Title: O Praise Ye The Lord!
1O Praise Ye The Lord!
O Praise ye the Lord!Praise Him in the
heightRejoice in His word,Ye angels of
lightYe heavens adore HimBy whom ye were
made,And worship before Him,In brightness
2O Praise Ye The Lord!
O Praise Ye The Lord!Praise Him upon earth,In
tuneful accord,Ye sons of new birthPraise Him
who hath brought youHis grace from above,Praise
Him who hath taught youTo sing of His love.
3O Praise Ye The Lord!
O Praise Ye The Lord!All things that give
soundEach jubilant chord,Re-echo aroundLoud
organs, His gloryForth tell in deep tone,And
sweet harp, the storyOf what He hath done.
4O Praise Ye The Lord!
O Praise Ye The Lord!Thanksgiving and songTo
Him be outpouredAll ages alongFor love in
creation,For heaven restored,For grace of
salvation,O Praise Ye The Lord!
5O Praise Ye The Lord!
O Praise ye the Lord!Praise Him in the
heightRejoice in His word,Ye angels of
lightYe heavens adore HimBy whom ye were
made,And worship before Him,In brightness
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