Diabetic Ketoacidosis - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Diabetic Ketoacidosis


Diabetic Ketoacidosis Gary David Goulin, MD Goals & Objectives Understand the action of insulin on the metabolism of carbohydrates, protein, and fat Understand the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Diabetic Ketoacidosis

Diabetic Ketoacidosis
  • Gary David Goulin, MD

Goals Objectives
  • Understand the action of insulin on the
    metabolism of carbohydrates, protein, and fat
  • Understand the pathophysiology of IDDM and DKA
  • Understand the management approach to the patient
    with DKA
  • Appreciate the complications that can occur
    during treatment of DKA

  • Diabetes mellitus is a syndrome of disturbed
    energy homeostasis caused by a deficiency of
    insulin or of its action resulting in abnormal
    metabolism of carbohydrate, protein, and fat
  • Diabetes mellitus is the most common
    endocrine-metabolic disorder of childhood and

  • Individuals affected by insulin-dependent
    diabetes confront serious burdens that include an
    absolute daily requirement for exogenous insulin,
    the need to monitor their own metabolic control,
    and the need to pay constant attention to dietary

  • Morbidity and mortality stem from metabolic
    derangements and from long-term complications
    that affect small and large vessels and result in
    retinopathy, nephropathy, neuropathy, ischemic
    heart disease, and arterial obstruction with
    gangrene of the extremities

  • Type I Diabetes (insulin-dependent diabetes
    mellitus, IDDM)
  • characterized by severe insulinopenia and
    dependence on exogenous insulin to prevent
    ketosis and to preserve life
  • onset occurs predominantly in childhood
  • probably has some genetic predisposition and is
    likely autoimmune-mediated

  • Type II Diabetes (non-insulin-dependent diabetes
    mellitus, NIDDM)
  • patients are not insulin dependent and rarely
    develop ketosis
  • generally occurs after age 40, and there is a
    high incidence of associated obesity
  • As the prevalence of childhood obesity increases,
    more adolescents are presenting with NIDDM
  • insulin secretion is generally adequate insulin
    resistance is present
  • no associated genetic predisposition

  • Secondary Diabetes
  • occurs in response to other disease processes
  • exocrine pancreatic disease (cystic fibrosis)
  • Cushing syndrome
  • poison ingestion (rodenticides)

Type I Diabetes Mellitus Epidemiology
  • Prevalence of IDDM among school-age children in
    the US is 1.9 per 1000
  • The annual incidence in the US is about 12 - 15
    new cases per 100,000
  • Male to female ratio is equal
  • Among African-Americans, the occurrence of IDDM
    is about 20 - 30 of that seen in

Type I Diabetes Mellitus Epidemiology
  • Peaks of presentation occur at 5 - 7 years of age
    and at adolescence
  • Newly recognized cases appear with greater
    frequency in the autumn and winter
  • Definite increased incidence of IDDM in children
    with congenital rubella syndrome

Type I Diabetes Mellitus Etiology and
  • Basic cause of clinical findings is sharply
    diminished secretion of insulin
  • The mechanisms that lead to failure of pancreatic
    ?-cell function are likely autoimmune destruction
    of pancreatic islets
  • IDDM is more prevalent in persons with Addisons
    disease, Hashimotos thyroiditis, and pernicious

Type I Diabetes Mellitus Etiology and
  • 80 - 90 of newly diagnosed patients with IDDM
    have anti-islet cell antibodies

Type I Diabetes Mellitus Pathophysiology
Type I Diabetes Mellitus Pathophysiology
  • Progressive destruction of ?-cells leads to a
    progressive deficiency of insulin
  • As IDDM evolves, it becomes a permanent
    low-insulin catabolic state which feeding does
    not reverse
  • Secondary changes involving stress hormones
    accelerate the metabolic decompensation

Type I Diabetes Mellitus Pathophysiology
  • With progressive insulin deficiency, excessive
    glucose production and impairment of utilization
    result in hyperglycemia, with glucosuria
    developing when the renal threshold of 180
    mg/dL is exceeded
  • The resultant osmotic diuresis produces polyuria,
    urinary losses of electrolytes, dehydration, and
    compensatory polydipsia

Type I Diabetes Mellitus Pathophysiology
  • Hyperosmolality as a result of progressive
    hyperglycemia contributes to cerebral obtundation
    in DKA
  • Serum osmolality
  • Serum Na K x 2 glucose BUN

