Strong LP Formulations - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Strong LP Formulations


Title: Primal-Dual Schema for Capacitated Covering Problems with Lot-Sizing Applications Author: tac45 Last modified by: David Shmoys Created Date – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Strong LP Formulations

Strong LP Formulations Primal-Dual
Approximation Algorithms
  • David Shmoys
  • (joint work Tim Carnes Maurice Cheung)

June 23, 2011
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  • The standard approach to solve combinatorial
    integer programs in practice start with a
    simple formulation add valid inequalities
  • Our agenda show that same approach can be
    theoretically justified by approximation
  • An -approximation algorithm produces a solution
    of cost within a factor of of the optimal
    solution in polynomial time

  • Primal-dual method
  • a leading approach in the design of
    approximation algorithms for NP-hard problems
  • Consider several capacitated covering problems
    - covering knapsack problem
  • - single-machine scheduling problems
  • Give constant approximation algorithms based on
    strong linear programming (LP) formulations

Approximation Algorithms and LP
  • Use LP to design approximation algorithms
  • Optimal value for LP gives bound on optimal
    integer programming (IP) value
  • Want to find feasible IP solution of value within
    a factor of of optimal LP solution
  • Key is to start with right LP relaxation
  • LP-based approximation algorithm produces
    additional performance guarantee on each problem
  • Empirical success of IP cutting plane methods
    suggests stronger formulations - needs theory!

Primal-Dual Approximation Algorithms
  • Do not even need to solve LP!!
  • Each min LP has a dual max LP
  • of equal optimal value
  • Goal Construct feasible integer solution S along
    with feasible solution D to dual of LP relaxation
    such that
  • cost(S) cost(D) LP-OPT OPT
  • ) -approximation algorithm

Adding Valid Inequalities to LP
  • LP formulation can be too weak if there is
    big integrality gap - OPT/LP-OPT is often
  • Fixed by adding additional inequalities to
  • Restricts set of feasible LP solutions
  • Satisfied by all integer solutions, hence valid
  • Key technique in practical codes to solve integer

Knapsack-Cover Inequalities
  • Carr, Fleischer, Leung and Phillips (2000)
    developed valid knapsack-cover inequalities and
    LP-rounding algorithms for several capacitated
    covering problems
  • Requires solving LP with ellipsoid method
  • Further complicated since inequalities are not
    known to be separable
  • GOAL develop a primal-dual analog!

Highlights of Our Results
  • For each of the following problems, we have a
    primal-dual algorithm that achieves a performance
    guarantee of 2
  • Min-Cost (Covering) Knapsack
  • Single-Demand Capacitated
  • Facility Location
  • Single-Item Capacitated Lot-Sizing
  • We extend the knapsack-cover inequalities to
    handle this more general setting
  • Single-Machine Minimum-Weight Late Jobs 1? wj
  • Single-Machine General Minimum-Sum Scheduling
    1? fj

Used valid knapsack-cover inequalities developed
by Carr, Fleischer, Leung and Phillips as LP
Highlights of Our Results
  • For each of the following problems, we have a
    primal-dual algorithm that achieves a performance
    guarantee of 2
  • Min-Cost (Covering) Knapsack
  • Single-Demand Capacitated
  • Facility Location
  • Single-Item Capacitated Lot-Sizing
  • We extend the knapsack-cover inequalities to
    handle this more general setting
  • Single-Machine Minimum-Weight Late Jobs 1? wj
  • Single-Machine General Minimum-Sum Scheduling
    1? fj

Used valid knapsack-cover inequalities developed
by Carr, Fleischer, Leung and Phillips as LP
Min-Sum 1-Machine Scheduling 1? fj
  • Each job j has a cost function fj(Cj) that is
    non-negative non-decreasing function of its
    completion time Cj
  • Goal minimize ?j fj(Cj)
  • What is known? Bansal Pruhs (FOCS 10) gave
    first constant-factor algorithm
  • Main result of Bansal-Pruhs adds release dates,
    and permits preemption result is
    O(loglog(nP))-approximation algorithm
  • OPEN QUESTIONS Is a constant-factor doable?

