WELCOME! ` Universal Brotherhood as our path to Personal Awareness - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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WELCOME! ` Universal Brotherhood as our path to Personal Awareness


WELCOME! ` Universal Brotherhood as our path to Personal Awareness Unity and Life Unity is at the Source of our beings, as we are created from the One Life Force God. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: WELCOME! ` Universal Brotherhood as our path to Personal Awareness

WELCOME!Universal Brotherhood as our path
to Personal Awareness
Unity and Life
  • Unity is at the Source of our beings, as we are
    created from the One Life Force God.
  • Remember the same Life is working through you and
    me. Life and Consciousness are synonymous, they
    are one and the same thing. You are conscious, I
    am conscious. Therefore it must be the same
    Consciousness in you and me. The apparent
    separation is an illusion of the mind.

Creations of the Infinite Life
  • We are the creation of the infinite Life which is
  • God is Love and Love is God, yet no one knows
    what it is we only know that It is.
  • Love is the centre of the Whole Universe, and
    from this centre a continuous flow of Love flows
    through every soul and through everything that
  • There is no other power in the world but Love it
    is the only true Power in heaven and on earth,
    for It is eternal and ever-present everywhere.
  • Health and harmony are nothing more that our
    bodies and minds being in tune with one another
    and with the one Power of Love.

Our Consciousness
  • Our Consciousness is the reflection of the
    Eternal Life Force God, and as we become more
    aware of It so It becomes more real to us. It
    requires only our recognition and realization for
    us to express Its joy, peace, and Power in our
  • The Consciousness of the Universal Mind and the
    consciousness of the individual mind must be one.
    There cannot be two of them because God is
    Infinite and He is Universal. He creates within
    Himself you and me through whom he works.

That It is Not what It is
  • Although we do not know what It is, Its Power and
    Love does not run contrary to what we might think
    It is.
  • If we cannot know what It is, then to understand
    It better we need to become aware of what It is
  • As we eliminate from our minds and conditioning
    what It is not, what It is comes forward of Its
    own accord.
  • We do not need to try to create a positive image
    of It, as when we create a positive image, up
    jumps the negative in our minds.
  • We therefore express the Perfect Light within
    when we eliminate the false. The Error disappears
    by itself - Law of Mathematics

Tuning in
  • We must be Aware, Alert, Steady, Calm, Light and
  • With an understanding that we are Spiritual
    Beings, as it is Life alone that is real.
  • Mind must be free of disturbances and
    restrictions of the outer.
  • Open our self to the Realization and Creative
    Power of Love of the Father of God and
    Brotherhood of Humanity that exists only in the

Mental/Emotional/Physical Bodies
  • We have a mental body which we think in.
  • We have an emotional body which our emotions
  • We have a physical body in which these mental and
    emotional bodies interpenetrate, and the physical
    body is the sounding board for our thoughts and
  • Our organs make certain sounds when acted upon by
    our mental activities and emotions. Our heart
    beats faster, our glands pass out liquid, our
    stomach turns over, our tear glands weep, our
    intestines rumble.

Emotional Body
  • There is no end to the number of emotions. Here
    are some of the most common..
  • Impatience, anger, hate, indulgence, jealousy,
    fear, selfishness, vanity, terror, dread, dismay,
    panic, fright, etc.
  • We must not suppress the emotions that harm us.
  • We must understand them and not be caught up in
    them. We must discern the cause, and thereby we
    can eliminate the effects.
  • We change the polarity of the emotion through
    understanding the cause, and are able to
    transmute this energy into Constructive Channels.

Reaction to Conditions
  • We are born into an environment that is
    conditioned by Time and Space. Life, however, is
    perfect and is not conditioned in ant way.
  • It does not matter what conditioning we are born
    into, or to what religion, sect, nationality,
    tradition we belong, it is the one Power that
    acts through all even if most people are blind to
    this understanding.
  • Do not struggle with things, for this makes
    things worse, and as we discern deeply we see
    that they have no power except the power we give
    to them.
  • If activities come from the outside there should
    be no reaction to them, they should be like a
    flight of birds crossing a windless sky.

