- In all CDMA systems and in TD/FD/CD cellular
systems, users interfere with each other. - In most of these systems the interference is
treated as noise. - Systems become interference-limited
- Often uses complex mechanisms to minimize impact
of interference (power control, smart antennas,
etc.) - Multiuser detection exploits the fact that the
structure of the interference is known - Interference can be detected and subtracted out
- Better have a darn good estimate of the
34Random Access
- Dedicated channels wasteful for data
- use statistical multiplexing
- Techniques
- Aloha
- Carrier sensing
- Collision detection or avoidance
- Reservation protocols
- Retransmissions used for corrupted data
- Poor throughput and delay characteristics under
heavy loading - Hybrid methods
35Cellular System Design
- Frequencies, timeslots, or codes reused at
spatially-separate locations - Efficient system design is interference-limited
- Base stations perform centralized control
functions - Call setup, handoff, routing, adaptive schemes,
36Design Issues
- Reuse distance
- Cell size
- Channel assignment strategy
- Interference management
- Power adaptation
- Smart antennas
- Multiuser detection
- Dynamic resource allocation
37Dynamic Resource AllocationAllocate resources as
user and network conditions change
- Resources
- Channels
- Bandwidth
- Power
- Rate
- Base stations
- Access
- Optimization criteria
- Minimize blocking (voice only systems)
- Maximize number of users (multiple classes)
- Maximize revenue
- Subject to some minimum performance for each user
38Ad-Hoc Networks
- Peer-to-peer communications
- No backbone infrastructure or centralized control
- Routing can be multihop.
- Topology is dynamic.
- Fully connected with different link SINRs
- Open questions
- Fundamental capacity
- Optimal routing
- Resource allocation (power, rate, spectrum, etc.)
to meet QoS
39Power Control
- Assume each node has an SIR constraint
- Write the set of constraints in matrix form
- If rFlt1 ? a unique solution
- Power control algorithms
- Centralized or distributed
Power control for random channels more complicated
40Wireless Networks with Energy-Constrained Nodes
- Limited node processing/communication
capabilities - Nodes can cooperate in transmission and
reception. - Intelligence must be in the network
- Data flows to centralized location.
- Low per-node rates but 10s to 1000s of nodes
- Data highly correlated in time and space.
41Energy-Constrained Nodes
- Each node can only send a finite number of bits.
- Energy minimized by sending each bit very slowly.
- Introduces a delay versus energy tradeoff for
each bit. - Short-range networks must consider both transmit
and processing energy. - Sophisticated techniques not necessarily
energy-efficient. - Sleep modes save energy but complicate
networking. - Changes everything about the network design
- Bit allocation must be optimized across all
protocols. - Delay vs. throughput vs. node/network lifetime
tradeoffs. - Optimization of node cooperation.
42Higher LayerNetworking Issues
- Architecture
- Mobility Management
- Identification/authentication
- Routing
- Handoff
- Control
- Reliability and Quality-of-Service
43Wireless Applications and QoS
Wireless Internet access Nth generation
Cellular Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Sensor Networks
Wireless Entertainment Smart Homes/Spaces Automat
ed Highways All this and more
Applications have hard delay constraints, rate
requirements, and energy constraints that must be
These requirements are collectively called QoS
44Challenges to meeting QoS
- Wireless channels are a difficult and
capacity-limited broadcast communications medium - Traffic patterns, user locations, and network
conditions are constantly changing - No single layer in the protocol stack can
guarantee QoS cross-layer design needed - It is impossible to guarantee that hard
constraints are always met, and average
constraints arent necessarily good metrics.
45Crosslayer Design
- Application
- Network
- Access
- Link
- Hardware
Delay Constraints Rate Requirements Energy
Constraints Mobility
Optimize and adapt across design layers Provide
robustness to uncertainty Schedule dedicated
- Is 4G an evolution, an alternative, or a
supplement to 3G, or something more? - What services should 4G support?
- Research challenges associated with 4G
- Air interface
- Flexible QoS
- Support for heterogeneous services
- Cross-layer design
47Promising Research Areas
- Link Layer
- Wideband air interfaces and dynamic spectrum
management - Practical MIMO techniques (modulation, coding,
imperfect CSI) - Cellular Systems
- How to use multiple antennas
- Multihop routing
- Variable QoS
- Ad Hoc Networks
- How to use multiple antennas
- Cross-layer design
- Sensor networks
- Energy-constrained communication
- Cooperative techniques
- Information Theory
- Capacity of ad hoc networks
- Imperfect CSI
- Incorporating delay Rate distortion theory for
48The End
- Thanks!!!
- Have a great winter break