10 Open Problems
  • Better constant factors?
  • Any constant factor?
  • Primal-dual when
  • rounding is known?
  • But nothing of the type
  • good constant factor
  • is known, but is a
  • factor of 1? possible
  • for any ? gt0?

Min-Sum 1-Machine Scheduling 1? fj
  • Each job j has a cost function fj(Cj) that is
    non-negative non-decreasing function of its
    completion time Cj
  • Goal minimize ?j fj(Cj)
  • What is known? Bansal Pruhs (FOCS 10) gave
    first constant-factor algorithm
  • Main result of Bansal-Pruhs adds release dates,
    and permits preemption result is
    O(loglog(nP))-approximation algorithm
  • OPEN QUESTIONS Is a constant-factor doable?
  • - Can 1² be achieved w/o release dates?

Primal-Dual for Covering Problems
  • Early primal-dual algorithms
  • Bar-Yehuda and Even (1981) weighted vertex
  • Chvátal (1979) weighted set cover
  • Agrawal, Klein and Ravi (1995)
  • Goemans and Williamson (1995)
  • generalized Steiner (cut covering) problems
  • Bertismas Teo (1998)
  • Jain Vazirani (1999)
  • uncapacitated facility location problem
  • Inventory problems
  • Levi, Roundy and Shmoys (2006)

Minimum (Covering) Knapsack Problem
  • Given a set of items F each with a cost ci and a
    value ui
  • Want to find a subset of items with minimum cost
    such that the total value is at least D

minimize ?i ? F ci xi subject to ?i ? F ui xi ?
D xi ? 0,1 for each i ? F
Bad Integrality Gap
  • Consider the min knapsack problem with the
    following two items
  • Integer solution must take item 1 and incurs a
    cost of 1
  • LP solution can take all of item 2 and just 1/D
    fraction of item 1, incurring a cost of 1/D

c1 1 u1 D
c2 0 u2 D-1
Knapsack-Cover Inequalities
  • Proposed by Carr, Fleischer, Leung and Phillips
  • Consider a subset A of items in F
  • If we were to take all items in A, then we still
    need to take enough items to meet leftover demand

D u(A)
A 1,2,3
?i 2 F n A ui xi D-u(A)
u(A) ?i 2 A ui
Knapsack-Cover Inequalities
?i 2 FnA ui xi D-u(A)
  • This inequality adds nothing new, but we can now
    restrict the values of the items
  • where
  • since these inequalities only need to be valid
    for integer solutions

D u(A)
?i 2 FnA ui(A) xi D-u(A)
ui(A) min ui , D-u(A)
A 1,2,3
Knapsack-Cover Inequalities on Bad Example
c1 1 u1 D
c2 0 u2 D-1
  • Before Integer solution picks item 1 for cost
  • LP solution picks item 2 and 1/D of item 1
    for cost 1/D
  • Now Consider knapsack-cover ineq with A 2
  • Then D u(A) 1 and ui(A) 1 so
  • Thus LP must take all of item 1 for cost 1

Strengthened Min Knapsack LP
  • When A the knapsack-cover inequality becomes
  • which is the original min knapsack inequality
  • New strengthened LP is

?i 2 FnA ui(A) xi D-u(A)
) ? i 2 F ui xi D
Minimize ?i 2 F ci xi subject to ?i 2 FnA ui(A)
xi D- u(A), for each subset A xi 0,
for each i 2 F
Dual Linear Program
optDual max ?A µ F (D-u(A))v(A) subject to
?A µ F i ? A ui(A) v(A) ci , for each i 2
F v(A) 0, for each A µ F
  • Dual of LP formed by knapsack-cover inequalities

