Life in the Victorian Age - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Life in the Victorian Age


Life in the Victorian Age A Window into the Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens What was Coal used for? Steam engines burned coal. Steam engines drove factory machines ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Life in the Victorian Age

Life in the Victorian Age
  • A Window into the Christmas Carol by Charles

Welcome to the Victorian Age
  • The Victorian age in British history is named
    after Queen Victoria, who was Britain's queen
    from 1837 until 1901.
  • Queen Victoria was born on May 24th, 1819.
  • There were big differences in homes, schools,
    toys and entertainments.
  • No TV, no computers, no central heating, no cars
    (until the last few years of Victoria's reign).
    No air travel - unless you went up in a balloon!
    Many children went to work, not to school.

Families in the 1800s
  • In Victorian times, many families had 10 or more
  • Sadly, many children died as babies, or from
    diseases such as small pox and diphtheria.

Rich Families
  • Rich families had large houses, with a special
    room for children called the nursery.
  • In the nursery younger children ate, played and
  • Some rich children saw their parents only in the
    morning and evening, and were looked after mostly
    by their nanny and by other servants.
  • Most Victorians thought children should be 'seen
    and not heard'.

Rich Families
  • In a Victorian town, it was easy to tell who was
    rich and who was poor.
  • Children from richer homes were well fed, wore
    warm clothes and had shoes on their feet.
  • They did not work, but went to school or had
    lessons at home.

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  • Victorian children were usually dressed like
    miniature adults. Boy babies often wore skirts -
    later a boy might wear a sailor suit.
  • For parties, lots of little Victorian girls wore
    red cloaks - perhaps because Little Red Riding
    Hood was a favorite nursery story.

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Poor Families
  • Poor children looked thin and hungry, wore ragged
    clothes, and some had no shoes.
  • Poor children had to work.
  • They were lucky if they went to school.
  • Some poor children wore second-hand boots or
    shoes, nicknamed 'translators'.

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Poor Families
  • Poor people often ate a poor diet. They had to
    buy cheap tea with blackberry leaves added, sugar
    mixed with sand, and milk thickened with powdered
    chalk, meat once a week was a treat.
  • Many poor children lived in tiny country cottages
    or in city slums

Victorian Vehicles
  • There were millions of horses in Victorian
    Britain. Horse-drawn vehicles jammed the streets,
    like cars and trucks today.

Water Cart
Omnibus Cart
Elite Carriage of the Rich
What Jobs did the Children Do
  • Children worked on farms, in homes as servants,
    and in factories.
  • Children often did jobs that required small size
    and nimble fingers.
  • But they also pushed heavy coal trucks along
    tunnels in coal mines.

Boy jobs vs. Girl Jobs
  • Boys went to sea, as boy-sailors, and girls went
    'into service' as housemaids.
  • Girl flower-sellers also sold oranges (when the
    fruit was available, not all-year- round like
    today) They kept fresh longer than flowers.
  • Children worked on city streets, selling things
    such as flowers, matches and ribbons.
  • Crossing boys swept the roads clean of horse-dung
    and rubbish left by the horses that pulled carts
    and carriages.

The British Empire
  • Britain ruled the British Empire.
  • Victoria was Empress of India as well as Queen of
    Britain, Canada (the biggest country in the
    Empire) and small countries such as Jamaica.
  • Trade with the Empire helped make Britain rich.
    Some British children emigrated with their
    families to new homes in Australia, New Zealand,
    South Africa and Canada. Children were taught
    about the Empire in school.
  • In Victorian classrooms, children could easily
    find the countries of the Empire on a map because
    they were colored pink or red.

  • December 2, 2009

The Industrial Revolution
  • The Industrial Revolution was the era of rapid
    and great change in industry and manufacturing
    with the growth of factories, beginning in the
    late 1700s.
  • The Industrial Revolution changed Britain from a
    land of small towns, villages and farms into a
    land of cities, large towns and factories. The
    population grew from 16 million in 1801 to over
    41 million by 1901. Cities grew fast, as people
    moved from the countryside to work in factories.

Work in the Victorian Age
  • Men, women and children worked in factories, and
    in coal mines.
  • Factory and mine owners became rich, but most
    factory and mine workers were poor.
  • They were paid low wages, and lived in unhealthy,
    overcrowded slums.
  • Slum was an area of bad housing, with poor
    hygiene and sanitation

Victorian Slum
  • Britain was the first country in the world to
    have lots of factories.
  • Factory machines made all kinds of things.
  • Machines did jobs, such as spinning, previously
    been done by families at home.

Most of the factories were located in North of
  • Most factory workers live in proximity to the
    factories they worked in living in small houses
    near the factories.

The different types of factories, industries, and
mines that you could find during the Industrial
Revolution in London were cotton mills, carpet
mills, iron works, coal mines, and slate mines
Different types of factories, industries, and
Many children worked in factories in Britain's
fast-growing industrial towns. This is Bradford,
Yorkshire, in 1873
A Typical day in a Victorian factories
  • Factories were noisy. People had to shout above
    the rattle and hiss of machinery.
  • They breathed air full of dust, oil and soot.
  • Iron and steel workers got so hot that workers
    dripped with sweat.
  • Flames and sparks lit up the sky darkened by
    smoke from factory chimneys

Midlands in England
  • The area of the Midlands in England, around
    Birmingham, was so smoky from iron works and
    factories that people called it Black Country.

The city of Manchester, about 1870. With so many
mills and factories, the air was polluted by
smoke and dirt.
Why Children Worked
  • Many Victorian children were poor and worked to
    help their families.
  • Few people thought this strange or cruel.
  • Families got no money unless they worked, and
    most people thought work was good for children.
  • Many of these jobs were at first done by
    children, because children were cheap - a child
    was paid less than adults (just a few pennies for
    a week's work).

