Midterm I Review - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Midterm I Review


Title: Geography 120 Earth Systems II: The Atmospheric Environment Last modified by: Jialin Lin Document presentation format: On-screen Show Other titles – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Midterm I Review

Midterm I Review
Topics we have discussed
  • Atmospheric sciences at a glance
  • Evolution of the atmosphere
  • What cause the four seasons?
  • What is the greenhouse effect?
  • What set the atmosphere in motion?

The mission of the atmospheric sciences is to
understand and predict weather, climate, and
related disasters
Atmospheric sciences at a glance
  • Atmosphere A mixture of gas molecules,
    microscopically small particles of solid and
    liquid, and falling precipitation
  • Meteorology The study of the atmosphere and the
    processes that form weather
  • Weather The state of the atmosphere at a given
    time and place
  • Climate The statistical properties of the
    atmosphere. (i.e. averages and variability)
  • Weather- and climate-related disasters tropical
    cyclones, tornados, floods, droughts, winter
    storms, extreme heat, extreme cold, lightning, El
    Nino, global warming

Atmospheric sciences at a glance (cont)
  • The modern climatology (meteorology) was born in
    the 1940s (a very young science!), but has been
    growing very fast! Now we have a global
    observational network with many satellites,
    ships, radars and surface stations, as well as
    very comprehensive prediction models running on
    the worlds largest computers.
  • The current status of weather and climate
    predictions (1) weather prediction good to 10
    days, (2) tropical cyclone prediction good in
    track but not in intensity, (3) climate
    prediction good to two seasons, (4) climate
    change projections have a 3-fold difference in
  • The main reasons of the difficulties (1)
    Teleconnection problem, (2) Feedback problem, and
    (3) Subgrid-scale problem.

Evolution of the atmosphere
  • The standard units of measurements (SI)
  • Earths three atmospheres
  • 1st 4.6 billion years ago, H, He
  • Transition formation of magnetic
    field, volcano activities
  • 2nd 4 billion years ago, CO2, H2O, N2
  • Transition emergence of life,
    formation of ocean
  • 3rd 400 million years ago, O2
  • Important event formation of seven
  • What is the residence time? What is the
    difference between the permanent and variable
    gases? Name 3 of each. What are the most and
    second most abundant gases?
  • Given that variable gases are so rare, why are
    they considered at all? How are CO2 and O3

Standard units of measurementSI (System
  • Quantity Name Units Symbol
  • Length meter m m
  • Mass kilogram kg kg
  • Time second s s
  • Temperature Kelvin K K
  • Density kilogram kg/m3 kg/m3
  • per cubic meter
  • Speed meter per m/s m/s
  • second
  • Force newton m.kg/s2 N
  • Pressure pascal N/m2 Pa
  • Energy joule N.m J
  • Power watt J/s W

Evolution of the Sun and the Earth
The Earth was born 4.6 billion years ago.
Permanent gases and variable gases
  • Residence time The amount of time a gas is in
    the atmosphere
  • The permanent gases gases having long residence
    times (N242,000,000 y, O25,000 y), 99.999 of
    total atmosphere mass
  • The variable gases Gases generally having
    shorter residence times (H2O10 days, CO2150 y).

Importance of the Variable Gases
  • CO2 and water vapor are the major greenhouse
  • Water can exist in all three states on Earth.
    Global water cycle is the process of water being
    cycled from the planet to the atmosphere and back
  • O3 protects us against harmful ultraviolet

What cause the four seasons?
  • What is energy? 3 methods of energy transfer
  • The names of the 6 wavelength categories in the
    electromagnetic radiation spectrum
  • The wavelength range of Sun (shortwave) and Earth
    (longwave) radition
  • The two basic motions of the Earth
  • What causes the seasons the Earths tilt and the
    3 ways it affects the solar insolation

Methods of Energy Transfer
  • Conduction
  • Molecule to molecule transfer
  • Heat flow warm to cold
  • e.g. leather seats in a car
  • Convection
  • transferred by vertical movement
  • physical mixing
  • e.g. boiling water
  • Radiation
  • propagated without medium (i.e. vacuum)
  • solar radiation provides nearly all energy
  • The rest of this chapter deals with radiation

The Electromagnetic Spectrum
Sun shortwave (0.4-0.7 µm) Peak 0.5 µm
The limitations of the human eye!
Earth longwave (4-100 µm) Peak 10 µm
The Earths two basic motions revolution with a
period of 1 year, and rotation with a period of 1
day.The change of seasons is caused by the
Earths 23.5o tilt from the line perpendicular to
its orbit plane (toward the sun during summer),
which affects the receipt of solar insolation in
three ways
  1. Length of Daylight period
  2. Angle at which sunlight hits the surface (Beam
  3. Thickness of atmosphere through which sunlight
    must travel (Beam Depletion)

What is the greenhouse effect?
  • Earths energy balance at the top of the
    atmosphere and at the surface. What percentage of
    solar energy is absorbed by the surface?
  • Atmospheric influences on radiation (3 ways)
  • What cause the greenhouse effect? What are the
    major greenhouse gases? Why is methane important
    and what contributes most to methane production?
  • The three types of atmospheric scattering. What
    causes the blue sky? Why causes the
    reddish-orange sunsets?
  • Basic characteristics of global temperature
    distribution (T decreases poleward, isotherm
    shifts seasonally, T over land gt over ocean in

