- Half year meeting
- Munich
- 30 sept.-2 oct. 2003
WP2 breeding Embryogenesis
WP2 breeding Embryogenesis
- Setting a somatic embryogenesis procedure
- Comparative characterisation of plants from
somatic embryo-genesis and from classic
micro-propagation after meristem culture (as
3Work plan
- Establishment of somatic embryogenesis process
for Rouge de La Réunion, Messidrôme, Morasol
- Production and provision of embryogenic cell
suspension cultures of these varieties
- Genetic evaluation of somatic embryo derived
plants through - flow cytometry (P8),
- biochemistry (P5),
- molecular markers (P1),
- morphological and physiological analyses (P8, P9)
4Varietal effect on somaticembryogenesis from
cell suspension culture
DP 5 Evidence of a somatic embryogenesis process and plant regeneration and acclimatisation in garlic (Allium sativum L.) L. FEREOL, V. CHOVELON, S. CAUSSE, N. MICHAUX FERRIERE and R. KAHANE, 2002. Plant Cell Reports 21 197-203
DP13 Establishment of garlic (Allium sativum L.) cell suspensions and plant regeneration L. FEREOL, V. CHOVELON, S. CAUSSE, D. TRIAIRE, N. MICHAUX FERRIERE and R. KAHANE Submitted to Plant Science in June 2003
DP21 paper on the use of somatic embryogenesis for rapid multiplication of garlic in vitro. In progress (to submit to In Vitro Cell. Dev. Biol.)
6What will be done till 2004
- Paper DP 21
- Embryogenic cell suspension cultures as A method
for garlic (Allium sativum L.) mass propagation
- Characterising the embryogenic process
- Histological studies achieved
- Cytometric studies running
- No maintenance of the material
- Field evaluation running
7WP2 breeding Embryogenesis CIRAD
- L. Féréol
- somatic embryogenesis, histology and flow
cytometry, - paper writing
- S. Causse
- technical assistant
- somatic embryogenesis, histology and flow
cytometry - M. Roux-Cuvelier
- field trials in La Réunion
- R. Kahane
- paper revision, management