To the Praise of His Glory! - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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To the Praise of His Glory!


Title: No Slide Title Author: Gary Blue Last modified by: Daniel W. Baugh, Jr. Created Date: 1/5/2002 7:18:48 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: glory | isaac | life | newton | praise


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: To the Praise of His Glory!

(No Transcript)
To the Praise of His Glory!
  • Ephesians 16, 12, 14

Paul Ephesians 1
  • 6 to the praise of the glory of His grace, by
    which He made us accepted in the Beloved
  • 12 that we who first trusted in Christ should be
    to the praise of His glory
  • 14 who is the guarantee of our inheritance until
    the redemption of the purchased possession, to
    the praise of His glory

To the Praise of His Glory!
  • J. S. Bach Music's only purpose should be the
    glory of God and the recreation of the human
  • Michelangelo Art is the gift and must be used
    for His glory. That in art is the highest which
    aims at this

To the Praise of His Glory!
  • Sir Isaac Newton When I wrote my treatise about
    our system, I had an eye upon such principles as
    might work with considering men for the belief of
    a Deity, and nothing can rejoice me more than to
    find it useful for that purpose
  • C. S. Lewis The glory of God, and, as our only
    means to glorifying him, the salvation of human
    souls, is the real business of life

The Glory of Gods Glory
  • The Central Message of All Scripture
  • 1 Corinthians 1031 - whatever you do, do all to
    the glory of God
  • God created man to glorify Himself, and that is
    mans purpose in life
  • Fallen man cannot glorify God on his own, because
    he does not know God or have a godly nature
    through Jesus Christ
  • Redeemed man is able to glorify the Lord, and he
    will glorify Him if he is faithful

The Shorter Catechism
  • First question and answer
  • What is the chief end of man? Mans chief end is
    to glorify God, and to enjoy Him forever.
  • The pinnacle of mans being is glorifying and
    enjoying God
  • The highest purpose any person can have
  • The perspective of a true worshiper!

What is glory?
  • English - glory something that is worthy of
    praise or exaltation brilliance beauty
  • Hebrew kabod heavy in weight
  • The verb comes to mean, give weight to, honor
  • To give glory is to praise, to recognize the
    importance of another, the weight the other
  • Greek doksos opinion, conjecture,
    expectation, and then praise
  • The New Testament limits the meaning to Gods
  • dokeo to be accounted pleasing, to be of
    reputation, to seem good

Gods Glory - Two Aspects
  • His inherent glory
  • God is the only being in all of existence who can
    be said to possess inherent glory
  • No one can give it to Him it already completely
    belongs to Him by virtue of who He is
  • If no one ever gave God praise, He would still be
    the glorious God that He is, because He was fully
    glorious before He created any other beings to
    worship Him

Gods Glory - Two Aspects
  • His inherent glory
  • His ascribed glory
  • Psalm 2912 Ascribe to the Lord, O sons of
    the mighty, ascribe to the Lord glory and
    strength. Ascribe to the Lord the glory due to
    His name worship the Lord in holy array
  • ascribe to assign, to attribute
  • We cannot give God glory in the sense of adding
    to His glory, any more than we can add to His
  • We are to recognize, to assign, to attribute, and
    acclaim the glory God already has and to worship
    Him because of it

Exodus 3318 348
  • 18 And he said, Please, show me Your glory.
  • 19 Then He said, I will make all My goodness
    pass before you, and I will proclaim the name of
    the LORD before you. I will be gracious to whom I
    will be gracious, and I will have compassion on
    whom I will have compassion.
  • 20 But He said, You cannot see My face for
    no man shall see Me, and live.
  • 21 And the LORD said, Here is a place by Me,
    and you shall stand on the rock.
  • 22 So it shall be, while My glory passes by,
    that I will put you in the cleft of the rock, and
    will cover you with My hand while I pass by.
  • 23 Then I will take away My hand, and you
    shall see My back but My face shall not be seen.

Exodus 345-8
  • 5 Now the LORD descended in the cloud and
    stood with him there, and proclaimed the name of
    the LORD.
  • 6 And the LORD passed before him and
    proclaimed, The LORD, the LORD God, merciful and
    gracious, longsuffering, and abounding in
    goodness and truth,
  • 7 keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving
    iniquity and transgression and sin, by no means
    clearing the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the
    fathers upon the children and the childrens
    children to the third and the fourth generation.
  • 8 So Moses made haste and bowed his head
    toward the earth, and worshiped.

  • Gods Glory a visible manifestation of His
  • When you see Gods attributes, it glorifies Him
    and we immediately fall down and worship Him!
  • The proper response to the Glory of God is
    worship and praise!

Gods Goal Is His Glory
  • This is easily misunderstood!
  • The purpose is divine love, not of divine egoism
  • God does want to be praised for His
    praiseworthiness and exalted for His greatness
    and goodness
  • But God also wants to be appreciated for what He

Two Staged Relationship
  • First - acts of revelation
  • He freely shows His glory to men and angels
  • Only men and angels can praise God!
  • God then expects a response of adoration
  • Our part is to give Him glory out of gratitude
    for what we have seen and received
  • Seeing glory in God and giving glory to God is
    the true fulfillment of who we are as human
  • This and only this brings supreme joy to man just
    as it does to God!

