Title: Wenceslao SantiagoGermn Postdoctoral fellow, UC Davis STRONG COSMIC
1Wenceslao Santiago-Germán Postdoctoral fellow,
CENSORSHIPthe role of nearly
extremenonrotating black holes
- Sponsored by UC MEXUS -CONACYT
2Singularity Theorems, 1965
- Under certain fairly physical situations of
unstoppable gravitational collapse space-time
singularities, in the sense of causal geodesic
incompletness,must occur.
3CosmicCensorship Conjecture(Penrose 1969)
Weak cosmic censorship the generic
gravitational collapse of an isolated physical
system, starting from perfectly physically
reasonable nonsingular initial state, cannot
produce spacetime singularities that can be seen
from infinity, even though observations from
infinity are allowed to continue indefinitely
The topology of the spacetime is
Strong cosmic censorship Every inextendible
spacetime M which evolves according to classical
general relativity with physically reasonable
matter satisfying appropriated energy conditions
from a generic nonsingular initial data on a
complete spacelike hypersurface , is globally
4Subtle is the Lord ... in theory, naked
singularities do form dynamically from regular
initial data satisfying the usual energy
- If the answer to Penroses riddle is in the
affirmative - a)What is, one may ponder, the theoretical
precise meaning of the qualifications - GENERIC,
- that are essential to the validity and proper
formulation of the conjecture? - b) How do they fit together in a mathematical
description of, say, the inner workings of the
strong cosmic censorship principle?
5Penrose diagram of Reissner-Nordstrom BH
.At the border where the null energy condition
would start to be violated
The stability of Lorentzian traversable
wormholes require exotic matter violating the
average null energy condition
6Instability of black-hole Cauchy horizons in
asymptotically de Sitter spacetimes
7Main line of argument -Surface
gravity estimates.
- Implicit function theorem cannot be applied at
the bifurcation point p, when - Introduce new expansion at p, classify the
universe of solutions -
Then, use Einsteins equations
8Internal instabilities BHs, once called dark
- Chadrasekhar (1964) In the post-Newtonian
approximation, where GM/R radial instability sets in for the core of a
nonrotating star of mass M and radius R when the
pressure-average adiabatic index governing the
perturbations, satisfies the inequality - where K is a constant of order unity, depending
on the structure of the star. - For nearly extreme static nonrotating black holes
in the vicinity of p (a) The blueshift
instability criteria
implies - (b) If in addition, is a sufficiently
small positive constant , then the necessary
condition for inner Cauchy horizon stability
- implies
and vice versa -
Cold Matter
Internal core
Cold Black Holes
BH Cauchy horizon
9A Mathematical RiddleHow to formulate strong
cosmic censorship?
- --version of the SCC conjecture
- Every generic four-dimensional
space-time M containing a black hole with regular
event horizon and satisfying the following four
conditions, has a maximal future development
which is locally inextendible in a manner
inside the hole - M arises from the evolution of nonsingular
asymptotically flat or de Sitter initial data
given in a complete space-like hypersurface S - the initial data evolves in a manner
according to classical general relativity, - at late times the corresponding hole
asymptotically approaches to a nearly' extreme
spherically symmetric static configuration with
nonnegative mass. - at the event horizon of static spherically
symmetric black holes with zero surface gravity,
the matter sources are such that to satisfy the
following inequality -
in addition
Other stories Limits, by Jorge Luis. Borges.
.the pawn of that Someone who fixes in
advance the omnipotent laws, tracing a secret and
unyielding graph of all the dreams, the forms,
and the shadows which thread and unthread the
texture of this life..
10Le Chatelier- Braun principle and cosmic
- Le Chatelier-Braun Principle (1884, 1888) Every
physical system in stable equilibrium under the
influence of an external force (a change in an
environmental property A) which tends to alter an
intensive characteristic B of the system
(temperature, pressure , concentration, number
density of molecules, etc.) every where or just
in some parts. Can only experience interior
changes--the secondary effect---in some other
parameter of state C of the system, usually
extensive (entropy, volume, number of particles
of a specific kind, etc. ) producing a current
(or flow) that causes a feedback effect B of
opposite sign to that resulting from the exterior
force. -
c)Born-Infeld modified
Blueshift stable for mini BHs with a positive
cosmological constant small enough
Dominant Energy condition satisfied
11Outline of future research
- Find a mathematically precise connection
between blue shift instability and the
occurrence of the phenomenon of mass inflation. - Work out the generalization of the
mathematical scheme to include nearly extreme
rotating holes. - Explore the following question If every
physical theory about matter, every cosmological
premise, and so on, to be successful need to be
compatible with the strong cosmic censorship
principle in the limit when -
Does cosmic censorship constrain the size of
the cosmological constant?
12Wenceslao Santiago-German Postdoctoral fellow,
CENSORSHIPthe role of nearly extreme rotating
black holes
- Sponsored by UC MEXUS CONACYT