Discussion on access to observatories - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Discussion on access to observatories


Title: PowerPoint Presentation Author: A. Morselli Last modified by: Aldo Morselli Created Date: 12/13/2004 8:29:08 AM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Discussion on access to observatories

Discussion on access to observatories Purpose I
mplementation of a Virtual Observatory with a
collection of Cosmic Rays and High-Energy Gamma
Rays data archives and software tools to form a
scientific research environment in which
multi-messenger astroparticle research programs
can be conducted. A.Morselli, INFN
University of Roma Tor Vergata
HEAPnet meeting Amsterdam, 19-20 February, 2007
Energy versus time for X and Gamma ray detectors
Sensitivity of g-ray detectors
High galactic latitudes (background Fb2 10-5 g
cm-2 s-1 sr -1 (100 MeV/E)1.1). Cerenkov
telescopes sensitivities (Veritas, MAGIC,
Whipple, Hess, Celeste, Stacee, Hegra) are for 50
hours of observations. Large field of view
detectors sensitivities (AGILE, GLAST, Milagro,
ARGO) are for 1 year of observation.
TA1 Access to Virtual Data(TA-ViDa1 )
TA1 Access to Virtual Data (TA-ViDa1 )
Location (town, country) Roma
Web site address www.roma2.infn.it
Legal name of organisation operating the infrastructure INFN
Location of organisation (town, country) Roma , Italy
Approximate investment/ replacement cost of the infrastructure to which access is offered () gt 72,5 M
Annual operating costs (excl. investment costs) of the infrastructure () 1.5 M
Funding sources that cover those operating costs INFN, ASI, MIUR
Contract number under FP5 and/or FP6, if any
Coordinator Aldo Morselli
Requested Budget 549 020
The Roma Computing Center in Rome Tor Vergata
will have the task to support the storage, the
management and the utilization of the PAMELA Data
Archive and AGILE and GLAST Data Archive Mirrors
TA1 Access to Virtual Data (TA-ViDa1
Location (town, country) Munich
Web site address www.mppmu.mpg.de
Legal name of organisation operating the infrastructure MPI-M
Location of organisation (town, country) Munich, Germany
Approximate investment/ replacement cost of the infrastructure to which access is offered () 8,0 M
Annual operating costs (excl. investment costs) of the infrastructure () 0.8 M
Funding sources that cover those operating costs MPG (Max-Planck-Society)
Contract number under FP5 and/or FP6, if any
Coordinator Masahiro Teshima i
Requested Budget 70 370
TA1 Access to Virtual Data (TA-ViDa1
Location (town, country) Paris
Web site address www.mppmu.mpg.de
Legal name of organisation operating the infrastructure cc.in2p3.fr
Location of organisation (town, country) IN2P3/CNRS
Approximate investment/ replacement cost of the infrastructure to which access is offered () 10,0 M
Annual operating costs (excl. investment costs) of the infrastructure () 0.9 M
Funding sources that cover those operating costs IN2P3/CNRS
Contract number under FP5 and/or FP6, if any
Coordinator Arache Djannati-Atai
Requested Budget 70 370
Total 689 760
Transnational Access
  • Access to and exchange of data
  • A ( web-based) database of astro-particle
    observations and the exchange of
    inter-disciplinary data
  • Computer modelling and simulations

expected impact
  • Correlate observations of space experiments
    (AGILE, GLAST) and ground observations
  • ( H.E.S.S., MAGIC, ARGO).
  • Multi-wavelengths programs including x-rays,
    radio, IR, Optical ....
  • Develop observation methods for transient
    sources alert systems and combination of space
    and ground observations .
  • Correlate ? observations with ? and CR
  • Evaluate potential discovery and physics outcome.

  • Description of work
  • Multiwavelength (MW) studies are intimately
    related to essentially all the astrophysical
    topics of gamma-ray astrophysics. All of the
    gamma ray observations will require observational
    programs at other wavelengths to extract their
    full value.
  • We envision three types of multiwavelength
  • identification of sources in known classes, such
    as blazars and pulsars,
  • ii) discovery of new sources classes,
  • iii) intensive, MW explorations of the brightest
    and most variable sources that will allow deep
    study of the source physics.

  • after 18 months
  • Definition of a Coordination between ground and
    space gamma ray observatories
  • ii) Definition of a Coordination between existing
    MW programs such as
  • Whole Earth Blazar Telescope WEBT
  • (http//www.to.astro.it/blazars/webt/homepage.html
  • and/or
  • European Network for the Investigation of
    Galactic Nuclei through Multifrequency Analysis
    ENIGMA (http//www.lsw.uni heidelberg.de/users/s
  • and space and ground gamma-ray observation

Advantages of a Virtual Observatory
  • The advantages of a Virtual Observatory approach
    are several.
  • The data collected by each high energy experiment
    can be used multiple times by different teams and
    for different scientific purposes, thus
    increasing the overall efficiency.
  • The data are collected in a controlled and
    uniform fashion, ensuring long-term scientific
    utilization by different users.
  • The worldwide accessibility via web to the
    Virtual Observatory makes it a powerful
    scientific source that is available to any
    community, including those that are economically
  • A Virtual Observatory can also be used
    as a powerful and stimulating educational tool.

  • once the Virtual Observatory is in operation,
    other experiments and other centers could be
    interested to join it.

