Introduction to Economics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Introduction to Economics


A home improvement project may satisfy a want for saving and a want for enjoyment. ... car, clothes washer. Lending to others. Investing in bonds, stocks, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Introduction to Economics

Introduction to Economics
  • Chapter 2
  • Wants, Goods and Costs
  • J. Patrick Gunning
  • March 27, 2021

Topics Discussed in This Chapter
  • The meaning of wants in economics.
  • The many concepts associated with the idea of a
  • The concept of cost in economics.

  • Definition the ends that we assume people have
    when they make choices in market interaction.
  • Example the supermarket shopper.

Wants vs. Needs
  • Needs inherited or learned drives. Individuals
    must behave according to their needs they have
    no real choice the need controls their behavior.
    They will be physically damaged if the need is
    not met.
  • Wants a person can choose to satisfy them or
    not. Although he will feel better off if he
    chooses to satisfy his wants, he is not compelled
    to do so.

New Subject A Good
  • A good may be a thing or an action.
  • In economics the term goods ordinarily includes
  • Goods satisfy wants directly. Resources satisfy
    wants indirectly.

Two Requirements For A Thing To Be A Good
  • 1. It must satisfy a want directly.
  • 2. To obtain the thing or to cause the action to
    be performed, the subject must sacrifice other

Generalized Wants and Specific Goods
  • Different goods can satisfy the same class of
  • A want for recreation can be satisfied by seeing
    a movie, hiking, boating, or working on a home
    improvement project.
  • The same good can satisfy different classes of
  • A holiday may satisfy a want for sightseeing and
    a want for relaxation. A home improvement project
    may satisfy a want for saving and a want for

The Goods People WantChange Over Time
  • Wants seem to change with aging, with travel, and
    with other experiences.
  • Some changesare partly predictable some are not.
    , Example of predictable changes changes in
    parents wants for childrens clothing and older
    peoples wants for memorabilia.
  • A businessperson (and student planning for a
    future career) can profit by successfully
    predicting how wants will change.

Time Preference
  • Definition a desire to have goods in the near
    future compared with a desire to have goods in
    the more distant future.
  • Practically everyone always wants goods both in
    the near and distant future.
  • Practically no one wants to be left without
    goods in the near future or without goods in the
    distant future.
  • Therefore, we assume that people have time

Consequences of Time Preference
  • Investment in goods that provide services over a
    long period of time. Examples house, car,
    clothes washer.
  • Lending to others.
  • Investing in bonds, stocks, and property.

High and Low Time Preference
  • Compared to a person with low time preference, a
    person with high time preference prefers to have
    satisfaction in the nearer future.
  • Compared to a person with high time preference, a
    person with low time preference prefers to have
    satisfaction in the more distant future.

Relative Nature of Wants for Specific Goods
  • All wants are relative in economics.
  • Everything has a price.
  • Example of the baby seller. If the price was high
    enough, the money received could be used for many
  • Economics assumes that all goods have a price. It
    is only concerned with goods.

Free Goods?
  • Examples of free goods meditation, a sunrise.
  • Economics is not concerned with free goods.
  • In other words, it is only concerned with goods
    for which a sacrifice must be made to enable one
    to consume them.

Preference Structure
  • Preference structure an imaginary photograph of
    an individual's relative wants.
  • Example a supermarket shopper deciding how to
    spend a given amount of money.
  • Economists assume that individuals have a
    preference structure, but they cannot be certain
    what it is.

Marginal and Inframarginal Units
  • Marginal unit the last or next unit or a good or
  • Inframarginal units units earlier in the series
    than the last one.

Choices and Marginal Units (1)
  • When a person makes a choice, he chooses the last
    unit over the next unit or units of something
    else. He compares marginal units.
  • Example a supermarket shopper who must spend all
    of her money (her budget) on two goods. (We
    assume that the price per unit of each good is
    low compared with her budget.)

Choices and Marginal Units (2)
  • Choices reveal preferences for marginal units.
  • Choices do not reveal preferences for
    inframarginal units.
  • The example of a supermarket shopper who spends
    more money on soft drinks than apples. This does
    not show that she prefers soft drinks to apples.
    It only shows that she prefers the last soft
    drink over the next amount of apples she could
    buy with the money spent on the last soft drink.