Earths energy budget (averaged over the whole
globe and over a long time
Yellow shortwave
Red longwave
Net Longwave 21
Sensible heat 7
Latent heat 23
  • At the top of the atmosphere (3-way balance)
  • Incoming shortwave Reflected Shortwave 
    Emitted longwave
  • At the surface (5-way balance)
  • Incoming shortwave Reflected shortwave
    Net emitted longwave (emitted - incoming)
  • Latent
    heat flux sensible heat flux

Atmospheric absorption - The Greenhouse Effect
Transparent to solar (shortwave) radiation
Opaque to earths (longwave) radiation
Major GH gases CO2, H20(v), CH4
The greenhouse effect helps to keep the earth
surface at a comfortable temperature. But when
its too strong, the temperature becomes too warm.
The importance of methane (CH4)
  • 23 times more powerful as a greenhouse gas than
  • The livestock sector is a major player, which
    accounts for 35-40 global anthropogenic
    emissions of methane (their burps!)
  • The livestock sector is responsible for 18 of
    total greenhouse gas emissions, which is higher
    than transportation (cars, airplanes, etc)
  • Therefore, consuming less meat is more efficient
    in reducing global warming than not driving cars.

What set the atmosphere in motion?
  • How thick is the atmosphere compared to the
    earths thickness?
  • Four layers of the atmosphere, what separate
  • Definition of pressure and its unit.
  • Definition of pressure gradient. Pressure
    gradient sets the air in motion.
  • Equation of state (Relationship between P, ?, and
  • Vertical Pressure Distribution. How does pressure
    change with height? What is the hydrostatic

What set the atmosphere in motion? (cont.)
  • Know the 3 Forces that affect wind speed
  • Especially work on Coriolis force, as this is the
    hardest to understand. Which direction is air
    deflected to by Coriolis force?
  • What is the geostrophic balance? At which level
    is it valid? Difference between upper level and
    surface winds
  • Does cyclones correspond to high or low surface
    pressure? Is the air moving clockwise or
    counter-clockwise around them? How about

Temperature Layers
The names of the 4 layers What separate them? The
approximate height of tropopause, stratopause and
The Equation of State
Pressure density x temperature x 287 J kg-1
K-1 p ?TR
  • Describes relationships between pressure,
    temperature, and density (Start w/ molecular
    movement in sealed container ? Pressure
    proportional to rate of collisions between
    molecules and walls).
  • At constant temperatures, an increase in air
    density will cause a pressure increase (Add more
    molecules ? increase density ? increase rate of
    collisions ? raise pressure)
  • Under constant density, an increase in
    temperature will lead to an increase in pressure
    (Raise temperature ? increase speed of molecules
    ? increase rate of collisions ? raise pressure)

Vertical Hydrostatic Equilibrium
  • Explains why air doesnt continuously blow upward
    or get pulled downward
  • The downward force of gravity (weight of parcel)
    is balanced by a strong vertical pressure
    gradient (VPG) ? creates hydrostatic equilibrium
  • ?p/?z?g

Vertical Pressure Gradient
weight of parcel
Forces affecting the horizontal winds
  • Horizontal pressure gradients responsible for
    wind generation
  • Three forces affecting horizontal winds
  • Pressure Gradient Force  (PGF)
  • Coriolis Effect  (CE)
  • Friction Force (FF)
  • CE
  • The Earths rotation deflects any moving object
    to the right of its moving direction in NH (left
    in SH). Like walking in a turning bus.
  • CE increases poleward (greatest at the poles, 0
    at the equator), and increases with the speed of
    moving object

Geostrophic Balance (Geostrophic flow)
  • PGF - CE
  • When the effects of friction can be neglected
    (such as in the upper air away from surface
    roughness), the wind speed/direction is simply a
    balance between the PGF and CE.
  • Air motion is deflected by the Coriolis force to
    be perpendicular to PGF

Cyclones, Anticyclones, Troughs and Ridges on
weather charts
  • Isobars usually closed off at lowest levels
    Cyclones (low pressure), Anticyclones (high
  • High pressure areas (anticyclones) - clockwise
    airflow in the Northern Hemisphere (opposite flow
    direction in S. Hemisphere)
  • Low pressure areas (cyclones) -
    counterclockwise airflow in N. Hemisphere
    (opposite flow in S. Hemisphere)
  • Isobars usually not closed off at highest
    levels Troughs (low pressure), Ridges (high

Highest level ?
? Lowest level
About the midterm
  • There will be 40 multiple-choice questions
  • Sample questions

  • In the SI system, the standard unit of length is
  • A) yard, B) meter, C) gram, D) pound.
  • 2) Which of the following is NOT a variable
  • A) water vapor. B) nitrogen. C) carbon
    dioxide. D) ozone.
  • In the northern hemisphere, when the surface wind
    blows toward the east, the underlying ocean
    current flows toward
  • A) the west. B) the north. C) the
    southeast. D) the northwest.
  • 4) Anticyclones
  • A) are associated with low-pressure systems in
    the northern hemisphere.
  • B) experience Coriolis effects that deflect air
    to the left in the Northern Hemisphere.
  • C) are associated with supersonic winds.
  • D) are associated with counter-clockwise flow in
    the southern hemisphere.
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