Roma Computing Center
  • The Roma Computing Center is located in the
    Department of Physics at the University of Rome
    Tor Vergata.
  • The infrastructure construction started in summer
    2004 and is in its final setup phase thanks to
    INFN, ASI and MIUR funding. It will be fully
    operative by the end of 2005, in order to be
    ready for reception, distribution, analysis and
    storage of data of the PAMELA instrument. The
    expected PAMELA data flow is approximately 8
  • In Feb.2006 AGILE satellite should be in orbit
    and starting to send data to the Center. The
    expected AGILE data flow is approximately
  • The Center is near the INFN Clean-Rooms facility,
    where the Pamela Flight Model has been
    integrated. Its location in the contest of the
    University of Rome Tor Vergata
    (www.fisica.uniroma2.it) ensures a very
    stimulating scientific environment, from which
    visiting scientists may benefit.
  • An user room with different working stations
    which permits a collaborative work is already
    operative. The main hardware components of the
    Roma Computing Center are a 20 TByte storage
    system a back-up system 10 double 3.2 GHz
    processor computers.
  • The Center is connected to the main INFN computer
    center (CNAF, http//www.cnaf.infn.it/) for any
    need of storage and CPU computer power .
  • CNAF is integrated in the European Data-Grid

Paris Data Center
  • The Paris Data Center is located at the APC
    (Astroparticle and Cosmology) Laboratory and is
    dedicated to multi-wavelength studies in a wide
    energy range starting from radio to very high
    energy gamma-rays. The current setup includes a
    double 3.2 GHz processor computer with TByte
    storage capacity at APC as an interface to the
    Center for Computing of In2p3 (CCPN/Lyon,
    http//cc.in2p3.fr/) through a fast connection.
    The H.E.S.S. Data processing and storage consumes
    about 7 of CCPN/Lyon total capacity which has
    about 1 TFlops of computing power (200 3 GHz
    PCs) and 20280 TB (disks tapes).

Munich Data Center
  • The Munich Data Center is located at the Max
    Planck Institute for Physics and it is mainly
    dedicated to the MAGIC data analysis. The current
    setup includes a
  • 40 double 3.2 GHz processor computers, 50
    TByte storage system and 20 TB Disks.
  • The Center will be integrated in the European
    Data-Grid network

Towards FP7
  • TA weaknesses of FP6
  • satellites not yet launched
  • only small part of HESS and MAGIC data goes to
    guest programs

lt-- no more PAMELA
launched June 2006 AGILE launch end of March
2007 GLAST launch November 2007
After the initial on-orbit checkout,
verification, and calibrations, the first year
of science operations will be an all-sky survey.
all GBM data released LAT data on flaring
sources, transients, and sources of interest
will be released, with caveats (see following
slide) first-year LAT individual photon
candidate events initially used for detailed
instrument characterization, refinement of the
alignment, and key projects (source catalog,
diffuse background models, etc.) needed by the
community. Individual photon data released at
the end of year one. Subsequent photon data
released immediately after processing. burst
alerts and repoints for bright bursts
extraordinary ToOs supported workshops for
guest observers on science tools and mission
characteristics for proposal preparation
Observing plan in subsequent years driven by
guest observer proposal selections by peer
review - default is sky survey mode. Data
released through the science support center
  • Multiwavelength observations are key to many
    science topics for GLAST.
  • GLAST welcomes collaborative efforts from
    observers at all wavelengths
  • For campaigners information and coordination,
    see http//glast.gsfc.nasa.gov/science/multi

  • 271 sources

  • red 0.1-0.4 GeV
  • green 0.4-1.6 GeV
  • blue gt1.6 GeV

gt 9000 sources are foreseen
First GLAST Symposium Feb. 2007
AGILE Data Policy
  • AGILE data will be available through a Guest
    Observers Program (GOP) that will be open to the
    international astrophysical community.
  • GOP data will be allocated through the DATA
    Allocation Committee (ADAC) by means of yearly AO.

AGILE Data Policy (2)
  • Data rights for Targhet of Opportunity (TOO)
    sources belongs to the proposers thereof with
    participation of AGILE Team members who are
    essential for data processing.
  • Some items belong to the AGILE Team
  • Diffuse Radiation,
  • Extragalactic background,
  • Unidentified transient sources

PAMELA Data Policy
  • The PAMELA scientific primary goals are the
    search for heavy nuclei and non baryonic
    particles outside the Standard Model, for the
    understanding of the formation and evolution of
    our Galaxy and the Universe and for the exploring
    of the cycles of matter and energy in the
  • Additional objectives of PAMELA are the study of
    galactic cosmic rays in the heliosphere, Solar
    flares, distribution and acceleration of solar
    cosmic rays (SCR's) in the internal heliosphere,
    magnetosphere and magnetic field of the Earth,
    stationary and disturbed fluxes of high energy
    particles in the Earth's magnetosphere and
    anomalous component of cosmic rays.
  • Alerts for transient events, Solar flares will be
    immediately available on-line, or through other
    appropriate data distribution means within the
    limits of the resources available

--gt only small part of HESS and MAGIC data goes
to guest programs
  • Possible solution
  • HESS, MAGIC, ARGO data not public but exchange
    between the experiments
  • insertion in the data base of HESS MAGIC PAMELA
    and ARGO published data for cross-correlation
    with AGILE and GLAST data
  • organize from now Data Policy for CTA

Roma International Conference on Astroparticle
Physics Roma 20-22
June 2007
  • http//www.ricap-conference.it
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