1Those Borderlines Removing Stigma and
Facilitating Recovery
Reneé Kopache Hamilton County Mental Health and
Recovery Services Board
- Recovering and Facilitating Recovery
- Hope
- Empowerment
- Self-Responsibility
- Meaningful Role
- Issues to Contend With
- Stigma
- Co-dependency
- Substance abuse
- Trauma
- Self-Injury and suicidal actions
3Recovering Facilitating Recovery from BPD
4Stages of Recovery
- Empowerment
- Self-Responsibility
- Meaningful Role
- ---------------------------
- Recovered
Village Integrated Services, Inc.
- Becoming rational thinkers
- Hope is basically an attitude (influenced by
thought). - Those of us with BPD struggle a great deal with
irrational thought patterns, which hinders our
sense of hope.
To obtain and maintain a sense of hope, we have
to change (control) our thoughts we have to
become rational thinkers!
6The Role of the Provider - Hope
- Engagement
- Trust
- Dialogue
- Dont hide the diagnosis from the consumer
- Education
- Help the consumer understand why they do what
they do and think the way that they think - Separate the illness from the individual
- Avoid Stigma
Teach rational thinkinginstill a sense of Hope!!!
7Hope Cont
- Helpful Coping Skills/Techniques
- Support from a trusted, third party observer
- Journaling
- mood logs
- Positive self-talk and/or affirmations
- medications
- Barriers
- Stigma discrimination from having a mental
illness - Were difficult, manipulative, and nobody wants
to work with us because were so bad off - - how
can we have hope when the system has no hope for
us? - Fears (change, abandonment, emotions, etc.)
- Become active in your treatment
- Medications alone will not improve your life
- Your treatment providers cannot fix you
- Become Knowledgeable
- know your illness yourself
- learn to distinguish between symptoms and you
- warning signs
- Triggers
- rights
- Utilize Support
- Professional
- Peer
- Friends/family
9The Role of the Provider - Empowerment
- Educate
- Support the process of gaining self-awareness
- Homework assignments
- Boundaries
- Consistency
- Avoid getting trapped
- Support
- Begin to assist the consumer with the process of
developing a healthy support system
10Empowerment Cont
- Helpful Coping Skills/Techniques
- Continue using skills from previous stage
- Read, read, read
- Self-Assessment
- strengths, weaknesses, needs, wants, goals, etc.
- Let people help
- Exercise.pursue hobbies
- Barriers
- Stigma
- Triangulation
- Fear of abandonment
- Trust
- Changing Behaviors/Regulating Emotions
- Advanced recovery
- critical stage where we shift from an external to
internal locus of control - taking responsibility for our livesbeing willing
to do whatever it takes to get better - for some, progress in recovery stops here
- Anger is not the only emotion we have
- taking on responsibility for our well-being opens
the door to feeling the positive emotions - Creating a positive lifestyle
- change, change, change
- risks, risks, risks
12The Role of the Provider
- Self Responsibility
- Support the efforts to change
- Provide tools and techniques
- Cheerleader
- Sounding Board
- Expect failure and be ready to deal with it
- Help the consumer improve self-esteem and sense
of self - Help the consumer deal with co-dependency issues
13Self-Responsibility Cont
- Helpful Coping Skills/Techniques
- Continue previous skills as appropriate
- Identify the problems as well as reasonable
solutionsthen, develop a plan to implement the
solutions (Impulse Control Logs) - Physical
- Thought/Emotional
- Relationships
- Barriers
- Self-sabotage (fear of success)
- Fear of failure
- Low self-esteem poor social skills
14Meaningful Role
- Integrated life in the community
- Life extends beyond mental illness and the mental
health system - Valued Role in the community
- Employment/volunteering
- Faith community
- Family
- Friendships/relationships
- Community organizations
- Giving back
- Pursuit of interests/hobbies (outside of MH)
15The Role of the Provider
- Meaningful Role
- Youre job is just about done!
- Encourage activities in the community
- Help the person connect to natural supports
- Help the individual transition out of services
- Be prepared for self-sabotage
16Meaningful Role Cont
- Helpful Coping Skills/Techniques
- Keep doing whats worked
- Try new things
- Give back
- Barriers
- Old habits are hard to break
- returning to the comfort zone
- Self
17Issues to Contend With
- Stigma
- Co-dependency
- Substance Abuse
- Trauma
- Self-Injury and suicidal actions
18Overcoming Stigma
- Stigma from others (external)
- Mental Health System
- Providers
- Peers
- Community (family, friends, neighbors, etc.)
