Title: From GLP to CLIA
1From GLP to CLIA88 (Clinical Laboratory
Improvement Act 1988) Method Verification and
Donna M. Wolk, MHA, Ph.D., D(ABMM) Southern
Arizona VA Health Care System University of
Arizona 2/1/2006
Some images adapted from Wolk, D., S. Mitchell,
and R. Patel. 2001. Principles of molecular
microbiology testing methods. Infect.Dis.Clin.Nort
h Am. 151157-1204.
- Discuss gap between Research/GLP lab/ and
Clinical (medical) lab testing (i.e.,
translational laboratory testing) - Overview CLIA88 requirements for method
verification and validation in clinical
laboratories - Discuss cursory statistics, used to avoid method
pitfalls - Give examples method verification and validation
3Assay Verification Validation
KEY Deficiencies Cited in many translational labs
In the Journey from Research Laboratory
toDiagnostic Laboratory
4Quality Systems
Proven outcomes Indicators
Standard Practices
Diagnostic Laboratory Operations
Research State of the Art Proof of Concept
Scientific Principle
5ResearchRegulations Agencies
Research State of the Art Proof of Concept
Scientific Principle
- Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) 21 CFR PART 58 -
Food and Drug Administration, 9/4/87 ,144
requirements - FDA and EPA perform lab inspection under the
Freedom of Information Act
6Scientific/Operational Responsibilities Rest with
Bioindustry and Clinical LabsExperimental
Design/Technology Transfer
- CLIA 88
- State Inspections
- VA Regional Commission
- New ISO for Healthcare
Diagnostic Laboratory Operations
7The FDA and Clinical Laboratories
- FDA-Cleared
- Method Performance Reproducibility
- Clinical Relevance Utility (clinical outcomes)
- Method Performance Reproducibility
- No FDA-review
- Home Brew, Research Use Only
- Governed by CLIA 88
8For RUO and Home Brews
- CLIA88 Lab Directors are legally responsible for
own lab and reference labs even if they do NOT
perform test on-site - Beware of under-verified methods
- Ask lots of questions to reference labs
- Demand answers that help you interpret test
results - KEY Deficiencies Cited
- Impractical Method Design
- Inadequate Error Assessment
9Luck of the Translational Lab
- Scientific Operational Responsibilities for
Experimental Design and Technology Transfer
10Molecular Assays Most are PCR-basedAmplicon
Detection Confirmation
- Gel Electrophoresis (detection only)
- DNA Sequencing
- Probes (Southern Blot or Real-time PCR)
11Example DNA Target on Bacterial Chromosome
DNA Strand/Target Sequence
Double Helix DNA Strand
Supercoiled Strand
Image Courtesy of Roche Diagnostics, Inc.
Primer anneals to denatured DNA
Primer extended by Taq polymerase synthetic
Synthetic strands (amplicon) completed and
Wolk, D., et.al. 2001. Infect.Dis.Clin.North Am.
13Example Real-time PCR Amplification Plot (Cycle
Sample w/ template
No Template Control
cycle threshold
(C.O or CT)
14Molecular Method Verification
15CLIA-Characterized Assay Performance Error
- Verification Characterize and Compare
AssayDefine errors and limitations. Assess risk
of causing a change in the interpretation of
test results? - Validation Assess Performance
- All the time
- Over time
- Under various conditions
- Prove Error resistance and Competency
16Lab Director Responsibilities
- Design translational assay to facilitate
characterization and perform error limitation
assessment. - Mimic reality as possible, performance
characteristics in matrixSTATISTICALLY
determine/assess performance AND limitations
they must be defined and relayed to clients and
decision makers! - Determine extent of verification MUST reflect
criticality of decisions made based on each assay - Variability is inherent to any assay the
question is How much is too much?
17Initial Verification Validation Putting
together the PACKETfor inspection
- Prepare verification validation packet for EACH
new method/target or sample - SUMMARY Who, what, when, where, how?
- Statistical characterization of assay
- Policies, SOPs, Document Control
- Scientific, Ethical, Operational assessments,
in-lab throughout health care system
18Verification and Validation Packet
- WHY?
- Need for Assay PURPOSE and Rationale, Clinical
Utility, Impact to Care - Literature Review and References
- ANALYTE and Assay type Screen, confirm, or
diagnose? - Type of Method science, throughput, speed,
costs, adaptable to multi-tasking workflow,
practicality - Specimen requirements
19Verification and Validation Packet
- WHO?
- Personnel Issues, Responsibility Levels,
Training, Safety - Ethical Issues, Risk Assessments
- Vendor Supply Issues storage, shelf life,
availability, service, tech support, contracting,
etc. - WHERE?
- pre- and post-analytical issues
- Local issues with reference range, population
- HOW? Needs lots of data and statistics to prove
20Packet What else?
- Establish the method is fit for its purpose? Are
methods adaptable to Healthcare/Clinical Labs? - Clinical Utility, Criticality of Results
- Cost Analysis, Cost/benefit
- Expected Outcomes
- Implementation Specifics
- Documents SOPS, Policies, Processes, Doc Ctrl.
- Method Performance w/ SUMMARY/GRAPHICS,
Conclusions, Limitations, Comments
21Analytic Method Performance
- Compare to Gold Std. (target Chi sq analysis or
approx. 50 pos/ 100 neg) - Recovery spiked samples
- Specimen Requirements quality, vol., collection,
- Specimen Stability preservation, storage
- Specimen type comparisons
- Carry-over studies and contamination
- Bias, systematic and non-systematic
- Matrix or Interference studies
- Established reference range, if applicable
- Statistical characterization.specifics to
22Limitations of molecular methods
- Analytical assay verification/validation uncovers
assay limitations - Assess both Virtual and Actual
23Examples of Common Limitations
- False negatives
- Limited sensitivity in real matrices
- Reaction inhibitors in nature
- Other matrix effects
- Antigenic variation of organisms
- False positives
- Contamination with DNA
- Limited specificity testing during verification
- Unknown organisms that are in nature
- Errors
- New reagent lots, primers/probes
- Lack of appropriate controls built into assay
25Determine Analytic Method Performance.
