The Cold War - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Cold War


The Cold War Origins of the Cold War Sputnik First artificial satellite to orbit Earth launched by the Soviets. This scared Americans US tried to launch a satellite ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Cold War

The Cold War
  • Origins of the Cold War

1945- A Critical Year
  • US and Soviet Union were Allies as a temporary
    arrangement during WWII.
  • US did not recognize the legal existence of
    Soviet government until 1933
  • At the Yalta Conference- Roosevelt, Churchill,
    and Stalin met to discuss the arrangements of
    Germany and Poland. Soviet gained East Germany
    while US, France, and British gained West Germany
  • Churchill and FDR rejected Stalins demand that
    Germany pay 10 billion in war damages
  • Disputes over Poland caused stress on US and
    Soviet relations

The United Nations
  • The United Nations was a new international
    peacekeeping organization.
  • League of Nations failed because the United
    States refused to join
  • UN stated they were going to try and stop wars
    from starting, end the ones that broke out, and
    settle differences peacefully
  • Members included US, SU, GB, China, and France

Truman takes Command
  • FDR passed away in April 1945, VP Harry Truman
    took over as president
  • Truman met with Stalin at the Potsdam Conference-
    Stalin insisted on German war payments and Truman
    insisted on Polish elections. Truman also
    mentioned the new Atom Bomb that had just been
    tested in New Mexico, which instilled fear in

Postwar Goals
  • US fought to bring democracy and economic
    opportunity to the conquered nations of Europe
  • Soviet Union wanted to rebuild after loosing a
    tremendous amount of people.
  • Satellite Nations- countries subject to Soviet
    domination on their borders.

Soviets Tighten Hold
  • Soviets took over Albania, Bulgaria,
    Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, and East
  • Stalin installed communist governments in all
    nations while he slowly took power.

  • Winston Churchill gave an Iron Curtain Speech.
  • An Iron Curtain laid across the continent
    dividing communism from capitalism and if nothing
    was done communism would take over all of Europe.
    American was called on to help
  • Stalins speech and Churchills speech set tone
    for the COLD WAR

  • Cold War- competition that developed between the
    United States and the Soviet Union for world
  • Lasted for over forty years until1991 the
    collapse of the Soviet Union.
  • Rivalry stopped just short of a hot war between
    the two nations.

  • American policy for resisting further expansion
    of communism around the world (George Keenan,
    American Diplomat)

The Truman Doctrine
  • A declaration by president Truman that the United
    States would support nations that were being
    threatened by communism.
  • The Truman doctrine is a policy of containment
    which gave the US power and dominance

Marshall Plan
  • Secretary of state George Marshall created this
    plan which called for all European nations to
    draw up a program of economic recovery from the
    war and the US would then support the program
    with financial aid.
  • The plan would help European economic recovery
    and create strong democracies while opening new
    markets for American goods.
  • Soviet Union refused to participate
  • Marshall Plan was the turning point in the war!!!
  • Marshall Plan European Recovery Program

Molotov Plan
  • 1949 Soviet Union plan of economic aide to
    Eastern Europe. Established a new organization
    COMECON- Council for Mutual Economics Assistance
  • Named after Soviet Union foreign Minister
    Vyacheslav Molotov

Berlin Blockade and Berlin Airlift
  • Stalin was not going to allow the reunification
    of West Germany, so western allies prepared to
  • Soviets created East Germany
  • Westcapitalists East Communist
  • Stalin cut off supplies with a BLOCKADE which
    created severe shortages of food and supplies for
    2.5 million people
  • Berlin Airlift- Truman moved supplies into West
    Berlin for 15 months by plane and soviets finally
    gave up blockade

  • North Atlantic Treaty Organization
    (NATO)-association of the democratic peace-loving
    states and an armed attack against one or more
    of the nations, shall be considered an attack
    against them all.
  • Canadian Foreign Minister St. Louis St. Laurent
  • Countries include United States, Canada,
    Belgium, Britain, Denmark, France, Iceland,
    Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, and
  • Collective security- principal of mutual military

Warsaw Pact
  • Soviet Union responded to NATO and created the
    Warsaw Pact- a military alliance with satellite
    nations in Eastern Europe

Communist Advances
  • Truman announced that we have evidence that
    within recent weeks an atomic explosion occurred
    in the USSR.
  • This was scary for the American people they could
    not imagine the thought of Hiroshima or Nagasaki
    on American soil.
  • Americans started to make advances in nuclear
    weapons (hydrogen bomb) which was many times more
    destructible than the atomic bomb
  • 1952 hydrogen bomb tested and declared US the
    worlds leading nuclear power
  • People were planning how to survive a nuclear
    attack! (bomb shelters)

Bomb Shelter
The struggle in China
  • China fell to communism under leadership of Mao
  • Chiang Kai-shek- Leader of Chinese government and
    the Nationalists
  • Mao Zedong- Communist leader in China who
    overthrew their government
  • 1949- US did not aid and Chinas capital,
    Beijing, fell to communist.
  • Chiang and followers withdrew to a small island
    of Chinas mainland, Taiwan and continued
    practicing democracy as the Republic of China.
  • (There was a fear of China and the SU becoming

