Five Traits of the Educated Man - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Five Traits of the Educated Man


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Five Traits of the Educated Man

Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Two Global Reading
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
Section Three Detailed Reading
I. Reading aloud
Read the following sentences aloud, paying
special attention to incomplete plosion. A
plosive which has no audible release is put on
the italicized letters.
Reading aloud

Audiovisual supplements
  1. The quite shocking slovenliness and vulgarity of
    much of the spoken English ... proves beyond
    peradventure that years of attendance upon
    schools and colleges that are thought to be
    respectable have produced no impression.
  2. They do not read those works of prose and poetry
    which have become classic because they reveal
    power and habit of reflection and induce that
    power and habit in others.

Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section Two Global Reading
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
II. Audiovisual supplements
Watch the film episode and then answer the
following questions.
Reading aloud
Audiovisual supplements
Film Episode Benjamin Franklin

1. What do you know about Benjamin Franklin? 2.
How would you describe Benjamin Franklin after
watching the video?
Answers for reference
1. Open. 2. Benjamin Franklin was friendly,
creative, ambitious, influential, and so on.
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section Two Global Reading
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
Franklin is a wonderful example of a very
powerful mind with a very powerful curiosity,
immense gifts and considerable flaws in
action. He presented to the world a face of
folksy charm, but beneath this surface laid the
fire of enormous ambition. The range of Benjamin
Franklins achievements is astonishing the
inventor who saved the world from the terrors of
lightning, and the diplomat who rescued the
American Revolution Hes also the author of one
of the most widely reprinted books since the
Bible. Franklin would relish the communication
and digital revolution we are going through
today. And Im sure he would be one of the first
people in America to have created a website and
Reading aloud
Audiovisual supplements

Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section Two Global Reading
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
probably created an online service so he could
make money out of the website because he loved
the idea of spreading information, thoughts,
discourse He is the touchstone for, for every
single pivotal point in early American history.
His signature on the Declaration of Independence,
the treaty with France, Constitution is symbolic
of Franklins impact on American history. He
signed the documents, but he was the
documents. He basically was a down-to-earth
pragmatic person, somebody who not always
practiced what he preached, but always had the
the detachment and sense of variety to know his
true soul. And understanding Franklins soul is
sort of understanding the soul of America.
Reading aloud
Audiovisual supplements

Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section Two Global Reading
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
Reading aloud
Audiovisual supplements

Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
I. Text introduction
Text introduction

The text is a well-organized piece of exposition
developed in a logical order concerned with the
five traits of an educated man. The whole essay
is characterized by an adequate exposition of the
writers viewpoints, a clear structure, and a
formal style.
Structural analysis
Cultural background
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
II. Structural analysis
Text introduction
This part reveals the relationship between
learning and the marks of an educated man, the
relationship between learning and education, and
that between education and certain traits and

Paragraph 1
Structural analysis

Cultural background

This part gives a brief account of the five key
traits of an educated man.
Paragraphs 2 6

Paragraph 7
This part tells us that the outline of an
educated man may be filled in by whatever
knowledge, ability or skills.
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
III. Cultural background
A lot of people would agree that an educated man
is a man who has received diploma and graduation
from a college. But a university is not a
birthplace to poets or immortal authors, founders
of schools, leaders of colonies, or conquerors of
nations. In short, a university is not the
birthplace of an educated man. A university does
not promote a generation of Aristotles or
Newtons, of Raphaels or Shakespeares. Nor is it
content on the other hand with forming the critic
or experimentalist, the economist or engineer.
Those of them who did receive a University
diploma do not owe their success or education to
the University they received
Text introduction
Structural analysis
Cultural background

An Educated Man
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
it from. The true thing that made them become
pinnacles of education was their own love for
knowledge. Today, men such as Martin Luther,
Albert Einstein, and Charlie Chaplin can be added
to the list. Another trait of an educated
man is that he is at home with any society and
has common ground with every class. An educated
man shall not relate only to other educated men.
A true educated man knows he may learn more about
the anatomy of a fish from a poor fisherman than
a Harvard graduate. He knows he may gain
knowledge from all walks of life, and does not
limit his knowledge input to the ideas of just
one class. The idea of an educated man is still
sometimes regarded as a social title rather than
a task to complete. It is still stereotyped by
what one has done, rather than what he is.
Text introduction
Structural introduction
Cultural background

Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
Five Traits of the Educated Man
A question often asked is What are the marks of
an educated man? It is plain that one may gain
no inconsiderable body of learning in some
special field of knowledge without at the same
time acquiring those habits and traits which are
the marks of an educated gentleman. A reasonable
amount of learning must of course accompany an
education, but, after all, that amount need not
be so very great in any one field. An education
will make its mark and find its evidences in
certain traits, characteristics, and capacities
which have to be acquired by patient endeavor, by
following good examples, and by receiving wise
discipline and sound instructions.
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
These traits or characteristics may be variously
described and classified, but among them are five
that should always stand out clearly enough to be
seen by all men. The first of these is
correctness and precision in the use of the
mother tongue. The quite shocking slovenliness
and vulgarity of much of the spoken English, as
well as not a little of the written English,
which one hears and sees, proves beyond
peradventure that years of attendance upon
schools and colleges that are thought to be
respectable have produced no impression. When one
hears English well spoken, with pure diction,
correct pronunciation, and an almost unconscious
choice of the right word, he recognizes it at
once. How much easier he finds it to imitate
English of the other sort!
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
A second and indispensable trait of the educated
man is refined and gentle manners, which are
themselves the expression of fixed habits of
thought and action. Manners make the man, wrote
Wykeham William over his gates at Winchester and
at Oxford. He pointed to a great truth. When
manners are superficial, artificial, and forced,
no matter what their form, they are bad manners.
When, however, they are the natural expression of
fixed habits of thought and action, and when they
reveal a refined and cultivated nature, they are
good manners. There are certain things that
gentlemen do not do, and they do not do them
simply because they are bad manners. The
gentleman instinctively knows the difference
between those things which he may and should do
and those things which he may not and should not
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
A third trait of the educated man is the power
and habit of reflection. Human beings for the
most part live wholly on the surface or far
beyond the present moment and that part of the
future which is quickly to follow it. They do not
read those works of prose and poetry which have
become classic because they reveal power and
habit of reflection and induce that power and
habit in others. When one reflects long enough to
ask the question how? He is on the way to knowing
something about science. When he reflects long
enough to ask the question why? He may, if he
persists, even become a philosopher.
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
A fourth trait of the educated man is the power
of growth. He continues to grow and develop from
birth to his dying day. His interests expand, his
contacts multiply, his knowledge increases, and
his reflection becomes deeper and wider. It would
appear to be true that not many human beings, and
even not many of those who have had a college
education, continue to grow after they are twenty
four or twenty five years of age. By that time it
is usual to settle down to life on a level of
more or less contented intellectual interest and
activity. The whole present day movement for
adult education is a systematic and definite
attempt to keep human beings growing long after
they have left school and college, and,
therefore, to help educate them.
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
A fifth trait of the educated man is his
possession of efficiency, or the power to do. The
mere visionary dreamer, however charming or
however wise, lacks something which an education
requires. The power to do may be exercised in any
one of a thousand ways, but when it clearly shows
itself, that is evidence that the period of
study, of discipline, and of companionship with
parents and teachers has not been in vain. Given
these five characteristics, one has the outline
of an educated man. That outline may be filled in
by scholarship, by literary power, by mechanical
skills, by professional zeal and capacity, by
business competence, or by social and
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
leadership. So long as the framework or outline
is there, the content may be pretty much what you
will, assuming, of course, that the fundamental
elements of the great tradition which is
civilization, and its outstanding records and
achievements in human personality, in letters, in
science, in the fine arts, and in human
institutions, are all present.
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
Five Traits of the Educated Man
A question often asked is What are the marks of
an educated man? It is plain that one may gain
no inconsiderable body of learning in some
special field of knowledge without at the same
time acquiring those habits and traits which are
the marks of an educated gentleman. A reasonable
amount of learning must of course accompany an
education, but, after all, that amount need not
be so very great in any one field. An education
will make its mark and find its evidences in
certain traits, characteristics, and capacities
which have to be acquired by patient endeavor, by
following good examples, and by receiving wise
discipline and sound instructions.
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
These traits or characteristics may be variously
described and classified, but among them are five
that should always stand out clearly enough to be
seen by all men. The first of these is
correctness and precision in the use of the
mother tongue. The quite shocking slovenliness
and vulgarity of much of the spoken English, as
well as not a little of the written English,
which one hears and sees, proves beyond
peradventure that years of attendance upon
schools and colleges that are thought to be
respectable have produced no impression. When one
hears English well spoken, with pure diction,
correct pronunciation, and an almost unconscious
choice of the right word, he recognizes it at
once. How much easier he finds it to imitate
English of the other sort!
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