Type I Diabetes Mellitus Pathophysiology
  • DKA results in altered lipid metabolism
  • increased concentrations of total lipids,
    cholesterol, triglycerides, and free fatty acids
  • free fatty acids are shunted into ketone body
    formation due to lack of insulin the rate of
    formation exceeds the capacity for their
    peripheral utilization and renal excretion
    leading to accumulation of ketoacids, and
    therefore metabolic acidosis

Type I Diabetes Mellitus Pathophysiology
  • With progressive dehydration, acidosis,
    hyperosmolality, and diminished cerebral oxygen
    utilization, consciousness becomes impaired, and
    the patient ultimately becomes comatose

Type I Diabetes Mellitus Clinical Manifestations
  • Classic presentation of diabetes in children is a
    history of polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, and
    weight loss, usually for up to one month
  • Laboratory findings include glucosuria,
    ketonuria, hyperglycemia, ketonemia, and
    metabolic acidosis. Serum amylase may be
    elevated. Leukocytosis is common

Type I Diabetes Mellitus Clinical Manifestations
  • Keotacidosis is responsible for the initial
    presentation of IDDM in up to 25 of children
  • early manifestations are mild and include
    vomiting, polyuria, and dehydration
  • More severe cases include Kussmaul respirations,
    odor of acetone on the breath
  • abdominal pain or rigidity may be present and
    mimic acute appendicitis or pancreatitis
  • cerebral obtundation and coma ultimately ensue

Type I Diabetes Mellitus Diagnosis
  • Diagnosis of IDDM is dependent on the
    demonstration of hyperglycemia in association
    with glucosuria with or without ketonuria
  • DKA must be differentiated from acidosis and coma
    due to other causes
  • hypoglycemia, uremia, gastroenteritis with
    metabolic acidosis, lactic acidosis, salicylate
    intoxication, encephalitis

Type I Diabetes Mellitus Diagnosis
  • DKA exists when there is hyperglycemia (gt 300
    mg/dL), ketonemia, acidosis, glucosuria, and

Type I Diabetes Mellitus Treatment
  • Treatment is divided into 3 phases
  • treatment of ketoacidosis
  • transition period
  • continuing phase and guidance

Type I Diabetes Mellitus Treatment
  • Goals of treatment of DKA
  • intravascular volume expansion
  • correction of deficits in fluids, electrolytes,
    and acid-base status
  • initiation of insulin therapy to correct
    catabolism, acidosis

Type I Diabetes Mellitus Treatment
  • Intravascular volume expansion
  • dehydration is most commonly in the order of 10
  • initial hydrating fluid should be isotonic saline
  • this alone will often slightly lower the blood
  • rarely is more than 20 cc/kg fluid required to
    restore hemodynamics
  • Treatment of electrolyte abnormalities
  • serum K is often elevated, though total body K
    is depleted
  • K is started early as resolution of acidosis and
    the administration of insulin will cause a
    decrease in serum K

Type I Diabetes Mellitus Treatment
  • Phosphate is depleted as well. Phosphate may be
    added as KPO4 especially if serum chloride
    becomes elevated
  • Pseudohyponatremia is often present
  • Expect that the Na level will rise during
  • Corrected Na Measured Na 0.016(measured
    glucose - 100)
  • If Na does not rise, true hyponatremia may be
    present (possibly increasing cerebral edema risk)
    and should be treated

Type I Diabetes Mellitus Treatment
  • bicarbonate administration leads to increased
    cerebral acidosis
  • HCO3- combines with H and dissociated to CO2 and
    H2O. Whereas bicarbonate passes the blood-brain
    barrier slowly, CO2 diffuses freely, thereby
    exacerbating cerebral acidosis and cerebral

Type I Diabetes Mellitus Treatment
  • Indications for bicarbonate administration
    include severe acidosis leading to
    cardiorespiratory compromise
  • Increasing evidence suggests that subclinical
    cerebral edema occurs in the majority of patients
    treated with fluids and insulin for DKA

Type I Diabetes Mellitus Treatment
  • Cerebral edema is the major life-threatening
    complication seen in the treatment of children
    with DKA
  • clinically apparent cerebral edema occurs in 1
    of episodes of DKA
  • mortality is 40 - 90
  • cerebral edema is responsible for 50 - 60 of
    diabetes deaths in children

