Title: ??? ? (mJ
1??? ????
6.1 ????????
2??? ????
???????? ??? (??? ???)
??? ? (mJm-2 ) ???? ? (mNm-1 ) ?
????? ???? ? ?????
3??? ????
???????????? ????? ?????? ??? ???
??? ?????? -??????
4(No Transcript)
5??? ????
??????????????? ???????
??(micelle) ??????CMC (critical
micelle concentration)
??? ? ??? ???????????????????
???? ? ????
6??? ????
7??? ????
????,?????????????????????? ??????????????????
???????? ?????????????????
8(No Transcript)
9(No Transcript)
10??? ????
6.2 ?-?????
- ??????? ??????????
- ????-?????
- ????-????? ??????????????
11??? ????
12??? ????
???????? ???????? ???????? ???????? ????
??? ????? , ??
13FIG. (color). STM images 11 nm 11 nm of the
Pb cluster array on Si111-7x7. The bias voltages
are (a) 10 V and (b) 15 V. The inset shows an
empty-state STM image of an In6 cluster.
14Electron-based techniques for examining surface
and thin film process
AES (Auger electron spectroscopy) LEED (Low
energy electron diffraction) RHEED (Reflection
high energy electron microscopy) TEM
(Transmission electron microscopy) REM
(Reflection electron microscopy) STM (Scanning
tunneling microscopy) AFM (Atomic force
microscopy) PEEM (Photoemission microscopy) SEM
(Scanning electron microscopy) SNOM (Scanning
near field optical microscopy) XPS (X-ray
photoemission spectroscopy) UPS (Ultra-violet
photoemission spectroscopy)
15??? ????
16??? ????
??????(????)???? ??(2A, 3A?)????? ???????? ??????
17??? ????
6.3 ?-? ? ?-?????
- ????????? ????
- ??????? ?????? ??????
?sg-?sl ?lg cos?
18(No Transcript)
19(No Transcript)
20FIG. (color). Equilibrium structure of (a) water
monomer, (b) dimer, (c) H-up bilayer, and (d)
H-down bilayer on the Pt(111) surface. The red,
blue, and gray balls represent O, H, and Pt
atoms, respectively. The green and yellow lines
denote the two different hydrogen bonds in the
21??? ????
?????? ?-? ???? ?????(???????????)
?? ? ?? ?????-????????????
22(No Transcript)
23??? ????
- ?????????????????
- ?? ?-? ????
- ?????? ?G ?H-T?S lt 0 , ?????S gt0
- ????????? / ??? / ?????
24FIG. (color). Filled and empty state images of
the Na clusters with bias voltage of 20 V for
(a) and 08 V for (b). (c) The structural model
of the Na cluster with the highest Eb (213
eVatom). One of the Na adatoms near the Si dimer
is pushed outwards (red arrow), the structure
being triply degenerated (d),(e) Simulated filled
and empty state STM images, at 20 V and 08 V,
respectively. The top part of (c) shows the
adsorption scheme for a single Na atom. The green
hexagon indicates an attraction basin. The
three open circles (black arrow marked)
correspond to the lowest energy sites (Eb 226
eV for the FHUC and 2.20 eV for the UHUC).
25Two arrangements for four deposited atoms in the
same phase epitaxy
7 AA bonds
8 AA bonds (stable state)
26In the case of the same phase epitaxy, the stable
state is one- Layer-arrangement, namely, two
demitional growth.
27For the different phase epitaxy
-4uAB 12uAA
If uAA gt 2uAB the case of (a) is beneficial for
the reduction of energy
28- The condition for double layers arrangement
(Island) - N8, uAAgt2uAB, (b) N18, uAAgt1.5uAB, (c) N32,
- uAAgt1.33uAB, (d) N50, uAAgt1.25uAB, (e) N72,
uAAgt - 1.24 uAB.
29??? ????
6.4 ????
?????? ltÅ ?????? Ånm ??
nm ?? 1nm---100nm ??
mm um ?? gt mm ?? AU
ly (150???)
- ???? ???????
- ???????
- ??????
?? (????) ?? (????/???) ?? (??)
?? ? 1100nm,? ??????102105
30(No Transcript)
31(No Transcript)
32FIG. (color). (a) STM image of In nanoclusters on
Si(111) at an In coverage of 0.05 ML (1 ML one
adsorbed atom per substrate atom). (b) Perfectly
ordered In nanocluster arrays at 0.12 ML In
coverage. (c) I-V curves measured on bare Si
surface (red) and on top of In clusters (green).
33(No Transcript)
34??? ????
???????? ????????????????,?????
?????? ?????? ??/??????????
35??? ????
- ?????? - ???????(SPM)
- ???????(STM)
- ??????(AFM)
- ?????(MFM)
- ??
- ??????????????????????????
- ???????????? ? ???
- ?????????????????
36Scanning Tunneling Microscopy(STM)
The tunneling current is measured by W needle
The distance between the tip and sample surface
is below 1 nm resolution along vertical is
0.01nm and in transverse is 0.1nm The tip is
applied a few voltage and the tunneling current
is 0.1 to 1.0 nA The current is related not
only to the height of atom on the surface, but
also to the atomic density (density state)
37Low noise, high density
Scanning electron microscopy image of a square
array of electodeposited Ni pillars of high 300nm
and period.
39Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)
STM is only applied to bserve surface for
conductor or semi-conductor, while AFM is an
ppropriate tool for all samples. The reflect
light place is 3-10nm after the height of tip
changes 0.01nm.
- Three operation models of AFM
- contact (2) non-contact (3)
- tapping model.
40??? ????
41(No Transcript)
42Magnetic Force Microscopy (MFM)
Geometry for description of MFM technique. A
tip scanned to the surface and it is magnetic
or is coated with a thin film of a hard or soft
magnetic material.
43Domain structure of epitaxial Cu/tNi /Cu(100)
films imaged by MFM over a 12 µm square (a) 2nm
Ni, (b) 8.5 nm Ni, (c) 10.0 Nm Ni (d) 12.5nm Ni
(Bochi et al., PRB 53(1996)R1792).
44- Domain pattern as measured by
- MFM above the surface of an eiptaix
- Cu/200nmNi/Cu(100) film.
45??? ????
6.5 ????
????????? ???????????????????? ????
?????? ???? ?????????????? ??????
???? ?? ?? ??? ????
46??? ????
47??? ????
48(No Transcript)
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50Film thickness 2-3 micrometer Gap 200 nm.
Thin film recording head. Left, layout of pole
pieces and windings right, enlarged,
cross-sectional view of magnetic pole pieces
51hybrid recording
Media Co69.48-xTb30.52Agx, x0-25.68
52(No Transcript)