A second and indispensable trait of the educated
man is refined and gentle manners, which are
themselves the expression of fixed habits of
thought and action. Manners make the man, wrote
Wykeham William over his gates at Winchester and
at Oxford. He pointed to a great truth. When
manners are superficial, artificial, and forced,
no matter what their form, they are bad manners.
When, however, they are the natural expression of
fixed habits of thought and action, and when they
reveal a refined and cultivated nature, they are
good manners. There are certain things that
gentlemen do not do, and they do not do them
simply because they are bad manners. The
gentleman instinctively knows the difference
between those things which he may and should do
and those things which he may not and should not
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
A third trait of the educated man is the power
and habit of reflection. Human beings for the
most part live wholly on the surface or far
beyond the present moment and that part of the
future which is quickly to follow it. They do not
read those works of prose and poetry which have
become classic because they reveal power and
habit of reflection and induce that power and
habit in others. When one reflects long enough to
ask the question how? He is on the way to knowing
something about science. When he reflects long
enough to ask the question why? He may, if he
persists, even become a philosopher.
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
A fourth trait of the educated man is the power
of growth. He continues to grow and develop from
birth to his dying day. His interests expand, his
contacts multiply, his knowledge increases, and
his reflection becomes deeper and wider. It would
appear to be true that not many human beings, and
even not many of those who have had a college
education, continue to grow after they are twenty
four or twenty five years of age. By that time it
is usual to settle down to life on a level of
more or less contented intellectual interest and
activity. The whole present day movement for
adult education is a systematic and definite
attempt to keep human beings growing long after
they have left school and college, and,
therefore, to help educate them.
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
A fifth trait of the educated man is his
possession of efficiency, or the power to do. The
mere visionary dreamer, however charming or
however wise, lacks something which an education
requires. The power to do may be exercised in any
one of a thousand ways, but when it clearly shows
itself, that is evidence that the period of
study, of discipline, and of companionship with
parents and teachers has not been in vain. Given
these five characteristics, one has the outline
of an educated man. That outline may be filled in
by scholarship, by literary power, by mechanical
skills, by professional zeal and capacity, by
business competence, or by social and
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
leadership. So long as the framework or outline
is there, the content may be pretty much what you
will, assuming, of course, that the fundamental
elements of the great tradition which is
civilization, and its outstanding records and
achievements in human personality, in letters, in
science, in the fine arts, and in human
institutions, are all present.
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
The quite shocking slovenliness and vulgarity of
much of the spoken English, as well as not a
little of the written English, which one hears
and sees, proves beyond peradventure that years
of attendance upon schools and colleges that are
thought to be respectable have produced no
Much of the spoken English, as well as quite a
lot of the written English, which one hears and
sees is carelessly organized, blunt, tasteless
and even ungrammatical. This shocking fact
demonstrates beyond doubt that years of attending
classes in schools and colleges which are
considered to show socially acceptable standards
have turned out no good results.
3.text2-S-When manners
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
When manners are superficial, artificial, and
forced, no matter what their form, they are bad
If ways of behaving are insincere, strained or
unnatural, showing a lack of true feelings, they
are impolite or poor manners, no matter how they
are embodied.
3.text2-S_When however
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
When, however, they are the natural expression of
fixed habits of thought and action, and when they
reveal a refined and cultivated nature, they are
good manners.
When manners naturally express or convey ever
fixed habits of thought and action, and when they
show a gentle and cultured nature, they are known
as good manners.
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
Human beings for the most part live wholly on the
surface or far beyond the present moment and that
part of the future which is quickly to follow it.
Most people generally think about the present or
about things that will happen in the near future.
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
By that time it is usual to settle down to life
on a level of more or less contented intellectual
interest and activity.
By that time it is normal for most people to live
a stable and orderly life, engaged in
intellectual activities in which they are
interested and with which they are somewhat
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
visionary dreamer
a person who tends by nature to be dreamy or to
have impractical schemes and ideas
3.text3-S_So long as
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
So long as the framework or outline is there, the
content may be pretty much what you will,
assuming, of course, that the fundamental
elements of the great tradition which is
civilization, and its outstanding records and
achievements in human personality, in letters, in
science, in the fine arts, and in human
institutions, are all present.
As long as there exists the outline, the content
may well satisfy your wish or aspiration if the
basic components of civilization and its
remarkable achievements in human character, in
literature, in science, in the fine arts, and in
human institutions, are all contained in the
3.text1-W-no inconsiderable
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
no/not inconsiderable
fairly large or important
The word politics comprises, in itself, a
difficult study of no inconsiderable magnitude.
  • Translate the following sentences into English
  • ???????????????
  • 2) ???????????????

