Title: Four Channels Data Acquisition System for Silicon Photomultipliers
1Four Channels Data Acquisition System for Silicon
Mateusz Baszczyk, Piotr Dorosz, Sebastian
Glab,Wojciech Kucewicz, Lukasz Mik, Maria Sapor
Department of Electronics, AGH University of
Science and Technology, Al. Mickiewicza 30,
30-059 Krakow, Poland e-mail kucewicz_at_agh.edu.pl s
- Fluorescence
- Silicon Photomultiplier description
- Description of previous measurement system
- Four channel data acquisition system
- Results
- Summary
- Future work.
3Why do we measure fluorescence light intensity?
- Dye-labelled cells can be count by fluorescence
light intensity measurement - At low concentrations the fluorescence intensity
is generally proportional to the concentrations
of fluorophore.
4Fluorescein and Bio-Tek filters spectra
5Optical block
6Silicon Photomultiplier
- The idea appears in the late 90-ties
- Photon Detection with High Gain Avalanche
Photodiode Arrays S. Vasile, P. Gothoskar, R.
Farrell, D. Sdrulla - Silicon avalanche photodiodes on the base of
metal-resistor-semiconductor (MRS) structures V.
Saveliev, V. Golovin
8Current - Voltage Characteristic
9Photodiode Operation Mode
1 photon generates 1 electron-hole pair
10Avalanche Operation Mode
1 photon generates 10-200 electron-hole pairs
11Geiger Operation Mode
1 photon generates 105 - 106 electron-hole pairs
12Typical SiPM Parameters
sensL s1020 Hamamatsu S10362-11-025C
Spectral Range (?) 400-1100 nm 320-900 nm
Peak Spectral Response (?) 490 nm 440 nm
Breakdown Voltage (Vbr) 28.6 V ---
Operating Voltage (V) 30.6 V 70.82 V
Microcell Gain 106 2.75 105
SPM Pixel Active Area F 1 mm F 1 mm
Number of Pixels 400 1600
Dark Rate (MHz) 0.42 0.3
13Previous Measurement System For Fluorescence
Agilent 33250 generator
trigger signal
gate pulses
Picosecond 2600C generator
Cuvette holder with specimen
GPA amplifier
QDC device
PC with Labview application
excitation filter
emission filter
14First Measurement System For Fluorescence
15Acquisition System
16Acquisition System
17Front-end ASIC
18Front-end ASIC
19Front-end ASIC
20Linearity high gain
21Linearity low gain
22Measurement results
23Measurement results
24Measurement results
25Measurement results
26Measurement results
27Measurement results
28Light Intensity
29Light Intensity
30Light Intensity
31Without Coincidence
33Results of fluorescence light measurements
y -572500 x² 223.6 x 6458000
fluorescein y -373800 x² 170.3 x 14030000
34Influence of Temperature and Bias
35Dark Current Rate
36Influence of Temperature and Bias
- We have designed, built and optimized readout
system for detection of single photons - We have tested readout circuit with light and
confirmed that it is linear - We can distinguish a dozen or so photons and
eliminate thermal generation from measurement
data - System with silicon photomultiplier has a good
sensitivity and can be used to measure
fluorescence light intensity for fluorescein
concentration from 1ug/ml to about 60pg/ml and
resorufin at the level of 1ng/ml up to 1ug/ml.
38Future work
- Stabilization system compensating temperature
influence on SiPM gain by varying supply voltage - Measurements of fluorescent dyes in
scanning probe
39Thank you for your attention