Giving Glory to God
  • What you do, why you do it and how you do it all
    have the potential of giving glory to God!
  • A person either lives a life that honors God or
    that dishonors Him
  • Sin of any sort takes glory from God
  • But God is especially dishonored when His own
    people sin
  • Because He has especially honored us by His
    forgiving grace
  • When He is forced to chastise us, He is further
    dishonored by unbelievers, who say that He does
    not even take care of His own people

Giving Glory to God
  • God is especially honored and glorified when His
    people are faithful and obedient
  • Our loving obedience reflects to His honor
  • When we resist sin and turn away from sin and
    forsake sin we glorify our heavenly Father
  • When we willingly use our lives for His sake, we
    glorify Him still more
  • How can we fulfill the commandment in 1
    Corinthians 1031?
  • Examine Our Motives
  • Examine Our Methods
  • Examine Our Goals

Our Motive for Serving
  • The glory of God is what salvation and ministry
    are all about
  • He saved us to the praise of the glory of His
    grace Ephesians 16, 12, 14
  • He commands us, Whatever you do, do all to the
    glory of God - 1 Corinthians 1031

Our Motive for Serving
  • If our motive for serving is anything other than
    the glory of God, what we do will be only
    religious activity
  • We may help people in one way or another, but God
    will not be able to bless as He wants to do
  • A counterfeit bill can do a lot of good as it
    passes from hand to hand but when it gets to the
    bank the final place of judgment it will be
  • 1 Corinthians 45 - Therefore judge
    nothing before the time, until the Lord comes,
    who will both bring to light the hidden things of
    darkness and reveal the counsels motives of the
    hearts. Then each ones praise will come from God

Our Motive for Serving
  • How do we know when what were doing is really
    glorifying God?
  • We cant explain whats happening, and often
    nobody expected it to happen
  • Bob Cook If you can explain whats going on,
    God didnt do it!
  • D. L. Moody was preaching in Birmingham, England,
    in 1875
  • Dr. R. W Dale, after listening to Moody preach
    and seeing the blessings, wrote in his
    denominations magazine I told Mr. Moody that
    the work was most plainly of God, for I could see
    no real relation between him and what he had
    done. He laughed cheerily, and said he should be
    very sorry if it were otherwise.

Our Motive for Serving
  • How do we know when what were doing is really
    glorifying God?
  • We cant explain whats happening, and often
    nobody expected it to happen
  • Another evidence that your work is glorifying God
    is that the enemy opposes what youre doing
  • 1 Corinthians 169 - For a great and effective
    door has opened to me, and there are many
  • Opportunities and adversaries usually go together
  • Satan hates it when the Spirit of God is at work
    bringing glory to Jesus Christ

God Is Glorified
  • When people see the Lord and not the servant
  • Matthew 516 - Let your light so shine before
    men, that they may see your good works and
    glorify your Father in heaven
  • You have to decide whether you will be a servant
    or a celebrity, whether you will magnify Christ
    or promote yourself (Phil. 120-21).
  • We dont always understand our own motives
  • Some people are involved in ministry only for
    personal gain

God Is Glorified When
  • When people see the Lord and not the servant
  • When people see the Master and not the minister
  • J. Hudson Taylor when he received a flattering
    introduction - Dear friends, I am the little
    servant of an illustrious Master
  • A. W. Tozer All I can say is, dear God,
    forgive him for what he said and forgive me for
    enjoying it so much!

God Is Glorified When
  • When people see the Lord and not the servant
  • When people see the Master and not the minister
  • When His glory is not shared
  • Isaiah 428 - I am the LORD, that is My name
    and My glory I will not give to another
  • When you find yourself more concerned about your
    image than your character and your work, you
    have stopped glorifying God

God Is Glorified When
  • When people see the Lord and not the servant
  • When people see the Master and not the minister
  • When His glory is not shared
  • When your service produces fruit
  • By this My Father is glorified, said Jesus,
    that you bear much fruit - John 158
  • There is a difference between fruit and
  • Fruit comes from life
  • When the Spirit of life is working through the
    Word of life, the seed planted bears fruit and
    that fruit has in it the seed for more fruit
    (Genesis 111-12)
  • Results are counted and soon become silent
    statistics, but living fruit remains and
    continues to multiply to the glory of God (John

Two Opportunities
  • The opportunity to glorify God, or the
    opportunity to glorify yourself
  • Moses, in Exodus 32, illustrates this truth
  • God tested Moses by making him an offer He would
    destroy Israel and create a new and greater
    nation of Moses and his descendants (v. 10)
  • But Moses turned it down
  • Instead, he pleaded with the Lord to forgive His
    people because Moses great concern was the glory
    of the Lord!

Two Opportunities
  • The people of Israel didnt know the battles
    Moses was fighting for them
  • Personal sacrifice is an insignificant thing when
    you live and serve for the glory of God alone
  • I have glorified You on the earth. I have
    finished the work which You have given Me to do
    - John 174
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