Title: The Mack-Blackwell Rural Transportation Center
1The Mack-Blackwell Rural Transportation Center
- Presented by
- Jack Buffington
- to the
- Transportation Logistics Institute
- October 2001
2MBTC Focus
- Theme - Rural Transportation
- Focus - Improving the quality of rural life
through transportation - MBTC Attributes
- National
- Intermodal
- Interdisciplinary
3MBTC History
Regulation, Taxation
Competitive advantage, profitability
Public Transportation, Highways
Continuing Education, Research
Support, Direction
Teaching, Research, Service
5Positive Impact Through...
- Research
- Education
- Technology Transfer
- Engineering
- civil
- industrial
- mechanical
- electrical
- Business
- Social Sciences
7Pavement Research
- Paved the way for alternative asphalt design
method that saves the state 1,000,000 per year - Estimating Subgrade Resilient Modulus for
Pavement Design - Development of Comprehensive Low-Volume Pavement
Design Procedures
8Pavement Research Contd
- Developed a way to test pavements BEFORE they are
constructed to reduce repairs and maintenance
AFTER construction - Development of ERSA
9Multimedia Based Highway Information System
- digital video or hi-def images
- Remote accessibility
- Pavement Distress Survey
- Positioning through GPS
- Can manage other types of data
10Investigation of the Long-Term Stability of
Highway Slopes
- Gather slope failure data
- Create GIS database
- Evaluate data
- Develop reliability- based design guidelines
11Other GIS Projects
- Geographic Information Systems for Water Resource
Risk Management - A GIS-Enhanced Cultural Management System
12Roadway Design for Full-Size (C D) School Buses
- Field turning maneuvers
- developed new procedure to measure swept-path in
a turn - produced turning templates
- Acceleration studies in field
- intersection sight distance
- time to cross a RR track
13MBTC Environmental
- Stormwater Pollution Prevention Best Management
Practices for Transportation Facilities - Geographic Information Systems for Water Resource
Risk Management
14Development and Analysis of Efficient Delivery
- Analysis of Alternative Dispatching Methods for
Truckload Trucking - Consideration of Regular Delivery Routes and
- Zones to Replace Random Point- to-Point
Dispatching - Implemented in the Field by JB Hunt Transport,
15Finding Synergy in Intermodal Operations with
Truck and Rail
- Impact of large-scale intermodal operations on
truckload trucking companies - better to run truck and intermodal fleets
concurrently or as separate entities - Supported by case data supplied by JB Hunt
16Rural River Economic Impact Kit
- A PC-based tool to assess the economic impact of
a rural inland waterway - For an existing, new or expansion of a rural
inland port
17The Northwest Arkansas Transit Assessment Study
- Inventory of existing transit services
- Satisfaction levels from riders
- Satisfaction levels from agencies and
18Presenting A Potpourri of Projects...
- The Impacts of Welfare-to-Work Programs on Rural
Public Transportation - The Role of Transportation Service Access for
Rural Elderly - An Examination of the Effect of Transportation
Costs on Grain Basis Levels in Arkansas - The Effect of Railroad Abandonments on Rural
19Research Summary
- 12 Departments on the U of A campus
- 7 Universities
- How to conduct research through MBTC?
20Positive Impact Through...
- Research
- Education
- Technology Transfer
21MBTC Education and Training
- Students and Faculty
- New programs
- New courses
- Teleconferences
- Continuing Education
- PDH courses
- Conferences
- Videos
22Center for Training Transportation Professionals
- Training and Certification
- Agency and Contractor
- Laboratory and Classroom performance required
- Areas
- Basic Aggregates
- Hot-Mix Asphalt Concrete
- Soils
- Portland Cement Concrete
- Laboratory Certification
23Positive Impact Through...
- Research
- Education
- Technology Transfer
- Getting research to users
- Getting the word out about MBTC
- Annual Report
- conference presentations
- Distinguished Lecture Series
24Conference Sponsorships
- 7th National Conference on Transportation
Planning for Small and Medium-Sized Communities
(Little Rock, Sept. 28-30, 2000) - The Impact of Emerging Transportation Patterns
Upon Communities of the 4-State Heartland Region
(Fayetteville, Nov. 2-3, 2000) - National Conference on Rural Public Transit and
Welfare Reform (Oklahoma City, May 2-4, 2001) - Summer Transportation Institute (UAPB, Summer
25In Summary
- MBTC has made a positive difference in rural
transportation! - For more information go to
- http//www.mackbackwell.org