Parents have no inconsiderable influence on their
growing children.
Software composition may take no inconsiderable
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
trait n.
a particular quality in somebodys character
Pride seems to be one of our family traits. Her
boss did not display any human trait.
quality, property, character, attribute quality
the broadest in scope of these terms, referring
to a characteristic that
constitutes the basic nature of a thing or is
one of its distinguishing
features property any quality that belongs to a
thing by reason of the essential
nature of the thing character the scientific or
formal term for a distinctive or peculiar
quality of an individual or of a class,
species, etc. attribute a quality assigned to a
thing, especially one that may
reasonably be deduced as appropriate to it
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
Translate the following sentences into
English 1) ?????????????? 2)
She shares several character traits with her
We do not know which behavioral traits are
inherited and which acquired.
3.text1-W-after all1
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
after all
1) in spite of everything to the contrary 2)
used to add information that shows what one has
just said is true
I thought I was going to fail the exam, but I
passed after all.
Its not surprising youre tired. After all, you
were up until three last night!
3.text1-W-after all2
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
Translate the following sentences into
English 1) ?????????? 2) ??????????????????
We chose to take a plane after all.
Peace, after all, is the main target of all
regional plans.
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
capacity n.
1) ability or power 2) role a particular
position or duty 3) the amount that something
can hold or contain
He has a great capacity for enjoying himself.
I am speaking in my capacity as Minister of Trade.
The fuel tank has a capacity of 12 gallons.
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
function, duty, capacity function the broad,
general term for the natural, required, or
expected activity of a person or
thing duty a task necessary in or appropriate to
ones occupation, rank, status,
etc. capacity a specific function or status, not
necessarily the usual or
customary one
Fill in the blanks with function, duty, or
capacity 1) the of the liver 2)
the of a vicar 3) The judge spoke to
him in the of a friend.
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
endeavor n.
an attempt or effort, especially to do
something new or difficult
Space travel has been an outstanding example of
human endeavor.
make (ones best/every) endeavor in an endeavor
to do something
effort, exertion, endeavor effort a conscious
attempt to achieve a particular end exertion an
energetic, even violent, use of power, strength,
etc., often without reference to
any particular end endeavor an earnest,
sustained attempt to accomplish a
particular, usually meritorious, end
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
Translate the following sentences into English
1) ???????? 2) ?????????????????
Please make every endeavor to arrive at the
airport early.
Learning a foreign language well can be a
lifelong endeavor.
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
discipline n.
1) the practice of making people obey rules and
orders, or the controlled situation that results
from this practice 2) a branch of knowledge or
teaching 3) training expected to produce a
specific character or pattern of behavior,
especially training that produces moral or mental
The teacher demanded discipline in the classroom.
This new discipline developed from the
overlapping part of several related studies.
It takes great discipline to learn a musical
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
Derivation disciplinary adj. disciplined
enforce/exercise/exert/impose discipline lack/dema
nd/require/tighten discipline
Translate the following sentences into English
1) ??????????????? 2) ????????????? 3)
The new headmaster further tightened discipline
in the school.
Within a discipline there may be more than one
school of thought.
Hell never get anywhere working for himself
hes got no discipline.
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
precision n. the quality of being very
exact or correct
The project is done with consistency and
Translate the following sentences into
English 1) ?????????????? 2) ??????????????
Scientific instruments have to be made with great
Scientists perform experiments with immense
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
slovenliness n.
the state or quality of being not concerned about
conventional standards of personal hygiene and
Hes never aware of his slovenliness.
Translate the following sentences into
English 1) ????????????????? 2)
How can you bear to live in such conditions of
There are three women in this village who are
characterized by slovenliness.
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
vulgarity n.
the state or quality of being impolite and
showing bad manners
I was extremely shocked by her appalling
coarse, gross, indelicate, vulgar,
obscenecoarse lacking in delicacy or
refinement gross brutishly crude or
rough indelicate offensive to established
standards of propriety vulgar lacking in proper
training, culture, or good taste obscene
offensive to decency or modesty and implying
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
Translate the following sentences into
English 1) ??????????????? 2) ????????
His habits and manners are characteristic of a
certain degree of vulgarity.
He uttered a vulgar remark.
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
peradventure n. adv.
1) n. doubt chance or uncertainty 2) adv.
It is beyond peradventure that he will win the
It is the best chance that can ever shine on me
beyond peradventure
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
Translate the following sentences into
English 1) ????,???????????? 2)
Shanghai has become an international metropolis
beyond peradventure.
You have made remarkable progress beyond
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
diction n.
1) the way in which somebody pronounces
words 2) the choice and use of words and
