Title: Organic Jade Greenzymes
1Organic Jade Greenzymes
The green elixir extracted from the leaves of
young barley grass, harvested at its peak.
Let your food be your medicine.
2The Research of Dr Hagiwara
- Before choosing barley grass, Dr. Hagiwara spent
10 years of his life studying the roots,
branches, leaves and flowers of more than 300
different plants at all stages of maturity. - Finally, he found the perfect plant, superior to
all others young barley grass. - Here is what he wrote
- My research has shown that the green leaves of
the young barley grass provide the most complete
balance of nutrients that exist on earth in one
source .
Jade Greenzymes crop in Japan
Nikken Jade GreenZymes combines the best of
ancient wisdom and modern science and is the only
product of its kind in the world. Dr. Yoshihide
Dr. Hagiwara and Nikken a professional
and personal relationship
3Organic Jade Greenzymes
- 3 tsps contain
- the manganese that you would find in 6 beets
- the zinc contained in one cup of brown rice
- the phosphorous of 6 apples
- the iron of one artichoke
- the magnesium of 5 stalks of celery
- the beta-carotene of 4 large carrots
- the potassium of 3 bananas
- the quantity of protein in one egg
- the calcium of 125 ml of milk
- copper
- the niacin (Vitamin B3) of 4 lobsters
- the pantothenic acid (Vitamin B5 ) of 4 cabbages
- the folic acid found in 9 cups of wheat pasta
- the vitamin E of 15 lettuces
- the vitamin C of an orange
- the riboflavin (vitamin B2) of 16 asparagus
spears - the thiamin (vitamin B1) of 2 slices of whole
wheat bread - the pyridoxine (vitamin B6) of 2 pieces of
The quantity is not as important as the SYNERGY
of the ingredients working together.
4Composition and benefits of Organic Jade
VITAMINS The body only absorbs natural
vitamins. Jade Greenzymes contains all the
necessary vitamins except for Vitamin D (which
the body creates when it has enough
sunlight). Vitamin C in Jade Greenzymes is an
excellent anti-oxidant because there is Vitamin E
present. Other vitamins include vitamin A Beta
carotene Vitamins B1, B6, B12 et vitamin
K. MINERALS These are important in maintaining
our acid-alkaline balance. Young barley grass
juice has the same pH as mothers milk. AMINO
ACIDS The body needs amino acids in very
specific proportions -. to produce healthy
tissue. 8 amino acids in particular are called
essential . They are not produced by the body
itself we must therefore find them in food. Jade
Greenzymes contains all 18 existing amino acids
that are necessary for the production of vital
5Composition and benefits of Organic Jade
ENZYMES They are the sparks of life
because, without them, there would be no life and
no organism could survive. Digestion,
respiration, and the cellular division needed for
the healing of wounds depend on enzyme activity.
Enzymes have a catalytic effect which activates
and controls chemical reactions in the body.
SOD (Super Oxide Dismutase) Jade Greenzymes
contain a number of kelps which are extracted
from green algae rich in SOD. SOD plays a role
in cellular protection to ensure good duplication
of DNA. SOD has great anti-oxidant qualities
which block the free radicals that develop during
breathing and the metabolic processes of the
Contained in Organic Jade Greenzymes
Chlorophyll is the base of all life. Without it,
life could not exist on earth because there would
be no food or oxygen. Its power Chlorophyll
synthesizes solar energy and aids in the
formation of red blood cells.
- Improves brain function
- Stimulates the immune system
- Acts as an anti-oxidant
- Fights fatigue
- Aids in the regeneration of intestinal flora.
- Reinforces the self-healing abilities of the
body - Fights the negative effects of radioactivity
A vital green manna for athletes. It gives
them quick access to energy, burning slowly and
preventing cramps, thanks to the minerals.
7Processing and usage
- Manufacturing process for Organic JadeGreenzymes
- Organically grown in previously untouched and
uncultivated fields in a remote region of Japan - Processing plant situated right on site.
- The special drying procedure cold presses the
juice at a temperature of around 36C in order to
preserve the active ingredients of the barley
grass. It is immediately refrigerated to
maintain its freshness. The whole process is
completed almost immediately following the
harvest to guarantee a pure, fresh juice from the
young leaves of the barley grass. - JadeGreenzymes comes in powder form and is easy
to take
How to take Jade Greenzymes You can drink it
mixed with fruit or vegetable juice or with cold
water. However, it is recommended that you mix
it with Optimized Pi-mag water to ensure the
proper assimilation by all the cells.