Title: Institut f
1Institut für Kernchemie
2(No Transcript)
3Scientific profileof the Institute of Nuclear
Chemistry and the research reactor TRIGA Mainz
Fundamental research in nuclear chemistry J. V.
Chemistry / physics of the heaviest elements J.V.
Nuclear chemistry in life sciences F. Rösch
Nucleon research J.V. Kratz, C. Plonka-Spehr
Research reactor TRIGA Mainz G. Hampel
Radio-pharmaceutical chemistry F. Rösch
Speciation / analysis of the environment T.
Reich G. Hampel
Spectroscopic methods T. Reich W. Nörtershäuser
Education and training
4Ultratrace Analysis with Laser Radiation
5Ultratrace analysis with RIMS
- Principal of the resonance laser ionization mass
spectrometry (RIMS)
1. Production of an atomic beam 2. Efficient
three step ionization of the atoms by lasers 3.
Mass separation of the ions by a time-of-flight
mass spectrometer 4. Extremely high isotopic
selectivity of 51012 and low experimental limit
of detection of 106 atoms per sample
6Applications of ultratrace analysis with RIMS
- Plutonium in the environment
- Powder sample from the Elbmarsch
- Water sample from the North Sea and the Irish Sea
- Incorporation measurements
- Stolen plutonium from a reprocessing facility
- Uranium amunitions from the Kosovo
- Water samples from Rheinland-Pfalz
- Calcium-41 in the biological medicine
- Uranium-236 in the environment
7Application of synchrotron radiation for
structural analysis
- Investigation of long-lived radio-nuclides
(actinides) in - aqueous solutions,
- soils,
- plants and
- microorganisms
- by X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS)
8Information from XAFS spectra
Molecular symmetry and oxidation state
9Information from XAFS spectra
Bond distances and coordination numbers
10Synthesis of artificial elements by nuclear
The UNILAC-Accelerator A facility to produce
artificial elements is installed at GSI-Darmstadt.
11Island of stability in the N,Z diagram
12Chemistry of the heaviest elements
Periodic Table of the Elements (2008)
27 artificially produced elements
13Nuclear chemistry in life sciences
Radiopharmaceutical chemistry
Membrane receptors (Somatostatin) Diagnosis
and therapy of neuro-endocrine tumors using
86/90Y-labeled peptides Glycolysis
Visualization of glucose metabolism using
2-18FFDG (2-18Ffluorodesoxy-glucose)
14Brain research Synthesis of neurotransmitters
Dopamine receptor system Parkinson,
Schizophrenia, ... Opiate receptor system Pain,
addiction, ... Glucose metabolisms Alzheimer,
epilepsy, ... Benzodiazepine receptor system
Alcohol dependency, fear,
15Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
Reactor Training Course for the
University of South Carolina
Dr. Gabriele Hampel Johannes Gutenberg -
Universität Mainz