Qualitative Assay Characterization
- Detection Method
- Instrument
- Specimen Type
- Storage Condition or Preservative
- Target
- Control
- Operator
26Qualitative Analysis
- Accuracy compared to a Gold Standard or accurate
control, i.e., Agreement with reference method
or spikes (Recovery Expts) - Analytic sensitivity Lower Detection Limit
(LDL), in reagent water AND natural matrices ?
Define vs. 95 Detection Limit (DL-95) - Analytic specificity w/ closely related likely
organisms i.e., Agreement with spikes or known
positive specimens or sequences (virtual)? Cross
reactions with other organisms
27Results Single Target
Ct values of Lab Water _at_ 5, 3, 1 spore
28Qualitative Analysis
- Inhibitory Inhibitors in natural matrices?
Matrix Analysis including interfering substances - Contaminated Extraction and NTC ? Use 5-10
Neg controls - Stability of positive controls or samples
29Qualitative Analysis of Real-time PCRUse Ct
- Precision/Reproducibility (Intra- and Inter-
Assay), Characterize mean, SD, CV, 95 CI (_at_
upper, mid, and lower limits) - On Serial Dilution Data
- Linearity, detection range
- PCR efficiency, can assess matrix effects,
extraction or assay conditions - ANCOVA or Regression analysis on slopes
30Example Precision and EfficiencyMonitor ENC-PCR
(Dose Response)
Ct value
Dose (concentration)
31Calculated Efficiency
- Serial dilutions
- Equation E 10-1/Slope 1
- Lab Water 85-94 Source Water 50-90
32Linearity Detection Range3 to gt or 5x 106
33Clinical Outcomes Analysis
- ? Important for RISK ASSESSMENT
- Clinical Sensitivity and SpecificitySensitivity
(of a diagnostic test) the proportion of truly
diseased persons, as measured by the gold
standard, who are identified as diseased by the
test under study. - Specificity (of a diagnostic test) the
proportion of truly nondiseased persons, as
measured by the gold standard, who are so
identified by the diagnostic test under study. - Prevalence model used to calculate
PPV/NPV..Medical Assays hi or low prevalence
342x2 Gold standard Positive (condition present) Gold standard Negative (condition not present)
Test result Positive True Positive False Positive
Test result Negative False Negative True Negative
Frequency Dependent Properties Sensitivity
True Positives/(True Positives False
Negatives) Specificity True Negatives/(False
Positive True Negative) Frequency Dependent
Properties Positive Predictive Value True
Positive/(True Positive False
Positive) Negative Predictive Value True
Negative/(True Negative False Negative)
35Other Verification Issues
- BEWARE of Improved Gold Standards
- e.g. with organism, which may have been missed by
traditional methods - Limitations of Discrepant Analysis
- Useful statistical tools Chi Square and 2x2
tables, t-tests, ANCOVA, regression analysis,
other descriptive stats - Define specimen requirements quality, volume,
collection method, etc. - Summarize performance and define limitations
- Limitations of QUANTITATIVE ASSAYS most
arerelative quantitationDONT over-interpret,
see reference below - Shepley, D.P. and Wolk, D.M. 2004.
Quantitative Molecular Methods. in Molecular
Microbiology Diagnostic Principles and Practice,
ed. Persing, D.H. et. al., ASM Press. Washington
37Other Issues
- No culture or visual identification Viability is
more difficult to assess than presence
38VIRTUAL ISSUES Search Sequences Databases Gen
- GenBank NIH publicly available genetic sequence
database, (Nucleic Acids Research 2003 Jan
131(1)23-7). - Approx. 22 million sequences Jan. 2003
- Part of the International Nucleotide Sequence
Database Collaboration - DNA DataBank of Japan (DDBJ)
- European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL),
- GenBank at NCBI (National Center for
Biotechnology and Information). - Search nucleotide databases for sequences of
- DOCUMENTATION of Director Review of Data and
Process, Signature, Date - Documentation record storage
41Validation Ongoing Assessment Statistical
- The documentation that a verified assay performs
with expected results over a period of time
42Ongoing Validation Assessment and Statistical
Analysis, QA
- Repeatability Comparability QualityControl,
Assurance, Systems - Proficiency Testing / Operator Competency
- Trend Analysis over time repeats of QC and
system to detect robustness, bias, shifts, drifts
- New lots checks of primers, probes, etc.
- New reagents, samples, or collection devices
- Outcomes measures expected vs. actual
- Utilization expected vs. actual
43Examples New TransportIntra-assay
reproducibility for a known concentration of
nucleic acid, relative efficiency
Not precise or not efficient
44Validation Trend Analysis
- The documentation that a verified home-brew test
is repeatedly giving the expected results over a
period of time - Check for biases and changes
- C.O. or Ct
- Tm
- New lot comparisons
- 6 month validations
45Trend Analysis Ex. Pos. Control Organisms100
Descriptive Statistics and Individual
Measurements of Ct values derived from 100
flow-cytometer-counted spores/sample (flow
performed at WSLH) The CV is 3 6 for
intra-assay and 11 for inter-assay variability.
46Summary Verification/Validation
- CLIA has clear guidelines validation for home
brew (user-defined assays) and other non-FDA
cleared testing - Test design should mimic reality as much as
possible - ERROR ASSESSMENT !!!!!!
- Statistical Analysis
- to characterize performance (verification)
- to validate performance
- Define limitations