- Self-stigma (internal)
- Serenity Prayer
- Self-Esteem
- Empowerment
19Co-dependence BPD
- "Codependence is about giving away power over
our self-esteem. (Burney, Robert) -
- It is this lack of a "self" that leads the
person with BPD to continually set and re-set
themselves up as victims. (Mahari, A.J., 2000).
Robert Burney From his Column "Codependence vs
Interdependence-- In an article by A.J. Mahari
(2000) titled Co-dependence Where Borderlines
and Non-Borderlines Often Meet.
20Codependence Cont
- Recovery from co-dependence
- is about knowing that you want and deserve
healthier relational realityIts about meeting
your own needs! - you NEED to learn to validate yourself from the
inside out and you must stop seeking others to
define you and or to meet your needs for you
(Mahari, A.J., 2000). - Recovery from BPD
- involves overcoming co-dependence and becoming an
emotionally healthy adult by taking
responsibility for oneself, and building a sense
of self (identity), self-esteem and self-worth.
21Substance Abuse
- 54 of those with BPD have a problem with
substance abuse (bpdcentral.com). - Individuals with BPD who abuse substances
- are at greatly higher risk for suicide and for
death or injury from accidents. - often abuse substances in an impulsive fashion
contributing to a lower threshold for other
self-destructive behavior.
- Research suggests that between 40 and 70 of
individuals with BPD are victims of trauma (NIMH
website). - Approximately 25 of individuals with BPD are
also diagnosed with PTSD (NIMH website). - Challenges to treatment due to trauma
- Threat to therapeutic alliance
- Issues with transference
- Traumatic memories
- Splitting
23Self-Injury and Suicidal Actions
- Approximately 70-75 of patients with BPD have a
history of at least one deliberate act of
self-harm. - According to Linehan et al, the mean estimated
rate of completed suicides is 9. - Self-mutilation is distinct from suicidal
behaviors, but such behaviors double the risk of
actual suicide - Purpose most often those with BPD self-mutilate
to punish themselves, but some are seeking relief
of dysphoric states -
- http//www.afsp.org/education/gund_ridolfi.htm
24Self-injury and suicidal actions
- Managing Suicidality
- Split treatment (multiple providers)
- Identify the Primary Clinician
- Contracting for safety
- Responsibility for reporting feelings/thoughts
falls on the consumer - When the crisis has passed, process it
- how you felt about it
- how the consumer felt about it
- plan to respond differently in the future
- http//www.afsp.org/education/gund_ridolfi.htm
25Resources Books
- I Hate You, Dont Leave Me
- Kreisman, Jerold
- Managing Intense Emotions and Overcoming
Self-Destructive Habits A Self-Help Manual - Bell, Lorraine
- The Angry Heart Overcoming Borderline and
Addictive Disorders An Interactive Self-Help
Guide - Santoro and Cohen
- Life at the Border Understanding and Recovering
from the Borderline Personality Disorder - Heller, Leland M.D.
26Books Cont
- Skills Training Manual for Treating Borderline
Personality Disorder. - Linehan, Marsha M.
- Eclipses Behind the Borderline Personality
Disorder - Ford Thornton, Melissa
- The Feeling Good Handbook
- Burns, David M.D.
- Pathways to Recovery A Strengths Recovery
Self-Help Workbook - Ridgway, Priscilla McDiarmid, Diane Davidson,
Lori Bayes, Julie and Ratzlaff, Sarah
27Resources Websites
- Borderline Personality Disorder
- http//www.bpdcentral.com
- http//www.bpdresourcecenter.org/
- http//www.laurapaxton.com/
- http//www.biologicalunhappiness.com/
- http//borderlinepersonalitydisorder.com
- General Recovery Websites
- http//www.mhrecovery.com
- http//power2u.org
28QA and Contact Info.
- Renee Kopache
- reneek_at_hamilton.mhrsb.state.oh.us
- www.mhrecovery.com
Angela Ostholthoff aostholthoff_at_gcbhs.com www.reco