D 5
Dual Variables Initially all zero
Dual Variables v() 0.25
A 3
D - u(A) 5 Increase v(A)
D - u(A) 3 Increase v(A)
D 5
Dual Variables v() 0.25
A 3
D - u(A) 3 Increase v(A)
D 5
Dual Variables v() 0.25
A 3
D - u(A) 3 Increase v(A)
D 5
Dual Variables v() 0.25
Dual Variables v() 0.25 v(3) 0.5
A 3
A 3,5
D - u(A) 3 Increase v(A)
D - u(A) 1 Increase v(A)
D 5
Dual Variables v() 0.25 v(3) 0.5
A 3
A 3,5
D - u(A) 1 Increase v(A)
D 5
Dual Variables v() 0.25 v(3) 0.5
Dual Variables v() 0.25 v(3) 0.5 v(3,5)
A 3
A 3,5
A 3,5,1
D - u(A) 1 Increase v(A)
D - u(A) -1 Increase v(A)
Primal-Dual Cost 4.5
c1 2.5 u1 2
c2 2 u2 1
c3 0.5 u3 2
c4 10 u4 5
c5 1.5 u5 2
Opt. Integer Cost 4
c1 2.5 u1 2
c2 2 u2 1
c3 0.5 u3 2
c4 10 u4 5
c5 1.5 u5 2
Primal-Dual Summary
  • Start with all variables set to zero and solution
    A as the empty set
  • Increase variable v(A) until a dual constraint
    becomes tight for some item i
  • Add item i to solution A and repeat
  • Stop once solution A has large enough value to
    meet demand D
  • Call final solution S and set xi 1 for all i 2 S

  • Let l be last item added to solution S
  • If we increased dual variable v(A) then l was
    not in A
  • Thus if v(A) gt 0 then A µ ( S \ l )
  • Since u( S\ l ) lt D
  • then u((S\ l )\A) lt D u(A)

Analysis (continued)
  • We have u((S\ l )\A) lt D u(A) if v(A) gt 0
  • Cost of solution is

Dual LP
Primal-Dual Theorem
  • For the min-cost covering knapsack problem, the
    LP relaxation with knapsack-cover inequalities
    can be used to derive a (simple) primal-dual
    2-approximation algorithm.

Knapsack-Cover Inequalities Everywhere
  • Bansal, Buchbinder, Naor (2008) Randomized
    competitive algorithms for generalized caching
    (and weighted paging)
  • Bansal, Gupta, Krishnaswamy (2010)
    485-approximation algorithm for min-sum set cover
  • Bansal Pruhs (2010) O(log log
    nP)-approximation algorithm for general
    1-machine preemptive scheduling O(1) with
    identical deadlines

Minimum-Weight Late Jobs on 1 Machine
  • Each job j has processing time pj , deadline dj,
    weight wj
  • Choose a subset L of jobs of minimum-weight to be
    late - not scheduled to complete by deadline
  • This problem is (weakly) NP-hard can be
    solved in O( n ?j pj ) time Lawler Moore,
    (1²)-approximation in O(n3/²) time Sahni
  • If there also are release dates that constrain
    when a job may start, no approximation result is
    possible - focus on max-weight set of jobs
    scheduled on time Bar-Noy, Bar-Yehuda,
    Freund, Naor, Schieber - allow preemption
    Bansal Pruhs

What if all deadlines are the same?
  • Total processing time is ?j pj ! P
  • WLOG assume schedule runs through 0,P
  • Deadline D ) at least P-D units of processing are
    done after D
  • So just select set of total processing at least
    P-D of minimum total weight
  • , minimum-cost covering knapsack problem

Same Idea for General Deadlines
  • Total processing time is ?j pj ? P
  • WLOG assume schedule runs through 0,P
  • Assume d1 d2 dn
  • Deadline di ) among all jobs with deadlines di
    , ? P(i)-di units of processing are done after
    di where S(i) j dj ? di and P(i) ?j ?
    S(i) pj
  • Minimize ? wj yj
  • subject to ?j ? S(i) pj yj P(i)-di,
    i1,,n yj 0, j1,,n