phrases to express meaning, especially in
His diction is generally poor and his words often
Johnsons notion of poetic diction distinguishes
it clearly from prose.
diction, wording, vocabularydiction the
selection and arrangement of words in relation to
effective expression wording the
style or manner of expression vocabulary the
aggregate of words a person understands or uses
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
Translate the following sentences into English
1) ?????????,??????????? 2) ?????????????????
To be a successful speaker, you should first of
all speak with a clear diction.
The essay has got a bad score mainly because of
its very poor diction.
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
unconscious adj.
1) not knowing about something 2) unable to
see, move, feel, etc. in the normal way
I was unconscious of her presence.
She was knocked unconscious by the impact.
Derivation conscious adj. consciousness
n. unconsciousness n.
appear/be/lie/look unconscious (without
consciousness) appear/be/seem unconscious (not
aware of) fall/lapse/sink/slip into
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
Fill in the blanks with conscious, consciousness,
or unconscious 1) They found her lying
on the floor. 2) He was
of his mistake but it was too late to do
anything about it. 3) David lost his
at eight and died a few hours later.
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
refined adj.
showing, or intending to show education, delicacy
of feeling, and gentleness of manners
She has a refined way of speaking.
Derivation refine v. refinement n.
Translate the following sentences into
English 1) ?????????????? 2) ???????????
She is a beautiful and refined woman.
Try to be more refined at the dinner table.
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
superficial adj.
1) on the surface 2) concerned with or
comprehending only what is apparent or obvious
Its only a superficial wound.
I have only a superficial knowledge about
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
superficial, shallow, cursory superficial not
studying or looking at something carefully and
only seeing the most noticeable things shallow
lacking in intellectual or emotional
profundity cursory hasty and lacking in
meticulous attention to details
Translate the following sentences into
English 1) ??????????? 2) ?????????
There is only a superficial resemblance between
the two sisters.
She has only a superficial knowledge of French.
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
cultivated adj.
1) educated polished refined 2) produced in
Cultivated people are welcomed everywhere.
This flower is a cultivated plant.
Derivation cultivate v. cultivation n.
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
Translate the following sentences into
English 1) ?????????????????? 2)
It gives me great pleasure to talk to such a
cultivated audience.
He is a cultivated young man who shows respect to
the elderly.
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
instinctively adv.
based on a natural ability to act in a certain
way, without having to learn or think about it
He felt instinctively something dangerous was
coming near.
Derivation instinct n. instinctive adj.
Translate the following sentences into
English 1) ????,????????????????? 2) ???????????
Hearing the gunshot, all the birds instinctively
hid in safe places.
Animals have the instinct for self-preservation.
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
reflection n.
deep and careful thought
He is talking about his reflections on the
current situation.
Translate the following sentences into
English 1) ?????,????? 2) ????????????????
After a minutes reflection, he answered.
He hates doing anything without sufficient
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
induce v.
1) to make somebody decide to do something,
especially something that seems unwise 2) to
bring about or stimulate the occurrence of
Nothing shall induce me to join their club.
The illness is induced by overwork.
induce somebody to do something
Derivation inducement n.
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
Translate the following sentences into
English 1) ????????????? 2) ??????????
What induced you to do such a foolish thing?
Too much food induces sleepiness.
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
persist v.
to continue in a course of action or way of
behaving, firmly and perhaps unreasonably, in
spite of opposition or warning
Despite his busy work, he persisted in the study
of English.
persist in something persist in doing
something persist with
Derivation persistence n.
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
Translate the following sentences into
English 1) ???????? 2) ??????????
Must you persist in misunderstanding me?
He persisted in his refusal to admit the mistakes.
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
philosopher n.
somebody who studies and develops ideas about the
nature and meaning of existence, reality,
knowledge, goodness, etc.
Great philosophers are born in highly-developed
Derivation philosophy n.
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
multiply v.
to (cause to) increase greatly or make something
increase greatly
The mastery of a variety of skills can multiply
ones chances of success.
Derivation multiplication n.
multiplicity n.
Translate the following sentences into
English 1) ?????????????? 2) ???????????
Military expenditure has multiplied in the last
five years.
Micro-organisms can multiply very rapidly.
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
efficiency n.
the power to work well, very quickly and without
The new way of cleaning the contaminated parts of
the machine is of high efficiency.
Derivation efficient adj.
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
Translate the following sentences into
English 1) ???????? 2) ???????????
She is well known for her possession of high
We must achieve efficiency in our study.
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
visionary adj.
existing only in somebodys mind and unlikely to
ever exist in the real world
She has many visionary schemes for studying
  • Translate the following sentences into English
  • 1) ???????????,?????????
  • 2) ?????,??????????????