Type I Diabetes Mellitus Treatment
  • Cerebral edema usually develops several hours
    after the institution of therapy
  • manifestations include headache, alteration in
    level of consciousness, bradycardia, emesis,
    diminished responsiveness to painful stimuli, and
    unequal or fixed, dilated pupils

Type I Diabetes Mellitus Treatment
  • Excessive use of fluids, large doses of insulin,
    and especially the use of bicarbonate have been
    linked to the increased formation of cerebral
  • fluids are generally limited to 3 L/m2/24 hours
  • Children who present with elevated BUN, PaCO2 lt
    15 torr, or who demonstrate a lack of an increase
    in serum Na during therapy have an increased
    probability of cerebral edema
  • Therapy of cerebral edema may include treatment
    with mannitol, hypertonic saline and

Type I Diabetes Mellitus Treatment
  • Insulin Therapy
  • continuous infusion of low-dose insulin IV ( 0.1
    U/kg/hr) is effective, simple, and
    physiologically sound
  • goal is to slowly decrease serum glucose (lt 100
  • frequent laboratory and blood gas analyses are
    obtained to ensure ongoing resolution of
    metabolic acidosis

Type I Diabetes Mellitus Treatment
  • Maintenance IV fluid at a rate of 2000 - 2400
    cc/m2/day consists of 2/3 NS (0.66) or NS
  • 5 Dextrose is added to IVF when blood glucose is
    300 mg/dL
  • 10 Dextrose is added when blood glucose is 200

Type I Diabetes Mellitus Treatment
  • Insulin is used to treat acidosis, not
  • insulin should never be stopped if ongoing
    acidosis persists
  • When the acidosis is corrected, the continuous
    insulin infusion may be discontinued and
    subcutaneous insulin initiated
  • With this regimen, DKA usually is usually fully
    corrected in 36 to 48 hours

Type I Diabetes Mellitus Treatment
  • Hypoglycemic Reactions (Insulin Shock)
  • symptoms and signs include pallor, sweating,
    apprehension, trembling, tachycardia, hunger,
    drowsiness, mental confusion, seizures and coma
  • management includes administration (if conscious)
    of carbohydrate-containing snack or drink
  • glucagon 0.5 mg is administered to an unconscious
    or vomiting child

Suggested Reading
  • Glaser N, et al. Risk factors for cerebral edema
    in children with diabetic ketoacidosis. NEJM
  • Menon RK, Sperling MA. Diabetic Ketoacidosis.
    In Fuhrman BP, Zimmerman JJ, ed. Pediatric
    Critical Care. Second Edition. St. Louis
    Mosby-Year Book, Inc., 1998844-52.
  • Kohane DS, Tobin JR, Kohane IS. Endocrine,
    Mineral, and Metabolic Disease in Pediatric
    Intensive Care. In Rogers, ed. Textbook of
    Pediatric Intensive Care. Third Edition.
    Baltimore Williams Wilkins, 19961261-72.
  • Magee MF, Bhatt BA. Management of Decompensated
    Diabetes Diabetic Ketoacidosis and
    Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar Syndrome. In Zaloga
    GP, Marik P, ed. Critical Care Clinics
    Endocrine and Metabolic Dysfunction Syndromes in
    the Critically Ill. Volume 171. Philadelphia
    W.B. Saunders Company, 2001 75-106.

Case Scenario 1
  • A 10 y/o male (30 kg) presents to the ED with a
    one-day history of emesis and lethargy.
  • Vitals show T 37C, HR 110, RR 25 BP 99/65.
    Patient is lethargic, but oriented x 3. Exam
    reveals the odor of acetone on the breath, dry
    lips, but otherwise unremarkable
  • Labs pH 7.05 PaCO2 20, PaO2 100, BE -20, Na
    133, K 5.2, Cl 96 CO2 8. Urine shows 4
    glucose and large ketones

Case Scenario 1
  • How much fluid would you administer as a bolus?
  • Would you administer bicarbonate?
  • What is the true serum sodium?
  • How much insulin would you administer?
  • What IVF would you start? At what rate?

Case Scenario 2
  • A 4 y/o female in the PICU is undergoing
    treatment for new onset IDDM and DKA. She is on
    an insulin infusion at 0.1 u/kg/hr, and fluids
    are running at 2400 cc/m2/day.
  • Over the last hour, she has been complaining
    about increasing headache. She is now found to
    be unresponsive with bilateral fixed and dilated
    pupils, HR is 50 with BP 150/100.
  • What is your next step in management?
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