Troubling Thoughts
  • Must endeavor to rid of the habit of the invasion
    of troubling thoughts such as envy, jealousy,
    anger, reaction to things, people, circumstances,
    and the confusion of ideas, about various
    religions, philosophies, and systems that cling
    to the mind.
  • Do not hate anything, because it is the hate in
    you that will produce in your lives that which
    hate brings with it.
  • If you fear you will bring forth that which you
    fear. As Job said, Whatever I fear befalls me,
    and whatever I dread draws on me.
  • Whenever you are unhappy you are only expressing
    some negative emotion or some negative reaction.
    Hate, envy, jealousy, misery and fear are the
    things that give us unhappiness. We are never
    unhappy when we express True Love.
  • Guard your inner self, for so you live and
    prosper. Bar out all talk of evil and banish
    wayward words

Creative Process
  • The creative principal in our living is our
    consciousness. It is from our consciousness that
    that our thoughts are created and sent forth
    powered by our emotions and desires.
  • As a man thinketh so is he
  • Whatsoever we hold in our consciousness so is
    it unto us
  • Our consciousness and the creative process are
    invisible, we only see the effects in the
  • Things are not made out of things that are seen,
    but out of that which is unseen

Inspiration and Originality
  • Inspiration comes to us from many places. We can
    be inspired by a book, by the actions of another,
    but these are not sources of true inspiration.
    Real inspiration only comes from within.
  • All great people have one thing in common, and
    that is Originality. A copy on the screen of
    life is worthless.
  • God made us as he wanted us to be, and we find
    out what He wants from us when we begin to think
    for ourselves.
  • We contribute positively towards the world when
    we bring our originality into living and
    manifestation, and we help the world not one iota
    when we are not true and original.

Vital Energy and Vampires
  • Right thinking, breathing, eating and acting.
  • Keeping the well full of positive thoughts and
  • Doing unto others as you would have them do unto
  • Watching that we do not say things about others
    that if they were said about us we would be hurt?
    These are conversation traps that are sure to
    roost on our own heads.
  • Suggestive influence of good and bad from
    politicians, friends, ideas, nationalities,
    traditions, etc,
  • People that literally suck the Life out of you.

  • Faith is a feeling in the thought, the knowledge
    that the thought will bring about exactly what it
    is itself. It will bring about the negative if
    we have faith in the negative.
  • The majority of people are always looking for
    evil, for bad effects. Know that whatever is in
    the mind that we have faith in, is sure to out
    picture in our bodies and circumstances whether
    we like it or not.
  • Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the
    evidence of things not seen.

Communications and Prayer
  • When you pray, pray in secret.
  • Enter within, away from the material influences
    and confines of earth.
  • Remain in His Presence in the Present.
  • Whatsoever you desire when you pray believe you
    have received and you shall have it.
  • Remember that God knows what we want before we
    ask for it, we need just ask.
  • We become active first, and plant the seed of our
    thought/desire in the Universal Consciousness,
    the Universal Consciousness then becomes active
    on that seed and produces its kind. We then
    become passive and expresses the form created.
  • Bless our brothers and sisters and send thoughts
    of Light and Love

Surfer Analogy
  • Unwritten culture from ancient times.
  • Mother Nature, the intelligence that knows how.
  • The ocean is always moving and changing, tide,
    wind, fetch, beach.
  • Always in the moment, and we have to tune into
    this Presence.
  • Brotherhood among surfers, watching, encouraging,
  • Feeling of surfing include, exhilaration,
    timeless, heightened senses, fun and stoke.
  • Fear and Doubt.
  • Practice. Got to surf the bad days to get the
    most out of the good days.
  • Best surfer in the water is the one having the
    most fun.

Soul Surfer
  • A soul surfer is one who is in love with surfing
    just for the sheer personal pleasure.  No
    financial reasons, no egotistical reasons, just
    the pleasure of immersing one's self in the ocean
    and the art of surfing.
  • Think it, feel it, do it..

Our Personal Awareness
  • Our personal awareness in Truth grows as we
    become more aware of ourselves as the one
    Consciousness of the One Fatherhood of God and
    the One Brotherhood of Humanity. Universal
    Brotherhood is not just our path to personal
    awareness it is the key that all must use to
    open the door to our successful living on our
    planet earth and in our life beyond.

Our Life within the Brotherhood
  • Use every opportunity to express that which you
    know. Let your love flow out and bless every
    brother, every sister, so that all your divisions
    will be swept away by the ocean of Love welling
    up in human hearts and lives. When you bless a
    brother and a sister with this Love, in and out
    of your own being flows the Christ Life and Love.
  • Our True nature is Divine, let this nature become
    ours now, because now is eternity, every moment
    of Life is now. Therefore remember not the past
    nor be anxious of the future, the future is taken
    care of, by your living now.

  • Thank you for our time together.
  • May you be happy, peaceful, and prosperous in
    your work and play.
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