Choices and Marginal Units (3)
The Water-Diamond Paradox
  • Everyone knows that water is more useful than
  • Why does a gram of diamonds have a higher price
    than a gram of water?
  • The marginal gram of diamonds has a higher value
    than the marginal gram of water in terms of what
    a typical person is willing to sacrifice to get
  • The inframarginal grams of water have a higher
    value than the marginal grams of diamonds in
    terms of sacrifice.

Marginal Characteristics of Goods
  • These are important when a choice is made of
    whether to buy only one of an item.
  • Examples cars, refrigerators, TV sets, and
    clothes washers, houses, a personal burial plot.

Perishable, Durable andRe-usable Goods (1)
  • Definitions
  • Perishable good a good that will be worthless if
    it is not used shortly after it is produced.
    Examples many food items.
  • Durable good a good that retains want-satisfying
    capacity over a long period. Examples a peanut
    a car.
  • Re-usable good a durable good that continues to
    retain its want-satisfying capacity after it is
    used. Example shoes, gold. A peanut is durable
    but not re-usable.

Perishable, Durable andRe-usable Goods (2)
  • Goods that would otherwise be perishable can be
    made durable through techniques of preservation
    canning, smoking, drying, freezing.
  • We can never be certain that a highly durable
    thing will always be a good an example is a
    record player.

Perishable, Durable andRe-usable Goods (3)
  • A "perfectly re-usable" good would lose none of
    its capacity to satisfy wants after it was used.
    Is gold an example?
  • An "imperfectly re-usable" good would lose some
    value but its lost value could be restored at a
    cost. Distilled water.

Deterioration and Obsolescence
  • Deterioration the property of a material object
    that renders it less capable of performing the
    function for which it was produced.
  • Example non-preserved food items rusting metal.
  • Obsolescence the state of a former good or
    resource which has lost value in exchange due to
    a reduced demand for it.
  • Example record player, black and white TV,

Depreciation and Appreciation
  • Depreciation a fall in price of a durable good
    or resource.
  • Appreciation a rise in price of a durable good
    or resource.

The Same Class of Good May Have Different
  • Economists often assume that all of the units of
    a given class of good are alike.
  • In fact, there may be vigorous competition among
    the producers of the same class of good with
    somewhat different characteristics.

Complementary and Substitute Goods
  • Complementary goods a consumer expects two goods
    to provide greater satisfaction when used
    together than when used separately each good
    complements the other.
  • Substitute goods a consumer believes each of the
    goods can be used to satisfy the same want.

Goods That Satisfy Joint Wants
  • Some goods or actions can satisfy one person's
    want only if they are not used to satisfy the
    want of another person a cup of coffee. We can
    say that individuals have competing wants for
    this good or action.
  • Other goods satisfy the wants of more than one
    person at the same time entertainment. We can
    say that individuals have a joint want for the
    good or action. Non-separable goods satisfy joint

How Do We Know X is a Good?
  • This is difficult to answer because different
    people regard different things as goods.
  • We cannot read peoples' minds. We can only tell
    whether a thing or action is a good by observing
    behavior and making a judgment about whether the
    behavior was chosen.
  • Every example of a good is hypothetical. That is,
    we assume that a particular item is regarded by
    people as a good.
  • To say that an item is a good may be inserting a
    personal value judgment the case of national

  • Opportunity cost of an item the satisfaction
    from other items that must be given up to obtain
    it and to get it into a position to satisfy
  • Opportunities to satisfy one's wants by using
    time are part of the opportunity cost of a good.
  • Time usually as an opportunity cost in the sense
    that the time could be used to produce or consume
    something else.

Events That Can Be Explained By the Opportunity
Cost of Time
  • Why do people spend more money to commute to work
    in their cars instead of taking less expensive
  • Why are convenience stores, where the prices of
    the same goods are higher, are often located near
  • Why do people incur greater risk by driving their
    cars at high instead of low speeds?
  • Why are personal service businesses such as
    house-cleaning and gardening successful?
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