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Mill-worker children
  • Mill-worker children ate porridge and onions for
    breakfast and oatcakes with milk for dinner. They
    also had to eat standing up.
  • Standing for so long at a machine affected
    growing children's bones. It made some boys
  • Factory work was dangerous for small girls
    because they had to crawl under the machines and
    could get their hair or limbs caught.

Children Working a Cotton Mill
Children line up to be paid for their work.
Start of Child Labor Laws
  • People called reformers, such as Lord Shaftesbury
    (1801-1885), argued in Parliament for laws to
    stop child-work.
  • Inspectors, called Commissioners, went into
    factories and mines. They talked to working
    children to find out the facts. These are three
    of the new laws passed by Parliament.

New Laws
  • 1841 Mines Act - No child under the age of 10 to
    work underground in a coal mine.
  • 1847 Ten Hour Act - No child to work more than 10
    hours in a day.
  • 1874 Factory Act - No child under the age of 10
    to be employed in a factory.

Coal Mines
  • Most of the energy we use today comes in the form
    of electricity or oil.
  • In Victorian times, energy came from water-power
    (waterwheels), from horses and above all from
    burning coal.
  • Coal was as important to Victorians as oil is to
    us today.
  • In just 40 years the amount of coal dug from
    British mines rose from 16 million tons (1830) to
    over 121 million tons

What was Coal used for?
  • Steam engines burned coal.
  • Steam engines drove factory machines,
    locomotives pulling trains and steamships.
  • All this coal had to be dug from coal mines.
    Britain had a lot of coal, deep in rocks beneath
    the ground. .

Steam Railway Station
What did a Coal Mine look like?
  • Most coal was dug from deep mines. A long
    vertical shaft was dug down from the surface.
  • Leading off from it were side tunnels.
  • Miners rode in a lift, worked by a steam engine.
  • In the tunnels, they hacked at the coal with
    picks and shovels.

Why was it dangerous
  • Coal mines were dark, dirty and dangerous.
  • The only light came from candles and oil lamps.
  • Gas in the mine could choke miners, or explode.
  • Tunnels could flood or collapse. Accidents killed
    many miners.

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Canaries in a Coal Mine?
  • Some miners took canary birds in cages down the
    mine. If it breathed in dangerous gas, the canary
    passed out (fainted), and the miners hurried to

Who ran the Coal Mine
  • Coal mines were owned by the person on whose land
    they were dug.
  • The mine owners sold their coal to the factories.
  • Some mine owners were very rich, but they paid
    miners low wages.
  • They did not care about health and safety, so at
    first they let small children and women work

Laws passed to protect Miners
  • The Parliament was the law-making body made up of
    elected members of Parliament and non-elected
  • In 1842, Parliament stopped women and children
    under 10 years old from working underground.
  • In 1860 the age limit for boy-miners was raised
    to 12, and in 1900 to 13.

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Children Working in the Coal Mine
  • Some children pushed trucks of coal along mine
    tunnels. They were called 'putters'.
  • 'Trappers' opened and shut wooden doors to let
    air through the tunnels. A trapper boy sat in the
    dark, with just a small candle, and no-one to
    talk to.

A boy pushing the cart and a Trapper
Working Conditions in Mines
  • Some children started work at 2 in the morning
    and stayed below ground for 18 hours.
  • Children working on the surface, sorting coal,
    at least saw daylight and breathed fresh air.

A girl pulling a cart through the mines
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  • Victorians made their own entertainment at home
  • They enjoyed singing, and a rich family would
    sing around the piano.
  • While poorer families enjoyed tunes on a pipe or
    a fiddle.
  • Families played card games and board games, and
    acted out charades.

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Birthday Parties
  • At birthday parties, a special treat was a magic
    lantern show. An oil or gas lamp sent a beam of
    light through a glass lens and onto a screen, to
    show enlarged images, perhaps of wild animals or
    a story told in pictures.

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Fun and Games
  • In street games, children shared toys like hoops,
    marbles and skipping ropes, with friends in the
    street, or in the school playground.
  • They played chasing games such as tag and played
    catch with balls. If they hadn't got a proper
    ball, they made balls from old rags, and bats
    from pieces of wood.

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Street Games
  • They also played hopscotch. Victorian children
    were able to play out in the street as there was
    less traffic than today. There were no cars until
    the 1880s.
  • They crowded around street musicians, wheeling a
    barrel organ, which played tunes when the handle
    was turned.Sometimes barrel organ players had a
    monkey with them.

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More Street Games
  • Children played outdoor chasing games such as tag
    (which had lots of other names, such as touch or
  • Other games like Tom Tiddler's Ground, where one
    player (Tom) tries to catch anyone trespassing on
    his or her ground, shown by a line.
  • They also played a version of musical chairs,
    using cushions or old rags to sit on.

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More Games
  • At Easter, children played 'Egg-Shackling'.
  • In this game, everyone put an egg with their name
    on in a basket or sieve, which was shaken until
    the eggs broke. The last egg left unbroken won.

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  • Victorian children were often given books with
    improving moral lessons, about characters with
    names like Lazy Lawrence and Simple Susan.
  • A favorite story was Charles Kingsley's The Water
    Babies about a badly treated chimney-boy.
  • There were lots of books written specially for
    children, such as Treasure Island (about pirates)
    by R L Stevenson and Black Beauty (about a horse)
    by Anna Sewell.

  • Perhaps the most famous Victorian children's book
    is Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (1865)
    written by Lewis Carroll.
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