Strengthened LP Knapsack Covers
  • Minimize ? wj yj
  • subject to ?j ? S(L,i) pj (L,i) yj ? D(L,i),
    for each L,i
  • where S(L,i) j dj ? di , j ? L
  • D(L,i) max ?j ? S(L,i) pj - di , 0
  • pj (L,i) min pj , D(L,i)
  • Dual
  • Maximize ? D(L,i) v(L,i)
  • subject to ?(L,i) j 2 S(L,i) pj(L,i) v(L,i)
    wj for each j
  • v(L,i) 0 for each L,i

Primal-Dual Summary
  • Start with all dual variables set to 0 and
    solution A as the empty set
  • Increase variable v(A,i) with largest D(A,i)
    until a dual constraint becomes tight for some
    item i
  • Add item i to solution A and repeat
  • Stop once solution A is sufficient so remaining
    jobs N-A can be scheduled on time
  • Examine each item j in A in reverse order and
    delete j if reduced late set is still feasible
  • Call final solution L and set yj 1 for all j 2

Highlights of the Analysis
  • Lemma. Suppose current iteration increases
    v(L,i), and let L(i) be jobs put in final late
    set L afterwards. Then 9 job k ? L(i) so that
    L-k is not feasible.
  • Note in previous case, since all deadlines were
    equal, the last job l added satisfies this
  • Here, the reverse delete process is set exactly
    to ensure that the Lemma holds.

Highlights of the Analysis
  • Lemma. Suppose current iteration increases
    v(L,i), and let L(i) be jobs put in final late
    set L afterwards. Then 9 job k ? L(i) so that
    L-k is not feasible.
  • Lemma. ?j j ? i, j ? L(i) k pj(L,i) lt
    D(L,i) if v(L,i)gt0.

Highlights of the Analysis
  • Lemma. Suppose current iteration increases
    v(L,i), and let L(i) be jobs put in final late
    set L afterwards. Then 9 job k ? L(i) so that
    L-k is not feasible.
  • Lemma. ?j j ? i, j ? L(i) k pj(L,i) lt
    D(L,i) if v(L,i)gt0.
  • Fact. pk(L,i) ? D(L,i) (by definition
    of pk(L,i) )

Highlights of the Analysis
  • Lemma. Suppose current iteration increases
    v(L,i), and let L(i) be jobs put in final late
    set L afterwards. Then 9 job k ? L(i) so that
    L-k is not feasible.
  • Lemma. ?j j ? i, j ? L(i) k pj(L,i) lt
    D(L,i) if v(L,i)gt0.
  • Fact. pk(L,i) ? D(L,i) (by definition
    of pk(L,i) )
  • Corollary. ?j j ? i, j ? L(i) pj(L,i) lt 2D(L,i)
    if v(L,i)gt0.

Previous Analysis (flashback)
  • We have u((S\ l )\A) lt D u(A) if v(A) gt 0
  • Cost of solution is

Dual LP
Highlights of the Analysis
  • Lemma. Suppose current iteration increases
    v(L,i), and let L(i) be jobs put in final late
    set L afterwards. Then 9 job k ? L(i) so that
    L-k is not feasible.
  • Lemma. ?j j ? i, j ? L(i) k pj(L,i) lt
    D(L,i) if v(L,i)gt0.
  • Fact. pk(L,i) ? D(L,i) (by definition
    of pk(L,i) )
  • Corollary. ?j j ? i, j ? L(i) pj(L,i) lt 2D(L,i)
    if v(L,i)gt0.

Highlights of the Analysis
  • Corollary ?j j ? i, j ? L(i) pj(L,i) lt 2D(L,i)
    if v(L,i)gt0.
  • Same trick here
  • ?j ? L wj ?j ? L ?(L,i) j 2 S(L,i) pj(L,i)
  • ?(L,i) v(L,i) ?j j ? i, j ? L(i)
  • ?(L,i) 2D(L,i) v(L,i)
  • 2 OPT

Primal-Dual Theorem
  • For the 1-machine min-weight late jobs scheduling
    problem with a common deadline, the LP relaxation
    with knapsack-cover inequalities can be used to
    derive a (simple) primal-dual 2-approximation

