Title: B-Spline Channels
1B-Spline Channels Channel Smoothing
- Michael Felsberg
- Computer Vision LaboratoryLinköping
2General Idea of Channels
- Encode single value (linear or modular) in N-D
coefficient vector (channel vector) - Locality of encoding
- Similar values in same coefficients
- Dissimilar values in different coefficients
- Stability by smooth, monopolar basis functions
- Small changes of value lead to small changes of
coefficients - Non-negative coefficients
3Example for Single Value
4Example for Multiple Values
- Encoding with quadratic B-splines
- Decoding strategies
- Relation to kernel-density estimation
- Relation to robust M-estimation
- Channel smoothing
- Applications
6Quadratic B-Splines
7B-Splines Encoding
- The value of the nth channel at x is obtained by
- Encoding in practice
- mround(f)
- cm-1(f-m-0.5)2 /2
- cm0.75-(f-m)2
- cm1(m-f-0.5)2 /2
9Linear Decoding
- Normalized convolution of the channel vector
- Choice of n by heuristics
- Largest denominator (3-box filter)
- Additional local maximum
10Quantization Effect
11Quadratic Decoding I
- Idea detect local maximum of B-spline
interpolated channel vector - Step 1 recursive filtering to obtain
interpolation coefficients
12Quadratic Decoding II
13Quadratic Decoding III
- Step 3 compute energy
- Step 4 sort the decoded values according to
their energy(the energy represents the
The decoded values must be shiftedand rescaled
to the original interval
14Quantization Effect
15Kernel Density Estimation I
- Given several realizations of a stochastic
variable (samples of the pdf) - Goal estimate pdf from samples
- Method convolve samples with a kernel function
16Kernel Density Estimation II
- Requirements for kernel function
- Non-negative
- Integrates to one
- Expectation of estimate
17Relation to C.R.
- Adding channel representation of several
realizations corresponds to a sampled kernel
density estimation - Ideal interpolation with B-splines possible!
18L2 vs. Robust Optimization
- Outliers are critical for L2 optimization
- Idea of robust estimation
- error norm is saturated for outliers
- Influence function becomes zero for outliers
19Robust Error Norm
f - f0
20Robust Influence Function
f - f0
21Influence Function of C.R.
Obtained from lineardecoding
22Error Norm of C.R.
Obtained by integrating the influence function
23Channel Smoothing
24Channel Smoothing Example
- Discontinuity is preserved
- Constant and linear regions are correctly
25Stochastic Signals
- Stochastic signal single realization of a
stochastic process - Ergodicity assumption
- averaging over several realizations at a single
point - can be replaced with
- averaging over a neighborhood of a single
26Ergodicity C.S.
- Ergodicity often not fulfilled for signals /
features, but trivial for channels - Ergodicity of channels implies that averaging of
channels corresponds to (sampled) kernel density
27Quantization Effect and C.S.
28Outlier Rejection in C.S.
- Image denoising
- Infilling of information
- Orientation estimation
- Edge detection
- Corner detection
- Disparity estimation
30Image Denoising
31Infilling of Information
32Orientation Estimation
33Corner Detection
34Corner Detection
35Corner Detection
36Disparity Estimation
37Disparity Estimation
38Further Reading
- B-Spline Channel Smoothing for Robust
EstimationFelsberg, M., Forssén, P.-E., Scharr,
H. LiTH-ISY-R-2579January, 2004