The Cold War at Home
  • A new Red Scare- many people had joined the
    communist party but with increasing distrust in
    Stalin many people quit
  • People who had been remotely involved in a
    communist party were swept up in the wave of
  • Loyalty Program- Truman headed this program so
    that all employees hired by the federal
    government were to be investigated with suspicion
    of overthrowing the government

  • House Un-American Activities Committee-
    investigate disloyalty of Communist infiltration
    of government agencies and the Hollywood movie
    industry b/c movies had strong influence of the
  • Hollywood ten- actors, writers, directors, and
    producers cited for contempt of congress and were
    blacklisted where other employers would not hire

McCarran-Walter Act
  • Congress passed 1952 McCarran-Walter Act- which
    discriminated against potential immigrants from
    Asia, Southern and central Europe.
  • The President vetoed the bill- stated one of the
    most Un- American acts he had ever witnessed

  • A real communist threat in the United States
  • Alger Hiss- high ranking government official
    convicted of perjury for lying in slander case.
  • Julius and Ethel Rosenberg - (a married couple)
    were members of the communist party were accused
    of passing atomic secrets to the soviets. They
    were convicted of espionage and executed in 1953.

Korean War
  • South Korea- had a pro-American government formed
    (US occupied)
  • North Korea- had a Communist regime (USSR
  • In June 1950 the Korean War broke out when North
    Korean troops streamed across the 38th parallel-
    latitude line dividing the two nations
  • North Korea was aiming at unification by force

(No Transcript)
Douglas MacArthur
  • Anti-communist general chosen to lead UN forces
    in Korea by Truman
  • MacArthur helped establish Japans new democratic
  • Successful in implementing democracy in South
  • Disliked by politicians but loved by the public
    and military!

The Cold War 1950s
  • 1953 Eisenhower became president succeeding
  • Eisenhower had kept his promise to bring the
    Korean War to an end and the sudden death of
    Stalin helped the war come to an end in March of
  • In Southeast Asia a conflict developed in Vietnam
    (French Colony in SouthEast Asia that had fallen
    to Japan during WWII)
  • Ho Chi Minh, head of Vietnamese Communist Party
    declared Vietnams Independence after Japan fell
    in 1945.
  • France rejected Vietnams independence and an
    ugly war began to unfold

Domino theory
  • Domino Theory is a belief by Eisenhower which
    held that if any one country fell to communists,
    its neighbors soon would follow (like a row of
  • By 1954 US was providing aid to help with the war!

Vietnam Divided
  • Just like Korea, Vietnam was divided into
    communist North and Anti Communist south.
  • The US provided aid to South Vietnam but resisted
    any greater involvement

The Middle East
  • 1930s anti-Semitism in Germany and Eastern
    Europe forced Jews to seek safety in Palestine.
  • Arab and Jewish conflict turned to the United
    nations for the creation for a Jewish state
    called Israel (1948).

The Middle East Continued
  • The Suez crisis- Egypt ruler, Nasser, sought
    soviet support, US and Britain cut off their aid.
  • Nasser seized the British owned Suez canal, a
    vital waterway for oil to reach Europe
  • Eisenhower Doctrine- the US would use force to
    safeguard the independence of any country or
    group of countries in the Middle East requesting
    aid against Communist-inspired aggression

Latin America
  • US exercised power in Central and Latin America
  • After WWII US feared spread of Communism to Latin
    American Countries
  • Rio Pact- regional defense alliance between 18
    countries in Latin America
  • OAS- Organization of American States which
    increased cooperation with states in the Western
  • Crisis began when Fidel Castro overthrew the
    Cuban Dictator in 1958. US did not support
    Castro because his movement was infiltrated by
  • Castro seized Cuba (American property), US cut
    off all aid and supplies, and Castro turned to
    the Soviet Union for aid.

The Arms Race
  • Arms Race- The struggle to gain weapon
  • Whenever one side would seem to be gaining the
    upper hand in the cold war the other would
    respond with new programs and policies
  • The growth of Nuclear Arsenals was increasing in
    US and Soviet Union.
  • 1953 US exploded their first thermonuclear device
    and at the same time the Soviet Union
    successfully tested a hydrogen device of its own.
  • Between 1954 and 1958 US conducted 19 hydrogen
    bomb tests at Bikini Island in the Pacific
  • This explosion was 750 times more explosive than
    the atomic bomb

  • Brinkmanship- is the policy of risking war to
    protect the nations interests (Russian roulette
    with the life of our nation)
  • MAD- Mutual Assured Destruction- combination of
    deterrence and willingness to use nuclear
    weapons, may have helped prevent the cold war
    from turning hot.
  • Soviet Union used ICBMs (Intercontinental
    Ballistic missiles)- long range rockets as their
    delivery system
  • US lagged behind soviet Union in Missile

  • First artificial satellite to orbit Earth
    launched by the Soviets.
  • This scared Americans
  • US tried to launch a satellite and it came
    tumbling down
  • U-2 incident- shooting down of American Spy plane
    by the soviets with a guided missile
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