General 1-Machine Min-Cost Scheduling
  • Each job j has its own nondecreasing cost
    function fj (Cj ) where Cj denotes completion
    time of job j
  • Assume that all processing times are integer
  • Goal construct schedule to minimize total cost
  • LP variables xjt 1 means job j has Cj t
  • Knapsack cover constraint for each t and L,
  • require that total processing time of jobs
    finishing at time t or later is sufficiently large

Primal-Dual Theorem(s)
  • For 1-machine min-cost scheduling, LP relaxation
    with knapsack-cover inequalities can be used to
    derive a (simple) primal-dual pseudo-polynomial
    2-approximation algorithm.
  • For 1-machine min-cost scheduling, LP relaxation
    with knapsack-cover inequalities can be used to
    derive a (simple) primal-dual (2²)-approximation

Weak LP Relaxation
  • Total processing time is ?j pj ? P
  • WLOG assume schedule runs through 0,P
  • xjt 1 means job j completes at time t

Minimize ? fj(t) xjt subject to ?t ?
1,,P xjt 1, j1,,n ?j ?
1,n ?s ? t,,P pj xjs ? D(t)
t1,,P xjt ? 0 j1,,n
t1,,P where D(t) P-t1.
Strong LP Relaxation
  • Total processing time is ?j pj ? P
  • WLOG assume schedule runs through 0,P
  • xjt 1 means job j completes at time t

Minimize ? fj(t) xjt subject to ?t
?1,,P xjt 1, for all j ?j ?
L ?s ?t,,P pj (L,t) xjs D(L,t) for
all L,t xjt 0, for all
j,t where D(t) P-t1, D(L,t) max0,
D(t)-?j ? L pj , and pj(L,t) minpj,
Primal and Dual LP
  • Minimize ? fj(t) xjt
  • subject to ?t ?1,,P xjt 1,
    for all j
  • ?j ? L ?st,,P pj (L,t) xjs D(L,t)
    for all L,t xjt 0,
    for all j,t
  • D(t) P-t1 D(L,t) max0, ?j ?
    L pj t1
  • pj(L,t) minpj, D(L,t)
  • Maximize ?L ?t D(L,t) v(L,t)
  • subject to ?L j ? L?t1,,s pj(L,t) v(L,t) ?
    fj(s) for all j,s
  • v(L,t) ? 0 for all L,t

Primal-Dual Summary
  • Start w/ all dual variables set to 0 and each At
  • Increase variable v(At,t) with largest D(At,t)
    until a dual constraint becomes tight for some
    item i (break ties by selecting latest time)
  • Add item i to solution As for all s t and
  • Stop once solution A is sufficient so remaining
    jobs N-A satisfy all demand constraints
  • Focus on pairs (j,t) where t is latest job j is
    in At and perform a reverse delete
  • Set dj t for job j by remaining pairs (j,t)
  • Schedule in Earliest Due Date order

Primal-Dual Theorem
  • For 1-machine min-cost scheduling, LP relaxation
    with knapsack-cover inequalities can be used to
    derive a (simple) primal-dual pseudo-polynomial
    2-approximation algorithm.

Removing the Pseudo with a (1²) Loss
  • This requires only standard techniques
  • For each job j, partition the potential job
    completion times 1,,P into blocks so that
    within block the cost for j increases by 1²
  • Consider finest partition based on all n jobs
  • Now consider variables xjt that assign job j to
    finish in block t of this partition.
  • All other details remain basically the same.

Fringe Benefit more general models, such as
possible periods of machine non-availability
Primal-Dual Theorem
  • For 1-machine min-cost scheduling, LP relaxation
    with knapsack-cover inequalities can be used to
    derive a (simple) primal-dual (2²)-approximation

Some Open Problems
  • Give a constant approximation algorithm for
    1-machine min-sum scheduling with release
    dates allowing preemption
  • Give a (1²)-approximation algorithm for
    1-machine min-sum scheduling, for arbitrarily
    small ² gt 0
  • Give an LP-based constant approximation algorithm
    for capacitated facility location
  • Use configuration LP to find an approximation
    algorithm for bin-packing problem that uses at
    most ONE bin more than optimal

Thank you!
  • Any questions?
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