He is a hardworking scientist he is never a
visionary dreamer.
When he was young, he has dozens of visionary
plans for getting rich.
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
exercise v.
1) to use (a power, right, or quality) 2) to
(cause to) take exercise
That official exercises his power to the fullest
You are getting fat you should exercise more.
exercise authority/power/sovereignty
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
Translate the following sentences into
Chinese 1) The judge thought it appropriate to
exercise leniency on most juvenile
delinquents. 2) She was exercising her horse in
the park.
3.text3-W-in vain1
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
in vain
useless without a successful result
Our labor was in vain.
  • Translate the following sentences into English
  • 1) ???????,?????
  • 2) ?????????????,?????

I tried in vain to get Sue to come with me.
He tried to persuade her to give up her idea, but
all his effort was in vain.
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
zeal n.
eagerness to do something
He shows great zeal for knowledge.
zeal for something
Derivation zealous adj. zealot n.
  • Translate the following sentences into English
  • 1) ?????????????
  • 2) ???????,???????

Zeal without knowledge is a runaway horse.
Granny is a woman of zeal, always ready to help
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
competence n.
the ability and skill to do what is needed
The students will gain competence in a wide range
of skills. Players are judged by their competence
on the field.
competence as/for/in beyond/within ones
competence gain/have/demonstrate/display/show
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
Translate the following sentences into
English 1) ????????????? 2) ??????????
No one questioned his competence as a doctor.
She has remarkable competence in handling money.
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
Vocabulary analysis
1. Word comparison
Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises
2. Word transformation
Translation exercises
3. Phrase practice
Oral activities
Writing practice
Listening exercises
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Word comparison
Group 1 A. clear B. certain C. plain D.
Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises
Translation exercises
Clear means not faint or blurred it also means
easily seen or heard.
He speaks in a clear tone.
Oral activities
Certain means established beyond doubt or
Writing practice
What is certain is that every effect must have a
Listening exercises
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Group 1 A. clear B. certain C. plain D.
Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises
Plain means not elaborate or complicated.
Translation exercises
Despite his great wealth, he often wears plain
Common means occurring frequently or habitually.
Oral activities
Writing practice
Snow is common in cold countries.
Listening exercises
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Group 2 A. company B. accompaniment C.
companion D. compassion
Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises
Translation exercises
Company means companionship, ones companions or
I had no company on the journey.
Oral activities
Accompaniment means something, such as a
situation, that accompanies something else it
also means in music, a vocal or instrumental part
that supports another, often solo, part.
Writing practice
Listening exercises
She sang to the accompaniment of the piano.
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Group 2 A. company B. accompaniment C.
companion D. compassion
Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises
Translation exercises
Companion means a person who accompanies or
associates with another.
He was my only Chinese companion during my stay
in Australia.
Oral activities
Compassion means deep awareness of the suffering
of another coupled with the wish to relieve it.
Writing practice
Listening exercises
Her heart was filled with compassion for the
motherless children.
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Group 3 A. above all B. after all C. all in
all D. in all
Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises
Above all means over and above all other factors
or considerations.
Translation exercises
Above all, I love Tchaikovsky.
Oral activities
After all means in spite of everything to the
contrary, or nevertheless.
Writing practice
Accidents are common these years, while we choose
to take a plane after all.
Listening exercises
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Group 3 A. above all B. after all C. all in
all D. in all
Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises
All in all means everything being taken into
Translation exercises
All in all, the criticism seemed fair.
In all means as a total.
Oral activities
3,500,000 visitors came to the exhibition in all.
Writing practice
Listening exercises
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Group 4 A. exact B. deep C. thorough D.
Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises
Exact means strictly and completely in accord
with fact, not deviating from truth or reality.
Translation exercises
The exact date of the event has escaped me.
Oral activities
Deep means going far down from the top or the
surface it also means difficult to penetrate or
Writing practice
Listening exercises
He often talks about deep theories.
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Group 4 A. exact B. deep C. thorough D.
Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises
Thorough means exhaustively complete.
Translation exercises
The police are conducting a thorough search of
the house.
Sound means marked by or showing common sense and
good judgment.
Oral activities
Writing practice
I believe Ive found a sound approach to the
Listening exercises
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Group 5 A. variously B. variably C.
variedly D. differently
Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises
Variously means in many different ways, or being
Translation exercises
People achieve their success variously.
Variably means in a way that is likely to change
or vary.
Oral activities
Writing practice
No one takes his words seriously because he often
changes variably.
Listening exercises
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Group 5 A. variously B. variably C.
variedly D. differently
Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises
Varied means having or consisting of various
kinds or forms. The adverb variedly is not
commonly used.
Translation exercises
Varied opinions are welcomed in our discussion.
Oral activities
Differently means in a different way.
Writing practice
Boys and girls may behave differently.
Listening exercises
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Group 6 A. word B. vocabulary C. diction
D. language
Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises
Word means the smallest unit of language that
people can understand if it is said or written on
its own.
Translation exercises
Every sentence is composed of a word or several
Vocabulary means all the words of a language.
Oral activities
Some students find the most difficult part of the
exam to be the vocabulary.
Writing practice
Listening exercises
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Group 6 A. word B. vocabulary C. diction
D. language
Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises
Diction means choice and use of words in speech
or writing.
Translation exercises
His diction is noted for its freshness and
Language means a system of communication by
written or spoken words, which is used by the
people of a particular country or area.
Oral activities
Writing practice
Listening exercises
People in different countries speak different
Five Traits of the Educated Man

Section Four Consolidation Activities
Section Five Further Enhancement
Section One Pre-reading Activities
Section Two Global Reading
Section Three Detailed Reading
Group 7 A. copy B. imitate C. fake D.
Vocabulary analysis

Grammar exercises
Copy means to deliberately make or produce
something that is exactly like another thing.
Translation exercises
I copied the letters into my book.
Oral activities
Imitate means to copy the way someone behaves,
speaks, moves, etc., especially in order to m
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